995 resultados para Auto-atendimento bancário


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Objective: To compare two forms of scheduling clinical dental care for the oral health teams (OHT) included in the strategy of family health, regarding productive aspects of assistance. Methods: Two OHT worked concurrently, using two methods of clinical care: the parameter recommended by the Ministry of Health Ordinance No. 1101, 2002, which establishes 03 dental visits per hour (c/h) per team, and a Testing model, with 02 c/h, being each method applied for a period of 615 hours. The quantitative data was collected in OHTs’ daily production spreadsheets, covering the following items: the number of dental visits (initial, for maintenance and for emergency procedures), procedures performed, consumption of material and sterilization cycles. Data was compared and statistically analyzed through the BioStat 5.0 by applying the paired t-test (p <0.05). Results: Under the Ministerial method and the Testing model, were performed, respectively, 288 and 365 first dental visits, 921 and 686 return dental visits, 167 and 172 emergency dental attendances, with 469 and 110 fouls, 212 and 327 treatments were finished and 2501 and 3046 dental procedures were realized. Among eleven analyzed consumables, five were consumed in smaller quantities in the Testing model: gloves (9%), anesthesia (38%), anesthetic needle (34%), suture material (24%) and aspirators (11%), while the six remaining items presented similar consumption rates between the two models. Conclusions: The testing model revealed to be more productive and economical.


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The dentist has been suggested as a professional vulnerable to labor risks mainly related to working posture. This study examined the application of ergonomics principles during the dental attendances made by university student of the last period of the Araçatuba Dental University. Twenty-four attendants were photographed and the images were digitally analyzed for the verification of 10 requirements that determine a healthy labor posture, defined by the project ISO Standard / TC 106/SC 6 N 411. It was observed that 50% of items from the check list obtained higher percentages of negative replies. The students had greater difficulties as to the correct position of the angle between the upper and lower leg when sitting, the ideal adjustment of the light focus reflector in the field of work and the patient positioning. It was concluded that the dental attendances were held without compliance with the ergonomic requirements. The greatest difficulties regarding the work posture were the sitting posture, the light beam and the patient positioning. Students need better guidance about ergonomic principles and requirements, which should occur at any time of life, but earliest they are installed, greater the benefits, assimilation and incorporation of adequate working postures will be. We need a reform that addresses all sectors of the dental system, so that learning and application of ergonomics in dentistry become effective, efficient and effective.


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People with disabilities require special dental care according to the type of disability, degree of involvement of intellectual and motor complications, such individuals may have dental problems that require specific training of the dentist. The objective of this study was a literature review emphasizing the need for early and preventive dental treatment for people with disabilities and training and technical knowledge necessary for quality service performed by the dentist. The literature review was conducted primarily using articles published nationally, to establish the development of dentistry for special patients in Brazil, thus emphasizing some policies and measures adopted in certain areas of the country. It was concluded that preventive care is essential and that the projects of health promotion are important facilitators of social inclusion and provide increased success in dental care. Technical training of professionals is extremely important, therefore, be important to trace an appropriate treatment plan and establish communication with the multidisciplinary team involved in patient care.


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Humanization at dental care is highly important due to uneven relation between scientific / technical advances in dentistry and thequality of human contact. The dental treatment goes beyond the field of scientific knowledge. Therefore, the dental treatment requiresbalance among technical skill, scientific training, and humanist vision of health promotion. Contemporarily, humanization is understoodas tripod based on user's rights, dental practice and organization of a humanized model. Curriculum integration of ethical, humanistic,scientific and technical contents is an important and current challenge on teaching / learning process for professionals at Dentistry. Thispaper aims to, guided by the literature review, to present some considerations on human care in dentistry, with emphasis on theimportance of professional /patient relationship for promoting oral health. It is suggested that dentists reflect on the urgent need ontheoretical basis of humanization and patient-professional relationship for health care.Descriptors: Humanization of Assistance; Dental Staff


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The objective of this paper is: (a) to characterize behaviors of the 47 primary caregivers and their children who sought for psychological services, (b) to compare groups: abandonment x participants; boy x girl. The participants answered the interview inventory (RE-HSE-P), inventory (IHS-Del Prette) and scales (Rathus Assertiveness Scale and CBCL). For the results, 60% of the children presented behavior problems at clinical level. There is correlation between negative parenting practices and behavior problems and social skills among caregivers (HSE-P) and children. People who drop out psychological services, present lower frequence and quality of HSE-P and more behavior problems. There are not differences in comparisons between boys and girls. The results highlight the importance of evaluating clinical context, the contingent behaviors of parents and children employing different instruments in order to describe the relationship between behavior problem and potentialities of both interlocutors socially interacting.


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Introdução: Na sociedade contemporânea costuma-se associar Design ao consumo de luxo, entretanto o design encontra-se aplicado a todos os objetos, do automóvel ao clips, todavia o Design parece estar sempre atrelado à sociedade de consumo, à indústria a serviço do capital e das relações de subordinação e expropriação a ele atrelado. Assim faz-se necessário despertar no aluno do curso de Design a possibilidade da aplicação de seu conhecimento a serviço de uma sociedade mais democrática e solidária, de não apenas produzir a serviço do capital, mas pensar de forma mais abrangente, considerando o bem comum. Objetivos: O Labsol, desde 2007, procura: Otimizar, revitalizar e qualificar a produção artesanal através dos conceitos de ecodesign, sustentabilidade e economia solidária, tendo em vista a auto sustentabilidade das comunidades produtoras. Desenvolver projetos e ações que promovam encontros entre o Design e o patrimônio cultural do artesanato. Preocupar-se com a qualificação do produto artesanal e sua inserção no mercado, tendo em vista a auto sustentabilidade das comunidades produtoras. Métodos: A formação dos integrantes do LabSol é continua e baseada em três conceitos fundamentais: sustentabilidade, economia solidária e eco design. As ações se dão a partir do convite de uma comunidade de artesãos na perspectiva da qualificação estética ou produtiva de seus trabalhos e a melhoria da geração de renda. Utiliza-se o método empírico, de caráter prático, através de estudo de caso. Em uma visita aprende-se métodos e técnicas utilizados pela comunidade, e de volta à sede, faz-se revisão bibliográfica e utiliza-se a metodologia do projeto em design para melhoria das técnicas produção, o redesenho de produtos e a geração de novos objetos de design. Construídos modelos e protótipos e avaliado seu potencial de comercialização são submetidos a aprovação da comuni-dade através de oficinas. O diferencial no trabalho do LabSol se dá na maneira que os projetos são entregues aos grupos. Entende-se todo o processo como um aprendizado de mão dupla, da troca de saberes, onde os membros do laboratório aprendem da comunidade dados de sua cultura e de seus modos de fazer, em contrapartida novos produtos são levados de volta a comunidade, entendidos como mais um dado cultural posto a disposição da comunidade podendo ou não ser por ela incorporado. Resultados: Com mais de 20 grupos atendidos, e centenas de produtos de eco design, as ações o LabSol resultam na pesquisa de eco design, materiais, técnicas, métodos e de novas tecnologias sociais, gerando um número significativo de publicações e exposições de divulgação. Tem recebido graduandos de relações públicas e engenharia de produção, a junção de saberes tem permitido um aprimoramento na qualidade de atendimento ás comunidades.


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The objective of this study is to analyze the adoption of lean thinking practices at Brazilian auto part companies. For such, a survey was conducted at 75 sector companies. The results reveal that among all practices, the “systematic search for continuous improvement" obtained the highest implementation average. In terms of correlation, interdependence was observed among all Lean Manufacturing variables, most especially between LM5 (Kanban) and LM6 (Just-in-Time). This correlation can be explained by the importance of Kanban systems when implementing Just-inTime.


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The present work discusses the Physics education for deaf students, including the formation of the Physics education professional, the specialized educational service and the participation of translators and interpreters of the Sign Language in this process. We analyzed qualitatively the national policy for specialized education in the inclusive vision, legislation and national opinion related to the teaching profession in Physics. Using documentations, it was possible to identify the limitations and contradictions related to specialized educational service and the teaching and learning process in Physics.


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This experiment report refers to the project named “Sarauzinho”, which is linked to the extension “Workshops of Psychoanalysis and Artistics Gatherings” project. “Sarauzinho” was a partnership between UNESP and CREAS, created with the aim to assist children victims of sexual violence though a playful and artistic method and to implement a psychoanalytic listening of demands that appeared during the working group implementation. At the same time, the parents/responsible person who took the children to the meetings also received psychotherapeutic service at the waiting room, in an operative group format with psychoanalytic listening. The project has happened in 11 sessions (once a week, two hours each), with 4 kids and 4 caregivers participating. The service for the kids was organized in workshop models (open and free) and in little gatherings, with preprogrammed contents (playful and artistic). The initiative was inspired by the “Green houses”, a creation of the French psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto, and by the Museum “Imagens do Inconsciente do Centro Psiquiátrico Pedro II”, in Nise da Silveira, Rio de Janeiro city. This university extension activity has enabled the students to access some of the children’s traumas, as well as to obtain a better understanding of an infantile group psychotherapeutic service, with psychoanalytic listening. Besides, it has provided a playful and artistic environment to listen to the children and enable them to create new meanings of their traumas. For the adult participants, the meetings were moments to talk about their anxieties and to receive new guidance and instructions about their children’s education, especially about sexuality. The results, either related to the children’s meeting, as to the adult’s meeting, were favorable to the continuity of the project.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Low adherence to physical exercise programs is a factor that contributes to the high rates of physical inactivity worldwide. In this sense, strategies to improve the affective responses during exercise are used to impact adherence, as the use of music and self-selected exercise intensity. Despite the benefits of these strategies, there are few studies involving the combination of both (self-selected intensity and music), especially in the elderly population. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of music on performance, ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) and on affective and motivational responses of elderly during walking exercise with self-selected intensity. Eleven elderly performed walking sessions on an athletic track in three conditions: without music, with motivational music and with oudeterous music. RPE, mood states, motivation, affective responses, session RPE and attitudes related to the experience of exercise were evaluated. Results demonstrated that both motivational and oudeterous music improved affective responses and decreased RPE. However, only the motivational music condition showed an effect on distance walked, the only presenting a consistent increase in distance. Therefore, it is concluded that the use of music, particularly motivational music, besides increasing the distance walked, reduces RPE and increase pleasure of the elderly during the exercise. Such strategy, in addition to potentially impact adherence positively, can lead to greater benefits and physical adaptations related to the training in the long term


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The writings of this paper refer to several personal experiences as well as the various conflicts in the initial educational formation, where I'm reflecting about the formation intentions of this course. I do an analysis and a reflection of the pedagogical practices developed during graduation in institutional spaces, as well as the understanding of the complex context and teaching actions intrinsic to this, that are what constitute the structural dimensions which is where the formative process happens. This study is a narrative of initial formation as autobiographical. Memories and experiences are analyzed along with undergraduate education, exposing structural problems of course requiring a deeper analysis. In addition to analyse critically the institutional spaces of the (few) outreach programs, education and research that are the basis of the Brazilian University, the wellknown University quadripod. Under this perspective, the narrative brings the dichotomous design of the quadripod inside the University course, exposing the need to reflect on this fact, as it culminates in the formation of future teachers in physics. Nevertheless, the work seeks to raise awareness for the need for enhancement of teaching career at the University to address the teaching crisis which today proliferates in the educational institutions in Brazil, therefore it is necessary to the teachers to become aware of your profession and the vision as such. Only from this perspective one can discuss a proper teacher training, aiming at the integration of all activities, valuing all with the same importance