1000 resultados para Av. Ph. Th. paraceesvs


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Pro gradu -tutkielmassa kuvaillaan kielen erikoispiirteitä ja sävyä neljässä ruotsalaisessa verkkokeskustelussa. Keskustelut on haettu neljältä eri foorumilta: Flashback.org ja Debatthuset.se ovat yleisiä foorumeja, DN.se ja SvD.se ovat päivälehtien mielipidekeskustelusivuja. Keskusteluiden tarkoitus on jakaa mielipiteitä ja argumentoida, millä on vaikutuksensa keskustelun kieleen ja sen sävyyn. Tutkielmani on kvalitatiivinen ja deskriptiivinen tapaustutkimus, joka soveltaa tietokonevälitteisen diskurssianalyysin menetelmiä. Joitakin kvantitatiivisia tietoja käytetään kuitenkin foorumien vertailussa. Aineiston kuvauksessa otetaan huomioon ne tekniset ja tilanteiset tekijät, jotka vaikuttavat keskustelufoorumien kieleen. Analyysin toinen pääpaino on aineistolle tyypillisillä puhekielisillä piirteillä, mutta myös kirjoitettuun kieleen liittyvät piirteet ja tietokonevälitteisen vuorovaikutuksen erikoispiirteet otetaan huomioon. Aineiston puhekieliset piirteet luovat keskusteluun vuorovaikutteisuutta ja epämuodollisuutta. Toinen pääpaino on keskusteluiden sävyllä. Keskusteluille on ominaista ilmaisuvoimainen mielipiteiden ja erimielisyyden ilmaiseminen, kuiva huumori, ironia ja sarkasmi. Viestien sävy on usein epäystävällinen ja jopa aggressiivinen. Tutkimus osoittaa, että aineiston keskustelut ovat ilmaisuvoimaisia ja vivahteikkaita. Niissä yhdistetään luovalla tavalla puhekielen, kirjoitetun kielen ja tietokonevälitteisen vuorovaikutuksen piirteitä. Näitä piirteitä käytetään tavalla, joka luo keskusteluille ominaisen epämuodollisen, eripuraisen ja sarkastisen sävyn.


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Songs have the power to get through to people. When lyrics are combined with a tune, the result is an entity where the first few notes of a melody can evoke emotions of recognition and belonging. A song treasury consists of such songs that are part of a canonized song tradition. The process where certain songs become part of an established song treasury is long, and many other aspects than the tune itself influence the forming of a song treasury. By examining the characteristics of a song tradition, the history of an ethnic group can be illuminated. In this study, music, pedagogy, and the sociocultural context are merged into a whole where a common song tradition, the song treasury, is in focus. The main aim of this study is to deepen the understanding of a song treasury, its development and contents. This understanding is accomplished by analyzing the musical and lyrical characteristics of 60 songs, which have been sung in schools, homes, and communities, thereby becoming popular among the Swedish-speaking Finns during the 20th century. The songs have been chosen by combining three song lists, of which two lists are closely related to school curricula. The third song list is a result of a survey on favourite songs, according to the situation around year 2000. The songs are examined in their notated versions, a number of song books and text books (n = 29) forming the empirical material. In this study, a hermeneutical approach is applied, content analysis being the method. The analysis is based on three perspectives: the sociocultural perspective, the music-pedagogical perspective, and the musico-analytical perspective. Within each perspective, two aspects are studied. This results in a hexagonal model which forms the structure of the study as a whole. The first two perspectives form the background; a historical context where nation, education, home country, and homestead are regarded as highly important. A common song repertoire is considered to be an effective means of building collective identity within ethnic groups, the common language and the cultural heritage being used as rhetorical arguments. During the early 1900s, choir festivals become an educational platform where conceptions of a common belonging are developed and strengthened through religious, patriotic, and poetical expressions. National school curricula in singing and music have similar characteristics, cultural heritage and values education being in focus. The song lyrics often describe nature and emotions, and they also appear to be personal and situated in a given time and place. Patriotic expressions and songs about music are also fairly common. The songs generally express positive attitudes, which are intensified by major tonality, rich and varied melodies with stable rhythms, and a strong tonal base. The analyzed details of the studied aspects are merged into a thick description, which results in an interpretation pattern with three dimensions: a song treasury can be considered an expression of collective identity, cultural heritage, and values education.


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Stressignaler avkänns många gånger av membranbundna proteiner som översätter signalerna till kemisk modifiering av molekyler, ofta proteinkinaser Dessa kinaser överför de avkodade budskapen till specifika transkriptionsfaktorer genom en kaskad av sekventiella fosforyleringshändelser, transkriptionsfaktorerna aktiverar i sin tur de gener som behövs för att reagera på stressen. En av de mest kända måltavlorna för stressignaler är transkriptionsfaktor AP-1 familjemedlemen c-Jun. I denna studie har jag identifierat den nukleolära proteinet AATF som en ny regulator av c-Jun-medierad transkriptionsaktivitet. Jag visar att stresstimuli inducerar omlokalisering av AATF vilket i sin tur leder till aktivering av c-Jun. Den AATF-medierad ökningen av c-Jun-aktiviteten leder till en betydande ökning av programmerad celldöd. Parallellt har jag vidarekarakteriserat Cdk5/p35 signaleringskomplexet som tidigare har identifierats i vårt laboratorium som en viktig faktor för myoblastdifferentiering. Jag identifierade den atypiska PKCξ som en uppströms regulator av Cdk5/p35-komplexet och visar att klyvning och aktivering av Cdk5 regulatorn p35 är av fysiologisk betydelse för differentieringsprocessen och beroende av PKCξ aktivitet. Jag visar att vid induktion av differentiering fosforylerar PKCξ p35 vilket leder till calpain-medierad klyvning av p35 och därmed ökning av Cdk5-aktiviteten. Denna avhandling ökar förståelsen för de regulatoriska mekanismer som styr c-Jun-transkriptionsaktiviteten och c-Jun beroende apoptos genom att identifiera AATF som en viktig faktor. Dessutom ger detta arbete nya insikter om funktionen av Cdk5/p35-komplexet under myoblastdifferentiering och identifierar PKCξ som en uppströms regulator av Cdk5 aktivitet och myoblast differentiering.


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Vad innebär det att vara lärare? Vad handlar det pedagogiska uppdraget om? Vad behöver människan för att leva? I en tid präglad av internationella kunskapsmätningar och ekonomiska krav på lönsamhet och effektivitet ligger det nära till hands att lärarens uppgift begränsas till det som är mätbart, som ger snabba resultat och som svarar mot den globala marknadens krav. Det pedagogiska uppdraget handlar dock om mera än detta och beskrivs i lärarprofessionslitteratur som ett dubbelt uppdrag. För att leva behöver människan kunskap, men hon behöver också (lära sig att leva som) en medmänniska. Det innefattar dels uppdraget att främja och utveckla kunskaper, färdigheter och attityder hos eleven, men inkluderar också ett moraliskt ansvarsperspektiv för läraren att i undervisningssituationerna leva som en närvarande medmänniska tillsammans med eleven. Den lärare som ”enbart undervisar” fullgör inte sitt pedagogiska uppdrag, men det gör heller inte den som struntar i att utveckla elevens kunskaper och enbart är en ”trevlig medmänniska”. Pedagogikens dubbla uppdrag analyseras och utvecklas i avhandlingen utgående från Martin Bubers dialogfilosofi, som formulerar människans dubbla hållning till omvärlden: som Jag till Det och Jag med Du. I den pedagogiska verksamheten ligger fokus naturligt på kunskapandet (Jag-Det), varför påminnelsen om medlevandet (Jag-Du) är relevant. I Jag-Du-möten öppnas möjligheter för lärare och elever att erfara det annorlunda, det oväntade, det som avviker från det redan kategoriserade, det som erbjuder nya perspektiv. I den meningen bidrar Jag-Du-möten till kunskapsutvecklingen genom insikter och lärande av oförutsett slag. Samtidigt är det i dessa medlevande möten som elevens (och också lärarens) medvetenhet om vad det är att människa tillsammans med andra människor växer.


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A incidência da urolitíase obstrutiva em ovinos é elevada, principalmente em machos confinados, tanto para produção de carne, quanto reprodutores de alto valor genético. A acidificação urinária é um dos métodos para prevenção desta enfermidade e pode ser realizada de forma eficaz com a suplementação de cloreto de amônio na dieta, que pode propiciar a instalação de acidose metabólica. A hemogasometria avalia o equilíbrio ácido-básico sanguíneo de forma prática e fácil. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se o efeito do cloreto de amônio sobre o equilíbrio ácido-básico e eletrolítico de ovinos em confinamento para quantificar a acidose metabólica desenvolvida. Utilizaram-se 100 ovinos, machos, confinados, com idade aproximada de três meses. Constituíram-se três grupos experimentais: Grupo I (n=40), recebeu 400mg/kg/PV de cloreto de amônio/animal/dia por 21 dias consecutivos, momento da interrupção da administração do acidificante urinário (M3) e continuidade do acompanhamento clinico até o final do experimento (M6); Grupo II (n=40), 400mg/kg/PV de cloreto de amônio/animal/dia por 42 dias consecutivos; Grupo III (n=20), não recebeu cloreto de amônio durante todo o período do experimento. Os Momentos (M) de colheita de amostras e avaliação clínica foram estabelecidos com intervalo de sete dias, sendo M0 (imediatamente antes do início do tratamento com cloreto de amônio), M1 (sete dias após), M2, M3, M4, M5 e M6, totalizando 56 dias de confinamento. A alimentação consistiu de ração total, composta por 15% de feno triturado e 85% de concentrado, água e sal mineral ad libitum. Após adaptação de 15 dias à dieta de confinamento, colheram-se de todos os animais amostras de urina para mensuração do pH, e sangue venoso para hemogasometria, nos diferentes momentos. A acidificação urinária foi mantida enquanto houve a administração de cloreto de amônio nos grupos GI e GII. Os valores de Na+ e K+ permaneceram dentro da normalidade para a espécie. O cloreto de amônio provocou acidose metabólica hiperclorêmica compensada nos grupos GI e GII, comprovada pelos valores reduzidos de HCO3-, EB e SID, pelos valores elevados de Cl- e pelo pH normal. Concluiu-se que o cloreto de amônio apesar de provocar diminuição da reserva alcalina no organismo, não interferiu com o desenvolvimento dos animais, podendo ser empregado como agente preventivo da urolitíase obstrutiva em ovinos.


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Resumo: Brazilian sheep production has intensified, predisposing sheep to an increased incidence of digestive disorders, such as abomasal ulcers. Ranitidine is used to prevent and treat this disease; however, there is little information on the parenteral use of this drug in adult ruminants. Few data exist on the concomitant metabolic changes and the behavior of the digestive system associated with its use. For this study, five healthy male sheep with ruminal and abomasal cannulas were used. A 5x5 Latin square experiment with a 2x2+1 factorial arrangement of the treatments was performed. Sheep treated with drug doses of 1 or 2mg/kg ranitidine administered intravenously every 8 or 12 hours were compared with the control group, was treated intravenously with 1 mL of physiological solution per 25 kg every 12 hours. Higher total protein concentrations, hemoglobin levels, as well as increased aspartate aminotransferase activity and increased abomasal pH for up to 150 min following drug administration were observed in all animals that received the drug, regardless of dose and frequency. The animals treated every 12 hours showed a decrease in leukocyte number compared with the control group and with the animals treated every 8 hours. Increased serum creatinine concentrations were observed in the animals treated every 8 hours. Treatments of 1mg/kg every 8 hours and 2mg/kg every 12 hours increased the red blood cell count and decreased the serum pepsinogen. All protocols studied were safe for healthy sheep, but 1mg/kg ranitidine every 8 hours and 2mg/kg ranitidine every 12 hours were the most effective protocols for gastric protection.


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Artikel i tidskrift


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Pappersindustrin står inför många utmaningar och bör uppfylla krav som ställs av t.ex. marknadstrender och slutanvändare. Snabbare och effektivare processer ställer även större krav på pappersbanans mekaniska egenskaper. Avbrott i produktionen sker inte enbart pga. låg styrka utan orsaken kan även vara en för låg spänning i pappersbanan. De flesta problemen sker vid våtpressen och/eller i början av torkpartiet då papprets torrhalt är 30-70 %. Spänningen hålls inte konstant efter töjning, utan sjunker pga. papprets relaxering, som till största delen sker då pappret flyttas från pressen till torkpartiet. Ur forskningssynvinkel öppnar en smidigt fungerande verksamhet med potentiella energibesparingar upp möjligheterna för förbättring av befintliga processer. I detta arbete undersöktes hur olika faktorer inverkar på fibernätverkets avvattning, initiala våtstyrka och relaxering samt också på slutproduktens mekaniska egenskaper och ytegenskaper. I första delen ändrades processvattnets egenskaper, såsom pH, konduktivitet och ytspänning. Ytspänningen varierades genom tillsatts av ett nonjoniskt ytaktivt ämne, s.k. surfaktant. Fiberegenskaperna modifierades också. Fibern maldes antingen genom en mild eller genom en hård process. Effekten av finmaterial undersöktes genom att tillsätta finmaterial till den ursprungliga massan eller genom att avlägsna finmaterialet från den malda massan. I den sista delen användes en hemicellulosa, som finns i stora mängder i gran, som tillsatsmedel. Förutom naturliga galaktoglukomannaner (GGM), tillverkades också en katjoniserad, en karboximetylerad samt en iminerad, amfifil GGM. Dessa användes i pappersmassa eller sprayades på ytan av ett nybildat ark. Resultaten, som erhölls i denna avhandling, bildar en värdefull kunskapsbas, som kan användas för kontroll och reglering av pappersmaskinens körbarhet och papperskvalitet.


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The groups within Finnish vocational upper secondary education and training (VET) are often heterogeneous with respect to the student's need for support in their studies. According to the national core curricula, Special Education Needs (SEN) students should in the first place, get their education in the same group as everyone else. This dissertation aims to clarify and create an understanding about how the ideals and intention of equality in education is constructed in communication among teachers in VET in the Swedish-speaking parts of Finland. Through this understanding it should be possible to highlight a potential which could ultimately contribute to a positive development of a more inclusive education within VET. The epistemological platform of the study is to be found within the post structuralist philosophy of language that is considered as subsumed in a social constructionist thinking. The data has been collected through focus group discussions in groups of 3–6 participants (teachers) in seven schools in Finnish-Swedish VET. The analyses are based on a discursive psychological analysis combined with an analysis based on Michel Foucault's concepts with an emphasis on the subject, government and power. Four discourser where identified in the analysis of teachers' constructions of the educational assignment in relation to SEN students. The most dominant was discussing the educational assignment as a pragmatic project i.e. as a matter of transmission of knowledge. The discourse included both interpretative repertoires where the heterogeneous group was constructed as self-evident and possible to manage as well as a constructed as an impossible project. The educational assignment was also constructed as a holistic project, as part of a democratic project, and as a labor market project. Each discourse contains both including as well as excluding features in relation to SEN students. The development of an inclusive practice can and should therefore include elements from all of them. Three discourses were identified in the analysis concerning teachers' versions of SEN students: students with difficulties and problems; students who do not use or do not have ability and students who are irresponsible and lack the will to study. Within the various discourses and interpretative repertoires were both constructs when teachers described a concern and kindness in relation to the individual SEN student and constructions where teachers mainly expressed fears that other students in the group would be negatively affected by students in need of special support. Results from the third research question conclude the results from the two others, the analysis is done out of a government perspective. In the material use of different government techniques are identified: disciplinary power through direct reprimands; pastoral power by a desire of insight in order to promote the opportunities for consultation and the use of bio-power that primarily focuses on what is best for the population and whose tool racism results in a legitimation of the exclusion of SEN students. The conclusion is that teachers in VET need to pay attention to inclusive and exclusive elements identified in various discourses.


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Wood contains only a very small amount of lipophilic extractives, commonly known as wood pitch. The pitch is known to cause severe problems in papermaking processes. The amount of pitch in process waters can be decreased by seasoning of the raw material prior to pulping, pulp washing, removal of pitch by flotation, adsorption of pitch onto various mineral surfaces, and retention of pitch to the fibre material by cationic polymers. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of pH on some of the methods used for pitch control. Experiments were performed using laboratory-made wood pitch emulsions with varying pH, salt concentration, hemicellulose concentration and pitch composition. These emulsions were used to study the phase distribution of resin and fatty acids, the colloidal stability of pitch with and without steric stabilisation by galactoglucomannans, and the interactions between wood pitch and mineral particles. Purification of unbleached and peroxidebleached mill process water was performed by froth flotation in combination with a foaming agent. The distribution of resin and fatty acids (RFAs) between colloidal pitch droplets and the water phase was very dependent on pH. At pH 3, almost all of the RFAs were attached to the pitch droplets, while increasing the pH led to increasing concentration of dissolved RFAs in the water phase. The presence of salt shifted the release of RFAs towards higher pH, while lower ratio of neutral pitch in the emulsion resulted in release of RFAs at lower pH. It was also seen that the dissolution and adsorption of RFAs at sudden pHchanges takes place very quickly. Colloidal pitch was more stable against electrolyte-induced aggregation at higher pH, due to its higher anionic charge. The concentration of cationic polymers needed to aggregate colloidal pitch also increased with increasing pH. The surface characteristics of solid particles, such as amount of charged groups, were very important for understanding their interactions with colloidal wood pitch. Water-soluble galactoglucomannans stabilised the colloidal pitch sterically against aggregation, but could not completely prevent interactions between wood pitch and hydrophilic particles. Froth flotation of unbleached and peroxidebleached process water showed that the pitch could be removed more effectively and selectively at low pH, compared to at neutral pH. The pitch was removed more effectively, using lower concentrations of foaming agent, from peroxide-bleached water than from unbleached water. The results show that pH has a major impact on various pulping and papermaking processes. It determines the anionic charge of the colloidal pitch and the solubility of certain pitch components. Because of this, the pH influences the effectiveness of pitch retention and removal of pitch. The results indicate that pitch problems could be diminished by acknowledging the importance of pH in various papermaking processes.


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Kieli on jatkuvassa muutoksessa, ja tutkielmani aihe on eräs ruotsin kielessä tapahtuva kielenkäytön muutos. Selvitän tutkielmassani sanan själv (‘itse’) käyttöä tämän päivän ruotsissa. Sanaa själv on alettu käyttää sanan ensam (‘yksin’) sijasta tai yhdessä sanan ensam kanssa yhteyksissä, joissa pelkkä ensam olisi norminmukainen. Tutkielmassani kuvaan sanan själv käyttöä ja selvitän, mitä sana nykyään ruotsinkielisten mielestä tarkoittaa. Keskityn pääsääntöisesti ruotsinruotsiin ja sen käyttäjiin. Ensisijaisena aineistona käytän Internetin blogeja ja keskustelupalstoja, mutta joitain esimerkkejä uudenlaisesta käytöstä olen löytänyt myös päivälehdistä. Aineistoni koostuu 180 esimerkistä, jotka olen ryhmitellyt käyttötavan, kontekstin ja merkityksen mukaan, minkä lisäksi olen analysoinut kielenkäyttäjien omia kommentteja ja keskusteluita sanasta själv. Analysoin yksittäisiä tekstejä seikkaperäisesti. Teoreettisena lähtökohtana käytän semantiikan malleja prototyypeistä ja merkitysketjuista. Tutkimusmetodini on siis deskriptiivinen ja vertaileva. Sanan själv norminvastainen käyttö merkityksessä ‘yksin’ on ollut käytössä Ruotsissa jo kauan, mutta käyttö tuntuu lisääntyneen viime vuosien aikana. Etsin tutkielmassani syitä tälle muutokselle ja sen leviämiselle. Yksi syy vaikuttaisi olevan sanojen själv ja ensam läheinen merkityssuhde, joka mahdollistaa niiden sekoittamisen sekä tietyt sanonnat, jotka kenties entisestään hämärtävät rajaa sanojen välillä. Lisäksi sana ensam vaikuttaa saaneen negatiivisen vivahteen, minkä vuoksi sen käyttöä vältetään. Tutkielmassani käy ilmi, että sana själv tuntuu tarkoittavan kielenkäyttäjille ensisijaisesti ‘yksin’, mutta se näyttää viittaavan myös itsenäisyyteen ja naimattomuuteen. Tämän lisäksi sanaa själv käytetään edelleen myös norminmukaisessa merkityksessä ‘itse’. Sanan ensam merkityssisältöön koetaan sen sijaan kuuluvaksi asioita kuten yksinäisyys tai hylätyksi jääminen.


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Visando estudar a tolerância do picão-preto (Bidens pilosa) a diferentes níveis de pH do substrato, conduziu-se um ensaio em condições de câmara de crescimento e utilizando-se a técnica de hidroponia, no qual três plântulas foram transplantadas para recipientes contendo solução nutritiva de Hoagland & Arnon, com pH ajustado para 3,5, 4,0, 5,0, 6,0, 7,0 e 8,0. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com três repetições. Ao final do período experimental, 42 dias após o transplante, observou-se que as plantas que se desenvolveram nos pHs 3,5 e 8,0 apresentaram-se menores, com menor comprimento e volume do sistema radicular, menor número de folhas vivas e, consequentemente, menor peso de matéria seca das folhas, caule e raízes. Os teores de N e S nas raízes diminuiram com o aumento do pH do substrato, enquanto os de Ca e Mg aumentaram e os de K e P diminuiram no pH 5,0 a 6,0. No caule, apenas o teor de Mg foi afetado pelo pH, mostrando resposta positiva. Na folha obteve-se os maiores teores de P, S, Ca e Mg quando a planta se desenvolveu em pH 6,0. Não se constatou diferença significativa entre os efeitos dos pHs 5,0, 6,0 e 7,0 nos parâmetros avaliados, sendo que foi no pH 6,0 que se estimou, atravs de análise de regressão, melhor desenvolvimento do picão-preto. Concluiu-se que o picãopreto apresenta melhor desenvolvimento em pHs próximo ao neutro, com certa tolerância a pHs extremos (3,5 e 8,0).


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Durante a fase de desenvolvimento de novos produtos fitossanitários é comumente utilizado o pulverizador a pressão constante, pressurizado com CO2. O gás carbônico pode provocar a acidificação da água e afetar o comportamento do composto que está sendo avaliado. No presente trabalho, amostras de água de 30 diferentes fontes foram pressurizadas com CO2 durante cinco minutos, até 275 kPa (40 lbf/pol.2), e o pH foi medido na água que saiu do bico e na água no inteior do tanque do pulverizador. Os resultados mostraram redução nos valores do pH em toda as amostras . Os valores do pH elevaram-se ligeiramente após a saída da água pelo bico do pulverizador. A redução, em alguns casos, foi marcante, atingindo 4,91 unidades de pH no caso mais drástico. Esses dados levam a recomendar cautela na interpretação dos resultados obtidos com o uso dos pulverizadores pressurizados com o gás carbônico.


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Determinou-se o efeito do pH na ação de algumas subst âncias promotoras de germinação em sementes de Chenopodium album L., Avena fatua L. e Rumex crispus L. A azida de sódio (A), nitrato de potássio + etileno (NE), NE + A, NE + A + tiuréia + peróxido de hidrogênio foram testados em solo (em bandej as) e em papel (in vitro) com soluções tampão em ambiente controlado. O efeito do NE no estímulo à germinação de sementes não foi afetado pelo pH na faixa de 3 a 9. A azida de sódio foi a substância que mais afetou as sementes, sendo este efeito pH dependente. Este composto foi extremamente deletério em sementes de C. album e A. fatua em solo ácido (pH 4,0), enquanto em solo básico ele estimulou a germinação em sementes de A. fatua, atravs da superação da dormência A combinação de NE + A em pH 6,2 inibiu a germinação de C. album e A. fatua, mostrando um antagonismo entre estes compostos. A mistura dos cinco compostos reduziu a influência do pH na ação deletéria da azida de sódio. O efeito deletério da azida foi menos afetado pela temperatura do que sua ação como superador de dormência. A solução extraída do solo não afetou a resposta de tratamentos químicos in vitro em diferentes temperaturas comparado a soluções tampão em pH semelhante. Discute-se a influência das características do solo na eficácia de substâncias químicas como superadores de dormência ou tratamentos deletérios às sementes.