918 resultados para CHRONIC LUNG INFECTION


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Les cellules épithéliales pulmonaires constituent la première ligne de défense face aux virus respiratoires via la sécrétion de mucus, de peptides, de cytokines et chimiokines qui déterminent l'élimination ou la progression de l’infection. Les principales cytokines antivirales produites par les cellules épithéliales alvéolaires (AEC) sont les interférons (IFN) type I (α/β) et III (λ). La liaison d’IFNβ à son récepteur induit une voie antivirale bien caractérisée qui aboutit à l’activation du complexe ISGF3 (STAT1, STAT2 et IRF9) qui permet la transcription de multiples gènes codant pour des protéines à activité antivirale et immunorégulatrice. Il a récemment été démontré que la costimulation des cellules épithéliales pulmonaires par l’IFNβ et le Tumor Necrosis Factor α (TNFα), également produit lors d’une infection, synergisent pour induire un état antiviral tardif distinct. D’autre part, il a été montré que la synergie entre le TNFα et l'IFNβ induit une voie de signalisation impliquant STAT2 et IRF9, mais indépendante de STAT1 permettant l’expression du gène DUOX2. Notre but est de déterminer l’importance de cette nouvelle voie de signalisation induite par la costimulation du TNFα+IFNβ, impliquant STAT2 et IRF9 indépendamment de STAT1 dans la régulation d’un programme transcriptionnel antiviral et immunorégulateur tardif. Notre premier objectif est de déterminer si des gènes antiviraux et immunorégulateurs qui sont induits par la costimulation par TNFα+IFNβ sont dépendants de la voie STAT2/IRF9, indépendamment de STAT1. En utilisant la technique de qRT-PCR, nous avons identifié 3 gènes immunorégulateurs, CXCL10, IDO et APOBEC3G, induits de manière synergique en réponse à TNFα+IFNβ dans les cellules A549, un modèle de cellules épithéliales pulmonaires. Afin de confirmer que ces gènes sont induits indépendamment de STAT1, nous avons validé leur expression dans la lignée cellulaire U3A déficiente en STAT1. Par l'utilisation d'ARN interférants (ARNi) dirigés contre STAT2 et IRF9, nous avons confirmé que l’induction de ces gènes est dépendante de STAT2 et IRF9. Finalement, l’analyse de l’activité du promoteur de CXCL10 en réponse à TNFα+IFNβ par des essais rapporteurs luciférases a permis de montrer que la régulation se fait au niveau transcriptionnel. Notre deuxième objectif, est de déterminer si STAT6 pourrait remplacer STAT1 dans la voie de signalisation induite par TNFα+IFNβ. En effet, STAT6 est un inducteur connu de l’expression de DUOX2 en réponse à IL4+IL13. Contrairement à notre hypothèse, l’inhibition de STAT6 par ARNi augmente l’expression de DUOX2 en réponse à TNFα+IFNβ suggérant que STAT6 est un régulateur négatif. Nos résultats ont permis de comprendre de manière plus détaillée les mécanismes mis en place dans le développement d’une réponse antivirale. D’autre part, l’étude de l’effet de l’IFNβ et du TNFα est également pertinente pour les maladies chroniques inflammatoires et autoimmunes. De plus, nos résultats illustrent un nouveau paradigme concernant les mécanismes de signalisation cellulaire impliqués dans la synergie entre deux cytokines qui pourrait être applicable à des combinaisons de cytokines autres que TNFα+IFNβ.


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A bottlenose dolphin, stranded in the Canary Islands in 2001 exhibited non-suppurative encephalitis. No molecular detection of cetacean morbillivirus (CeMV) was found, but a herpesviral-specific band of 250 bp was detected in the lung and brain. The sequenced herpesviral PCR product was compared with GenBank sequences, obtaining 98% homology (p-distance of 0.02) with Human herpesvirus 1 (herpes simplex virus 1 or HSV-1). This is the first report of a herpes simplex-like infection in a stranded dolphin.


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Les cellules épithéliales pulmonaires constituent la première ligne de défense face aux virus respiratoires via la sécrétion de mucus, de peptides, de cytokines et chimiokines qui déterminent l'élimination ou la progression de l’infection. Les principales cytokines antivirales produites par les cellules épithéliales alvéolaires (AEC) sont les interférons (IFN) type I (α/β) et III (λ). La liaison d’IFNβ à son récepteur induit une voie antivirale bien caractérisée qui aboutit à l’activation du complexe ISGF3 (STAT1, STAT2 et IRF9) qui permet la transcription de multiples gènes codant pour des protéines à activité antivirale et immunorégulatrice. Il a récemment été démontré que la costimulation des cellules épithéliales pulmonaires par l’IFNβ et le Tumor Necrosis Factor α (TNFα), également produit lors d’une infection, synergisent pour induire un état antiviral tardif distinct. D’autre part, il a été montré que la synergie entre le TNFα et l'IFNβ induit une voie de signalisation impliquant STAT2 et IRF9, mais indépendante de STAT1 permettant l’expression du gène DUOX2. Notre but est de déterminer l’importance de cette nouvelle voie de signalisation induite par la costimulation du TNFα+IFNβ, impliquant STAT2 et IRF9 indépendamment de STAT1 dans la régulation d’un programme transcriptionnel antiviral et immunorégulateur tardif. Notre premier objectif est de déterminer si des gènes antiviraux et immunorégulateurs qui sont induits par la costimulation par TNFα+IFNβ sont dépendants de la voie STAT2/IRF9, indépendamment de STAT1. En utilisant la technique de qRT-PCR, nous avons identifié 3 gènes immunorégulateurs, CXCL10, IDO et APOBEC3G, induits de manière synergique en réponse à TNFα+IFNβ dans les cellules A549, un modèle de cellules épithéliales pulmonaires. Afin de confirmer que ces gènes sont induits indépendamment de STAT1, nous avons validé leur expression dans la lignée cellulaire U3A déficiente en STAT1. Par l'utilisation d'ARN interférants (ARNi) dirigés contre STAT2 et IRF9, nous avons confirmé que l’induction de ces gènes est dépendante de STAT2 et IRF9. Finalement, l’analyse de l’activité du promoteur de CXCL10 en réponse à TNFα+IFNβ par des essais rapporteurs luciférases a permis de montrer que la régulation se fait au niveau transcriptionnel. Notre deuxième objectif, est de déterminer si STAT6 pourrait remplacer STAT1 dans la voie de signalisation induite par TNFα+IFNβ. En effet, STAT6 est un inducteur connu de l’expression de DUOX2 en réponse à IL4+IL13. Contrairement à notre hypothèse, l’inhibition de STAT6 par ARNi augmente l’expression de DUOX2 en réponse à TNFα+IFNβ suggérant que STAT6 est un régulateur négatif. Nos résultats ont permis de comprendre de manière plus détaillée les mécanismes mis en place dans le développement d’une réponse antivirale. D’autre part, l’étude de l’effet de l’IFNβ et du TNFα est également pertinente pour les maladies chroniques inflammatoires et autoimmunes. De plus, nos résultats illustrent un nouveau paradigme concernant les mécanismes de signalisation cellulaire impliqués dans la synergie entre deux cytokines qui pourrait être applicable à des combinaisons de cytokines autres que TNFα+IFNβ.


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Antecedente: La infección por el virus sincitial respiratorio (VSR) representa una elevada morbimortalidad, y en algunos casos necesidad de manejo en unidades de cuidado intensivo pediátrico (UCIP). La respuesta inmunológica influye de manera directa en la expresión de la severidad y pronóstico de los pacientes con infección respiratoria. Metodología: Estudio de una cohorte retrospectiva de pacientes con infección respiratoria grave secundaria a VSR, sin historia de inmunodeficiencia, atendidos en la UCIP del Hospital Universitario Clínica San Rafael. Se realizó análisis descriptivoglobaly de acuerdo a la categorización de las prueba de IgG. Resultados: De 188 pacientes que ingresaron a la UCIP, 13% presentaron infección por VSR (24), con una edad promedio de 7,3 (DE=3,6) meses. Pertenecían al sexo masculino79,83%. Se encontró que 12,5% tenían un valor de IgGbajo para su edad, 58,33% tenían valores en límite inferior y el 29,17% dentro de rangos normales para su edad. En los pacientes con IgG baja, fue mayor la presentación de choque séptico que no responde a líquidos (100 vs 92 vs 86%), la mediana de días de ventilación mecánica fue mayor (8 vs 6 vs 5 respectivamente), así como la mortalidad (67 vs 7,1 vs 0%). Conclusión: Nuestra serie encontró que aquellos pacientes con niveles bajos o valores en el límite inferior de IgG sérica tuvieron mayor compromiso sistémico, mayor duración de ventilación mecánica y mayor mortalidad. Se necesitan estudios prospectivos que relaciones niveles bajos de IgG con severidad y pronostico en estos pacientes con infección grave por VSR.


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Hospital acquired infections (HAI) are costly but many are avoidable. Evaluating prevention programmes requires data on their costs and benefits. Estimating the actual costs of HAI (a measure of the cost savings due to prevention) is difficult as HAI changes cost by extending patient length of stay, yet, length of stay is a major risk factor for HAI. This endogeneity bias can confound attempts to measure accurately the cost of HAI. We propose a two-stage instrumental variables estimation strategy that explicitly controls for the endogeneity between risk of HAI and length of stay. We find that a 10% reduction in ex ante risk of HAI results in an expected savings of £693 ($US 984).


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Introduction. This is a pilot study of quantitative electro-encephalographic (QEEG) comodulation analysis, which is used to assist in identifying regional brain differences in those people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) compared to a normative database. The QEEG comodulation analysis examines spatial-temporal cross-correlation of spectral estimates in the resting dominant frequency band. A pattern shown by Sterman and Kaiser (2001) and referred to as the anterior posterior dissociation (APD) discloses a significant reduction in shared functional modulation between frontal and centro-parietal areas of the cortex. This research attempts to examine whether this pattern is evident in CFS. Method. Eleven adult participants, diagnosed by a physician as having CFS, were involved in QEEG data collection. Nineteen-channel cap recordings were made in five conditions: eyes-closed baseline, eyes-open, reading task one, math computations task two, and a second eyes-closed baseline. Results. Four of the 11 participants showed an anterior posterior dissociation pattern for the eyes-closed resting dominant frequency. However, seven of the 11 participants did not show this pattern. Examination of the mean 8-12 Hz amplitudes across three cortical regions (frontal, central and parietal) indicated a trend of higher overall alpha levels in the parietal region in CFS patients who showed the APD pattern compared to those who did not have this pattern. All patients showing the pattern were free of medication, while 71% of those absent of the pattern were using antidepressant medications. Conclusions. Although the sample is small, it is suggested that this method of evaluating the disorder holds promise. The fact that this pattern was not consistently represented in the CFS sample could be explained by the possibility of subtypes of CFS, or perhaps co-morbid conditions. Further, the use of antidepressant medications may mask the pattern by altering the temporal characteristics of the EEG. The results of this pilot study indicate that further research is warranted to verify that the pattern holds across the wider population of CFS sufferers.


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Australian mosquitoes from which Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) has been recovered (Culex annulirostris, Culex gelidus, and Aedes vigilax) were assessed for their ability to be infected with the ChimeriVax-JE vaccine, with yellow fever vaccine virus 17D (YF 17D) from which the backbone of ChimeriVax-JE vaccine is derived and with JEV-Nakayama. None of the mosquitoes became infected after being fed orally with 6.1 log(10) plaque-forming units (PFU)/mL of ChimeriVax-JE vaccine, which is greater than the peak viremia in vaccinees (mean peak viremia = 4.8 PFU/mL, range = 0-30 PFU/mL of 0.9 days mean duration, range = 0-11 days). Some members of all three species of mosquito became infected when fed on JEV-Nakayama, but only Ae. vigilax was infected when fed on YF 17D. The results suggest that none of these three species of mosquito are likely to set up secondary cycles of transmission of ChimeriVax-JE in Australia after feeding on a viremic vaccinee.


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This program of research examines the experience of chronic pain in a community sample. While, it is clear that like patient samples, chronic pain in non-patient samples is also associated with psychological distress and physical disability, the experience of pain across the total spectrum of pain conditions (including acute and episodic pain conditions) and during the early course of chronic pain is less clear. Information about these aspects of the pain experience is important because effective early intervention for chronic pain relies on identification of people who are likely to progress to chronicity post-injury. A conceptual model of the transition from acute to chronic pain was proposed by Gatchel (1991a). In brief, Gatchel’s model describes three stages that individuals who have a serious pain experience move through, each with worsening psychological dysfunction and physical disability. The aims of this program of research were to describe the experience of pain in a community sample in order to obtain pain-specific data on the problem of pain in Queensland, and to explore the usefulness of Gatchel’s Model in a non-clinical sample. Additionally, five risk factors and six protective factors were proposed as possible extensions to Gatchel’s Model. To address these aims, a prospective longitudinal mixed-method research design was used. Quantitative data was collected in Phase 1 via a comprehensive postal questionnaire. Phase 2 consisted of a follow-up questionnaire 3 months post-baseline. Phase 3 consisted of semi-structured interviews with a subset of the original sample 12 months post follow-up, which used qualitative data to provide a further in-depth examination of the experience and process of chronic pain from respondents’ point of view. The results indicate chronic pain is associated with high levels of anxiety and depressive symptoms. However, the levels of disability reported by this Queensland sample were generally lower than those reported by clinical samples and consistent with disability data reported in a New South Wales population-based study. With regard to the second aim of this program of research, while some elements of the pain experience of this sample were consistent with that described by Gatchel’s Model, overall the model was not a good fit with the experience of this non-clinical sample. The findings indicate that passive coping strategies (minimising activity), catastrophising, self efficacy, optimism, social support, active strategies (use of distraction) and the belief that emotions affect pain may be important to consider in understanding the processes that underlie the transition to and continuation of chronic pain.


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Chronic wounds are a significant socioeconomic problem for governments worldwide. Approximately 15% of people who suffer from diabetes will experience a lower-limb ulcer at some stage of their lives, and 24% of these wounds will ultimately result in amputation of the lower limb. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been shown to aid the healing of chronic wounds; however, the causal reasons for the improved healing remain unclear and hence current HBOT protocols remain empirical. Here we develop a three-species mathematical model of wound healing that is used to simulate the application of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in the treatment of wounds. Based on our modelling, we predict that intermittent HBOT will assist chronic wound healing while normobaric oxygen is ineffective in treating such wounds. Furthermore, treatment should continue until healing is complete, and HBOT will not stimulate healing under all circumstances, leading us to conclude that finding the right protocol for an individual patient is crucial if HBOT is to be effective. We provide constraints that depend on the model parameters for the range of HBOT protocols that will stimulate healing. More specifically, we predict that patients with a poor arterial supply of oxygen, high consumption of oxygen by the wound tissue, chronically hypoxic wounds, and/or a dysfunctional endothelial cell response to oxygen are at risk of nonresponsiveness to HBOT. The work of this paper can, in some way, highlight which patients are most likely to respond well to HBOT (for example, those with a good arterial supply), and thus has the potential to assist in improving both the success rate and hence the costeffectiveness of this therapy.


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Objective: This study aimed to investigate rates of psychiatric disorder in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, in an Australian sample of homosexual and bisexual men. Method: A cross-sectional study of a total of 65 HIV sero-negative (HIV-) and 164 HIV sero-positive men (HIVt) (79 CDC stage 1 1/1 11 and 85 CDC stage IV) was conducted in three centres. Lifetime and current prevalence rates of psychiatric disorder were evaluated using the Diagnostic Interview Schedule Version lllR (DIS-IIIR). Results: Elevated current and lifetime rates of major depression were detected in both HIV negative and HIV positive homosexual/bisexual men. Lifetime rates of alcohol abuseldependence were significantly elevated in HIV positive men (CDC group IV) when compared with HIV negative men. Among the HIV positive group the majority of psychiatric disorders detected were preceded by a pre-HIV diagnosis of psychiatric disorder. Major depression represented the disorder most likely to have first onset after HIV infection diagnosis. Conclusions: Lifetime rates of major depression were elevated in this sample of HIV-negative and HIV-positive men, In the HIV-positive men, psychiatric disorder was significantly associated with the presence of lifetime psychiatric disorder prior to HIV infection diagnosis, The findings indicate the importance of evaluation of psychiatric history prior to HIV infection and the clinical significance of depressive syndromes in this population.


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A cross-sectional study was performed to investigate the prevalence and predictors of suicidal ideation and past suicide attempt in an Australian sample of human imumunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive and HIV-negative homosexual and bisexual men. Sixty-five HIV-negative and 164 HIV-positive men participated. A suicidal ideation score was derived from using five items selected from the Beck Depression Inventory and the General Health Questionnaire (28-item version). Lifetime and current prevalence rates of psychiatric disorder were evaluated with the Diagnostic Interview Schedule Version-III-R. The HIV-positive (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC] Stage IV) men (n=85) had significantly higher total suicidal ideation scores than the asymptomatic HIV-positive men (CDC Stage II/III) (n=79) and the HIV-negative men. High rates of past suicide attempt were detected in the HIV-negative (29%) and HIV-positive men (21%). Factors associated with suicidal ideation included being HIV-positive, the presence of current psychiatric disorder, higher neuroticism scores, external locus of control, and current unemployment. In the HIV-positive group analyzed separately, higher suicidal ideation was discriminated by the adjustment to HIV diagnosis (greater hopelessness and lower fighting spirit), disease factors (greater number of current acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS]-related conditions), and background variables (neuroticism). Significant predictors of a past attempted suicide were a positive lifetime history of psychiatric disorder (particularly depression diagnoses), a lifetime history of injection drug use, and a family history of suicide attempts. The findings indicate increased levels of suicidal ideation in symptomatic HIV-positive men and highlight the role that multiple psychosocial factors associated with suicidal ideation and attempted suicide play in this population.