954 resultados para Blunt chest trauma


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BACKGROUND: Trauma care is expensive. However, reliable data on the exact lifelong costs incurred by a major trauma patient are lacking. Discussion usually focuses on direct medical costs--underestimating consequential costs resulting from absence from work and permanent disability. METHODS: Direct medical costs and consequential costs of 63 major trauma survivors (ISS >13) at a Swiss trauma center from 1995 to 1996 were assessed 5 years posttrauma. The following cost evaluation methods were used: correction cost method (direct cost of restoring an original state), human capital method (indirect cost of lost productivity), contingent valuation method (human cost as the lost quality of life), and macroeconomic estimates. RESULTS: Mean ISS (Injury Severity Score) was 26.8 +/- 9.5 (mean +/- SD). In all, 22 patients (35%) were disabled, causing discounted average lifelong total costs of USD 1,293,800, compared with 41 patients (65%) who recovered without any disabilities with incurred costs of USD 147,200 (average of both groups USD 547,800). Two thirds of these costs were attributable to a loss of production whereas only one third was a result of the cost of correction. Primary hospital treatment (USD 27,800 +/- 37,800) was only a minor fraction of the total cost--less than the estimated cost of police and the judiciary. Loss of quality of life led to considerable intangible human costs similar to real costs. CONCLUSIONS: Trauma costs are commonly underestimated. Direct medical costs make up only a small part of the total costs. Consequential costs, such as lost productivity, are well in excess of the usual medical costs. Mere cost averages give a false estimate of the costs incurred by patients with/without disabilities.


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In forensic autopsies, one of the most important and common signs of violence to the neck is hemorrhages of the soft tissues. The Institute of Forensic Medicine in Bern evaluates the usefulness of postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of forensic cases prior to autopsy. The aim of this study was to prove the sensitivity of postmortem MSCT and MRI in the detection of hemorrhages of the neck muscles. A full body scan prior to and a detailed scan of the explanted larynx after autopsy were performed. MSCT detected multiple fractures of the larynx. Detailed MRI was able to demonstrate the hemorrhage of the left posterior cricoarytenoid muscle. The minor hemorrhage of the right posterior cricoarytenoid muscle could not be detected with certainty. Although more experience is required, we conclude that combined MRI and MSCT examination is a useful tool for documentation and examination of neck muscle hemorrhages in forensic cases.


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This meta-analysis synthesizes the available data on the strength of association between anger and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and between hostility and PTSD, covering 39 studies with trauma-exposed adults. Effect sizes did not differ for anger and hostility, which could therefore be combined; effect sizes for anger expression variables were analyzed separately. The analyses revealed large effects. The weighted mean effect size (r) was .48 for anger–hostility, .29 for anger out, .53 for anger in, and -.44 for anger control. Moderator analyses were conducted for anger–hostility, showing that effect sizes were substantially larger with increasing time since the event and that effect sizes were larger in samples with military war experience than in samples that had experienced other types of traumatic events.


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Traditionally, non-invasive monitoring of tidal volume in infants has been performed using impedance plethysmography analyzed using a one or two compartment model. We developed a new laser system for use in infants, which measures antero-posterior movement of the chest wall during quiet sleep. In 24 unsedated or sedated infants (11 healthy, 13 with respiratory disease), we examined whether the analysis of thoracoabdominal movement based on a three compartment model could more accurately estimate tidal volume in comparison to V(T) measured at the mouth. Using five laser signals, chest wall movements were measured at the right and left, upper and lower ribcage and the abdomen. Within the tidal volume range from 4.6 to 135.7 ml, a three compartment model showed good short term repeatability and the best agreement with tidal volume measured at mouth (r(2) = 0.86) compared to that of a single compartment model (r(2) = 0.62, P < 0.0001) and a two compartment model (r(2) = 0.82, P < 0.01), particularly in the presence of respiratory disease. Three compartment modeling of a 5 laser thoracoabdominal monitoring permits more accurate estimates of tidal volume in infants and potentially of regional differences of chest wall displacement in future studies.


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BACKGROUND: Until August 2004 there were 106 forensic cases examined with postmortem multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging before traditional autopsy within the Virtopsy project. Intrahepatic gas (IHG) was a frequent finding in postmortem MSCT examinations. The aim of this study was to investigate its cause and significance. METHODS: There were 84 virtopsy cases retrospectively investigated concerning the occurrence, location, and volume of IHG in postmortem MSCT imaging (1.25 mm collimation, 1.25 mm thickness). We assessed and noted the occurrence of intestinal distention, putrefaction, and systemic gas embolisms and the cause of death, possible open trauma, possible artificial respiration, and the postmortem interval. We investigated the relations between the findings using the contingency table (chi2 test) and the comparison of the postmortem intervals in both groups was performed using the t test in 79 nonputrefied corpses. RESULTS: IHG was found in 47 cases (59.5%). In five of the cases, the IHG was caused or influenced by putrefaction. Gas distribution within the liver of the remaining 42 cases was as follows: hepatic arteries in 21 cases, hepatic veins in 35 cases, and portal vein branches in 13 cases; among which combinations also occurred in 20 cases. The presence of IHG was strongly related to open trauma with systemic gas. Pulmonary barotrauma as occurring under artificial respiration or in drowning also caused IHG. Putrefaction did not seem to influence the occurrence of IHG until macroscopic signs of putrefaction were noticeable. CONCLUSIONS: IHG is a frequent finding in traumatic causes of death and requires a systemic gas embolism. Exceptions are putrefied or burned corpses. Common clinical causes such as necrotic bowel diseases appear rarely as a cause of IHG in our forensic case material.


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The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the impact of energy subtraction (ES) chest radiography on the detection of pulmonary nodules and masses in daily routine. Seventy-seven patients and 25 healthy subjects were examined with a single exposure digital radiography system. Five blinded readers evaluated first the non-subtracted PA and lateral chest radiographs alone and then together with the subtracted PA soft tissue images. The size, location and number of lung nodules or masses were registered with the confidence level. CT was used as standard of reference. For the 200 total lesions, a sensitivity of 33.5-52.5% was found at non-subtracted and a sensitivity of 43.5-58.5% at energy-subtracted radiography, corresponding to a significant improvement in four of five readers (p < 0.05). However, in three of five readers the rate of false positives was higher with ES. With ES, sensitivity, but not the area under the alternative free-response receiver operating characteristics (AFROC) curve, showed a good correlation with reader experience (R = 0.90, p = 0.026). In four of five readers, the diagnostic confidence improved with ES (p = 0.0036). We conclude that single-exposure digital ES chest radiography improves detection of most pulmonary nodules and masses, but identification of nodules <1 cm and false-positive findings remain a problem.


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To evaluate a triphasic injection protocol for whole-body multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in patients with multiple trauma. Fifty consecutive patients (41 men) were examined. Contrast medium (300 mg/mL iodine) was injected starting with 70 mL at 3 mL/s, followed by 0.1 mL/s for 8 s, and by another bolus of 75 mL at 4 mL/s. CT data acquisition started 50 s after the beginning of the first injection. Two experienced, blinded readers independently measured the density in all major arteries, veins, and parenchymatous organs. Image quality was assessed using a five-point ordinal rating scale and compared to standard injection protocols [n = 25 each for late arterial chest, portovenous abdomen, and MDCT angiography (CTA)]. With the exception of the infrarenal inferior caval vein, all blood vessels were depicted with diagnostic image quality using the multiple-trauma protocol. Arterial luminal density was slightly but significantly smaller compared to CTA (P < 0.01). Veins and parenchymatous organs were opacified significantly better compared to all other protocols (P < 0.01). Arm artifacts reduced the density of spleen and liver parenchyma significantly (P < 0.01). Similarly high image quality is achieved for arteries using the multiple-trauma protocol compared to CTA, and parenchymatous organs are depicted with better image quality compared to specialized protocols. Arm artifacts should be avoided.