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The field emission behaviour of a series of Tetrahedrally Bonded Amorphous Carbon (ta-C) films has been measured. The films were produced using a Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc System. The threshold field for emission and current densities achievable have been investigated as a function of sp3/sp2 bonding ratio and nitrogen content. Typical as-grown undoped ta-C films have a threshold field of order 10-15 V/μm and optimally nitrogen-doped films exhibit fields as low as 5 V/μm. The emission as a function of back contact and front surface condition has also been considered and shows that the back contact has only a minor effect on emission efficiency. However, after etching in either an oxygen or hydrogen plasma, the films show a marked reduction in threshold field, down to as low as 2-3 V/μm, and a marked improvement in emission site density.


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Tetrahedrally bonded amorphous carbon (ta-C) is a new type of semiconducting thin film material. It can be produced at room temperature using the Filtered Cathodic Vacuum Arc technique. The as-grown undoped ta-C is p-type in nature but it can be n-doped by the addition of nitrogen during deposition. This paper will describe thin film transistor design and fabrication using ta-C as the active channel layer.


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Field emission from a series of tetrahedrally bonded amorphous-carbon (ta-C) films, deposited in a filtered cathodic vacuum arc, has been measured. The threshold field for emission and current densities achievable have been investigated as a function of sp3/sp2 bonding ratio and nitrogen content. Typical as-grown undoped ta-C films have threshold fields of the order 10-15 V/μm and optimally nitrogen doped films exhibited fields as low as 5 V/μm. In order to gain further understanding of the mechanism of field emission, the films were also subjected to H2, Ar, and O2 plasma treatments and were also deposited onto substrates of different work function. The threshold field, emission current, emission site densities were all significantly improved by the plasma treatment, but little dependence of these properties on work function of the substrate was observed. This suggests that the main barrier to emission in these films is at the front surface.


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Nitrogen can have numerous effects on diamond-like carbon: it can dope, it can form the hypothetical superhard compound C3N4, or it can create fullerene-like bonding structures. We studied amorphous carbon nitrogen films deposited by a filtered cathodic vacuum arc as a function of nitrogen content, ion energy and deposition temperature. The incorporation of nitrogen from 10-2 to 10 at% was measured by secondary ion mass spectrometry and elastic recoil detection analysis and was found to vary slightly sublinearly with N2 partial pressure during deposition. In the doping regime from 0 to about 0.4% N, the conductivity changes while the sp3 content and optical gap remain constant. From 0.4 to approximately 10% N, existing sp2 sites condense into clusters and reduce the band gap. Nitrogen contents over 10% change the bonding from mainly sp3 to mainly sp2. Ion energies between 20 and 250 eV do not greatly modify this behaviour. Deposition at higher temperatures causes a sudden loss of sp3 bonding above about 150 °C. Raman spectroscopy and optical gap data show that existing sp2 sites begin to cluster below this temperature, and the clustering continues above this temperature. This transition is found to vary only weakly with nitrogen addition, for N contents below 10%.


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This paper describes the fabrication and characterization of a carbon based, bottom gate, thin film transistor (TFT). The active layer is formed from highly sp2 bonded nitrogenated amorphous carbon (a-C:N) which is deposited at room temperature using a filtered cathodic vacuum arc technique. The TFT shows p-channel operation. The device exhibits a threshold voltage of 15 V and a field effect mobility of 10-4 cm2 V-1 s-1 . The valence band tail of a-C:N is observed to be much shallower than that of a-Si:H, but does not appear to severely impede the shift of the Fermi level. This may indicate that a significant proportion of the a-C tail states can still contribute to conduction.


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A variety of hydrogenated and non-hydrogenated amorphous carbon thin films have been characterized by means of grazing-incidence X-ray reflectivity (XRR) to give information about their density, thickness, surface roughness and layering. We used XRR to validate the density of ta-C, ta-C:H and a-C:H films derived from the valence plasmon in electron energy loss spectroscopy measurements, up to 3.26 and 2.39 g/cm3 for ta-C and ta-C:H, respectively. By comparing XRR and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) data, we have been able for the first time to fit a common electron effective mass of m*/me = 0.87 for all amorphous carbons and diamond, validating the `quasi-free' electron approach to density from valence plasmon energy. While hydrogenated films are found to be substantially uniform in density across the film, ta-C films grown by the filtered cathodic vacuum arc (FCVA) show a multilayer structure. However, ta-C films grown with an S-bend filter show a high uniformity and only a slight dependence on the substrate bias of both sp3 and layering.


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The field emission properties of nanostructured carbon films deposited by cathodic vacuum arc in a He atmosphere have been studied by measuring the emission currents and the emission site density. The films have an onset field of ∼ 3 V/μm. The emission site density is viewed on a phosphor anode and it increases rapidly with applied field. It is assumed that the emission occurs from surface regions with a range of field enhancement factors but with a constant work function. The field enhancement factor is found to have an exponential distribution.


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In this paper we study the effect of introducing nitrogen into different carbon networks. Two kinds of carbon nitride films were deposited: (a) Using a DC-magnetron sputtering system sp2 bonded carbon nitride (a-CN) films were deposited and (b) Using a combination of filtered cathodic vacuum arc and a low-pressure N2 plasma source, N was introduced into sp3 carbon networks (ta-C), leading to the formation of a more dense CN film named ta-CN. For ta-CN films we found that the optical gap initially decreases as the N content and the sp2 fraction rises, but above a certain N quantity there is a level-off of the value, and the gap then remains constant despite further increases in the fraction and clustering of the sp2 phase. However, for a-CN films the optical gap increases with the nitrogen content. These two different trends are not easily explained using the same framework as that for carbon films, in which any decrease in the band gap is associated to an increase in the sp2 fraction or its clustering. Here we discuss the conditions that lead to high optical gap in sp2-bonded carbon nitride samples, which are clearly not associated to the presence of any crystalline super-hard phase. We also compared other differences in properties observed between the two films, such as deposition rate, infrared and Raman spectra. © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order to study the early developmental stages of Nandus nandus an experiment was conducted, where eggs and milt were obtained from the laboratory reared N nandus by stripping after 15 hours of 150 mg/kg body weight of carp PG extract injection. Then the eggs were fertilized in the laboratory and subsequent developmental stages were studied. First cleavage (two cell), four cell, eight cell, sixteen cell and multi cell stages were found 30, 50, 70, 105 and 160 minutes after fertilization respectively. Morula, early gastrula, middle gastrula, late gastrula and yolk plug stages were found 5, 8, 9, 11 and 13 hours after fertilization respectively. Hatching occurred within 20±2 hours after fertilization, and larvae were measured 1.60 mm in diameter. After one hour of hatching two melanophore bands were found at the caudal region of the body of the larvae. Eyes were first observed in l 0 hours, pectoral and pelvic fin buds appeared in 22 hours and well developed in 38 hours old larvae. Mouth cleft and brain lobes were visible when the larvae were 34 and 38 hours old respectively. Myomeres partially appeared in 16 hours, which were clearly visible in 74 hours old larvae. Larvae started wandering and searching for food after 56 hours of hatching. The yolk sac was completely absorbed when larvae became 62 hours old.


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Sperata aor and S. seenghala are the two important native catfishes of Bangladesh but commercial farming of these species is not possible due to lack of naturally collected or artificially produced seeds for stocking. Attempts were made to develop techniques for seed production by artificial breeding and nursery-rearing of fries of these catfishes. A total of 60 S. seenghala (750-1,500 g) and 10 S. aor (600-1,000 g) broods were collected from the Brahmaputra river-basin and floodplains in Mymensingh region four months prior to their breeding season. The collected brood fishes were reared in separate earthen ponds with supplementary feeds comprising of rice bran (40%), mustard oil cake (29%), fish meal (30%) and vitamin-premix (1 %). Three experiments were conducted to optimize the hormone dose. A total of nine S. seenghala females weighing from 750 to 1,500 g were given an initial and resolving dose of 12-20 and 16-24 mg PG/kg body weight, respectively. The males weighing from 650-950 g were administered a single dose of 18-26 mg PG/kg body weight at the time of the time of administering the resolving dose to the females. The females ovulated partially and the eggs were examined under a compound microscope, but most of them were found to be less ripe or damaged. Collection of milt by stripping the males was not successful. The testes were taken out and sperm were observed to be non-motile and less developed. In view of stimulating natural propagation of S. seenghala, artificial holes (nests) were constructed in the pond bottom. Each hole was 0.7 m in diameter and 0.3 m in depth. A total of 10 holes were made and then 10 pairs of S. seenghala breeders (800-1,200 g) were stocked in the pond. In mid February, 3,000 fry of S. seenghala with a mean length of 4.60 cm and weight of 0.36 g were collected by repeated netting followed by drying of the pond. The fry were then stocked in a nursery pond and fed with commercial feed (SABINCO starter-1). The average length and weight of the fingerlings were 9.01 cm and 3.95 g, respectively and the estimated survival was 60% after two months of rearing. S. aor did not respond to natural spawning. Further study is essential to develop techniques for their successful artificial and natural breeding.


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It is observed that the freezing and thawing of fish leads to increase in the total activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) in tissue fluid due to the release of the bound form of mitochondrial enzyme. Electrophoresis of the tissue fluid of fresh unfrozen fish shows only a single fast-moving band of AAT in the anodic region whereas frozen and thawed fish shows an additional slow-moving band corresponding to mitochondrial AAT in the cathodic region. The method can be adopted to distinguish fresh fish from frozen and thawed fish.


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Brood catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis were collected from Tamirabarani river basin of Tamil Nadu, India and kept in cement tanks. Three inducing hormones viz, Ovaprim, Ovatide and WOVA-FH were injected at the rate of 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 ml/kg body weight in order to induce oocyte maturation and ovulation. After 10-13h of injection at a water temperature of 27±-0.5°C, stripping of eggs and in vitro fertilization was done. Ovaprim gave maximum (94.67%) hatching rate followed by Ovatide (90.33%) and WOVA-FH (77.33%).


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Effects of post-ovulatory and post-stripping retention time and temperature on egg viability rates were studied in kutum (Rutilus frisii kutum). Eggs were retained inside (in vivo storage) or outside the ovarian cavity with ovarian fluid (in vitro storage) at various temperatures. Two experiments were performed: 1) Partial volumes of eggs were stripped and fertilized at 24- hour intervals for 96 hours post-ovulation (HPO) (at 11 °C) and at 12-hour intervals for 72 HPO (at 14 °C), and 2) stored eggs were fertilized after 0, 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours post-stripping (HPS) at temperatures of 4, 10, 12, and 26 °C. In the first experiment, the highest eyeing and hatching rates (76% and 60% at 11 °C; 81% and 71% at 14 °C) and the lowest eyed-egg mortalities (20% at 11 °C; 12% at 14 °C) occurred in the eggs fertilized immediately (0–24 HPO at 11 °C and 0–12 HPO at 14 °C) after ovulation. Egg viability, as shown by successful eyeing and hatching rates, was completely lost by 72–96 HPO at 11 °C, and 60–72 HPO at 14 °C. In the second experiment, the maximum eyeing (87%) and hatching (75%) rates of eggs took place at 0 HPS followed by 8 HPS (> 80% and > 70%, respectively) at 4 °C. As storage temperature increased, egg viability decreased: 80%, 70%, and 50% viable at 8 HPS at 4, 10, and 12 °C, respectively. The eggs stored at 26 °C lost their viability almost completely after 4 HPS. Eyed-egg mortality increased from 13% at 0 HPS to 48.2% at 4 HPS at 26°C. These results demonstrate that egg stripping should take place within 168 °C-hours after ovulation and that complete loss of viability of the eggs occurs by 672°C-hours after ovulation. The in vivo storage method is more effective compared to in vitro storage. Also successful in vitro storage of eggs can be used atleast within 8 hours at temperatures ranging from 4 to 12ºC.


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To determine the best time for egg stripping after ovulation and over-ripened oocyte in the Caspian brown trout (Salmo trutta caspius), the eggs were retained in the parental abdominal cavity for 40 days post-ovulation (DPO) at 7±0.6°C. Eggs were stripped every 10-day interval in 4 treatment and were fertilized with a pool of semen obtained from 8 males. Also, the physiology and biochemistry of the eggs and ovarian fluids were studied. Results showed that the level of eyed eggs and hatched alevins declined with over-ripening time: that is, the expected amounts (90.65 ± 6.28% for eyeing and 86.33 ± 6.82% for hatching) in newly ovulated eggs (0–10 DPO) decreased to 0.67 ± 1.34% and 0.49 ± 0.98%, respectively, in over-ripened eggs (30–40 DPO). However, larval abnormalities remained constant for 30-days after ovulation. During the course of oocyte over-ripening, the pH of the ovarian fluid significantly decreased and the concentration of glucose, protein, calcium, iron, and aspartate aminotransferase activity significantly increased. Moreover, the concentration of protein, triglycerides, and aspartate aminotransferase activity in the eggs also changed. In the newly ovulated egg, the yolk consisted of homogenous tissue and its perivitelline space diameter had no considerable differences. With over-ripening, the yolk became heterogeneous, while chorion diameter and micropyle did not change. The perivitelline space diameter varied among different areas. The present study demonstrated that the best time to take Caspian brown trout eggs after ovulation at 7± 0.6°C was up to 10 DPO. Among the studied parameters of the egg and ovarian fluid, egg quality was related to both ovarian fluid parameters (e.g., pH, protein, aspartate aminotransferase, glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, calcium, iron) and egg parameters (e.g., cholesterol, triglycerides, iron, aspartate aminotransferase). Thus, these parameters can be used as a egg quality markers in this species.


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The field emissions from three different types of carbon films are studied using a Kiethly voltage-current source-measure unit under computer control. The three types of carbon films are : 1) a-C:H:N deposited using an inductively coupled rf PECVD process, where the N content in the films can be as high as 30 at %; 2) cathodic arc deposited tetrahedral amorphous carbon with embedded regions of carbon nanotube and anion structures and 3) unoriented carbon nanotube films on a porous substrate. The films are formed by filtering a solution of nanotubes dispersed in alcohol through the pores and drying.