990 resultados para BIOMASS DECOMPOSITION


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In normal populations of the common grass Holcus lanatus there is a polymorphism for arsenate resistance, manifested as suppressed phosphate uptake (SPU), and controlled by a major gene with dominant expression. A natural population of SPU plants had greater arbuscular-mycorrhizal colonization than wild type, nonSPU plants. It was hypothesized that, in order to survive alongside plants with a normal rate of phosphate (P) uptake, SPU plants would be more dependent on mycorrhizal associations. We performed an experiment using plants with SPU phenotypes from both arsenate mine spoils and uncontaminated soils, as well as plants with a nonSPU phenotype. They were grown with and without a mycorrhizal inoculum and added N, which altered plant P requirements. We showed that grasses with SPU phenotypes accumulated more shoot P than nonSPU plants, the opposite of the expected result. SPY plants also produced considerably more flower panicles, and had greater shoot and root biomass. The persistence of SPU phenotypes in normal populations is not necessarily related to mycorrhizal colonization as there were no differences in percentage AM colonization between the phenotypes. Being mycorrhizal reduced flower biomass production, as mycorrhizal SPU plants had lower shoot P concentrations and produced fewer flower panicles than non-mycorrhizal, nonSPU plants. We now hypothesize that the SPU phenotype is brought about by a genotype that results in increased accumulation of P in shoots, and that suppression of the rate of uptake is a consequence of this high shoot P concentration, operating by means of a homeostatic feedback mechanism. We also postulate that increased flower production is linked to a high shoot P concentration. SPU plants thus allocate more resources into seed production, leading to a higher frequency of SPU genes. Increased reproductive allocation reduces vegetative allocation and may affect competitive ability and hence survival, explaining the maintenance of the polymorphism. As mycorrhizal SPU plants behave more like nonSPU plants, AM colonization itself could play a major part in the maintenance of the SPU polymorphism.


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The influence of liming on rhizosphere microbial biomass C and incorporation of root exudates was studied in the field by in situ pulse labelling of temperate grassland vegetation with (13)CO(2) for a 3-day period. In plots that had been limed (CaCO(3) amended) annually for 3 years, incorporation into shoots and roots was, respectively, greater and lower than in unlimed plots. Analysis of chloroform-labile C demonstrated lower levels of (13)C incorporation into microbial biomass in limed soils compared to unlimed soils. The turnover of the recently assimilated (13)C compounds was faster in microbial biomass from limed than that from unlimed soils, suggesting that liming increases incorporation by microbial communities of root exudates. An exponential decay model of (13)C in total microbial biomass in limed soils indicated that the half-life of the tracer within this carbon pool was 4.7 days. Results are presented and discussed in relation to the absolute values of (13)C fixed and allocated within the plant-soil system.


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The phase instability of bismuth perovskite (BiMO3), where M is a ferromagnetic cation, is exploited to create self-assembled magnetic oxide nanocrystal arrays on oxide supports. Conditions during pulsed laser deposition are tuned so as to induce complete breakdown of the perovskite precursor into bismuth oxide (Bi2 O3 ) and metal oxide (M-Ox ) pockets. Subsequent cooling in vacuum volatizes the Bi2 O3 leaving behind an array of monodisperse nanocrystals. In situ reflective high energy electron diffraction beam is exploited to monitor the synthesis in real-time. Analysis of the patterns confi rms the phase separation and volatization process. Successful synthesis of M-Ox, where M = Mn, Fe, Co, and Cr, is shown using this template-free facile approach. Detailed magnetic characterization of nanocrystals is carried out to reveal the functionalities such as magnetic anisotropy as well as larger than bulk moments, as expected in these oxide nanostructures.


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In the preparation of silica-supported nickel oxide from nickel nitrate impregnation and drying, the replacement of the traditional air calcination step by a thermal treatment in 1% NO/Ar prevents agglomeration, resulting in highly dispersed NiO. The mechanism by which NO prevents agglomeration was investigated by using combined in situ diffuse reflectance infrared fourier transform (DRIFT) spectroscopy and mass spectrometry (MS). After impregnation and drying, a supported nickel hydroxynitrate phase with composition Ni(3)(NO(3))(2)(OH)(4) had been formed. Comparison of the evolution of the decomposition gases during the thermal decomposition of Ni(3)(NO(3))(2)(OH)(4) in labeled and unlabeled NO and O(2) revealed that NO scavenges oxygen radicals, forming NO(2). The DRIFT spectra revealed that the surface speciation evolved differently in the presence of NO as compared with in O(2) or Ar. It is proposed that oxygen scavenging by NO depletes the Ni(3)(NO(3))(2)(OH)(4) phase of nitrate groups, creating nucleation sites for the formation of NiO, which leads to very small (similar to 4 nm) NiO particles and prevents agglomeration.


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XPS, TPD and HREEL results indicate that molecular pyrrole is a fragile adsorbate on clean Pd{111}. At 200 K and for low coverages, the molecule remains intact and adopts an almost flat-lying geometry. With increasing coverage, pyrrole molecules tilt away from the surface and undergo N-H bond cleavage to form strongly tilted pyrrolyl (C4H4N) species. In addition, a weakly bound, strongly tilted form of molecular pyrrole is observed at coverages approaching saturation. Heating pyrrole monolayers results in desorption of similar to 15% of the overlayer as molecular pyrrole and N-a+ C4H4Na recombination with formation of hat-lying pyrrole molecules. This strongly bound species undergoes decomposition to adsorbed CN, CHx and H, leading ultimately to desorption of HCN and H-2. The implications of these results for the production of pyrrole by a heterogeneously catalysed route are discussed.


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Biosignal measurement and processing is increasingly being deployed in ambulatory situations particularly in connected health applications. Such an environment dramatically increases the likelihood of artifacts which can occlude features of interest and reduce the quality of information available in the signal. If multichannel recordings are available for a given signal source, then there are currently a considerable range of methods which can suppress or in some cases remove the distorting effect of such artifacts. There are, however, considerably fewer techniques available if only a single-channel measurement is available and yet single-channel measurements are important where minimal instrumentation complexity is required. This paper describes a novel artifact removal technique for use in such a context. The technique known as ensemble empirical mode decomposition with canonical correlation analysis (EEMD-CCA) is capable of operating on single-channel measurements. The EEMD technique is first used to decompose the single-channel signal into a multidimensional signal. The CCA technique is then employed to isolate the artifact components from the underlying signal using second-order statistics. The new technique is tested against the currently available wavelet denoising and EEMD-ICA techniques using both electroencephalography and functional near-infrared spectroscopy data and is shown to produce significantly improved results. © 1964-2012 IEEE.


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Bulk paleosol samples collected from a Middle to Early Miocene moraine in the New Mountain area of the Dry Valleys, Antarctica, yielded Coleoptera exoskeletons and occasional endoskeletons showing considerable diagenetic effects along with several species of bacteria, all lodged in a dry-frozen but salt-rich horizon at shallow depth to the land surface. The till is at the older end of a chronologic sequence of glacial deposits, thought to have been deposited before the transition from wet-based to cold-based ice (similar to 15 Ma), and hence, entirely weathered in contact with the subaerial atmosphere. It is possible, though not absolutely verifiable, that the skeletons date from this early stage of emplacement having undergone modifications whenever light snowmelt occurred or salt concentrations lowered the freezing temperature to maintain water as liquid. Correlation of the Coleoptera species with cultured bacteria in the sample and the likelihood of co-habitation with Beauveria bassiani found in two adjacent, although younger paleosols, leads to new questions about the antiquity of the Coleoptera and the source of N and glucose from chitinase derived from the insects. The skeletons in the 831 section may date close to the oldest preserved chitin (Oligocene) yet found on Earth. While harsh Martian conditions make it seemingly intolerable for complex, multicellular organisms such as insects to exist in the near-surface and subaerially, life within similar cold, dry paleosol microenvironments (Cryosols) of Antarctica point to life potential for the Red Planet, especially when considering the relatively diverse microbe (bacteria and fungi) population. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hydrogenolysis of bark from three different species of tree using heterogeneous platinum group metal catalysts produces two major product streams. Aromatic substituted guaiacols are produced from lignin and the lignin-like regions of suberin and a range of saturated fatty acids and alcohols, including a,?-functionalised species, are produced from the polyester regions of suberin. Control experiments demonstrate clear advantages of catalytic hydrogenolysis over base hydrolysis, both in terms of conversion and product selectivity.


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The response of arsenate and non-tolerant Holcus lanatus L. phenotypes, where tolerance is achieved through suppression of high affinity phosphate/arsenate root uptake, was investigated under different growth regimes to investigate why there is a polymorphism in tolerance found in populations growing on uncontaminated soil. Tolerant plants screened from an arsenic uncontaminated population differed, when grown on the soil from the populations origin, from non-tolerants, in their biomass allocation under phosphate fertilization: non-tolerants put more resources into tiller production and down regulated investment in root production under phosphate fertilization while tolerants tillered less effectively and did not alter resource allocation to shoot biomass under phosphate fertilization. The two phenotypes also differed in their shoot mineral status having higher concentrations of copper, cadmium, lead and manganese, but phosphorus status differed little, suggesting tight homeostasis. The polymorphism was also widely present (40%) in other wild grass species suggesting an important ecological role for this gene that can be screened through plant root response to arsenate.


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An attempt is made to immobilize the homogeneous metal chloride/EMIMCl catalyst for glucose dehydration to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. To this end, ionic liquid fragments were grafted to the surface of SBA-15 to generate a heterogenized mimick of the homogeneous reaction medium. Despite a decrease in the surface area, the ordered mesoporous structure of SBA-15 was largely retained. Metal chlorides dispersed in such ionic liquid film are able to convert glucose to HMF with much higher yields as is possible in the aqueous phase. The reactivity order CrCl > AlCl > CuCl > FeCl is similar to the order in the ionic liquid solvent, yet the selectivity are lower. The HMF yield of the most promising CrCl-Im-SBA-15 can be improved by using a HO:DMSO mixture as the reaction medium and a 2-butanol/MIBK extraction layer. Different attempts to decrease metal chloride leaching by using different solvents are described. © 2013 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Environ Prog.


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The effect of superficial air velocity on lovastatin production by Aspergillus terreus PL10 using wheat bran and wheat straw was investigated in a 7 l and a 1200 l packed bed reactor. Mass transfer and reaction limitations on bioconversion in the 1200 l reactor was studied based on a central composite design of experiments constructed using the superficial air velocity and solid substrate composition as variables and lovastatin production as response.
The surface response prediction showed a maximum lovastatin production of 1.86 mg g-1 dry substrate on day 5 of the bioconversion process when the reactor was operated using 0.19 vvm airflow rate (23.37 cm min-1 superficial air velocity) and 54% substrate composition (wC). Lovastatin production did not increase significantly with superficial air velocity in the 7 l reactor. Variation in temperature and exit CO2 composition was recorded, and the Damköhler number was calculated for lovastatin production at these two scales. The results showed that in larger reactors mass transfer limitation controlled bioconversion while in smaller reactors bioconversion was controlled by reaction rate limitations. In addition, mass transfer limitations in larger reactors reduced the rate of metabolic heat removal, resulting in hot spots within the substrate bed.


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This work presents a novel algorithm for decomposing NFA automata into one-state-active modules for parallel execution on Multiprocessor Systems on Chip (MP-SoC). Furthermore, performance related studies based on a 16-PE system for Snort, Bro and Linux-L7 regular expressions are presented. ©2009 IEEE.