942 resultados para Blood Banks


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The interaction between local and reflexive control of skin blood flow (SkBF) is unclear. This thesis isolated the roles of rectal (Tre) and local (Tloc) temperature on forearm SkBF regulation at normal and elevated body temperatures, and to investigate the interaction between local and reflexive SkBF control. While either normothermic (Tre ~37.0°C) or hyperthermic (∆Tre +1.1°C), SkBF was assessed on the dorsal aspect of each forearm in 10 participants while Tloc was manipulated in an A-B-A-B fashion between neutral (33.0°C) and hot (38.5°C). Finally, local heating to 44°C was performed to elicit maximal SkBF. Data are presented as a percentage of maximal cutaneous vascular conductance (CVC), calculated as laser-Doppler flux divided by mean arterial pressure. Tloc manipulations performed during normothermia had significantly greater effects on CVC than during hyperthermia. The decreased modification to SkBF from the Tloc changes during hyperthermia suggests that strong reflexive vasodilation attenuates local SkBF control mechanisms.


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This thesis tested whether cognitive performance during passive heat stress may be affected by changes in cerebrovascular variables as opposed to strictly thermally-induced changes. A pharmacological reduction in cerebral blood flow (CBF) using indomethacin along with a hypocapnia-induced CBF reduction during passive heat stress (Tre ~1.5°C above baseline) were used to investigate any cerebrovascular-mediated changes in cognitive performance. Repeated measures analysis of variance indicated that One-Touch Stockings of Cambridge (OTS) performance was not affected by a significant reduction in CBF during passive heat stress. More specifically, OTS accuracy measures did not change as a result of either a reduction in CBF or increasing passive heat stress. However, it was found that OTS response time indices improved with increasing passive heat stress independent of CBF changes. In conclusion, a significant reduction in CBF does not cause additional changes in performance of an executive functioning task during severe passive heat stress.


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Although reductions in cerebral blood flow (CBF) may be implicated in the development of central fatigue during environmental stress, the contribution from hypocapnia-induced reductions in CBF versus reductions in CBF per se has yet to be isolated. The current research program examined the influence of CBF, with and without consequent hypocapnia, on neuromuscular responses during hypoxia and passive heat stress. To this end, neuromuscular responses, as indicated by motor evoked potentials (MEP), maximal M-wave (Mmax) and cortical voluntary activation (cVA) of the flexor carpi radialis muscle during isometric wrist flexion, was assessed in three separate projects: 1) hypocapnia, independent of concomitant reductions in CBF; 2) altered CBF during severe hypoxia and; 3) thermal hyperpnea-mediated reductions in CBF, independent of hypocapnia. All projects employed a custom-built dynamic end-tidal forcing system to control end-tidal PCO2 (PETCO2), independent of the prevailing environmental conditions, and cyclooxygenase inhibition using indomethacin (Indomethacin, 1.2 mg·Kg-1) to selectively reduce CBF (estimated using transcranial Doppler ultrasound) without changes in PETCO2. A primary finding of the present research program is that the excitability of the corticospinal tract is inherently sensitive to changes in PaCO2, as demonstrated by a 12% increase in MEP amplitude in response to moderate hypocapnia. Conversely, CBF mediated reductions in cerebral O2 delivery appear to decrease corticospinal excitability, as indicated by a 51-64% and 4% decrease in MEP amplitude in response to hypoxia and passive heat stress, respectively. The collective evidence from this research program suggests that impaired voluntary activation is associated with reductions in CBF; however, it must be noted that changes in cVA were not linearly correlated with changes in CBF. Therefore, other factors independent of CBF, such as increased perception of effort, distress or discomfort, may have contributed to the reductions in cVA. Despite the functional association between reductions in CBF and hypocapnia, both variables have distinct and independent influence on the neuromuscular system. Therefore, future studies should control or acknowledge the separate mechanistic influence of these two factors.


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This paper studies the impact of banks' liability for environmental damages caused by their borrowers. Laws or court decisions that declare banks liable for environmental damages have two objectives : (1) finding someone to pay for the damages and (2) exerting a pressure on a firm's stakeholders to incite them to invest in environmental risk prevention. We study the effect that such legal decisions can have on financing relationships and especially on the incentives to reduce environmental risk in an environment where banks cannot commit to refinance the firm in all circumstances. Following an environmental accident, liable banks more readily agree to refinance the firm. We then show that bank liability effectively makes refinancing more attractive to banks, therefore improving the firm's risk-sharing possibilities. Consequently, the firm's incentives to invest in environmental risk reduction are weakened compared to the (bank) no-liability case. We also show that, when banks are liable, the firm invests at the full-commitment optimal level of risk reduction investment. If there are some externalities such that some damages cannot be accounted for, the socially efficient level of investment is greater than the privately optimal one. in that case, making banks non-liable can be socially desirable.


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This paper studies the impact of banks' liability for environmental damages caused by their borrowers. Laws or court decisions that declare banks liable for environmental damages have two objectives : (1) finding someone to pay for the damages and (2) exerting a pressure on a firm's stakeholders to incite them to invest in environmental risk prevention. We study the effect that such legal decisions can have on financing relationships and especially on the incentives to reduce environmental risk in an environment where banks cannot commit to refinance the firm in all circumstances. Following an environmental accident, liable banks more readily agree to refinance the firm. We then show that bank liability effectively makes refinancing more attractive to banks, therefore improving the firm's risk-sharing possibilities. Consequently, the firm's incentives to invest in environmental risk reduction are weakened compared to the (bank) no-liability case. We also show that, when banks are liable, the firm invests at the full-commitment optimal level of risk reduction investment. If there are some externalities such that some damages cannot be accounted for, the socially efficient level of investment is greater than the privately optimal one. in that case, making banks non-liable can be socially desirable.


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La barrière hémato-encéphalique (BHE) protège le système nerveux central (SNC) en contrôlant le passage des substances sanguines et des cellules immunitaires. La BHE est formée de cellules endothéliales liées ensemble par des jonctions serrées et ses fonctions sont maintenues par des astrocytes, celles ci sécrétant un nombre de facteurs essentiels. Une analyse protéomique de radeaux lipidiques de cellules endothéliales de la BHE humaine a identifié la présence de la voie de signalisation Hedgehog (Hh), une voie souvent liées à des processus de développement embryologique ainsi qu’au niveau des tissus adultes. Suite à nos expériences, j’ai déterminé que les astrocytes produisent et secrètent le ligand Sonic Hh (Shh) et que les cellules endothéliales humaines en cultures primaires expriment le récepteur Patched (Ptch)-1, le co-récepteur Smoothened (Smo) et le facteur de transcription Gli-1. De plus, l’activation de la voie Hh augmente l’étanchéité des cellules endothéliales de la BHE in vitro. Le blocage de l’activation de la voie Hh en utilisant l’antagoniste cyclopamine ainsi qu’en utilisant des souris Shh déficientes (-/-) diminue l’expression des protéines de jonctions serrées, claudin-5, occcludin, et ZO-1. La voie de signalisation s’est aussi montrée comme étant immunomodulatoire, puisque l’activation de la voie dans les cellules endothéliales de la BHE diminue l’expression de surface des molécules d’adhésion ICAM-1 et VCAM-1, ainsi que la sécrétion des chimiokines pro-inflammatoires IL-8/CXCL8 et MCP-1/CCL2, créant une diminution de la migration des lymphocytes CD4+ à travers une monocouche de cellules endothéliales de la BHE. Des traitements avec des cytokines pro-inflammatoires TNF-α and IFN-γ in vitro, augmente la production de Shh par les astrocytes ainsi que l’expression de surface de Ptch-1 et de Smo. Dans des lésions actives de la sclérose en plaques (SEP), où la BHE est plus perméable, les astrocytes hypertrophiques augmentent leur expression de Shh. Par contre, les cellules endothéliales de la BHE n’augmentent pas leur expression de Ptch-1 ou Smo, suggérant une dysfonction dans la voie de signalisation Hh. Ces résultats montrent que la voie de signalisation Hh promeut les propriétés de la BHE, et qu’un environnement d’inflammation pourrait potentiellement dérégler la BHE en affectant la voie de signalisation Hh des cellules endothéliales.


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This paper reports graphical and statistical evidence that the inflation targeting regimes in Canada and the UK - but not in Australia, New Zealand, or Sweden - actually resemble price-level targeting. In particular, the price level closely tracks the path implied by the inflation target, and the time-series predictions of the "bygones-are-bygones" version of inflation targeting are rejected by the data in favor of those implied by price-level targeting. These results indicate heterogeneity in the actual application of inflation targeting across countries and, for Canada and the UK, imply that the characterization of inflation targeting as a policy where shocks are accommodated is at odds with the data. Moreover, up to extent that their current policies already resemble price-level targeting, the welfare gains of replacing inflation with (explicit) price-level targeting are likely to be small.


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La ville préhispanique de Cantona, située dans la vallée d’Oriental dans l’état de Puebla au Mexique, atteignit sa première apogée culturelle entre 150 av. J.C. et 600/650 A.D. Durant cette période, des complexes cérémoniaux comprenant des groupes de pyramides-temples et des terrains de jeu de balle furent construits. Ces installations servirent au déroulement de nombreux rites au cours desquels les victimes de sacrifices étaient décapitées, démembrées, décharnées, écorchées, bouillies, brûlées et, dans certains cas, consommées. D’autres traitements du corps humain comportent l’inhumation d’individus en position assise et repliés sur eux-mêmes. Pour mieux comprendre le traitement mortuaire rituel des corps humains à Cantona, les découvertes faites sur place sont comparées aux données datant de la même époque obtenues dans trois régions voisines : la vallée de Mexico, Puebla-Tlaxcala et le golfe du Mexique. A partir de ces renseignements, on peut en déduire que la majorité des découvertes faites à Cantona sont les restes des dépouilles et offrandes provenant de rites destinés à la communication avec les dieux et à l’obtention de la fertilité, tandis que les dépouilles des individus en position assise appartiennent à des prêtres ou à des personnages religieux.


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Objectifs : Le bruxisme survenant au cours du sommeil est un trouble du mouvement caractérisé par du grincement de dents et l’activité rythmique des muscles masticateurs (ARMM). Le bruxisme/ARMM est souvent associé à des mouvements du corps et des à éveils corticaux. Une séquence d’activation précède le ARMM/bruxisme. Ces événements incluent une augmentation des variables suivants : l’activité sympathique (-4 minutes), les activités encéphalographique (-4 second), le fréquence cardiaque, l’amplitude de la respiration (-1 second) et l’activité des muscle suprahyoïdiens (-0.8 second). La présente étude a examiné l’association entre le bruxisme et les changements de la pression artérielle. Méthodes: Dix sujets avec le bruxisme (5 hommes, 5 femmes, âge moyen = 26 ± 1,8) ont complétés 3 nuits de polysomnographie qui comprenait l'enregistrement non invasive de la pression artérielle. La première nuit a servi de dépistage et d’habituation au laboratoire. L'analyse a été réalisée sur les deuxièmes et troisièmes nuits enregistrements. Seuls les épisodes de bruxisme isolés survenant au cours du stade 2 du sommeil ont été utilisés pour l’analyse, pour un total de 65 épisodes. Les mesures des pressions systolique et diastolique ont été prises 20 battements avant et 23 battements après l'apparition de chaque épisode bruxisme lors du sommeil. Les épisodes de bruxisme ont été classés comme suit: 1) bruxisme avec éveil cortical; 2) bruxisme avec mouvement du corps (MC), 3) bruxisme avec éveil cortical et MC. Une quatrième catégorie, bruxisme seul, a également été analysée, mais utilisée comme donnée préliminaire puisque la catégorie se composait de seulement 4 épisodes de bruxisme. Résultats: Les deux pressions systolique et diastolique ont augmenté avec les épisodes de bruxisme. Cette augmentation a été statistiquement significative pour la pression systolique et diastolique pour les épisodes de bruxisme avec éveil cortical et/ou MC (p ≤ 0,05). L’augmentation moyenne de la pression (systolique / diastolique ± SE) a été : 28,4 ± 2,4/13,2 ± 1,5 mm Hg pour le bruxisme avec éveil cortical; 30,7 ± 1,6/19.4 ± 2.3 mm Hg pour bruxisme avec MC; 26.4 ± 2,8 / 14,6 ± 2.0mm Hg pour bruxisme avec éveil cortical et MC; 22,9 ± 5,2/12,4 ± 3,3mm Hg pour les épisodes de bruxisme seuls. Conclusion: Le bruxisme du sommeil est associé à des hausses de la pression artérielle pendant le sommeil. Cette hausse est supérieure dans les épisodes de bruxisme associés à un éveil cortical et / ou MC, qui sont souvent associés avec les événements bruxisme. Ces résultats sont en accord avec nos observations antérieures, où le bruxisme est précédé par une augmentation de l'activité sympathique et de la tachycardie sinusale.


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This work aims at studing the role of tachykinin NK-3 receptor (R) and kinin B1R in central autonomic regulation of blood pressure (BP) and to determine whether the B1R is overexpressed and functional in rat models of hypertension by measuring the effect of a B1R agonist on behavioural activity. Assumptions: (1) NK-3R located in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) modulates the mesolimbic dopaminergic system and has a tonic activity in hypertension; (2) B1R is overexpressed in the brain of hypertensive rats and has a tonic activity, which contributes to hypertension via a dopamine mechanism; (3) the inhibition of NK-3R and B1R with selective antagonists, reduces central dopaminergic hyperactivity and reverses hypertension. A model of genetic hypertension and a model of experimental hypertension were used: spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR, 16 weeks) and Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats infused for 14 days with angiotensin II (Ang II) (200 ng / kg / min, subcutaneous (s.c.) with Alzet mini pump). The age-matched untreated WKY rats served as common controls. In the first study (article # 1), the cardiovascular response in SHR was evaluated following intracebroventricular (i.c.v.) and/or intra-VTA injection of an agonist (senktide) and antagonists (SB222200 and R-820) of NK-3R. These responses have also been characterized using selective dopamine antagonists DA-D1R (SCH23390), DA-D2R (raclopride) or non-selective dopamine DA-D2R (haloperidol). Also the VTA has been destroyed by ibotenic acid. The pressor response induced by senktide and the anti-hypertensive response induced by SB222200 or R-820 were more pronounced by intra-VTA. These responses were prevented by pre-treatment with raclopride and haloperidol. The lesion of the VTA has prevented the pressor response relayed by senktide (i.c.v.) and the anti-hypertensive effect of R-820 (i.c.v.). In addition, SB222200 (intra-VTA) prevented the pressor response of senktide (i.c.v.) and conversely, senktide (i.c.v.) prevented the antihypertensive effect of SB222200 (intra-VTA). The second study (article # 2) showed that the B1R antagonist (SSR240612) administered by gavage or i.c.v. reverses hypertension in both models. This anti-hypertensive effect was prevented by raclopride and haloperidol. In contrast, the two B1R antagonists (R-715 and R-954) injected s.c., which do not cross the blood-brain barrier reduced weakly blood pressure in hypertensive rats. In the third study (article # 3), the i.c.v. injection of a selective kinin B1R agonist Sar[DPhe8][des-Arg9]BK caused behavioural responses in SHR and Ang II-treated rats and had no effect in control WKY rats . The responses elicited by B1R agonist were blocked by an antagonist of NK-1 (RP67580), an antagonist of NMDA glutamate receptor (DL-AP5), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) (L -NNA) as well as raclopride and SCH23390.The responses were modestly affected by the inhibitor of inducible NOS (iNOS). The B1R mRNA (measured by RT-PCR) was significantly increased in the hypothalamus, the VTA and the nucleus accumbens of hypertensive animals (SHR and treated with Ang II) compared with control rats. These neuropharmacological studies suggest that: (1) the NK-3R from the VTA is involved in the maintenance of hypertension in SHR by increasing DA transmission in the midbrain; (2) the B1R in SHR and Ang II-treated rats contributes to hypertension via a central mechanism involving DA-D2R; (3) the central B1R increases locomotor activity and nocifensive behaviours via the release of substance P (NK-1), DA and nitric oxide in both rat models of hypertension. Thus, the brain tachykinin NK-3R and kinin B1R represent potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of hypertension. The modulation of the mesolimbic/mesocortical dopaminergic pathway by these receptors suggests their involvement in other physiological functions (pleasure, motor activity, coordination of the response to stress) and pathophysiology (anxiety, depression).


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