906 resultados para Bill of Material (BOM)


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We experimentally demonstrate a sigmoidal variation of the composition profile across semiconductor heterointerfaces. The wide range of material systems (III-arsenides, III-antimonides, III-V quaternary compounds, III-nitrides) exhibiting such a profile suggests a universal behavior. We show that sigmoidal profiles emerge from a simple model of cooperative growth mediated by twodimensional island formation, wherein cooperative effects are described by a specific functional dependence of the sticking coefficient on the surface coverage. Experimental results confirm that, except in the very early stages, island growth prevails over nucleation as the mechanism governing the interface development and ultimately determines the sigmoidal shape of the chemical profile in these two-dimensional grown layers. In agreement with our experimental findings, the model also predicts a minimum value of the interfacial width, with the minimum attainable value depending on the chemical identity of the species.


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This paper discusses the most relevant earth construction techniques that have been employed in the province of Soria (Spain). The objectives of the research are, first, to locate and catalogue each building techniques with earth within the geographic regions and environmental units and their relation to physical and human environment. Then, the second aim is analyze these techniques and characterize them in terms of material, components and construction processes. Three types are studied: the construction of rammed-earth walls, adobe masonry and timber frame filled with adobe.


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CEN standards have helped to harmonize analytical methods for substrate analysis.Though, for special substrates or constituents the applicability might be Iimited. In this paper a comparative study of implementation of CEN standards to samples of pine bark and vermiculite has been carried out. For composted pine bark, an elongation of the equilibrium period up to 72 instead of 48 hours might increase the accuracy of determinations physical parameters according to EN 13041. For vermiculite, we suggest pycnometry as a feasible technique for the determination of particle density (PD), as the determination of organic matter (OM) as requested by EN 13041 for the calculation of the PD seems not to be applicable for this kind of material.


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Recent applications of Foucauldian categories in geography, spatial history and the history of town planning have opened up interesting new perspectives, with respect to both the evolution of spatial knowledge and the genealogy of territorial techniques and their relation to larger socio-political projects, that would be enriched if combined with other discursive traditions. This article proposes to conceptualise English parliamentary enclosureea favourite episode for Marxist historiography, frequently read in a strictly materialist fashioneas a precedent of a new form of sociospatial governmentality, a political technology that inaugurates a strategic manipulation of territory for social change on the threshold between feudal and capitalist spatial rationalities. I analyse the sociospatial dimensions of parliamentary enclosure’s technical and legal innovations and compare them to the forms of communal self-regulation of land use customs and everyday regionalisations that preceded it. Through a systematic, replicable mechanism of reterritorialisation, enclosure acts normalised spatial regulations, blurred regional differences in the social organisation of agriculture and erased the modes of autonomous social reproduction linked to common land. Their exercise of dispossession of material resources, social capital and community representations is interpreted therefore as an inaugural logic that would pervade the emergent spatial rationality later known as planning.


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La aparición de varias fotografías del Café Samt & Seide no publicadas hasta 2008 en las que se observaba la luz natural de la exposición; los planos a escala de la nave donde se realizó la exposición textil; y los croquis inéditos de la instalación de la seda localizados durante el transcurso de la Tesis Doctoral por el doctorando en el plano de la Sala de Cristal, han sido las principales aportaciones de la búsqueda documental que ha tenido por objeto el conocimiento espacial e interpretación gráfica del proyecto expositivo realizada durante el transcurso de la Tesis Doctoral para poder profundizar en el alcance de la propuesta protoarquitectónica y, a través de ella, en la obra y pensamiento de Mies van der Rohe. Material, espacio y color son elementos propuestos como capítulos que estructuran la disertación y que son empleados por Mies van der Rohe como factores de una nueva expresión espacial en la exposiciones como ensayos identificados con su idea de arquitectura. En el Café Samt & Seide, Mies van der Rohe y Lilly Reich proponen una sensibilidad en el empleo del material y color trasladada al espacio mediante una atmósfera rítmica y en movimiento de superficies abstraídas e iluminadas. La estructura visual de opuestos nace del doble material textil de la exposición desplegándose en un orden espacial y constructivo de elementos independientes iniciado en los apartamentos de la Colonia Weissenhof y Sala de Cristal de Stuttgart 1926-1927, y que será trasladado desde los espacios experimentales de 1927 a las series de mármoles y cristales del Pabellón Alemán 1928-1929. La síntesis intelectual (arte-ciencia-filosofía) guía el proceso de formalización y la técnica en una intención que será trasladada a su arquitectura en el empleo de la tecnología. La creatividad y repercusión de las vanguardias en la instalación muestra la voluntad integradora de la exposición y arquitectura como arte total. Los aspectos interpretativos de las artes plásticas, visuales y musicales se integran como criterios y sensibilidades aplicadas a las estructuras yuxtapuestas material, espacial y de color. Modernidad y tradición tectónica convergen en este espacio construido cuyas superficies cubren un armazón metálico oculto. La construcción mínima textil será incorporada como idea de forma en la futura construcción del pilar metálico, la pared flotante de sus viviendas y pabellones abiertos a la naturaleza, y la gran fachada tecnológica del espacio público de sus agrupaciones en la ciudad. El espacio total del Café Samt & Seide dentro de la gran nave de Berlín anticipa las exposiciones artísticas e industriales realizadas junto a Lilly Reich en el interior de las espaciosas salas de estructura metálica como instalaciones conceptuales de gravedad y luz antecedentes de los pabellones de grandes dimensiones y espacio universal. Arquitectura, construcción y lugar son integrados en la instalación por el principio estructural como propuesta de una idea de arquitectura que es desarrollada en las exposiciones. Oscilador y bastidor son construcciones escaladas dentro de la gran nave iluminada, expresando el conjunto un orden de partes que reflejan un todo integrado en la naturaleza y lo universal. Las múltiples relaciones espaciales, constructivas y conceptuales de la exposición con su arquitectura desvelan al Café Samt & Seide como un exponente y antecedente de su obra e idea a la que definió como una propuesta estructural. La estructura, entendida como un conjunto de valores culturales y medios técnicos, es el concepto con el que Mies van der Rohe identifica la síntesis intelectualtecnológica de su tiempo, constituyendo la finalidad de su expresión material, espacial y de color. ABSTRACT The unpublished pictures of the Café Samt & Seide appeared in 2008 in which the natural light in the exhibition can be seen; the scaled plan of the nave where the textile exhibition was held; and the unpublished sketches of the silk exhibition located by the doctoral candidate while preparing his dissertation have been the main input of the data search aiming at a better understanding of the space and a graphic interpretation of the exhibition project made by the doctoral candidate during the dissertation as a basic requirement to deepen in the scope of this protoarchitectural proposal and, though it, into Mies van der Rohe’s work and thinking. Material, space and colour are the elements put forward as the chapters structuring this dissertation and were used by Mies van der Rohe as factors of a new spatial expression in expositions as tests identified with his idea of architecture. In Café Samt & Seide, Mies van der Rohe and Lilly Reich present material and colour sensitivity transferred to space though a rhythmic and moving atmosphere made up by abstracted and lit surfaces. Such a visual grammar and oppositions unfolds into a space and constructive order of independent elements originated with the apartments of the Weissenhof Colony and Glass Room in Stuttgart 1926-1927, and which were transferred these test spaces 1927 to the series of marble and glass in the German Pavilion 1928-1929. The intellectual and formal will (art-science-philosophy) guides the technical expression, which is transferred to architecture through technology. The creativity and impact of avant-gardes in the installation reflects exhibition and architecture’s will to integrate as a Total Art. The interpretative aspects of plastic, visual and musical arts are part of a sensitivity applied to the overlapped structures of material, space and colour. Tectonic modernity and tradition converge in this space built with surfaces covering a hidden metal framework. The minimal textile construction is integrated as a shape idea in his subsequent construction of the metal pillar, floating wall in his housing and pavilions open to nature, and the great technological façade of the public space of his urban clusters. The total space of the exhibition inside the great nave in Berlin anticipates the artistic and industrial exhibitions done together with Lilly Reich inside the spacious Halls built with exposed metal structures as conceptual installation of gravity and light prior to the big-dimensioned pavilions and universal space. Architecture, construction and place are integrated by the structural principle. Oscillator and framework are scaled constructions integrated inside the great, lit nave, and the whole conveys order of its parts reflecting a whole integrated in nature and the universal. The many conceptual, space and constructive link of the textile exhibition to his European and American architecture add a greater knowledge of the time when Mies van der Rohe stated he gained a “new awareness” 1926, revealing Café Samt & Seide as a valuable example and the experimental precursor of his work and idea defined by himself as a “structural proposal”. The structure, understood as a set of cultural and material values expressed by architecture, is the notion used by Mies van der Rohe to identify the intellectual-technological synthesis as the idea of a time and which is the goal of its material, space and colour expression.


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El presente documento presenta la definición de las obras e instalaciones necesarias para dar cobertura a unos niveles de producción de material de excavación proveniente del túnel del Espiño, para lo cual se decide construir el Vertedero del Espiño. Dicho vertedero cumple con la normativa ambiental, una vez finalizadas las actividades dentro del túnel el vertedero se clausura, sella y recupera medioambientalmente la zona afectada. Para ello se incluyen todos los documentos necesarios para la definición, justificación y valoración de las obras. This paper presents the definition of works and facilities needed to cover production levels of material from tunnel excavation Espiño, for which it is decided to build the weir Espiño. This landfill complies with environmental regulations, once finalized the activities inside the tunnel the landfill closes, environmentally sealed and recovers the affected area. To do all the necessary documents for the definition, justification and evaluation of the works included


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Las necesidades energéticas actuales requieren el desarrollo de tecnologías eficaces y eficientes en producción, transporte y distribución de energía. Estas necesidades han impulsado nuevos desarrollos en el ámbito energético, entre los cuales se encuentran sistemas de almacenamiento de energía. El avance en ingeniería de materiales permite pensar en la posibilidad de almacenamiento mediante deformación elástica de vigas. Concretamente se parte de un concepto de mecanismo acumulador de energía basado en la deformación elástica de resortes espirales a torsión. Dichos resortes se pueden considerar como elementos vigas sometidos a flexión pura y grandes deflexiones. Esta Tesis de centra en el diseño y optimización de estos elementos con el fin de maximizar la densidad de energía que son capaces de absorber. El proceso de optimización comienza con la identificación del factor crítico del que depende dicho proceso, en este caso de trata de la densidad de energía. Dicho factor depende de la geometría de la sección resistente y del material empleado en su construcción. En los últimos años ha existido un gran desarrollo de los materiales compuestos de tipo polimérico reforzados con fibras (PRF). Estos materiales están sustituyendo gradualmente a otros materiales, como los metales, debido principalmente a su excelente relación entre propiedades mecánicas y peso. Por otro lado, analizando las posibles geometrías para la sección resistente, se observó que la más adecuada es una estructura tipo sándwich. Se implementa así un procedimiento de diseño de vigas sándwich sometidas a flexión pura, con las pieles fabricadas en materiales compuestos tipo PRF y un núcleo que debe garantizar el bajo peso de la estructura. Se desarrolla así un procedimiento sistemático que se puede particularizar dependiendo de los parámetros de entrada de la viga, y que tiene en cuenta y analiza la aparición de todos los posibles modos de fallo posibles. Así mismo se desarrollan una serie de mapas o ábacos de diseño que permiten seleccionar rápidamente las dimensiones preliminares de la viga. Finalmente se llevan a cabo ensayos que permiten, por un lado, validar el concepto del mecanismo acumulador de energía a través del ensayo de un muelle con sección monolítica, y por otro validar los distintos diseños de vigas sándwich propuestos y mostrar el incremento de la densidad de energía con respecto a la alternativa monolítica. Como líneas futuras de investigación se plantean la investigación en nuevos materiales, como la utilización de nanotubos de carbono, y la optimización del mecanismo de absorción de energía; optimizando el mecanismo de absorción a flexión pura e implementando sistemas que permitan acumular energía mediante la deformación elástica debida a esfuerzos de tracción-compresión. ABSTRACT Energy supply requires the development of effective and efficient technologies for the production, transport and distribution of energy. In recent years, many energy storage systems have been developed. Advances in the field of materials engineering has allowed the development of new concepts as the energy storage by elastic deformation of beams. Particularly, in this Thesis an energy storage device based on the elastic deformation of torsional springs has been studied. These springs can be considered as beam elements subjected to pure bending loads and large deflections. This Thesis is focused on the design and optimization of these beam elements in order to maximize its density of stored energy. The optimization process starts with the identification of the critical factors for the elastic energy storage: the density. This factor depends on the geometry of the cross section of the beam and the materials from which it is made. In the last 20 years, major advances in the field of composite materials have been made, particularly in the field of fiber reinforced polymers (FRP). This type of material is substituting gradually metallic materials to their excellent weight-mechanical properties ratio. In the other side, several possible geometries are analyzed for its use in the cross section of the beam; it was concluded that the best option, for maximum energy density, is using a sandwich beam. A design procedure for sandwich beams with skins made up with FRP composites and a light weight core is developed. This procedure can be particularized for different input parameters and it analyzes all the possible failure modes. Abacus and failure mode maps have been developed in order to simplify the design process. Finally several tested was made. Firstly, a prototype of the energy storage system which uses a monolithic composite beam was tested in order to validate the concept of the energy storage by elastic deformation. After that sandwich beam samples are built and tested, validating the design and showing the increase of energy density with respect to the monolithic beam. As futures research lines the following are proposed: research in new materials, as carbon nanotubes; and the optimization of the energy storage mechanism, that means optimizing the pure bending storage mechanism and developing new ones based on traction-compression mechanisms.


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El agotamiento, la ausencia o, simplemente, la incertidumbre sobre la cantidad de las reservas de combustibles fósiles se añaden a la variabilidad de los precios y a la creciente inestabilidad en la cadena de aprovisionamiento para crear fuertes incentivos para el desarrollo de fuentes y vectores energéticos alternativos. El atractivo de hidrógeno como vector energético es muy alto en un contexto que abarca, además, fuertes inquietudes por parte de la población sobre la contaminación y las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Debido a su excelente impacto ambiental, la aceptación pública del nuevo vector energético dependería, a priori, del control de los riesgos asociados su manipulación y almacenamiento. Entre estos, la existencia de un innegable riesgo de explosión aparece como el principal inconveniente de este combustible alternativo. Esta tesis investiga la modelización numérica de explosiones en grandes volúmenes, centrándose en la simulación de la combustión turbulenta en grandes dominios de cálculo en los que la resolución que es alcanzable está fuertemente limitada. En la introducción, se aborda una descripción general de los procesos de explosión. Se concluye que las restricciones en la resolución de los cálculos hacen necesario el modelado de los procesos de turbulencia y de combustión. Posteriormente, se realiza una revisión crítica de las metodologías disponibles tanto para turbulencia como para combustión, que se lleva a cabo señalando las fortalezas, deficiencias e idoneidad de cada una de las metodologías. Como conclusión de esta investigación, se obtiene que la única estrategia viable para el modelado de la combustión, teniendo en cuenta las limitaciones existentes, es la utilización de una expresión que describa la velocidad de combustión turbulenta en función de distintos parámetros. Este tipo de modelos se denominan Modelos de velocidad de llama turbulenta y permiten cerrar una ecuación de balance para la variable de progreso de combustión. Como conclusión también se ha obtenido, que la solución más adecuada para la simulación de la turbulencia es la utilización de diferentes metodologías para la simulación de la turbulencia, LES o RANS, en función de la geometría y de las restricciones en la resolución de cada problema particular. Sobre la base de estos hallazgos, el crea de un modelo de combustión en el marco de los modelos de velocidad de la llama turbulenta. La metodología propuesta es capaz de superar las deficiencias existentes en los modelos disponibles para aquellos problemas en los que se precisa realizar cálculos con una resolución moderada o baja. Particularmente, el modelo utiliza un algoritmo heurístico para impedir el crecimiento del espesor de la llama, una deficiencia que lastraba el célebre modelo de Zimont. Bajo este enfoque, el énfasis del análisis se centra en la determinación de la velocidad de combustión, tanto laminar como turbulenta. La velocidad de combustión laminar se determina a través de una nueva formulación capaz de tener en cuenta la influencia simultánea en la velocidad de combustión laminar de la relación de equivalencia, la temperatura, la presión y la dilución con vapor de agua. La formulación obtenida es válida para un dominio de temperaturas, presiones y dilución con vapor de agua más extenso de cualquiera de las formulaciones previamente disponibles. Por otra parte, el cálculo de la velocidad de combustión turbulenta puede ser abordado mediante el uso de correlaciones que permiten el la determinación de esta magnitud en función de distintos parámetros. Con el objetivo de seleccionar la formulación más adecuada, se ha realizado una comparación entre los resultados obtenidos con diversas expresiones y los resultados obtenidos en los experimentos. Se concluye que la ecuación debida a Schmidt es la más adecuada teniendo en cuenta las condiciones del estudio. A continuación, se analiza la importancia de las inestabilidades de la llama en la propagación de los frentes de combustión. Su relevancia resulta significativa para mezclas pobres en combustible en las que la intensidad de la turbulencia permanece moderada. Estas condiciones son importantes dado que son habituales en los accidentes que ocurren en las centrales nucleares. Por ello, se lleva a cabo la creación de un modelo que permita estimar el efecto de las inestabilidades, y en concreto de la inestabilidad acústica-paramétrica, en la velocidad de propagación de llama. El modelado incluye la derivación matemática de la formulación heurística de Bauwebs et al. para el cálculo de la incremento de la velocidad de combustión debido a las inestabilidades de la llama, así como el análisis de la estabilidad de las llamas con respecto a una perturbación cíclica. Por último, los resultados se combinan para concluir el modelado de la inestabilidad acústica-paramétrica. Tras finalizar esta fase, la investigación se centro en la aplicación del modelo desarrollado en varios problemas de importancia para la seguridad industrial y el posterior análisis de los resultados y la comparación de los mismos con los datos experimentales correspondientes. Concretamente, se abordo la simulación de explosiones en túneles y en contenedores, con y sin gradiente de concentración y ventilación. Como resultados generales, se logra validar el modelo confirmando su idoneidad para estos problemas. Como última tarea, se ha realizado un analisis en profundidad de la catástrofe de Fukushima-Daiichi. El objetivo del análisis es determinar la cantidad de hidrógeno que explotó en el reactor número uno, en contraste con los otros estudios sobre el tema que se han centrado en la determinación de la cantidad de hidrógeno generado durante el accidente. Como resultado de la investigación, se determinó que la cantidad más probable de hidrogeno que fue consumida durante la explosión fue de 130 kg. Es un hecho notable el que la combustión de una relativamente pequeña cantidad de hidrogeno pueda causar un daño tan significativo. Esta es una muestra de la importancia de este tipo de investigaciones. Las ramas de la industria para las que el modelo desarrollado será de interés abarca la totalidad de la futura economía de hidrógeno (pilas de combustible, vehículos, almacenamiento energético, etc) con un impacto especial en los sectores del transporte y la energía nuclear, tanto para las tecnologías de fisión y fusión. ABSTRACT The exhaustion, absolute absence or simply the uncertainty on the amount of the reserves of fossil fuels sources added to the variability of their prices and the increasing instability and difficulties on the supply chain are strong incentives for the development of alternative energy sources and carriers. The attractiveness of hydrogen in a context that additionally comprehends concerns on pollution and emissions is very high. Due to its excellent environmental impact, the public acceptance of the new energetic vector will depend on the risk associated to its handling and storage. Fromthese, the danger of a severe explosion appears as the major drawback of this alternative fuel. This thesis investigates the numerical modeling of large scale explosions, focusing on the simulation of turbulent combustion in large domains where the resolution achievable is forcefully limited. In the introduction, a general description of explosion process is undertaken. It is concluded that the restrictions of resolution makes necessary the modeling of the turbulence and combustion processes. Subsequently, a critical review of the available methodologies for both turbulence and combustion is carried out pointing out their strengths and deficiencies. As a conclusion of this investigation, it appears clear that the only viable methodology for combustion modeling is the utilization of an expression for the turbulent burning velocity to close a balance equation for the combustion progress variable, a model of the Turbulent flame velocity kind. Also, that depending on the particular resolution restriction of each problem and on its geometry the utilization of different simulation methodologies, LES or RANS, is the most adequate solution for modeling the turbulence. Based on these findings, the candidate undertakes the creation of a combustion model in the framework of turbulent flame speed methodology which is able to overcome the deficiencies of the available ones for low resolution problems. Particularly, the model utilizes a heuristic algorithm to maintain the thickness of the flame brush under control, a serious deficiency of the Zimont model. Under the approach utilized by the candidate, the emphasis of the analysis lays on the accurate determination of the burning velocity, both laminar and turbulent. On one side, the laminar burning velocity is determined through a newly developed correlation which is able to describe the simultaneous influence of the equivalence ratio, temperature, steam dilution and pressure on the laminar burning velocity. The formulation obtained is valid for a larger domain of temperature, steam dilution and pressure than any of the previously available formulations. On the other side, a certain number of turbulent burning velocity correlations are available in the literature. For the selection of the most suitable, they have been compared with experiments and ranked, with the outcome that the formulation due to Schmidt was the most adequate for the conditions studied. Subsequently, the role of the flame instabilities on the development of explosions is assessed. Their significance appears to be of importance for lean mixtures in which the turbulence intensity remains moderate. These are important conditions which are typical for accidents on Nuclear Power Plants. Therefore, the creation of a model to account for the instabilities, and concretely, the acoustic parametric instability is undertaken. This encloses the mathematical derivation of the heuristic formulation of Bauwebs et al. for the calculation of the burning velocity enhancement due to flame instabilities as well as the analysis of the stability of flames with respect to a cyclic velocity perturbation. The results are combined to build a model of the acoustic-parametric instability. The following task in this research has been to apply the model developed to several problems significant for the industrial safety and the subsequent analysis of the results and comparison with the corresponding experimental data was performed. As a part of such task simulations of explosions in a tunnel and explosions in large containers, with and without gradient of concentration and venting have been carried out. As a general outcome, the validation of the model is achieved, confirming its suitability for the problems addressed. As a last and final undertaking, a thorough study of the Fukushima-Daiichi catastrophe has been carried out. The analysis performed aims at the determination of the amount of hydrogen participating on the explosion that happened in the reactor one, in contrast with other analysis centered on the amount of hydrogen generated during the accident. As an outcome of the research, it was determined that the most probable amount of hydrogen exploding during the catastrophe was 130 kg. It is remarkable that the combustion of such a small quantity of material can cause tremendous damage. This is an indication of the importance of these types of investigations. The industrial branches that can benefit from the applications of the model developed in this thesis include the whole future hydrogen economy, as well as nuclear safety both in fusion and fission technology.


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The proposal highlights certain design strategies and a case study that can link the material urban space to digital emerging realms. The composite nature of urban spaces ?material/ digital- is understood as an opportunity to reconfigure public urban spaces without high-cost, difficult to apply interventions and, furthermore, to reactivate them by inserting dynamic, interactive and playful conditions that engage people and re-establish their relations to the cities. The structuring of coexisting and interconnected material and digital aspects in public urban spaces is proposed through the implementation of hybridization processes. Hybrid spaces can fascinate and provoke the public and especially younger people to get involved and interact with physical aspects of urban public spaces as well as digital representations or interpretations of those. Digital game?s design in urban public spaces can be comprehended as a tool that allows architects to understand and to configure hybrids of material and digital conceptions and project all in one, as an inseparable totality. Digital technologies have for a long time now intervened in our perception of traditional dipoles such as subject - environment. Architects, especially in the past, have been responsible for material mediations and tangible interfaces that permit subjects to relate to their physical environments in a controlled and regulated manner; but, nowadays, architects are compelled to embody in design, the transition that is happening in all aspects of everyday life, that is, from material to digital realities. In addition, the disjunctive relation of material and digital realms is ceding and architects are now faced with the challenge that supposes the merging of both in a single, all-inclusive reality. The case study is a design project for a game implemented simultaneously in a specific urban space and on the internet. This project developed as the spring semester course New Media in Architecture at the Department of Architecture, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece is situated at the city of Xanthi. Composite cities can use design strategies and technological tools to configure augmented and appealing urban spaces that articulate and connect different realms in a single engaging reality.


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Arch bridge structural solution has been known for centuries, in fact the simple nature of arch that require low tension and shear strength was an advantage as the simple materials like stone and brick were the only option back in ancient centuries. By the pass of time especially after industrial revolution, the new materials were adopted in construction of arch bridges to reach longer spans. Nowadays one long span arch bridge is made of steel, concrete or combination of these two as "CFST", as the result of using these high strength materials, very long spans can be achieved. The current record for longest arch belongs to Chaotianmen bridge over Yangtze river in China with 552 meters span made of steel and the longest reinforced concrete type is Wanxian bridge which also cross the Yangtze river through a 420 meters span. Today the designer is no longer limited by span length as long as arch bridge is the most applicable solution among other approaches, i.e. cable stayed and suspended bridges are more reasonable if very long span is desired. Like any super structure, the economical and architectural aspects in construction of a bridge is extremely important, in other words, as a narrower bridge has better appearance, it also require smaller volume of material which make the design more economical. Design of such bridge, beside the high strength materials, requires precise structural analysis approaches capable of integrating the combination of material behaviour and complex geometry of structure and various types of loads which may be applied to bridge during its service life. Depend on the design strategy, analysis may only evaluates the linear elastic behaviour of structure or consider the nonlinear properties as well. Although most of structures in the past were designed to act in their elastic range, the rapid increase in computational capacity allow us to consider different sources of nonlinearities in order to achieve a more realistic evaluations where the dynamic behaviour of bridge is important especially in seismic zones where large movements may occur or structure experience P - _ effect during the earthquake. The above mentioned type of analysis is computationally expensive and very time consuming. In recent years, several methods were proposed in order to resolve this problem. Discussion of recent developments on these methods and their application on long span concrete arch bridges is the main goal of this research. Accordingly available long span concrete arch bridges have been studied to gather the critical information about their geometrical aspects and properties of their materials. Based on concluded information, several concrete arch bridges were designed for further studies. The main span of these bridges range from 100 to 400 meters. The Structural analysis methods implemented in in this study are as following: Elastic Analysis: Direct Response History Analysis (DRHA): This method solves the direct equation of motion over time history of applied acceleration or imposed load in linear elastic range. Modal Response History Analysis (MRHA): Similar to DRHA, this method is also based on time history, but the equation of motion is simplified to single degree of freedom system and calculates the response of each mode independently. Performing this analysis require less time than DRHA. Modal Response Spectrum Analysis (MRSA): As it is obvious from its name, this method calculates the peak response of structure for each mode and combine them using modal combination rules based on the introduced spectra of ground motion. This method is expected to be fastest among Elastic analysis. Inelastic Analysis: Nonlinear Response History Analysis (NL-RHA): The most accurate strategy to address significant nonlinearities in structural dynamics is undoubtedly the nonlinear response history analysis which is similar to DRHA but extended to inelastic range by updating the stiffness matrix for every iteration. This onerous task, clearly increase the computational cost especially for unsymmetrical buildings that requires to be analyzed in a full 3D model for taking the torsional effects in to consideration. Modal Pushover Analysis (MPA): The Modal Pushover Analysis is basically the MRHA but extended to inelastic stage. After all, the MRHA cannot solve the system of dynamics because the resisting force fs(u; u_ ) is unknown for inelastic stage. The solution of MPA for this obstacle is using the previously recorded fs to evaluate system of dynamics. Extended Modal Pushover Analysis (EMPA): Expanded Modal pushover is a one of very recent proposed methods which evaluates response of structure under multi-directional excitation using the modal pushover analysis strategy. In one specific mode,the original pushover neglect the contribution of the directions different than characteristic one, this is reasonable in regular symmetric building but a structure with complex shape like long span arch bridges may go through strong modal coupling. This method intend to consider modal coupling while it take same time of computation as MPA. Coupled Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis (CNSP): The EMPA includes the contribution of non-characteristic direction to the formal MPA procedure. However the static pushovers in EMPA are performed individually for every mode, accordingly the resulted values from different modes can be combined but this is only valid in elastic phase; as soon as any element in structure starts yielding the neutral axis of that section is no longer fixed for both response during the earthquake, meaning the longitudinal deflection unavoidably affect the transverse one or vice versa. To overcome this drawback, the CNSP suggests executing pushover analysis for governing modes of each direction at the same time. This strategy is estimated to be more accurate than MPA and EMPA, moreover the calculation time is reduced because only one pushover analysis is required. Regardless of the strategy, the accuracy of structural analysis is highly dependent on modelling and numerical integration approaches used in evaluation of each method. Therefore the widely used Finite Element Method is implemented in process of all analysis performed in this research. In order to address the study, chapter 2, starts with gathered information about constructed long span arch bridges, this chapter continuous with geometrical and material definition of new models. Chapter 3 provides the detailed information about structural analysis strategies; furthermore the step by step description of procedure of all methods is available in Appendix A. The document ends with the description of results and conclusion of chapter 4.


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The OSIRIS cameras on the Rosetta spacecraft observed Comet 9P/Tempel 1 from 5 days before to 10 days after it was hit by the Deep Impact projectile. The Narrow Angle Camera (NAC) monitored the cometary dust in 5 different filters. The Wide Angle Camera (WAC) observed through filters sensitive to emissions from OH, CN, Na, and OI together with the associated continuum. Before and after the impact the comet showed regular variations in intensity. The period of the brightness changes is consistent with the rotation period of Tempel 1. The overall brightness of Tempel 1 decreased by about 10% during the OSIRIS observations. The analysis of the impact ejecta shows that no new permanent coma structures were created by the impact. Most of the material moved with View the MathML source∼200ms−1. Much of it left the comet in the form of icy grains which sublimated and fragmented within the first hour after the impact. The light curve of the comet after the impact and the amount of material leaving the comet (View the MathML source4.5–9×106kg of water ice and a presumably larger amount of dust) suggest that the impact ejecta were quickly accelerated by collisions with gas molecules. Therefore, the motion of the bulk of the ejecta cannot be described by ballistic trajectories, and the validity of determinations of the density and tensile strength of the nucleus of Tempel 1 with models using ballistic ejection of particles is uncertain.


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El presente trabajo de investigación determina las características de la cerámica que más eficientemente se comporta a evaporación y a enfriamiento. Con el objeto de ser empleado como material integrado en la envolvente de los edificios para reducir su carga de refrigeración. La cerámica es un buen material para ser empleado para la refrigeración por evaporación. Es un sólido poroso inerte que, tras ser sometido a cocción a temperaturas por encima de los 900ºC, resulta uno de los materiales que mejor se comportan como contenedor de agua en su red capilar para, posteriormente, ir liberándola por evaporación al mismo tiempo que se enfría su superficie. La metodología general de investigación, se divide en tres etapas: Búsqueda y análisis del estado de la técnica y de la investigación. Estudio teórico de la eficacia del enfriamiento evaporativo como estrategia de enfriamiento pasivo en la arquitectura. Etapa experimental, desarrollada en tres fases: una primera de definición de los parámetros determinantes del Enfriamiento Evaporativo en piezas cerámicas, una segunda de selección cerámica y diseño de ensayos experimentales y una tercera de caracterización de la cerámica bajo criterios de evaporación y de enfriamiento. El recorrido por el estado de la cuestión ha identificado las aplicaciones tecnológicas y las investigaciones científicas que emplean el Enfriamiento Evaporativo con piezas cerámicas como técnica de enfriamiento. Como resultado se ha obtenido una tabla de clasificación de sistemas de enfriamiento evaporativo y se ha constatado que el conjunto de las aplicaciones están centradas en el diseño de piezas o sistemas pero que, sin embargo, no existe una definición de las características de la cerámica para su empleo como material de enfriamiento por evaporación. El estudio teórico de la eficacia del empleo del enfriamiento evaporativo como estrategia de enfriamiento pasivo en la arquitectura se ha realizado mediante cálculos de porcentaje de ampliación de horas en confort con empleo de técnicas de enfriamiento evaporativo directo e indirecto (EED y EEI). Como resultado se obtienen unos mapas para el ámbito español de potencial de aplicación del EED y EEI. Los resultados permiten afirmar que mediante EE se puede llegar a confort en prácticamente la totalidad de las horas de los días más cálidos del año en muchas localidades. La metodología experimental se ha desarrollado en tres fases. En la fase inicial, se han definido los parámetros determinantes del enfriamiento evaporativo en un medio cerámico mediante ensayos experimentales de capacidad de evaporación y de caracterización. Se realizaron un total de 12 ensayos. Se determinó que el material cerámico tiene una gran influencia en la capacidad de evaporación y enfriamiento en las piezas cerámicas, apoyando la hipótesis inicial y la necesidad de caracterizar el material. La primera fase empírica se centró en la selección cerámica y el diseño de los ensayos experimentales de comportamiento hídrico. Se seleccionaron muestras de 5 tipos de cerámica. Se realizaron 4 tipos de ensayos de caracterización y 6 tipos de ensayos experimentales de comportamiento hídrico (total 123 muestras ensayadas). Los resultados obtenidos son de dos tipos, por un lado, se determinó cuál es el tipo de cerámica que más eficientemente se comporta a EE y, por otro, se rediseñaron los ensayos de la última fase experimental. Para la segunda fase experimental se seleccionaron cerámicas de fabricación manual abarcando el mayor número de localidades del ámbito español. Se realizaron ensayos de caracterización de 7 tipos y ensayos de comportamiento hídrico de 5 tipos (total 197 muestras ensayadas). Los resultados de caracterización han permitido aportar unos rangos de las características de la cerámica que más eficientemente se comporta en los ensayos de comportamiento hídrico. Al final de la investigación se ha caracterizado el material cerámico aportando características acerca de su porosidad, capacidad de absorción, color, rugosidad y mineralogía. Así como datos de referencia de su comportamiento hídrico. Además se ha desarrollado una metodología de ensayo específica que permite evaluar la capacidad de enfriamiento eficiente de una pieza cerámica. ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to determine the characteristics of ceramic materials having the most efficient performance in terms of evaporation and cooling, so that they can be integrated in building envelopes to reduce cooling loads. Ceramics are suitable materials for cooling through passive evaporation. After being fired at temperatures over 900 °C (1,652 °F), the capillary network of this inert porous medium turns to be excellent to retain water, which is progressively liberated by evaporation while the material surface gets colder. Research methodology has involved the following steps: Search and analysis on the state of the art in technology and research. Theoretical study on the efficiency of evaporation as passive cooling strategies in buildings. Experimental stage developed in three phases, namely: definition of parameters determining evaporative cooling in ceramic elements; ceramic selection and design of experimental tests; characterization of ceramic materials under evaporation and cooling criteria. Search and analysis on the state of the art in this field have been useful to identify technology applications and scientific research where ceramics are employed for evaporative cooling. The resulting table shows that applications are wholly focused on the design of pieces and systems. Nonetheless, there is lack of definition of material characteristics in this scope. The theoretical study on efficiency of the passive strategy applied to buildings has been realized by calculation of the percentage increase in comfort hours through direct/indirect evaporative cooling techniques (DEC/IEC). The mapping of their potential application in Spain clearly shows that comfort conditions can be reached in almost all the hours of the hottest days in many towns. In the initial phase of the experimental stage, parameters determining evaporative cooling in ceramic media have been defined. For this purpose, characterization tests and evaporation and cooling rates experiments have been carried out; the number of samples tested amounted to 12. It has been concluded that material characteristics have great influence on these rates, which supports the initial hypothesis and the need for their characterization. The first empirical phase has focused on ceramic selection and design of water behaviour experimental methods. The samples covered five different kinds of ceramic materials. Four different characterization tests and six different water behaviour experiments were carried out; the number of samples tested amounted to 123. The experimental testing procedures served to determine the most efficient types of ceramic materials in terms of evaporative cooling efficiency and, at the same time, made it necessary to change the original designed experimental test for the last phase. In the second phase, a number of varied hand-made ceramic tiles have been selected. Seven different characterization tests and five different water behaviour tests were carried out; the number of samples amounted to 197. The results of characterization served to establish a range of features in ceramic materials according to their efficiency in water behaviour experiments. Finally, ceramic materials have been characterized according to porosity, water absorption, colour, surface roughness and mineralogy. Also, reference data regarding water behaviour have been included. Moreover, an innovative and specific experimental test to evaluate cooling efficiency of ceramic tiles has been developed.


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The role of matter has remained central to the making and the thinking of architecture, yet many attempts to capture its essence have been trapped in a dialectic tension between form and materiality, between material consistency and immaterial modes of perception, between static states and dynamic processes, between the real and the virtual, thus advancing an increasing awareness of the perplexing complexity of the material world. Within that complexity, the notion of agency – emerging from and within ecological, politico-economic and socio-cultural processes – calls for a reconceptualization of matter, and consequently processes of materialisation, offering a new understanding of context and space, approached as a field of dynamic relationships. In this context, cutting across boundaries between architectural discourse and practice as well as across the vast trans-disciplinary territory, this dissertation aims to illustrate a variety of design methodologies that have derived from the relational approach. More specifically, the intention is to offer new insights into spatial epistemologies embedded within the notion of atmosphere – commonly associated with the so-called New Phenomenology – and to reflect upon its implications for architectural production. In what follows, the intended argumentation has a twofold dimension. First, through a scrutiny of the notion of atmosphere, the aim is to explore ways of thinking and shaping reality through relations, thus acknowledging the aforementioned complexity of the material universe disclosed through human and non-human as well as material and immaterial forces. Secondly, despite the fact that concerns for atmospherics have flourished over the last few decades, the objective is to reveal that the conceptual foundations and procedures for the production of atmosphere might be found beneath the surface of contemporary debates. Hence, in order to unfold and illustrate previously advocated assumptions, an archaeological approach is adopted, tracing a particular projective genealogy, one that builds upon an atmospheric awareness. Accordingly, in tracing such an atmospheric awareness the study explores the notoriously ambiguous nature and the twofold dimension of atmosphere – meteorological and aesthetic – and the heterogeneity of meanings embedded in them. In this context, the notion of atmosphere is presented as parallactic. It transgresses the formal and material boundaries of bodies. It calls for a reevaluation of perceptual experience, opening a new gap that exposes the orthodox space-bodyenvironment relationships to questioning. It offers to architecture an expanded domain in which to manifest itself, defining architectural space as a contingent construction and field of engagement, and presenting matter as a locus of production/performance/action. Consequently, it is such an expanded or relational dimension that constitutes the foundation of what in the context of this study is to be referred to as affective tectonics. Namely, a tectonics that represents processual and experiential multiplicity of convergent time and space, body and environment, the material and the immaterial; a tectonics in which matter neither appears as an inert and passive substance, nor is limited to the traditionally regarded tectonic significance or expressive values, but is presented as an active element charged with inherent potential and vitality. By defining such a relational materialism, the intention is to expand the spectrum of material attributes revealing the intrinsic relationships between the physical properties of materials and their performative, transformative and affective capacities, including effects of interference and haptic dynamics – i.e. protocols of transmission and interaction. The expression that encapsulates its essence is: ACTIVE MATERIALITY RESUMEN El significado de la materia ha estado desde siempre ligado al pensamiento y el quehacer arquitectónico. Sin embargo, muchos intentos de capturar su esencia se han visto sumergidos en una tensión dialéctica entre la forma y la materialidad, entre la consistencia material y los modos inmateriales de la percepción, entre los estados estáticos y los procesos dinámicos, entre lo real y lo virtual, revelando una creciente conciencia de la desconcertante complejidad del mundo material. En esta complejidad, la noción de la operatividad o capacidad agencial– que emerge desde y dentro de los procesos ecológicos, políticos y socio-culturales– requiere de una reconceptualización de la materia y los procesos inherentes a la materialización, ofreciendo una nueva visión del contexto y el espacio, entendidos como un campo relacional dinámico. Oscilando entre el discurso arquitectónico y la práctica arquitectónica, y atravesando un extenso territorio trans-disciplinar, el objetivo de la presente tesis es ilustrar la variedad de metodologías proyectuales que emergieron desde este enfoque relacional. Concretamente, la intención es indagar en las epistemologías espaciales vinculadas a la noción de la atmósfera– generalmente asociada a la llamada Nueva Fenomenología–, reflexionando sobre su impacto en la producción arquitectónica. A continuación, el estudio ofrece una doble línea argumental. Primero, a través del análisis crítico de la noción de atmósfera, el objetivo es explorar maneras de pensar y dar forma a la realidad a través de las relaciones, reconociendo la mencionada complejidad del universo material revelado a través de fuerzas humanas y no-humanas, materiales e inmateriales. Segundo, a pesar de que el interés por las atmósferas ha florecido en las últimas décadas, la intención es demostrar que las bases conceptuales y los protocolos proyectuales de la creación de atmósferas se pueden encontrar bajo la superficie de los debates contemporáneos. Para corroborar e ilustrar estas hipótesis se propone una metodología de carácter arqueológico, trazando una particular genealogía de proyectos– la que se basa en una conciencia atmosférica. Asimismo, al definir esta conciencia atmosférica, el estudio explora tanto la naturaleza notoriamente ambigua y la dimensión dual de la atmósfera– meteorológica y estética–, como la heterogeneidad de significados derivados de ellas. En este contexto, la atmósfera se entiende como un concepto detonante, ya que sobrepasa los limites formales y materiales de los cuerpos, llevando a la re-evaluación de la experiencia perceptiva y abriendo a preguntas la ortodoxa relación espacio- cuerpo-ambiente. En consecuencia, la noción de la atmósfera ofrece a la arquitectura una dimensión expandida donde manifestarse, definiendo el espacio como una construcción contingente, performativa y afectiva, y presentando la materia como locus de producción/ actuación/ acción. Es precisamente esta dimensión expandida relacional la que constituye una base para lo que en el contexto del presente estudio se define como una tectónica afectiva. Es decir, una tectónica que representa una multiplicidad procesual y experiencial derivada de la convergencia entre el tiempo y el espacio, el cuerpo y el entorno, lo material y lo inmaterial; una tectónica en la que la materia no aparece como una substancia pasiva e inerte, ni es limitada al significado considerado tradicionalmente constructivo o a sus valores expresivos, sino que se presenta como elemento activo cargado de un potencial y vitalidad inherentes. A través de la definición de este tipo de materialismo afectivo, la intención es expandir el espectro de los atributos materiales, revelando las relaciones intrínsecas entre las propiedades físicas de los materiales y sus capacidades performativas, transformativas y afectivas, incluyendo efectos de interferencias y dinámicas hápticas– o dicho de otro modo, protocolos de transmisión e interacción. Una expresión que encapsula su esencia vendría a ser: MATERIALIDAD ACTIVA


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Essa dissertação abordou os conflitos que ocorreram no espaço geográfico denominado Norte Pioneiro . A imagem do Bom Jesus, de propriedade da família Pinto, foi expropriada pelo vigário da paróquia do Distrito de Salto do Itararé, padre Alfredo Simon, que reuniu cerca de vinte homens aramados para capturar esse santo. Nesse conflito religioso que ocorreu no dia 26/4/1933 duas pessoas foram mortas: o comerciante do Arraial dos Pintos, João Moreira, e o herdeiro do Bom Jesus, José Pinto de Oliveira. Esse último veio a falecer meses depois do conflito. Ao redor dessa imagem foi sendo criada uma história oficial e vigiada pelos donos do poder simbólico, mantenedora da ordem e da tradição. No entanto, a história do Bom Jesus foi compreendida numa concepção mais ampla, pois na esfera religiosa ocorria um fenômeno denominado de romanização. A Igreja Católica seguia o Código de Direito Canônico de 1917, não reconhecendo o Código de Direito Civil do Estado Nacional Brasileiro. Na esfera política, o governo paranaense colocou em prática o sistema de terras devolutas. No setor dos transportes, a estrada de ferro RVPRSC (Rede Viária Paraná Santa Catarina) já se encontrava na região desde 1919. E nesse ínterim, as novas relações sócio-culturais e econômicas foram introduzidas no campo, isto é, o capitalismo agrário.(AU)


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Essa dissertação abordou os conflitos que ocorreram no espaço geográfico denominado Norte Pioneiro . A imagem do Bom Jesus, de propriedade da família Pinto, foi expropriada pelo vigário da paróquia do Distrito de Salto do Itararé, padre Alfredo Simon, que reuniu cerca de vinte homens aramados para capturar esse santo. Nesse conflito religioso que ocorreu no dia 26/4/1933 duas pessoas foram mortas: o comerciante do Arraial dos Pintos, João Moreira, e o herdeiro do Bom Jesus, José Pinto de Oliveira. Esse último veio a falecer meses depois do conflito. Ao redor dessa imagem foi sendo criada uma história oficial e vigiada pelos donos do poder simbólico, mantenedora da ordem e da tradição. No entanto, a história do Bom Jesus foi compreendida numa concepção mais ampla, pois na esfera religiosa ocorria um fenômeno denominado de romanização. A Igreja Católica seguia o Código de Direito Canônico de 1917, não reconhecendo o Código de Direito Civil do Estado Nacional Brasileiro. Na esfera política, o governo paranaense colocou em prática o sistema de terras devolutas. No setor dos transportes, a estrada de ferro RVPRSC (Rede Viária Paraná Santa Catarina) já se encontrava na região desde 1919. E nesse ínterim, as novas relações sócio-culturais e econômicas foram introduzidas no campo, isto é, o capitalismo agrário.(AU)