939 resultados para Biomecánica corneal


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A ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial é uma das principais doenças ortopédicas que afetam os cães. Muitas técnicas cirúrgicas foram descritas no intuito de aliviar a dor, restaurar a estabilidade biomecânica do joelho e prevenir a progressão da osteoartrite. Fáscia lata, fio de poliéster trançado e fio de poliamida foram empregados na estabilização do joelho após excisão do ligamento cruzado cranial em cães, os quais foram submetidos à avaliação radiográfica e macroscópica da articulação. Neste estudo, foram utilizados 18 cães com massa corporal superior a 15Kg (peso médio - 19,67kg), separados em 3 grupos eqüitativos correspondentes a cada técnica, avaliados durante 30 e 60 dias. Ao exame radiográfico, independentemente de grupo, os cães apresentaram evidência de efusão articular moderada a severa, distensão da cápsula articular e, na maioria dos casos, ausência de sinais de doença articular degenerativa. Ao exame macroscópico da articulação do joelho observou-se espessamento da cápsula articular e tecidos moles periarticulares, erosão da cartilagem articular dos côndilos femorais em todos os grupos e afrouxamento dos fios nos cães submetidos às técnicas de estabilização extra-articular com fio de poliéster trançado e fio de poliamida.


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São descritos a epidemiologia, os sinais clínicos, os achados de necropsia e a histopatologia de seis casos de febre catarral maligna (FCM) em bovinos de 5 fazendas localizadas nos estados de Mato Grosso do Sul e São Paulo. A doença ocorreu em bovinos de ambos os sexos e com idades variando de 4 meses a 11 anos. Os índices de morbidade variaram de 0,25% a 6.6% e a letalidade foi de 100%. A evolução clínica foi aguda (2-3 dias) em seis casos e crônica em um (3 meses). O diagnóstico presuntivo de FCM nos casos descritos neste relato foi baseado nos sinais clínicos, achados de necropsia e confirmados pela histopatologia. Os principais sinais clínicos nos casos agudos foram febre, corrimento mucopurulento pelas fossas nasais, opacidade da córnea, sialorréia, úlceras em várias superfícies mucosas e distúrbios nervosos. O bovino do caso crônico mostrou opacidade da córnea e distúrbios neurológicos. Os principais achados de necropsia incluíam hiperemia e lesões diftéricas em várias superfícies epiteliais e a histopatologia consistiu de vasculite, focos de infiltrado mononuclear multifocal em vários órgãos e necrose de superfícies epiteliais.


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Avaliou-se o centro instantâneo de movimento e vetor velocidade após a transecção do ligamento cruzado cranial (LCCr), seguida da substituição ligamentar por retalho de fáscia lata, associada ou não a incisuroplastia troclear (ITR) em nove cães adultos. O joelho direito (GI) foi submetido a ITR e posterior estabilização articular, e o joelho esquerdo submetido somente a substituição ligamentar (GC). Os animais foram avaliados nos períodos pré-operatório, pós-operatório imediato e aos 30, 90 e 180 de pós-operatório, correspondente ao momento de eutanásia de subgrupos de três animais. O centro instantâneo de movimento (CIM) e o vetor velocidade (Vv) resultante foram determinados por meio do deslocamento de pontos a partir da análise radiográfica dos joelhos. Todas as articulações apresentavam CIM e Vv normais antes da transecção do ligamento cruzado cranial. Após a estabilização articular, acompanhada ou não de ITR, observou-se o posicionamento normal do CIM e Vv resultante, em todos os períodos de avaliação, apesar da presença de movimento de gaveta em três animais de GC e dois de GI no pós-operatório imediato, em dois animais de cada grupo, aos 30 dias de avaliação, e em um animal em cada grupo nas avaliações subseqüentes. Conclui-se que a estabilização articular com retalho de fáscia lata, associada ou não a ITR, mantém a integridade biomecânica do joelho, quando considerados o CIM e o Vv.


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Avaliaram-se aspectos clínicos, histopatógicos e imunoistoquímicos da córnes de coelhos da raça Nova Zelândia adultos e machos em ceratoplastias lamelares com membrana de celulose microfibrilar. Trinta animais distribuídos em cinco grupos (n=6) foram estudados por até 60 dias de pós-operatório. A avaliação clínica revelou manifestações moderadas de edema, blefaroespasmo e fotofobia ao segundo dia, evoluindo para formas discretas ou ausentes a partir do sétimo dia, período em que se observou, clinicamente, reparo do defeito corneal. A histopatologia revelou uma fina camada de células escamosas, recobrindo a área lesada já aos sete dias, com discreto infiltrado de células polimorfonucleares. Observaram-se vasos no epitélio a partir do 15o dia, com regressão ao 48o dia. A marcação com o anticorpo Ki67 mostrou aumento de células em proliferação aos 15 dias no epitélio e aos 30 dias no estroma. Nesse período, ocorreram remodelamento e adesão epitealial. Considerando a boa integração do implante, admite-se a membrana de celulose como um bom material a ser utilizado em ceratoplastia lamellar.


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OBJETIVO: determinar as características mecânicas de molas T e T com helicóides, quando da incorporação de variações na liga metálica (aço inoxidável e beta-titânio), na intensidade de dobras de pré-ativação (0º e 40º/180º) e na secção transversal do fio utilizado para a construção destas molas (0,017 x 0,025 e 0,019 x 0,025). METODOLOGIA: foram submetidas ao ensaio mecânico 80 molas para fechamento de espaços, sendo estas centralizadas em um espaço de 21mm. As magnitudes de força horizontal, proporção momento/força e relação carga/deflexão produzidas pelos corpos de prova foram quantificadas utilizando-se um transdutor de momentos acoplado ao módulo indicador digital para extensiometria e adaptado a uma máquina universal de ensaios Instron. As molas foram submetidas a uma ativação total de 5mm, sendo registrados os valores a cada 1mm de ativação. No tratamento estatístico dos dados obtidos, foi realizada a análise de variância, sendo esta complementada pelo teste de comparações múltiplas de Tukey, considerando o nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS E CONCLUSÕES: os resultados demonstraram que, de maneira geral, as molas T com helicóides produziram menores magnitudes de força horizontal e relação carga/deflexão do que as molas T. Na presença de pré-ativação, as molas produziram altas proporções momento/força, enquanto, na ausência de dobras de pré-ativação, as mesmas geraram baixas proporções momento/força. Dentre todas as variáveis analisadas, aquela que apresentou uma maior influência na força horizontal e na relação carga/deflexão produzidas pelas molas foi a liga metálica. Já a proporção momento/força mostrou ser influenciada em maior grau pela pré-ativação das molas de fechamento.


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OBJETIVO: este trabalho propõe um novo sistema de forças ortodônticas que visa eliminar ou diminuir alguns efeitos secundários da mecânica ortodôntica, como as inclinações, extrusões e perdas de ancoragem. Por meio de uma revisão crítica da literatura sobre a biomecânica, e de ilustrações detalhadas dos mecanismos, procura-se apresentar didaticamente o seu conceito e sua proposta de funcionamento. CONCLUSÕES: embora já existam outras tentativas de diminuir efeitos indesejados da mecânica ortodôntica, como o Power-arm de Andrews e a mecânica com arcos segmentados, ainda assim, sua utilização tem se mostrado muito distante de uma unanimidade na prática clínica ortodôntica. O Centrex talvez se mostre como uma forma de melhorar a mecânica ortodôntica pela diminuição de alguns efeitos indesejados.


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Progressive facial hemiatrophy (Romberg's syndrome) is of unknown cause and uncertain pathogenesis. The main pathogenetic hypotheses are: sympathetic system alterations, localized scleroderma, trigeminal changes, possibly of genetic origin. To test the hypothesis of sympathetic system alterations, we designed an experimental model with ablation of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion in rabbits, cats and dogs. All the animals were operated upon when 30 days old and were examined monthly for 1 year. During this period localized alopecia, corneal ulceration, keratitis, strabismus, enophthalmos, ocular atrophy, hemifacial atrophy and slight bone atrophy on the side of the sympathectomy were observed. Thus, cervical sympathectomy reproduces in animals the principal clinical alterations of Romberg's syndrome. Our data suggest that the sympathetic system is involved in the pathogenesis of this syndrome.


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The effects of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on wound healing were evaluated at the graft-cornea transition in dogs following lamellar keratoplasty using tunica vaginalis preserved in 98% glycerin. Twenty-one dogs were subdivided into three groups of seven animals. The first group (W/US) received daily treatment of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (20 mW/cm 2) for 15 min for the first 10 days post surgery. The second group (N/US) was submitted to the same procedure but with the ultrasound apparatus turned off. The third group, the control (CO), underwent the surgical procedure only. The animals were clinically evaluated during the initial (1-15 days), intermediate (16-30 days) and late (31-120 days) postoperative period. The corneas were evaluated by light microscopy at 1, 3, 7, 15, 30, 60 and 120 days after surgery. Clinically, there were no differences which would promote an advantage to any of the treatments. Light microscopy, however, revealed more extensive vascularization and more advanced wound healing in the W/US group, as well as a tendency towards early graft incorporation. Based on the present results, low-intensity pulsed ultrasound shows advantages, especially in situations where trophic support is a mandatory condition, facilitating better graft incorporation and rapid recovery of stromal organization.


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The aim of this study was to examine the endothelial surface and to perform a morphometric analysis of the corneal endothelial cells in normal eyes of dogs using specular microscopy. Morphometric analysis with regard mean cell area and cell density was performed. Both eyes of ten mixed-breed, males and females, with 6 years of age, weighing about 15 kg euthanatized for reasons unrelated to this study were evaluated. Eyes were examined to determine that they did not have visible ocular disease and transported to the laboratory in moist chamber. Using a contact specular microscope the corneal endothelium was examined. Three images of the central corneal endothelium of each eye were obtained. The mean cell area and the cell density of the corneal endothelial cells were obtained using software for corneal endothelium analysis and density measurement. The mean cell area was 395 ± 36 μm 2 and the endothelial cell density was 2555 ± 240 cells/mm2. The present work demonstrates that the normal corneal endothelium of dog is similar to those described in human.


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• Aim: To observe the effects of topical application of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) on the rabbits corneal limbus. • Methods: 5-FU was applied topically to the corneoscleral region of rabbits eyes. The animals were sacrificed immediately or 7, 15, 30 and 60 days later, and tissues were submitted to histological examination. • Results: All animals presented corneoscleral deepithelization close to the site of application during the immediate post-operative period, whereas on the 4th postoperative day ulceration was no longer present. Histological examination showed absence of epithelium and slight edema. After one week (G2), 2 animals presented epithelial defects, thickened epithelium with larger basal cells and loose chromatin, and slight subepithelial edema. The remaining groups showed no alterations. • Conclusion: The 5-FU topically on the corneoscleral limbus postpone the epitelization.


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Purpose: To determine the prevalence of trachoma in Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira (SGC), the only urban community of the upper Rio Negro Basin of the Amazon state in Brazil, near the Colombian border, and to investigate the risk factors associated with the active forms of the disease. Methods: A total of 1702 people (440 children up to 9 years and 1069 adults aged 15 years and above) were examined. The sample was selected from a probabilistic household sampling procedure based on census data and a previous study of trachoma prevalence in Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira. A two-stage probabilistic household cluster sample was drawn. Household units were randomly selected within each cluster. A variety of socioeconomic and hygiene variables were studied in order to determine the risk factors for active trachoma in a household. Results: The total prevalence of trachoma was 8.9%. Prevalence of active trachoma (TF and/or TI) in children aged 1-9 years was 11.1% and trachomatous trichiasis in adults aged 15 years and above was 0.19%. Trachomatous scarring reached a peak of 22.4% for subjects between 50 to 60 years of age. Corneal opacity occurred in subjects aged 50 years and older with a prevalence of 2.0%. No sex effect was found on the overall prevalence of trachoma in SGC. Risk factors associated with active trachoma were mainly related to poor socioeconomic indicators. Conclusions: Despite the ubiquitous presence of water, the analysis of the risk factors associated with the active forms of the disease supports the idea that a low personal standard of hygiene and not water availability per se, is the key factor associated with trachoma. Copyright © 2008 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.


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The feline infectious respiratory disease is the most common diagnosed infection in the veterinary clinic routine, being the Feline Herpesvirus1 the most important causal agent. Once infected, the cat will become a lifetime latent carrier, experiencing episodes of viral reactivation and spontaneous spread especially when there is a stress factor involved. This virus acts in the upper respiratory system and is also associated with eye diseases. The diagnosis is made by viral isolation and treatment protocol is based on a topic antiviral therapy, even though many of them are epiteliotoxic and may progress with intense discomfort in felines.The purpose of this paper is to describe the main ocular manifestations and syndromes seen in cats suffering from feline herpesvirus. Conjunctivitis, epithelial and stromal keratitis, corneal ulceration and indolent ulcers are the main ocular manifestations associated with viral infection, whereas symblepharon, keratoconjunctivitis sicca, proliferative keratitis and corneal sequestration are the main eye syndromes that can be observed in infected animals.


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As occurs with a number of drugs, the bioavailability of amphotericin B (AmB) used to treat fungal infections by the ocular route remains a great challenge to research scientists. In fact, the poor bioavailability of AmB is due mainly to the corneal barrier, which leads to a precorneal loss and consequent decrease in the absorption of this drug into the intraocular tissues. The toxicity associated with this molecule, together with its poor ability to penetrate the intact corneal epithelium, also represents a major drawback to its clinical use. New effective and safe drug vehicles for ocular delivery of AmB are therefore urgently needed. Microemulsions (MEs) seem to be an interesting system, owing to their transparent appearance, thermodynamic stability and favorable viscosity. Knowledge of the process of formation of AmB-containing MEs, as well as a good understanding of the physical chemistry of such systems, would provide reliable information on the best conditions for the use of these systems as eye drops. The goal of this research was thus to make an approach to this subject by reviewing the main studies on the use of MEs as delivery systems for AmB in topical eye treatment.


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To evaluate the clinical application of implant of the canine cryopreserved amniotic membrane (DMEM plus DMSO 1:1) and 360° conjunctival flap in the treatment of progressive corneal ulceration. 10 dogs of the different breeds, males and females, aging four months to four years old with deep corneal ulceration and different clinical progression were divided in two groups: G1=360° conjunctival graft (n=5) and G2=implant of amniotic membrane, sutured at the edge of the ulcer with epithelial side facing up, associated with the third eyelid flap (n=5). The comparative analysis between groups was: complications, blepharospasm, ocular secretion, corneal vascularization, epithelial defect and corneal opacification in six moments (first emergency care, surgery and 3, 7, 15 and 30 days of postoperative). Without epithelial defect was evaluated quality of the scar. It was used score scale for subjective to qualify of the ocular signs. In G1, it was observed the non-adherence of the conjunctival graft to the ulcer (n=2), dehiscence of the suture (n=2), anterior synechia (n=2) and intense chemosis (n=1). In G2, it was not observed these complications. It was not significant difference between the groups to others ocular parameters, but it was different among the start and end moments of the same groups (ocular secretion, corneal vascularization, epithelial defect). The corneal opacity was more intense in G1. According to the clinical results, the cryopreserved amniotic membrane implant proved to be as effective in the corneal ulceration in comparison to the 360° conjunctival flap, because probably, the membrane promoted a trophic support for epithelialization, anti-inflamatory effect associated with important to the end result phenotype.


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Objective To describe the technique of deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) with Descemet's membrane (DM) exposure in horse eyes. Also, to compare the efficacy and safety of viscodissection and big-bubble techniques for DALK. Animals studied Thirty-four ex vivo horse eyes. Procedure Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty was performed in 34 ex vivo horse eyes. Two groups (Group V - viscodissection - 2% sodium hyaluronate; Group A - air - big-bubble) of 17 eyes were studied. Other than the substance used, the surgical technique was similar for both groups. Nonperforated eyes were submitted for light microscopic histologic evaluation and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) analysis. Results Group V - Perforations occurred in 18% of the eyes during surgery. Light microscopy revealed exposure of DM in 28% of the eyes with mean thickness of the remaining stroma being 70.4μm. Group A - Perforations occurred in 42% of the eyes. Light microscopy revealed exposure of DM in 60% of the eyes with mean thickness of the remaining stroma being 23.3μm. No significant differences in safety, efficacy and thickness of the remaining stroma (including all eyes or excluding those with DM exposure) were observed. SEM of the surgical site revealed a more even surface in those eyes with DM exposure compared to eyes with thicker remaining stroma in both groups. Conclusions We describe two DALK techniques (viscodissection and big-bubble) for use in horses. No significant differences in safety, efficacy and thickness of the remaining stroma were observed. However, a nonsignificant trend toward the big-bubble technique being more efficacious but less safe was observed. © 2012 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists.