993 resultados para Auto-configuração
O desenvolvimento do sistema capitalista, à medida que aumenta a eficiência da produção contribui para uma cada vez maior concentração da riqueza e, em conjunto com as reformas neoliberais ocorridas durante o final do século XX, para uma mudança significativa na produção, bem como nos níveis de emprego formal, especialmente no Brasil. Buscando amenizar esses problemas, surgiram inúmeras iniciativas associativistas, que se cristalizaram na forma da Economia Solidária no Brasil nos anos 80. Para compreender e coordenar esse novo movimento inúmeras instituições foram criadas e cada vez mais atores se apresentaram para constituir a atual configuração dos empreendimentos solidários, estes baseados na cooperação, auto-gestão e solidariedade. Como resultado de toda essa organização os empreendimentos solidários aumentaram em número e importância econômica durante os últimos 30 anos. Neste trabalho analiso essa trajetória bem como tomo o exemplo da Cooperativa de limpeza do Jardim Gonzaga para demonstrar se a Economia Solidária é de fato um movimento de alternativa ao desemprego para as populações excluídas, sendo abandonada assim que as taxas de emprego formais melhorem, ou não, sendo uma nova forma duradoura de conceber a produção
This study aimed at evaluating the perception of leprosy patients, the disease, with regard to its concept and self-care practice, as well as their knowledge concerning drug therapy. Fifteen patients participated in the study, of whom 11 were classified as multibacillary and 04 as paucibacillary. Semi-structure interviews containing six guiding questions were used for data collection, and the Collective Subject Discourse (CSD) was utilized as a theoretical framework. Analysis was performed based on the Theory of Complexity. It showed that patients suffer pain, a fact that is reflected on the need to change habits and prevent disability. It also showed that patients have doubts and feel insecure about treatment and prognosis, and that they are also the target of social prejudice even thought the term leprosy has been replaced by Hansen‟s disease. As regards self-care, the subjects showed lack of autonomy, limitations and subjection to instructions from health care professionals, who, according to the discourse that emerged, are mostly responsible for transmitting the knowledge concerning self-care practice. This fact can be explained by evidence of self-knowledge deficit by the the subjects. Concerning polychemotherapy treatment, which is recommended by the Ministry of Health, it was observed that the knowledge concerning its action and adverse effects is precarious. This information is provided during consultation; however, CSD showed that the subjects do not apprehend it. Therefore, health care professionals must instruct their clients not only as regards conventional treatment practices, but they must also help them to know themselves and to improve their critical judgment so that they can choose the best form of living after being diagnosed with the disease, thus guiding self-care by taking such choice into account
Para iniciar a escrita do TCC, foi elaborado um memorial onde resgato memórias de minha infância, meu ingresso na escola, até os dias de hoje, no intuito de falar da influência que a relação professor-aluno teve em minha formação. Dessa forma, observei a força dessas memórias. No diálogo com Benjamin, discuto a importância da escrita do memorial e do registro de nossa história. Num segundo momento investigo a configuração da escola e as diferentes tendências pedagógicas para, a partir de diferentes teóricos, compreender como é concebida a relação professoraluno na escola. Valendo-me da literatura analiso alguns contos onde autores consagrados falam de suas lembranças na relação com seus mestres ou professores. Assim, procurei estabelecer um diálogo entre minha história pessoal com autores teóricos que tratam da configuração da escola e das tendências pedagógicas e, outros do campo da literatura. Por fim, apresento conclusões e sugestões para se pensar na relação professor-aluno, na sala de aula, a partir da reciprocidade.
Pós-graduação em Educação - IBRC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In 2008 the United States had suffered from a financial crisis due to the real estate market, this movement affected other countries whose economy depends on the USA. Brazil suffered this crisis, but to avoid a greater turmoil in national territory the government launched some public policies to allow the market to keep working, that way allowing a cash flow more stable. One of these policies is called Inovar-Auto where automakers get benefits in form of taxes redution since some investiments are made in tecnology in Brazil made. This study does a qualitative reaserch to identify how companies are adapting to the Inovar-Auto, its dificulties and the real benefits trough colected data along these years
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This work deals with the stages of the process of renewal of a Notice of Inspection of Fire Department (AVCB) set of structural measures, technical and organizational integrated to ensure the building an optimum level of protection in the security segment fire and panic according to the laws of fire safety standards. The work presented all the literature about the process, their justifications to force deploy in a company to fire safety, the benefits that this standard offers, the facilities in a company that has a AVCB and the great importance in society, presents some examples where there contained the fire safety regulations and their unhappy outcomes, difficulties encountered, examples of how to proceed, step by step and the lesson that this process requires great care, dedication, professionals with the required knowledge and severity to completion
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Engenharia Civil - FEIS
Pós-graduação em Ciência Florestal - FCA
This work deals with the stages of the process of renewal of a Notice of Inspection of Fire Department (AVCB) set of structural measures, technical and organizational integrated to ensure the building an optimum level of protection in the security segment fire and panic according to the laws of fire safety standards. The work presented all the literature about the process, their justifications to force deploy in a company to fire safety, the benefits that this standard offers, the facilities in a company that has a AVCB and the great importance in society, presents some examples where there contained the fire safety regulations and their unhappy outcomes, difficulties encountered, examples of how to proceed, step by step and the lesson that this process requires great care, dedication, professionals with the required knowledge and severity to completion