990 resultados para Brazilian labor market


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar o setor aeroportuário e o mercado de concessões brasileiro e criar um modelo para precificação de um projeto de concessão do aeroporto de Guarulhos. Para isso, foram utilizados dados reais obtidos através dos resultados da concessionária e também dados divulgados publicamente, como inflação e crescimento do PIB, além de projeções baseadas em premissas estabelecidas. Foram considerados diferentes cenários com o objetivo de comparar os resultados, que indicaram uma sensibilidade significativa do modelo às variações de demanda de passageiros e também à flexibilização do cronograma de investimentos.


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This work proposes a method to examine variations in the cointegration relation between preferred and common stocks in the Brazilian stock market via Markovian regime switches. It aims on contributing for future works in "pairs trading" and, more specifically, to price discovery, given that, conditional on the state, the system is assumed stationary. This implies there exists a (conditional) moving average representation from which measures of "information share" (IS) could be extracted. For identification purposes, the Markov error correction model is estimated within a Bayesian MCMC framework. Inference and capability of detecting regime changes are shown using a Montecarlo experiment. I also highlight the necessity of modeling financial effects of high frequency data for reliable inference.


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This work analyzes the optimal design of an unemployment insurance program for couples, whose joint search problem in the labor market differ significantly from the problem faced by single agents. We use a version of the sequential search model of the labor market adapted to married agents to compare optimal constant policies for single and married agents, as well as characterize the optimal constant policy when the agency faces single and married agents simultaneously. Our main result is that an agency that gives equal weights to single and married agents will want to give equal utility promises to both types of agents and spend more on the single agent.


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O presente trabalho trata da importância do modelamento da dinâmica do livro de ordens visando a compreensão dessa microestrutura de mercado. Para tanto, objetiva aplicar as técnicas de modelamento do livro de ofertas utilizando o modelo estocástico proposto por Cont, Stoikov e Talreja (2010) ao mercado acionário brasileiro. Uma vez aplicado o modelo, analisamos os resultados obtidos sob a ótica de outros estudos empíricos, como Bouchaud et al. (2002). Após a estimação e análise dos resultados foram realizadas simulações para constatar se os parâmetros encontrados refletem a dinâmica do mercado local, para diferentes cenários de normalização do tamanho das ordens. Por fim, com a análise dos resultados encontrados, foi possível concluir, com algumas ressalvas, que o modelo proposto é válido para o mercado de ações brasileiro, assim como é apresentado o impacto da liquidez dos ativos na comparação aos parâmetros encontrados em outros mercados internacionais.


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This dissertation investigates how credit institutions’ market power limits the effects of creditor protection rules on the interest rate and the spread of bank loans. We use the Brazilian Bankruptcy Reform of June/2005 (BBR) as a legal event affecting the institutional environment of the Brazilian credit market. The law augments creditor protection and aims to improve the access of firms to the credit market and to reduce the cost of borrowing. Either access to credit or the credit cost are also determined by bank industry competition and the market power of suppliers of credit. We derive a simple economic model to study the effect of market power interacting with cost of lending. Using an accounting and operations dataset from July/2004 to December/2007 provided by the Brazilian Central Bank, we estimate that the lack of competition in the bank lending industry hinders the potential reducing effect of the BBR on the interest rate of corporate loans by approximately 30% and on the spread by approximately 23%. We also find no statistical evidence that the BBR affected the concentration level of the Brazilian credit market. We present a brief report on bankruptcy reforms around the world, the changes in the Brazilian legislation and on some recent related articles in our introductory chapter. The second chapter presents the economic model and the testable hypothesis on how the lack of competition in the lending market limits the effects of improved creditor protection. In this chapter, we introduce our empirical strategy using a differences-in-differences model and we estimate the limiting effect of market power on the BBR’s potential to reduce interest rates and on the spread of bank loans. We use the BBR as an exogenous event that affects collateralized corporate loans (treatment group) but that does not affect clean consumer loans (control group) to identify these effects, using different concentration measures. In Chapter 3, we propose a two-stage empirical strategy to handle the H–Statistics proposed by Panzar and Rosse as a measure of market competition. We estimate the limiting effects of the lack of competition in replacing the concentration statistics by the H–Statistics. Chapter 4 presents a structural break test of the concentration index and checks if the BBR affects the dynamic evolution of the concentration index.


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O presente trabalho propõe uma avaliação do bem-estar social dos beneficiários em idade economicamente ativa do Programa Bolsa Família (BIEAs PBF) no município de Porto Alegre. Tal avaliação é norteada pela identificação de situações de restrições ou armadilhas (SACHS, 2005) da capacidade dos indivíduos escolherem diferentes estilos de vida, através dos papéis instrumentais da liberdade (SEN, 2010). Assim, são testadas hipóteses que envolvem as relações dos indivíduos com a escolarização, o mercado de trabalho e a renda. Os resultados da avaliação sugerem a existência de um nível de renda com restrições; incentivos para a interrupção do processo de escolarização, antes de um nível desejável; uma relação entre escolaridade e renda, pouco convergente; e um baixo acesso ao mercado de trabalho formal, prevalecendo relações de trabalho mais precárias. Finalmente, o presente trabalho propõe o posicionamento das questões relevantes atinentes aos BIEAs PBF em uma perspectiva mais ampla do desenvolvimento humano.


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The auditing role in the contemporaneous business environment, and increasing interest in and demand for governance and transparency, has become an element even more important to the society, as a whole, in order to build solid basis to the development of businesses and generation of wealth through technical knowledge, independence, transparency, credibility, and ethics. Nevertheless, the external financial audit industry in the world and also particularly in Brazil has faced several challenges which threaten its success and evolution. In this sense, since the external audit industry in Brazil has been immersed in a deep crisis with features that are explored through this study, allow me to create an analogy over this study saying that the external financial audit industry is like a sick person with a chronic disease, but the disease has not yet been diagnosed and the person has been dealing with the isolated symptoms. This person, the external audit industry, has struggled with this disease for many years and it is getting worse. It is fundamental to highlight that the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil, ultimately, have not harmed the industry only, but they also materialize themselves as chronic issues for the corporate governance and the capital markets since they harm every interested party. In my point of view, the hardest affected are the investors or shareholders whose interest the independent auditor’s work seeks to preserve. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to have a picture of the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil and understand those challenges as a requirement to analyze the potential alternatives to solve them or, analogically, to diagnose this disease. The research purpose is to map and identify the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil based on the understanding of professionals seasoned in the area. Those challenges are mapped and understood through a methodological approach, a questionnaire answered by auditors with experience in the Brazilian auditing market. The challenges were preliminarily listed based on over 16 years of experience of the author in the area of auditing and financial and accounting services, discussions and interviews about the topic with seasoned professionals, and analyses of pieces of news, publications and academic studies. The questionnaire was used in order to validate the challenges, observations, perspectives, and perceptions gathered through those resources. Despite of the fact that the study is highly relevant, it was not found, through my research, other analyses on this topic with a similar approach which is intended by this study. It looks like the external audit industry in Brazil has walked through these new age dealing with problems on a daily basis and the real challenges of the industry may be concealed by the economic conditions in Brazil and other explanations. As in any problematic scenario, in which a critical analysis is needed, having an accurate picture and understanding of the challenges is a crucial step to start exploring alternatives to address them.


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O mercado de telecomunicações mundial, em geral e brasileiro em particular, passou por mudanças significativas ao longo dos últimos dez anos, tanto em âmbito concorrencial, como regulatório. O modelo de serviço único prestado por empresas distintas foi transformado pela convergência de indústrias, com a criação de novas ofertas e proposições de valor a partir de um portfólio diversificado e complementar de serviços aos consumidores. Estes fatos criaram para as empresas que operam no setor a necessidade de revisão de suas cadeias de valor para adequarem-se à nova dinâmica da indústria. Ainda que esse processo venha ocorrendo ao longo dos últimos anos, há poucos estudos que procurem endereçar os impactos para a realidade brasileira. O propósito desse trabalho é o de avaliar os efeitos para a configuração da cadeia de valor que a convergência de indústrias no setor de telecomunicações brasileiro trouxe para o estudo de caso. Para endereçar a resposta à pergunta de pesquisa, primeiro é conduzida uma revisão teórica sobre a definição do setor de TICs (FRANSMAN, 2010), a relação com a indústria de telecomunicações e os aspectos que marcam o caso brasileiro. Em segundo, é feita a revisão teórica para as definições constitutivas relacionadas à convergência de indústrias (HACKLIN, F. et al., 2009), cadeia de valor (PORTER, 1985) e rede de valor (PIL e HOLWEG, 2006; MÖLLER e RAJALA, 2007; PARTANEN e MÖLLER, 2012). A partir da constituição teórica e a análise dos dados qualitativos pretende-se aplicar os conceitos ao estudo de caso brasileiro e verificar se há alguma configuração da cadeia de valor que seja referência para melhor lidar com os efeitos da convergência de indústrias. Como ferramenta de coleta de dados serão feitas entrevistas para constituir os aspectos mais relevantes das mudanças causadas pela convergência de indústrias e entender as transformações consequentes para as cadeias de valor.


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This paper examines the value of analysts’ recommendations in Brazilian Stock Market. We studied a sample of 294 weeks of recommendations make public by the best seller newspaper in Brazil with six different investment strategies and time horizons. The main conclusion is that it is possible to beat the Brazilian market indexes Ibovespa and IBrX following the analysts’ stock recommendations. The best strategies are buying only the recommended stocks, buying the recommended stocks whose target and market prices difference is bigger than 25% and lesser or equal than 50%. The performance of the six strategies is analyzed through the use of bootstrap and Monte Carlo techniques.


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This paper analyzes the effect of an accountability system in the Brazilian college market. For each discipline, colleges were assigned a grade that depended on the scores of their students on the ENC, an annual mandatory exam. Those grades were then disclosed to the public, giving applicants information about college quality. The system also established rewards and penalties based on the colleges’ grades. I find that the ENC had a substantial effect on different measures of college quality, such as faculty education and the proportion of full-time faculty. The detailed information from this unique dataset and the fact that the ENC started being required for different disciplines in different years allow me to control for time-specific effects, thus minimizing the bias caused by policy endogeneity. Indeed, I find strong evidence on the importance of controlling for time-specific effects: estimates of the impact of the ENC on college quality more than double when I do not take those effects into account. The ENC also affects positively the ratio between applicants and vacancies, and it decreases the faculty and the entering class sizes. The results suggest that its introduction fostered competition and favored colleges entering the market.


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This paper analyzes the effect of an accountability system in the Brazilian college market. For each discipline, colleges were assigned a grade that depended on the scores of their students on the ENC, an annual mandatory exam. Those grades were then disclosed to the public, giving applicants information about college quality. The system also established rewards and penalties based on the colleges’ grades. I find that the ENC had a substantial effect on different measures of college quality, such as faculty education and the proportion of full-time faculty. The detailed information from this unique dataset and the fact that the ENC started being required for different disciplines in different years allow me to control for time-specific effects, thus minimizing the bias caused by policy endogeneity. Indeed, I find strong evidence on the importance of controlling for time-specific effects: estimates of the impact of the ENC on college quality more than double when I do not take those effects into account. The ENC also affects positively the ratio between applicants and vacancies, and it decreases the faculty and the entering class sizes. The results suggest that its introduction fostered competition and favored colleges entering the market.


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O mercado de capitais brasileiro não é representativo do tamanho de sua economia. Nos últimos anos, o crescimento observado nas áreas de serviços, indústria, agronegócio, e outras, não foi acompanhado pelo mercado financeiro. A estrutura verticalizada e o posicionamento monopolista da BM&F Bovespa, única bolsa de valores em atuação no mercado local, vão de encontro ao cenário encontrado em mercados internacionais. O advento da eletronificação e a atuação dos agentes reguladores proporcionaram que os mercados internacionais operassem em ambientes com múltiplas bolsas, incentivando a competitividade e trazendo benefícios para o investidor final, como redução de custos explícitos e implícitos, melhoria dos serviços prestados, diversidade de produtos, etc. Artigos recentes comprovam o benefício da fragmentação de ordens, e podem ser usados como referência no incentivo à quebra do monopólio que existe hoje no mercado brasileiro.


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Diante de um novo perfil do emprego e do mercado de trabalho - que se transforma marcadamente em face das tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC) há uma demanda por profissionais munidos de novas habilidades e competências. Assim, objetiva-se, de modo geral, analisar as novas habilidades demandadas pelo mercado de trabalho atual para o profissional da informação. Para tanto, busca-se especificamente, caracterizar os fatores determinantes do contexto atual; verificar o impacto das TIC no mercado de trabalho do profissional da informação; e conhecer as transformações ocorridas no perfil deste profissional frente a estas mudanças. Para alcançar os objetivos propostos recorreu-se à pesquisa bibliográfica, bem como à análise de anúncios de empregos divulgados no website Catho On-line. A análise dos dados se deu de forma comparativa entre os anos de 2003 e 2005 e, permitiu concluir que as habilidades exigidas para o profissional da informação na atualidade dizem respeito, além dos conhecimentos técnicos, a fluência em idioma estrangeiro, ao domínio da informática, aos conhecimentos gerencias e, principalmente, às habilidades interpessoais_____________________________________________________________________________Facing a new profile of the job and the labor market - that changes remarkably regarding to the new technologies of information and communication (TIC), there is a demand for professionals who posses new abilities and competences. It was aimed at, then, in general, to analyze the new abilities disputed by the labor market for the professional of information, because of the new available resources. In order to do that, it was specifically searched, to characterize the decisive factors of the current context; to verify the impact of the TIC in the labor market of the professional of information; and to know the transformations happened in the profile of these professionals before these changes. To reach the proposed objectives it was realized bibliographical research, as well as to the analysis of advertisements of jobs published in the website Catho On-line, of comparative form between the years of 2003 and 2005. The analysis of the data allowed us to conclude that the abilities demanded for the professional of information at the present time concern, besides the technical knowledge, the fluency in a foreign language, to the domain of the computer science and the managing knowledge