991 resultados para BRST Symmetry


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Synthesis, crystal structures, linear and nonlinear optical properties of tris D-pi-A cryptand derivatives with C-3 symmetry are reported. Three fold symmetry inherent in the cryptand molecules has been utilized for designing these molecules. Molecular nonlinearities have been measured by hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS) experiments. Among the compounds studied, L-1 adopts non-centrosymmetric crystal structure. Compounds L-1, L-2, L-3 and L-4 show a measurable SHG powder signal. These molecules are more isotropic and have significantly higher melting points than the classical p-nitroaniline based dipolar NLO compounds, making them useful for further device applications. Besides, different acceptor groups can be attached to the cryptand molecules to modulate their NLO properties.


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We explore the salient features of the `Kitaev ladder', a two-legged ladder version of the spin-1/2 Kitaev model on a honeycomb lattice, by mapping it to a one-dimensional fermionic p-wave superconducting system. We examine the connections between spin phases and topologically non-trivial phases of non-interacting fermionic systems, demonstrating the equivalence between the spontaneous breaking of global Z(2) symmetry in spin systems and the existence of isolated Majorana modes. In the Kitaev ladder, we investigate topological properties of the system in different sectors characterized by the presence or absence of a vortex in each plaquette of the ladder. We show that vortex patterns can yield a rich parameter space for tuning into topologically non-trivial phases. We introduce and employ a new topological invariant for explicitly determining the presence of zero energy Majorana modes at the boundaries of such phases. Finally, we discuss dynamic quenching between topologically non-trivial phases in the Kitaev ladder and, in particular, the post-quench dynamics governed by tuning through a quantum critical point.


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We have carried out symmetrized density-matrix renormalization-group calculations to study the nature of excited states of long polyacene oligomers within a Pariser-Parr-Pople Hamiltonian. We have used the C-2 symmetry, the electron-hole symmetry, and the spin parity of the system in our calculations. We find that there is a crossover in the lowest dipole forbidden two-photon state and the lowest dipole allowed excited state with size of the oligomer. In the long system limit, the two-photon state lies below the lowest dipole allowed excited state. The triplet state lies well below the two-photon state and energetically does not correspond to its description as being made up of two triplets. These results are in agreement with the general trends in linear conjugated polymers. However, unlike in linear polyenes wherein the two-photon state is a localized excitation, we find that in polyacenes, the two-photon excitation is spread out over the system. We have doped the systems with a hole and an electron and have calculated the charge excitation gap. Using the charge gap and the optical gap, we estimate the binding energy of the 1(1)B(-) exciton to be 2.09 eV. We have also studied doubly doped polyacenes and find that the bipolaron in these systems, to be composed of two separated polarons, as indicated by the calculated charge-density profile and charge-charge correlation function. We have studied bond orders in various states in order to get an idea of the excited state geometry of the system. We find that the ground state, the triplet state, the dipole allowed state, and the polaron excitations correspond to lengthening of the rung bonds in the interior of the oligomer while the two-photon excitation corresponds to the rung bond lengths having two maxima in the system.


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Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) are fascinating systems exhibiting many novel physical properties. In this paper, we give a brief review of the structural, electronic, vibrational, and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes. In situ resonance Raman scattering of SWNTs investigated under electrochemical biasing demonstrates that the intensity of the radial breathing mode varies significantly in a nonmonotonic manner as a function of the cathodic bias voltage, but does not change appreciably under anodic bias. These results can be quantitatively understood in terms of the changes in the energy gaps between the 1 D van Hove singularities in the electron density of states, arising possibly due to the alterations in the overlap integral of pi bonds between the p-orbitals of the adjacent carbon atoms. In the second part of this paper, we review our high-pressure X-ray diffraction results, which show that the triangular lattice of the carbon nanotube bundles continues to persist up to similar to10 GPa. The lattice is seen to relax just before the phase transformation, which is observed at similar to10 GPa. Further, our results display the reversibility of the 2D lattice symmetry even after compression up to 13 GPa well beyond the 5 GPa value observed recently. These experimental results explicitly validate the predicted remarkable mechanical resilience of the nanotubes.


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The phase diagram of a hard-sphere fluid in the presence of a random pinning potential is studied analytically and numerically. In the analytic work, replicas are introduced for averaging over the quenched disorder, and the hypernetted chain approximation is used to calculate density correlations in the replicated liquid. The freezing transition of the liquid into a nearly crystalline state is studied using a density-functional approach, and the liquid to glass transition is studied using a phenomenological replica symmetry breaking approach. In the numerical work, local minima of a discretized version of the Ramakrishnan-Yussouff free-energy functional are located and the phase diagram in the density-disorder plane is obtained from an analysis of the relative stability of these minima. Both approaches lead to similar results for the phase diagram. The first-order liquid to crystalline solid transition is found to change to a continuous liquid to glass transition as the strength of the disorder is increased above a threshold value.


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Glycine Phosphite [NH3CH2COOH3PO3], abbreviated as GPI, undergoes a para-ferroelectric phase transition from the monoclinic symmetry P2(1)/a to P2(1) at 224.7 K. We report here a systematic study of the polarization switching process in this crystal. Growth of these crystals from aqueous solution has been undertaken employing both solvent evaporation and slow cooling methods. Hysteresis loop measurements along the polar b-axis yielded a spontaneous polarization value of 0.5 muC/cm(2) and a coercive field of 2.5 kV/cm. Conventional Merz technique was employed for polarization switching studies, wherein bipolar square pulses were applied to the sample to induce domain reversal. The transient switching pulse that flows through the sample on application of the field was recorded. The maximum switching time required for domain switching was measured both as a function of electric field and temperature. The experimentally observed switching curves were fitted with the model based on the Pulvari-Kuebler theory of nucleation and growth of domains. From the experimental data, the values of mobility and activation field were obtained. It was observed that switching process in this crystal is predominantly governed by the forward growth of domain walls in the high field region. However, switching process in GPI crystal was found to be slower than that found in other glycine based ferroelectric crystals.


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The paper is devoted to the connection between integrability of a finite quantum system and degeneracies of its energy levels. In particular, we analyse in detail the energy spectra of finite Hubbard chains. Heilmann and Lieb demonstrated that in these systems there are crossings of levels of the same parameter-independent symmetry. We show that this apparent violation of the Wigner-von Neumann noncrossing rule follows directly from the existence of nontrivial conservation laws and is a characteristic signature of quantum integrability. The energy spectra of Hubbard chains display many instances of permanent (at all values of the coupling) twofold degeneracies that cannot be explained by parameter-independent symmetries. We relate these degeneracies to the different transformation properties of the conserved currents under spatial reflections and the particle-hole transformation and estimate the fraction of doubly degenerate states. We also discuss multiply degenerate eigenstates of the Hubbard Hamiltonian. The wavefunctions of many of these states do not depend on the coupling, which suggests the existence of an additional parameter-independent symmetry.


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Rv2118c belongs to the class of conserved hypothetical proteins from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv. The crystal structure of Rv2118c in complex with S-adenosyl-Image -methionine (AdoMet) has been determined at 1.98 Å resolution. The crystallographic asymmetric unit consists of a monomer, but symmetry-related subunits interact extensively, leading to a tetrameric structure. The structure of the monomer can be divided functionally into two domains: the larger catalytic C-terminal domain that binds the cofactor AdoMet and is involved in the transfer of methyl group from AdoMet to the substrate and a smaller N-terminal domain. The structure of the catalytic domain is very similar to that of other AdoMet-dependent methyltransferases. The N-terminal domain is primarily a β-structure with a fold not found in other methyltransferases of known structure. Database searches reveal a conserved family of Rv2118c-like proteins from various organisms. Multiple sequence alignments show several regions of high sequence similarity (motifs) in this family of proteins. Structure analysis and homology to yeast Gcd14p suggest that Rv2118c could be an RNA methyltransferase, but further studies are required to establish its functional role conclusively.


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The structure of ordered phases that are formed when nitrogen is confined in slit graphite pores of height h is investigated using Monte Carlo simulations. The pore wall consists of a single-structured graphite sheet. Canonical ensemble simulations are carried out for temperatures ranging from 15 to 70Kwith layer density distributions, in-plane, out-of-plane angular distributions and snapshots evaluated at different temperatures. At each pore height the pore densities are obtained from independent grand ensemble simulations. At the smallest pore height studied (h)7 Å), where a single layer of molecules is accommodated at the center of the pore, the orientations are predominantly wall parallel, forming a biaxially incommensurate herringbone structure.Whentwo or more fluid layers are formed in the slit pore, the orientation of molecules adsorbed next to the wall can exist in either the herringbone or hexagonal phases. In all the multilayered cases studied, with the exception of the h ) 10 Å pore, where both wall layers form a commensurate herringbone structure, the low-temperature wall structures are incommensurate, possessing 6-fold hexagonal symmetry. The presence of the pinwheel structures, which were observed at low temperatures in the h ) 12 Å and h ) 14 Å pores, is determined by the pore height or the proximity and/or density of the adjacent fluid layers when inner layers are present.


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The structure of a type I langbeinite, Rb2Cd2(SO4)(3), displays three different phases, cubic with a = 10.378(5) Angstrom (space group P2(1)3) at room temperature, monoclinic at 120 K with a = 10.328(3), b = 10.322(3), c = 10.325(3) Angstrom, beta = 89.975(1)degrees (space group P2(1)), and orthorhombic at 85 K with a = 10.319(2), b = 10.321(2), c = 10.320(2) Angstrom (space group P2(1)2(1)2(1)), respectively. Precise single-crystal analyses of these phases indicate that Rb2Cd2(SO4)(3) distorts initially from cubic to monoclinic upon cooling followed by a significant reorientation of the SO4 tetrahedra, resulting in an orthorhombic symmetry upon further cooling. The three structures have been established unequivocally using the same crystal. There is no indication of the formation of an intermediate triclinic phase or any lattice disorder as conjectured in several earlier reports on compounds belonging to the type I langbeinite. The bond valence sum analyses of the coordination around the Rb sites indicate asymmetry in the bond strengths which could be the driving force of the ferroelectric behavior in these materials.


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We study odd-membered chains of spin-1/2 impurities, with each end connected to its own metallic lead. For antiferromagnetic exchange coupling, universal two-channel Kondo (2CK) physics is shown to arise at low energies. Two overscreening mechanisms are found to occur depending on coupling strength, with distinct signatures in physical properties. For strong interimpurity coupling, a residual chain spin-1/2 moment experiences a renormalized effective coupling to the leads, while in the weak-coupling regime, Kondo coupling is mediated via incipient single-channel Kondo singlet formation. We also investigate models in which the leads are tunnel-coupled to the impurity chain, permitting variable dot filling under applied gate voltages. Effective low-energy models for each regime of filling are derived, and for even fillings where the chain ground state is a spin singlet, an orbital 2CK effect is found to be operative. Provided mirror symmetry is preserved, 2CK physics is shown to be wholly robust to variable dot filling; in particular, the single-particle spectrum at the Fermi level, and hence the low-temperature zero-bias conductance, is always pinned to half-unitarity. We derive a Friedel-Luttinger sum rule and from it show that, in contrast to a Fermi liquid, the Luttinger integral is nonzero and determined solely by the ``excess'' dot charge as controlled by gate voltage. The relevance of the work to real quantum dot devices, where interlead charge-transfer processes fatal to 2CK physics are present, is also discussed. Physical arguments and numerical renormalization-group techniques are used to obtain a detailed understanding of these problems.


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We investigate the ground state of interacting spin-1/2 fermions in three dimensions at a finite density (rho similar to k(F)(3)) in the presence of a uniform non-Abelian gauge field. The gauge-field configuration (GFC) described by a vector lambda equivalent to (lambda(x),lambda(y),lambda(z)), whose magnitude lambda determines the gauge coupling strength, generates a generalized Rashba spin-orbit interaction. For a weak attractive interaction in the singlet channel described by a small negative scattering length (k(F)vertical bar a(s)vertical bar less than or similar to 1), the ground state in the absence of the gauge field (lambda = 0) is a BCS (Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer) superfluid with large overlapping pairs. With increasing gauge-coupling strength, a non-Abelian gauge field engenders a crossover of this BCS ground state to a BEC (Bose-Einstein condensate) of bosons even with a weak attractive interaction that fails to produce a two-body bound state in free vacuum (lambda = 0). For large gauge couplings (lambda/k(F) >> 1), the BEC attained is a condensate of bosons whose properties are solely determined by the Rashba gauge field (and not by the scattering length so long as it is nonzero)-we call these bosons ``rashbons.'' In the absence of interactions (a(s) = 0(-)), the shape of the Fermi surface of the system undergoes a topological transition at a critical gauge coupling lambda(T). For high-symmetry GFCs we show that the crossover from the BCS superfluid to the rashbon BEC occurs in the regime of lambda near lambda(T). In the context of cold atomic systems, these results make an interesting suggestion of obtaining BCS-BEC crossover through a route other than tuning the interaction between the fermions.


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Thiolases are important in fatty-acid degradation and biosynthetic pathways. Analysis of the genomic sequence of Mycobacterium smegmatis suggests the presence of several putative thiolase genes. One of these genes appears to code for an SCP-x protein. Human SCP-x consists of an N-terminal domain (referred to as SCP2 thiolase) and a C-terminal domain (referred as sterol carrier protein 2). Here, the cloning, expression, purification and crystallization of this putative SCP-x protein from M. smegmatis are reported. The crystals diffracted X-rays to 2.5 angstrom resolution and belonged to the triclinic space group P1. Calculation of rotation functions using X-ray diffraction data suggests that the protein is likely to possess a hexameric oligomerization with 32 symmetry which has not been observed in the other six known classes of this enzyme.


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The title compound, C(14)H(18)F(2)O(2)center dot 0.5H(2)O, a hemihydrate of a C(s)-symmetric unsaturated difluorodiol, crystallizes in the centrosymmetric space group P2/m (Z = 4). The asymmetric unit contains two crystallographically independent difluorodiol half-molecules, occupying the mirror planes at (x, 0, z) and (x, 1/2, z), and half a molecule of water, lying on the twofold axis at (0, y, 0). Four difluorodiol molecules self-assemble around each solvent water molecule via O-H center dot center dot center dot O hydrogen bonds in a near tetrahedral symmetry to generate a cylindrical column-like architecture.


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By using the method of characteristics, the bearing capacity factor N-gamma was computed for a rough strip footing. The analysis was performed by considering a curved nonplastic wedge under the foundation base bounded by curved slip lines being tangential to the base of the footing at its either edge and inclined at an angle pi/4 - phi/2 with the vertical axis of symmetry. The existing theories in the literature for rough footings, which usually employ a triangular wedge below the footing base, were generally found to provide greater values of N-gamma as compared with the results obtained in this contribution.