921 resultados para Beverage containers


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Actually the energy efficiency is making more space in the industry, due to the search for the sustainability, the electrical energy costs reduction, the goals achievement or the efficiency of production processes. In consumer goods industries, such a beverage industry, as the work is based, the productivity is directly related to the electrical energy consumption. The development of methodologies and/or routines, in addition to some tools which allow to align more efficiently these two aspects (production and consumption of electrical energy), in the viewpoint of the Energy Conservation, is very important. In this case, the study will show the Plant Modulation concepts, a production management methodology, based in some factors related to the productive process, installed equipment, production supplies and energy cost. The proposed methodology was implanted in a plant along 2015 and show the results, in face to confirm its efficiency. Finally, in this study, it was shown the capacity of Plant Modulation to positively impact in the energy efficiency inside a big industry


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The world population is growing at exponential scales, thus the demand for food grows significantly. The use of pesticides is seen as a way to meet the demand for food and increase the efficiency and productivity of the agricultural sector. BASF SA in partnership with packaging suppliers represent a remarkable scene in the Brazilian market in the agrochemicals sector. In 2014, the Department of Agro from BASF Packaging, identified in its production process certain deformation of its rigid packaging during the filling process of pesticides. This phenomenon is probably caused by the low resistance to compression that the package is used. In order to eliminate the deformation of rigid packaging arising from the filling step, a study will be conducted in conjunction with the supplier JET UNIPAC whose on line problems occurred more frequently. The study is to identify the strength of the rigid containers standardize a compression resistance value at which the package is not deformed after the filling step. This study will present an investigation through experiments combined with theoretical concepts in order to determine possible causes for the emergence of this phenomenon. At the end of the study, a solution to eliminate or reduce to the maximum the packaging deformation problem appears


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Aluminum has been widely used in the forming and manufacture of beverage cans, specific aluminum alloy AA3104, which manufacturers are increasingly demanding as to mechanical properties, quality and reducing waste. This work describes the analysis and comparison of the behavior of earing AA3104 aluminum alloy samples of final thicknesses of 1.80 and 2.10 mm. Were obtained after a hot rolling process, a total population of 86 samples for the two different thicknesses, of which 23 samples of 1.80 mm and 2.10 mm 63 samples. After removal of samples, there was a mechanical test inlay, then characterizing the earing in them. The results earing to the thicknesses of 1.80 and 2.10 mm were analyzed and compared statistically to give 7.1% and 7.4% on average, respectively, correlated with the hot rolling process variables, showing that they are statistically equal and that the process variables do not affect the end result desired, ranging from 7.0 to 7,5%


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A região Amazônica, detentora de grande potencial hídrico, tem atraído indústrias que promovem uso intensivo de água, por isso, existe uma emergência por instrumentos que administrem essa tendência. Neste trabalho foi diagnosticado o nível de racionalização do uso da água pelo setor industrial de produção de bebidas no estado do Pará, assim como as causas do comportamento do setor. As variáveis dependentes (de comportamento) foram classificadas de acordo com quatro dimensões (gestão ambiental, manejo da água, manejo dos efluentes e medidas avançadas de racionalização) que compõe o nível de racionalização da gestão industrial hídrica. As variáveis independentes foram associadas ao: porte, ramo, tipo de embalagem utilizada, disponibilidade hídrica e valor econômico da água. Os dados levantados mostraram que a produção de bebidas tem uma grande pegada hídrica operacional total (acima de) 15.250 m3/dia, com as pequenas empresas apresentando o maior consumo relativo por unidade produzida (maior que 7 L de água/L de bebida). O setor como um todo apresenta baixo nível de racionalização do uso da água, a dimensão mais eficiente é a de gerenciamento da água; entretanto algumas medidas avançadas podem ser visualizadas, especialmente a recirculação da água em torres de resfriamento. A análise das variáveis de estudo demonstra que o nível de racionalização é dependente diretamente do ramo e do porte da empresa. Conclui-se que o consumo tende ao desperdício; em resposta a este quadro, devem ser priorizadas políticas públicas voltadas para internalização dos custos ambientais embutidos no processo.


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The desire of Nebraska people to continue the improvement of living conditions and to secure more healthful foods has been responsible for many changes in methods of caring for milk. One of the important factors in keeping milk sweet and of good quality is the process of cooling and keeping it cool until used. Three of these processes are as follows: placing containers of warm milk in any quantity of still water or still air at temperatures ranging from freezing to within a few degrees of the temperature of the milk, placing the containers in such positions that air or water are circulated around them, and causing the milk to flow in such manner that a thin film comes in contact with a surface which is cooled by air or liquids varying in temperature from 10 degrees Fahrenheit to a few degrees below that of the milk. After some of the heat has been removed the milk is stored under conditions very similar to those found in cooling processes. This 1932 research bulletin discusses why milk is cooled, why milk sours, how bacteria grows, and the many ways that milk can be cooled.


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Research has provided no definitive answers on whether PET plastic bottles or aluminum cans are a more environmentally sustainable choice as soda containers. This paper researches the fuel used in recycling each of these materials from Yellowstone National Park to processing locations. The data is used to determine which of these alternatives use less fuel in this process. It was found that plastics use more fuel when transported from Yellowstone National Park to the processing center. Aluminum uses less fuel per ton to transport from Yellowstone to the processing center. The conclusions from this research may have implications on which material would be advised to use in selling soda in Yellowstone National Park.


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Actually the energy efficiency is making more space in the industry, due to the search for the sustainability, the electrical energy costs reduction, the goals achievement or the efficiency of production processes. In consumer goods industries, such a beverage industry, as the work is based, the productivity is directly related to the electrical energy consumption. The development of methodologies and/or routines, in addition to some tools which allow to align more efficiently these two aspects (production and consumption of electrical energy), in the viewpoint of the Energy Conservation, is very important. In this case, the study will show the Plant Modulation concepts, a production management methodology, based in some factors related to the productive process, installed equipment, production supplies and energy cost. The proposed methodology was implanted in a plant along 2015 and show the results, in face to confirm its efficiency. Finally, in this study, it was shown the capacity of Plant Modulation to positively impact in the energy efficiency inside a big industry


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The world population is growing at exponential scales, thus the demand for food grows significantly. The use of pesticides is seen as a way to meet the demand for food and increase the efficiency and productivity of the agricultural sector. BASF SA in partnership with packaging suppliers represent a remarkable scene in the Brazilian market in the agrochemicals sector. In 2014, the Department of Agro from BASF Packaging, identified in its production process certain deformation of its rigid packaging during the filling process of pesticides. This phenomenon is probably caused by the low resistance to compression that the package is used. In order to eliminate the deformation of rigid packaging arising from the filling step, a study will be conducted in conjunction with the supplier JET UNIPAC whose on line problems occurred more frequently. The study is to identify the strength of the rigid containers standardize a compression resistance value at which the package is not deformed after the filling step. This study will present an investigation through experiments combined with theoretical concepts in order to determine possible causes for the emergence of this phenomenon. At the end of the study, a solution to eliminate or reduce to the maximum the packaging deformation problem appears


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Aluminum has been widely used in the forming and manufacture of beverage cans, specific aluminum alloy AA3104, which manufacturers are increasingly demanding as to mechanical properties, quality and reducing waste. This work describes the analysis and comparison of the behavior of earing AA3104 aluminum alloy samples of final thicknesses of 1.80 and 2.10 mm. Were obtained after a hot rolling process, a total population of 86 samples for the two different thicknesses, of which 23 samples of 1.80 mm and 2.10 mm 63 samples. After removal of samples, there was a mechanical test inlay, then characterizing the earing in them. The results earing to the thicknesses of 1.80 and 2.10 mm were analyzed and compared statistically to give 7.1% and 7.4% on average, respectively, correlated with the hot rolling process variables, showing that they are statistically equal and that the process variables do not affect the end result desired, ranging from 7.0 to 7,5%


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Background: Energy from liquids is one of the most important factors that could impact on the high prevalence of children and adolescents obesity around the world. There are few data on the liquid consumption in Brazil. The aim of this study is to evaluate the volume and quality of liquids consumed by Brazilian children and adolescents and to determine the proportion of their daily energy intake composed of liquids. Methods: A multicenter study was conducted in five Brazilian cities; the study included 831 participants between 3 and 17 years of age. A four-day dietary record specific to fluids was completed for each individual, and the volume of and Kcal from liquid intake were evaluated. The average number of Kcal in each beverage was determined based on label information, and the daily energy intake data from liquids were compared with the recommendations of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Agencia Nacional de Vigilancia Sanitaria-ANVISA), the Brazilian food regulation authority, according to each subject's age. Results: As the children aged, the volume of carbonated beverages that they consumed increased significantly, and their milk intake decreased significantly. For children between the ages of 3 and 10, milk and dairy products contributed the greatest daily number of Kcal from liquids. Sugar sweetened beverages which included carbonated beverages, nectars and artificial beverages, accounted for 37% and 45% of the total Kcal from liquid intake in the 3-to 6-year-old and 7- to 10-year-old groups, respectively. Among adolescents (participants 11- to 17-years old), most of the energy intake from liquids came from carbonated beverages, which accounted for an average of 207 kcal/day in this group (42% of their total energy intake from liquids). Health professionals should be attentive to the excessive consumption of sugar sweetened beverages in children and adolescents. The movement toward healthier dietary patterns at the individual and population levels may help to improve programs for preventing overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. Conclusion: From childhood to adolescence the daily volume of liquid ingested increased reaching a total of 2.0 liters on average. Of this volume, the daily volume of milk ingested decreased while the carbonated drinks, sweetened, nectars and artificial beverages increased significantly. The proportion of water remained constant in about 1/3 of the total volume. From 3 to 17 years of age the energy intake from carbonated beverages increased by about 20%. The carbonated drinks on average corresponded to a tenth of the daily requirements of energy of adolescents.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a relação entre alimentos de origem animal e câncer de boca e orofaringe. MÉTODOS: Estudo caso-controle, de base hospitalar, pareado por sexo e idade (± 5 anos) com a coleta de dados realizada entre julho de 2006 e junho de 2008. A amostra foi composta por 296 pacientes com câncer de boca e orofaringe e 296 pacientes sem histórico de câncer atendidos em quatro hospitais da cidade de São Paulo (SP), Brasil. Foi aplicado um questionário semiestruturado, para a coleta de dados relativos à condição socioeconômica e aos hábitos deletérios (tabaco e bebidas alcoólicas). Para avaliação do consumo alimentar, utilizou-se um questionário de frequência alimentar qualitativo. A análise se deu por meio de modelos de regressão logística multivariada, que consideraram a hierarquia existente entre as características estudadas. RESULTADOS: Entre os alimentos de origem animal, o consumo frequente de carne bovina (OR = 2,73; IC95% = 1,27-5,87; P < 0,001), bacon (OR = 2,48; IC95% = 1,30-4,74; P < 0,001) e ovos (OR = 3,04; IC95% = 1,51-6,15; P < 0,001) estava relacionado ao aumento no risco de câncer de boca e orofaringe, tanto na análise univariada quanto na multivariada. Entre os laticínios, o leite apresentou efeito protetor contra a doença (OR = 0,41; IC95% = 0,21-0,82; P < 0,001). CONCLUSÕES: O presente estudo sustenta a hipótese de que alimentos de origem animal podem estar relacionados à etiologia do câncer de boca e orofaringe. Essa informação pode orientar políticas preventivas contra a doença, gerando benefícios para a saúde pública.


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Background: Prolonged preoperative fasting increases insulin resistance (IR). The authors investigated whether an abbreviated preoperative fast with glutamine (GLN) plus a carbohydrate (CHO)-based beverage would improve the organic response after surgery. Methods: Forty-eight female patients (19-62 years) were randomized to either standard fasting (control group) or to fasting with 1 of 3 different beverages before video-cholecystectomy. Beverages were consumed 8 hours (400 mL; placebo group: water; GLN group: water with 50 g maltodextrine plus 40 g GLN; and CHO group: water with 50 g maltodextrine) and 2 hours (200 mL; placebo: water; GLN: water with 25 g maltodextrine plus 10 g GLN; and CHO: water with 25 g maltodextrine) before anesthesia. Blood samples were collected pre- and postoperatively. Results: The mean (SEM) postoperative homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance was greater (P < .05) in control patients (4.3 [1.3]) than in the other groups (placebo, 1.6 [0.3]; CHO, 2.3 [0.4]; and GLN, 1.5 [0.1]). Glutathione was significantly higher (P < .01) in the GLN group than in both CHO and control groups. Interleukin-6 increased in all groups except the GLN group. The C-reactive protein/albumin ratio was higher (P < .05) in controls than in CHO and GLN groups. The nitrogen balance was less negative in GLN (-2.5 [0.8] gN) than in both placebo (-9.0 [2] gN; P = .001) and control (-6.6 [0.4] gN; P = .04) groups. Conclusions Preoperative intake of a GLN-enriched CHO beverage appears to improve IR and antioxidant defenses and decreases the inflammatory response after video-cholecystectomy. (JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2012; 36: 43-52)


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Objective To assess several baseline risk factors that may predict patellofemoral and tibiofemoral cartilage loss during a 6-month period. Methods For 177 subjects with chronic knee pain, 3T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of both knees was performed at baseline and followup. Knees were semiquantitatively assessed, evaluating cartilage morphology, subchondral bone marrow lesions, meniscal morphology/extrusion, synovitis, and effusion. Age, sex, and body mass index (BMI), bone marrow lesions, meniscal damage/extrusion, synovitis, effusion, and prevalent cartilage damage in the same subregion were evaluated as possible risk factors for cartilage loss. Logistic regression models were applied to predict cartilage loss. Models were adjusted for age, sex, treatment, and BMI. Results Seventy-nine subregions (1.6%) showed incident or worsening cartilage damage at followup. None of the demographic risk factors was predictive of future cartilage loss. Predictors of patellofemoral cartilage loss were effusion, with an adjusted odds ratio (OR) of 3.5 (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 1.39.4), and prevalent cartilage damage in the same subregion with an adjusted OR of 4.3 (95% CI 1.314.1). Risk factors for tibiofemoral cartilage loss were baseline meniscal extrusion (adjusted OR 3.6 [95% CI 1.310.1]), prevalent bone marrow lesions (adjusted OR 4.7 [95% CI 1.119.5]), and prevalent cartilage damage (adjusted OR 15.3 [95% CI 4.947.4]). Conclusion Cartilage loss over 6 months is rare, but may be detected semiquantitatively by 3T MRI and is most commonly observed in knees with Kellgren/Lawrence grade 3. Predictors of patellofemoral cartilage loss were effusion and prevalent cartilage damage in the same subregion. Predictors of tibiofemoral cartilage loss were prevalent cartilage damage, bone marrow lesions, and meniscal extrusion.