967 resultados para Belgians in Germany.


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Purpose – The authors sought to explain why and how protean career attitude might influence self‐initiated expatriates' (SIEs) experiences positively. A mediation model of cultural adjustment was proposed and empirically evaluated. Design/methodology/approach – Data from 132 SIEs in Germany containing measures of protean career attitude, cultural adjustment, career satisfaction, life satisfaction, and intention to stay in the host country were analysed using path analysis with a bootstrap method. Findings – Empirical results provide support for the authors' proposed model: the positive relations between protean career attitude and the three expatriation outcomes (career satisfaction, life satisfaction and intention to stay in the host country) were mediated by positive cross‐cultural adjustment of SIEs. Research limitations/implications – All data were cross‐sectional from a single source. The sample size was small and included a large portion of Chinese participants. The study should be replicated with samples in other destination countries, and longitudinal research is suggested. Practical implications – By fostering both a protean career attitude in skilled SIE employees and their cultural adjustment, corporations and receiving countries could be able to retain this international workforce better in times of talent shortage. Originality/value – This study contributes to the scarce research on the conceptual relatedness of protean career attitude and SIEs, as well as to acknowledging the cultural diversity of the SIE population.


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This study examined the relation between ethnically based rejection sensitivity and academic achievement in a sample of 936 immigrant students in Germany and Switzerland. The theory of race-based rejection sensitivity that originated in North America was extended to immigrant students in Europe. The rough political climate against immigrants in Europe makes it probable that immigrant youth face particular difficulties and are affected by ethnically based rejection sensitivity, at least as much as—or even more than—minority youth in the United States. Using a standardized literacy performance test and multilevel analyses, we found that ethnically based rejection sensitivity was negatively related to academic achievement for immigrant students. This relation was partially mediated by a strong contingency of the students' self-worth on the heritage culture, as well as by a low number of native German or Swiss majority-group friends. We interpret these processes as immigrant students' efforts to cope with ethnically based rejection sensitivity by retracting into their heritage culture and avoiding majority-group contact, which unfortunately, however, at the same time also results in lower academic achievement. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Empirical research on discriminatory attitudes and behaviour grapples with the social undesirability of its object. In many studies using regular survey methods, estimates are biased, and the social context of discrimination is not taken into account. Several methods have been developed, especially to deal with the first problem. In this regard, the estimation of the ‘true value’ of discriminatory attitudes is at the centre of interest. However, methodological contributions focusing on the social context of attitude communication and discriminatory behaviour, as well as the correlation between both, are rare. We present two experimental methods which address those issues: factorial surveys and stated choice experiments. In a first study, the usefulness of factorial surveys is demonstrated with data on German anti-Semitism (N=279). We show that the rate of approval with anti-Semitic statements increases if (a) respondents are told that the majority of fellows agree with such statements, (b) the term “Jews” is replaced by the term “Israelis”, and (c) reference to the Holocaust is made. Apart from the main effects of these experimental factors, significant interaction effects regarding the political attitudes and social status of respondents are observed. In a second study, a stated choice experiment on the purchase of olive oil and tomatoes was conducted in Germany (N=440). We find that respondents prefer Italian and Dutch products (control treatment) compared to Israeli and Palestinian ones (discrimination treatments). There are no significant differences between preferences for a so called ‘Peace product’ (which is produced jointly by Israelis and Palestinians) and products from Italy as well as the Netherlands. Yet, taking discriminatory attitudes (anti-Semitic and anti-Arabic attitudes) into account, a strong correlation between those attitudes and stated behaviour (purchase of Israeli, Palestinian and jointly produced products) can be found. This adds support to the hypothesis that discriminatory attitudes hold behavioural consequences.


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INTRODUCTION Even though arthroplasty of the ankle joint is considered to be an established procedure, only about 1,300 endoprostheses are implanted in Germany annually. Arthrodeses of the ankle joint are performed almost three times more often. This may be due to the availability of the procedure - more than twice as many providers perform arthrodesis - as well as the postulated high frequency of revision procedures of arthroplasties in the literature. In those publications, however, there is often no clear differentiation between revision surgery with exchange of components, subsequent interventions due to complications and subsequent surgery not associated with complications. The German Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Association's (D. A. F.) registry for total ankle replacement collects data pertaining to perioperative complications as well as cause, nature and extent of the subsequent interventions, and postoperative patient satisfaction. MATERIAL AND METHODS The D. A. F.'s total ankle replacement register is a nation-wide, voluntary registry. After giving written informed consent, the patients can be added to the database by participating providers. Data are collected during hospital stay for surgical treatment, during routine follow-up inspections and in the context of revision surgery. The information can be submitted in paper-based or online formats. The survey instruments are available as minimum data sets or scientific questionnaires which include patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). The pseudonymous clinical data are collected and evaluated at the Institute for Evaluative Research in Medicine, University of Bern/Switzerland (IEFM). The patient-related data remain on the register's module server in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany. The registry's methodology as well as the results of the revisions and patient satisfaction for 115 patients with a two year follow-up period are presented. Statistical analyses are performed with SAS™ (Version 9.4, SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC, USA). RESULTS About 2½ years after the register was launched there are 621 datasets on primary implantations, 1,427 on follow-ups and 121 records on re-operation available. 49 % of the patients received their implants due to post-traumatic osteoarthritis, 27 % because of a primary osteoarthritis and 15 % of patients suffered from a rheumatic disease. More than 90 % of the primary interventions proceeded without complications. Subsequent interventions were recorded for 84 patients, which corresponds to a rate of 13.5 % with respect to the primary implantations. It should be noted that these secondary procedures also include two-stage procedures not due to a complication. "True revisions" are interventions with exchange of components due to mechanical complications and/or infection and were present in 7.6 % of patients. 415 of the patients commented on their satisfaction with the operative result during the last follow-up: 89.9 % of patients evaluate their outcome as excellent or good, 9.4 % as moderate and only 0.7 % (3 patients) as poor. In these three cases a component loosening or symptomatic USG osteoarthritis was present. Two-year follow-up data using the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society Ankle and Hindfoot Scale (AOFAS-AHS) are already available for 115 patients. The median AOFAS-AHS score increased from 33 points preoperatively to more than 80 points three to six months postoperatively. This increase remained nearly constant over the entire two-year follow-up period. CONCLUSION Covering less than 10 % of the approximately 240 providers in Germany and approximately 12 % of the annually implanted total ankle-replacements, the D. A. F.-register is still far from being seen as a national registry. Nevertheless, geographical coverage and inclusion of "high-" (more than 100 total ankle replacements a year) and "low-volume surgeons" (less than 5 total ankle replacements a year) make the register representative for Germany. The registry data show that the number of subsequent interventions and in particular the "true revision" procedures are markedly lower than the 20 % often postulated in the literature. In addition, a high level of patient satisfaction over the short and medium term is recorded. From the perspective of the authors, these results indicate that total ankle arthroplasty - given a correct indication and appropriate selection of patients - is not inferior to an ankle arthrodesis concerning patients' satisfaction and function. First valid survival rates can be expected about 10 years after the register's start.


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This document describes the guideline for peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) published by the German Society of Nuclear Medicine (DGN) and accepted by the Association of the Scientific Medical Societies in Germany (AWMF) to be included in the official AWMF Guideline Registry. These recommendations are a prerequisite for the quality management in the treatment of patients with somatostatin receptor expressing tumours using PRRT. They are aimed at guiding nuclear medicine specialists in selecting likely candidates to receive PRRT and to deliver the treatment in a safe and effective manner. The recommendations are based on an interdisciplinary consensus. The document contains background information and definitions and covers the rationale, indications and contraindications for PRRT. Essential topics are the requirements for institutions performing the therapy, e. g. presence of an expert for medical physics, intense cooperation with all colleagues involved in the treatment of a patient, and a certificate of instruction in radiochemical labelling and quality control are required. Furthermore, it is specified which patient data have to be available prior to performance of therapy and how treatment has to be carried out technically. Here, quality control and documentation of labelling are of great importance. After treatment, clinical quality control is mandatory (work-up of therapy data and follow-up of patients). Essential elements of follow-up are specified in detail. The complete treatment inclusive after-care has to be realised in close cooperation with the involved medical disciplines. Generally, the decision for PRRT should be undertaken within the framework of a multi-disciplinary tumour board.


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In Untersuchungen zum Umweltbewusstsein und Umweltverhalten werden die zentralen Variablen in der Regel auf der Basis von Selbstauskünften und mittels Itembatterien erhoben. Fraglich ist dabei, ob die Items zur Messung ökologischen Handelns mehr als nur \"symbolisches Verhalten\" erfassen. Bodenstein, Spiller und Elbers (1997) haben kürzlich einen Index vorgeschlagen, der sich am tatsächlichen Energie- und Materialverbrauch eines Haushalts orientiert. Wir vergleichen dieses Konzept mit anderen Skalen und untersuchen empirisch anhand der Daten des Surveys \"Umweltbewusstsein in Deutschland 1998\", in welchem Ausmaß die Ergebnisse von Regressionsmodellen des Umwelthandelns von den jeweils zugrunde gelegten Skalen abhängen. Es zeigt sich, dass gerade bezüglich der zentralen Determinanten \"Umweltbewusstsein\" und \"Einkommen\" beträchtliche Unterschiede bestehen.


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Auch in Deutschland versuchen immer mehr Touristiker vom Pilgerboom zu profitieren. Die neuen Wege werden oft nur wenig genutzt. Wer versteht, was Pilgern ausmacht, kann auch erfolgreich agieren. Auf Basis eines empirischen Forschungsprojektes entfaltet der Beitrag das Spezifikum des Pilgerns als einen bestimmten Erfahrungsmodus: Pilger erfahren sich selbst eingebunden in den Zusammenhang des Seins, einen sie tragenden Grund. Es geht um ein Unverfügbares, dem sie sich überlassen, weil es Gewissheit stiftet. Dies setzt dem touristischen Inszenieren enge Grenzen. Werden diese beachtet, entstehen nachhaltige und erfahrungswirksame Pilgerwege. Schlagworte: Pilgern, Erfahrung, Körper, Natur


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Epixylic bryophytes are important components of forest vegetation but are currently endangered by increment of wood harvest and intensive forest management. In this paper we present a study about the relationship between forest management, deadwood abundance, deadwood attributes and species richness of epixylic bryophytes on 30 plots comprising three forest types (managed coniferous, managed deciduous and unmanaged deciduous forests) in three regions in Germany. Additionally we analyzed the relations between deadwood attributes (wood species, decay, deadwood type, size) and bryophytes on deadwood items (n = 799) and calculated species interaction networks of wood species and bryophytes. Overall, species richness of epixylic bryophytes was positively related to deadwood abundance and diversity. The mean deadwood abundance was lowest in unmanaged forests (9.7 m3 ha-1) compared with 15.0 m3 ha-1 in managed deciduous and 25.1 m3 ha-1 in managed coniferous forests. Accordingly, epixylic bryophyte species richness per plot increased from 7 species per 400 m 2 in unmanaged, 10 in managed deciduous and 16 in managed coniferous forests. The interaction network provided evidence of importance of tree-species diversity for bryophyte diversity and the relevance of particular wood species for rare bryophytes.

Generally, the results demonstrate a considerable lack of deadwood in all forest types, even in unmanaged forests. Species richness of epixylic bryophytes was strongly limited by available substrates within the observed deadwood abundance ranging up to only 60 m3 ha-1. Altogether, this suggests a high demand to increase both abundance and diversity of deadwood in forests.


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Pesticides are used to protect plants all over the world. Their increasing specificity has been due to utilization of differences in biochemical processes, and has been accompanied by lower human toxicity. Nevertheless cases of poisoning are still observed. While certain toxic substances are provided with characteristic dyes or pigments to facilitate easy identification, no overview of pesticide colors exists. The lack of available product information prompted us to explore the colors and dyes of pesticides registered in Germany, most of which are commercially available worldwide. A compilation of the colors and odors of 207 pesticide products is presented. While some of the substances can be identified by their physical characteristics, in other cases, the range of possibilities can be narrowed by their nature and color.


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Energy consumption in industrialized countries by far exceeds a sustainable level. Previous research on determinants of overall consumption levels has yielded contradictory results as to what the main drivers are. While research on the relationship of environmental concerns and pro-environmental behavior emphasizes the importance of motivational aspects, more impact-oriented research challenges these findings and underlines the impacts of a person’s social standing. The aim of our research was to determine which amount of per-capita energy consumption can be explained by structural, socio-demographic, and pro-environmentally motivational variables. Data come from standardized interviews with a representative sample (N=1014) in Germany. Different indicators of per-capita use were collected and will provide the basis for calculating the overall consumption level. In addition, person variables, lifestyle milieus, self-reported energy use, and motivational variables were assessed. First regression analyses show various patterns of determinants for different indicators of overall energy use. While variance in self-reported use is mainly explained by environmental concern, more impact-oriented indicators, such as the size of personal living space and distances of vacation trips, predominantly correlate with status-relevant predictors. These preliminary results support the suspicion that although environmentally aware people intend to reduce their energy use, they rarely go beyond low-impact actions.


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In this study the relationship of religiosity and value priorities is differentiated, based on a multidimensional measurement of different contents of religiosity. The structure of values is conceptualized using Schwartz’ (1992) two orthogonal dimensions of Self-transcendence vs. Self-enhancement and Openness to change vs. Conservation. The relations between these two dimensions and eight religious contents, ranging from open-minded to more close-minded forms of religiosity, were tested in a sample of church attenders (N = 685), gathered in Germany. The results show, that depending on the content of religiosity, different values are preferred (self-direction, universalism, benevolence, tradition and security values). The results indicate the importance of the content of religiosity for predicting value-loaded behaviors.


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INTRODUCTION Every joint registry aims to improve patient care by identifying implants that have an inferior performance. For this reason, each registry records the implant name that has been used in the individual patient. In most registries, a paper-based approach has been utilized for this purpose. However, in addition to being time-consuming, this approach does not account for the fact that failure patterns are not necessarily implant specific but can be associated with design features that are used in a number of implants. Therefore, we aimed to develop and evaluate an implant product library that allows both time saving barcode scanning on site in the hospital for the registration of the implant components and a detailed description of implant specifications. MATERIALS AND METHODS A task force consisting of representatives of the German Arthroplasty Registry, industry, and computer specialists agreed on a solution that allows barcode scanning of implant components and that also uses a detailed standardized classification describing arthroplasty components. The manufacturers classified all their components that are sold in Germany according to this classification. The implant database was analyzed regarding the completeness of components by algorithms and real-time data. RESULTS The implant library could be set up successfully. At this point, the implant database includes more than 38,000 items, of which all were classified by the manufacturers according to the predefined scheme. Using patient data from the German Arthroplasty Registry, several errors in the database were detected, all of which were corrected by the respective implant manufacturers. CONCLUSIONS The implant library that was developed for the German Arthroplasty Registry allows not only on-site barcode scanning for the registration of the implant components but also its classification tree allows a sophisticated analysis regarding implant characteristics, regardless of brand or manufacturer. The database is maintained by the implant manufacturers, thereby allowing registries to focus their resources on other areas of research. The database might represent a possible global model, which might encourage harmonization between joint replacement registries enabling comparisons between joint replacement registries.


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In der feministischen Linguistik wird angenommen, daß maskuline Bezeichnungen, die generisch benutzt werden (Bezeichnungen von Personen beiderlei Geschlechts durch die maskuline Form, wie z.B. die Wissenschaftler, die Studenten), weibliche Personen weniger vorstellbar oder sichtbar machen als männliche Personen. Verschiedene experimentelle Untersuchungen konnten diese Annahme für den englischen Sprachraum bestätigen. Für die deutsche Sprache existieren dagegen bislang sehr wenige Studien zu dieser Frage. Es werden vier Experimente vorgestellt, die untersuchen, ob unterschiedliche Sprachversionen - ,Beidnennung‘ (Studentinnen und Studenten), ,Neutral‘ (Studierende), ,Generisches Maskulinum‘ (Studenten) und “Großes I“ (StudentInnen) - den gedanklichen Einbezug von Frauen beeinflussen. Über alle Experimente hinweg zeigte sich, daß bei Personenreferenzen im generischen Maskulinum ein geringerer gedanklicher Einbezug von Frauen zu beobachten war als bei alternativen Sprachformen wie der Beidnennung oder dem “Großen I“ (z.B. seltenere Nennungen von beliebten weiblichen Persönlichkeiten oder von politischen Kandidatinnen für das Amt des Bundeskanzlers/der Bundeskanzlerin der BRD).


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The phenomenon of sexually harassing telephone calls in the workplace has been studied only marginally. In the present study 106 employees working in call centres in Germany answered a questionnaire regarding their experiences of sexual harassment over the telephone. The following data are presented: description of the phenomenon, i.e. prevalence and characteristics, stress reactions of the victims, behavioural reactions and coping strategies, consequences and anticipated consequences; prediction of the stress reactions by characteristics of the situation; and employees' recommendations for coping with sexually harassing calls. It was found that the female employees were more often sexually harassed over the telephone at work than their male colleagues. Three out of four female employees had experienced sexually harassing telephone calls; in the majority of cases the harassers were men. Characteristic patterns of harassment included groaning, sexual insults, silence, and threats of sexual violence. Some 16% of the harassed female employees described these experiences as extremely stressful. If the harassment contained threats of sexual violence and groaning, the perceived physical response was stronger. Being subjected to sexual harassment over the telephone both at home and at work was a more severe stress than having the experience only in the workplace. In conclusion, employees' recommendations for coping with the occurrence of sexually harassing calls are described.


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Sexuelle Belästigung am Telefon ist ein in der bisherigen sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung vernachlässigtes Alltagsphänomen. Die vorliegende Studie zur Analyse dieses Phänomens wurde repräsentativ für Deutschland durchgeführt. In der ersten Phase der Studie wurde eine Ausgangsstich-probe von mehr als 3000 Personen mündlich mittels eines Fragebogens zu unerwünschten Ereignissen am Telefon im vorangegangenen Jahr befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, welche verschiedenen Formen von Belästigung in welchem Umfang vorkommen (Stöhnanrufe, sexuelle Beleidigungen etc.). Dabei wurden die Häufigkeit sowie das Ausmaß der durch die sexuelle Belästigung hervorgerufenen Belastung analysiert. In der zweiten Phase wurde den Personen, die im vorangegangenen Jahr oder jemals in ihrem Leben ein Ereignis am Telefon als sexuell belästigend erlebt hatten, ein ausführlicher Fragebogen zu der von ihnen erlebten Belästigung zur schriftlichen Beantwortung vorgegeben. Schwerpunkt war dabei die Analyse des Verarbeitungsprozesses. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, welches (verbreitete) unmittelbare emotionale und kognitive Reaktionen auf sexuelle Belästigung am Telefon sind (Angst, Ärger etc.) und welche Copingstrategien angewandt werden (Vermeidung, positive Selbstinstruktion, Informationssuche, Suche nach sozialer Unterstützung etc.). Dabei wurde untersucht, inwieweit attributions-, kontroll- und streßtheoretische Ansätze Vorhersagen für die Bewältigung dieser Erfahrung ermöglichen.