978 resultados para CASCADE DECAYS


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Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) composed of ASIC1a subunit exhibit a high Ca2+ permeability and play important roles in synaptic plasticity and acid-induced cell death. Here, we show that ischemia enhances ASIC currents through the phosphorylation at Ser478 and Ser479 of ASIC1a, leading to exacerbated ischemic cell death. The phosphorylation is catalyzed by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) activity, as a result of activation of NR2B-containing N-methyl-D-aspartate subtype of glutamate receptors (NMDARs) during ischemia. Furthermore, NR2B-specific antagonist, CaMKII inhibitor, or overexpression of mutated form of ASIC1a with Ser478 or Ser479 replaced by alanine (ASICla-S478A, ASIC1a-S479A) in cultured hippocampal neurons prevented ischemia-induced enhancement of ASIC currents, cytoplasmic Ca2+ elevation, as well as neuronal death. Thus, NMDAR-CaMKII cascade is functionally coupled to ASICs and contributes to acidotoxicity during ischemia. Specific blockade of NMDAR/CaMKII-ASIC coupling may reduce neuronal death after ischemia and other pathological conditions involving excessive glutamate release and acidosis.


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Chronic exposure to morphine can induce drug addiction and neural injury, but the exact mechanism is not fully understood. Here we show that morphine induces autophagy in neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells and in the rat hippocampus. Pharmacological approach shows that this effect appears to be mediated by PTX-sensitive G protein-coupled receptors signaling cascade. Morphine increases Beclin 1 expression and reduces the interaction between Beclin 1 and Bcl-2, thus releasing Beclin 1 for its pro-autophagic activity. Bcl-2 overexpression inhibits morphine-induced autophagy, whereas knockdown of Beclin 1 or knockout of ATG5 prevents morphine-induced autophagy. In addition, chronic treatment with morphine induces cell death, which is increased by autophagy inhibition through Beclin 1 RNAi. Our data are the first to reveal that Beclin 1 and ATG5 play key roles in morphine-induced autophagy, which may contribute to morphine-induced neuronal injury.


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The paper presents the vector model of the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) in the rotor flux oriented reference frame. The rotor flux oriented reference frame is well known in the standard AC machines analysis and control. Similar benefits can be sought by employing this method for the BDFM The vector model is implemented in MATLAB/SIVIULINK to simulate the BDFM dynamic performance under different operating conditions. The predictions from the vector model are compared to those from the coupled circuit model in simulation. The results are shown for the cascade mode of operation. © 2008 IEEE.


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This paper presents dynamic and steady-state performance of the Brushless Doubly-Fed Machine (BDFM) operating as a variable speed drive. A simple closed-loop control system is used which only requires a speed feedback. The controller is capable of stabilising the machine when changes in speed and torque are applied. The machine starts in cascade mode and then makes a transition to the synchronous mode to reach the desired speed. This will allow a uni-directional converter to be used. The experiments included in this paper were carried out on a 180 frame size BDFM.


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Real-world tasks often require movements that depend on a previous action or on changes in the state of the world. Here we investigate whether motor memories encode the current action in a manner that depends on previous sensorimotor states. Human subjects performed trials in which they made movements in a randomly selected clockwise or counterclockwise velocity-dependent curl force field. Movements during this adaptation phase were preceded by a contextual phase that determined which of the two fields would be experienced on any given trial. As expected from previous research, when static visual cues were presented in the contextual phase, strong interference (resulting in an inability to learn either field) was observed. In contrast, when the contextual phase involved subjects making a movement that was continuous with the adaptation-phase movement, a substantial reduction in interference was seen. As the time between the contextual and adaptation movement increased, so did the interference, reaching a level similar to that seen for static visual cues for delays >600 ms. This contextual effect generalized to purely visual motion, active movement without vision, passive movement, and isometric force generation. Our results show that sensorimotor states that differ in their recent temporal history can engage distinct representations in motor memory, but this effect decays progressively over time and is abolished by ∼600 ms. This suggests that motor memories are encoded not simply as a mapping from current state to motor command but are encoded in terms of the recent history of sensorimotor states.


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This paper presents a novel way to speed up the evaluation time of a boosting classifier. We make a shallow (flat) network deep (hierarchical) by growing a tree from decision regions of a given boosting classifier. The tree provides many short paths for speeding up while preserving the reasonably smooth decision regions of the boosting classifier for good generalisation. For converting a boosting classifier into a decision tree, we formulate a Boolean optimization problem, which has been previously studied for circuit design but limited to a small number of binary variables. In this work, a novel optimisation method is proposed for, firstly, several tens of variables i.e. weak-learners of a boosting classifier, and then any larger number of weak-learners by using a two-stage cascade. Experiments on the synthetic and face image data sets show that the obtained tree achieves a significant speed up both over a standard boosting classifier and the Fast-exit-a previously described method for speeding-up boosting classification, at the same accuracy. The proposed method as a general meta-algorithm is also useful for a boosting cascade, where it speeds up individual stage classifiers by different gains. The proposed method is further demonstrated for fast-moving object tracking and segmentation problems. © 2011 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC.


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A strategy to extract turbulence structures from direct numerical simulation (DNS) data is described along with a systematic analysis of geometry and spatial distribution of the educed structures. A DNS dataset of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence at Reynolds number Reλ = 141 is considered. A bandpass filtering procedure is shown to be effective in extracting enstrophy and dissipation structures with their smallest scales matching the filter width, L. The geometry of these educed structures is characterized and classified through the use of two non-dimensional quantities, planarity' and filamentarity', obtained using the Minkowski functionals. The planarity increases gradually by a small amount as L is decreased, and its narrow variation suggests a nearly circular cross-section for the educed structures. The filamentarity increases significantly as L decreases demonstrating that the educed structures become progressively more tubular. An analysis of the preferential alignment between the filtered strain and vorticity fields reveals that vortical structures of a given scale L are most likely to align with the largest extensional strain at a scale 3-5 times larger than L. This is consistent with the classical energy cascade picture, in which vortices of a given scale are stretched by and absorb energy from structures of a somewhat larger scale. The spatial distribution of the educed structures shows that the enstrophy structures at the 5η scale (where η is the Kolmogorov scale) are more concentrated near the ones that are 3-5 times larger, which gives further support to the classical picture. Finally, it is shown by analysing the volume fraction of the educed enstrophy structures that there is a tendency for them to cluster around a larger structure or clusters of larger structures. Copyright © 2012 Cambridge University Press.


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Preliminary lifetime values have been measured for a number of near-yrast states in the odd-A transitional nuclei 107Cd and 103Pd. The reaction used to populate the nuclei of interest was 98Mo( 12C,3nxα)107Cd, 103Pd, with the beam delivered by the tandem accelerator of the Wright Nuclear Structure Laboratory at an incident beam energy of 60 MeV. Our experiment was aimed at the investigation of collective excitations built on the unnatural parity, ν h11/2 orbital, specifically by measuring the B(E2) values of decays from the excited levels built on this intrinsic structure, using the Doppler Recoil Distance Method. We report lifetimes and associated transition probabilities for decays from the 15/2- and the 19/2- states in 107Cd and the first measurement of the 15/2- state in 103Pd. These results suggest that neither a simple rotational or vibrational interpretation is sufficient to explain the observed structures. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.


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Lifetimes for decays linking near-yrast states in 107Cd have been measured using the recoil distance method (RDM). The nucleus of interest was populated via the 98Mo(12C,3n)107Cd fusion-evaporation reaction at an incident beam energy of 60 MeV. From the measured lifetimes, transition probabilities have been deduced and compared with the theoretical B(E2) values for limiting cases of harmonic vibrational and axially deformed rotational systems. Our initial results suggest a rotor-like behaviour for the structure based on the unnatural-parity, h11/2 orbital in 107Cd, providing further evidence for the role of this 'shape-polarizing' orbital in stabilizing the nuclear deformation in the A ∼ 100 transitional region. © 2005 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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Auditory scene analysis is extremely challenging. One approach, perhaps that adopted by the brain, is to shape useful representations of sounds on prior knowledge about their statistical structure. For example, sounds with harmonic sections are common and so time-frequency representations are efficient. Most current representations concentrate on the shorter components. Here, we propose representations for structures on longer time-scales, like the phonemes and sentences of speech. We decompose a sound into a product of processes, each with its own characteristic time-scale. This demodulation cascade relates to classical amplitude demodulation, but traditional algorithms fail to realise the representation fully. A new approach, probabilistic amplitude demodulation, is shown to out-perform the established methods, and to easily extend to representation of a full demodulation cascade.


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Demand for aluminum in final products has increased 30-fold since 1950 to 45 million tonnes per year, with forecasts predicting this exceptional growth to continue so that demand will reach 2-3 times today's levels by 2050. Aluminum production uses 3.5% of global electricity and causes 1% of global CO2 emissions, while meeting a 50% cut in emissions by 2050 against growing demand would require at least a 75% reduction in CO2 emissions per tonne of aluminum produced--a challenging prospect. In this paper we trace the global flows of aluminum from liquid metal to final products, revealing for the first time a complete map of the aluminum system and providing a basis for future study of the emissions abatement potential of material efficiency. The resulting Sankey diagram also draws attention to two key issues. First, around half of all liquid aluminum (~39 Mt) produced each year never reaches a final product, and a detailed discussion of these high yield losses shows significant opportunities for improvement. Second, aluminum recycling, which avoids the high energy costs and emissions of electrolysis, requires signification "dilution" (~ 8 Mt) and "cascade" (~ 6 Mt) flows of higher aluminum grades to make up for the shortfall in scrap supply and to obtain the desired alloy mix, increasing the energy required for recycling.


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This paper presents an analysis of the slow-peaking phenomenon, a pitfall of low-gain designs that imposes basic limitations to large regions of attraction in nonlinear control systems. The phenomenon is best understood on a chain of integrators perturbed by a vector field up(x, u) that satisfies p(x, 0) = 0. Because small controls (or low-gain designs) are sufficient to stabilize the unperturbed chain of integrators, it may seem that smaller controls, which attenuate the perturbation up(x, u) in a large compact set, can be employed to achieve larger regions of attraction. This intuition is false, however, and peaking may cause a loss of global controllability unless severe growth restrictions are imposed on p(x, u). These growth restrictions are expressed as a higher order condition with respect to a particular weighted dilation related to the peaking exponents of the nominal system. When this higher order condition is satisfied, an explicit control law is derived that achieves global asymptotic stability of x = 0. This stabilization result is extended to more general cascade nonlinear systems in which the perturbation p(x, v) v, v = (ξ, u) T, contains the state ξ and the control u of a stabilizable subsystem ξ = a(ξ, u). As an illustration, a control law is derived that achieves global stabilization of the frictionless ball-and-beam model.


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This paper generalizes recent Lyapunov constructions for a cascade of two nonlinear systems, one of which is stable rather than asymptotically stable. A new cross-term construction in the Lyapunov function allows us to replace earlier growth conditions by a necessary boundedness condition. This method is instrumental in the global stabilization of feedforward systems, and new stabilization results are derived from the generalized construction.


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In Drosophila, Toll signaling cascade, which resembles the mammalian Toll-like receptor (TLR)/IL-1R signaling pathways and regulates the expression of anti-microbial peptide genes, mainly relies on peptidoglycan recognition proteins (PGRPs) for the detection of bacterial pathogens. To explore the effect of zebrafish peptidoglycan recognition protein 6 (zfPGRP6) on Toll-like receptor signaling pathway, RNA interference (siRNA) and real time quantitative PCR (RQ-PCR) methods were used to identify differentially expressed genes regulated by zfPGRP6. The target genes included TLR2, TLR3, TLR5, TLR7, TLR8, IL1R, Sterile-alpha and Armadillo motif containing protein (SARM), myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) and nuclear factor (NF)-kappa B2 (p100/p52). The results of RQ-PCR showed that RNAi-mediated Suppression of zfPGRP6 significantly down-regulated the expression of TLR2, TLR5, IL1R, SARM, MyD88 and p100/p52. The expression of beta-defensin-1 was also down-regulated in those embryos silenced by zfPGRP6. In challenge experiments to determine the anti-bacterial response to Gram-negative bacteria, RNAi knock-down of zfPGRP6 markedly increased susceptibility to Flavobacterium columnare. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Most of the current understanding of tip leakage flows has been derived from detailed cascade experiments. However, the cascade model is inherently approximate since it is difficult to simulate the boundary conditions present in a real machine, particularly the secondary flows convecting from the upstream stator row and the relative motion of the casing and blade. This problem is further complicated when considering the high pressure turbine rotors of aero engines, where the high Mach numbers must also be matched in order to correctly model the aerodynamics and heat transfer. More realistic tests can be performed on high-speed turbines, but the experimental fidelity and resolution achievable in such set-ups is limited. In order to examine the differences between cascade models and real-engine behavior, the influence of boundary conditions on the tip leakage flow in an unshrouded high pressure turbine rotor is investigated using RANS calculations. This study examines the influence of the rotor inlet condition and relative casing motion. A baseline calculation with a simplified inlet condition and no relative endwall motion exhibits similar behavior to cascade studies. Only minor changes to the leakage flow are induced by introducing either a more realistic inlet condition or relative casing motion. However when both of these conditions are applied simultaneously the pattern of leakage flow is very different, with ingestion of flow over much of the early suction surface. The paper explores the physical processes driving this change and the impact on leakage losses and modeling requirements. Copyright © 2013 by ASME.