919 resultados para Ataxia Telangiectasia, Nitroxide, Oxidative Stress, Neurodegeneration, Leukemia, Lymphoma


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Abstract: The effect of chilling on the intercellular distribution of mRNAs for enzymes of assimilatory sulfate reduction, the activity of adenosine 5′-phosphosulfate reductase (APR), and the level of glutathione was analysed in leaves and roots of maize (Zea mays L). At 25 °C the mRNAs for APR, ATP sulfurylase, and sulfite reductase accumulated in bundle-sheath only, whereas the mRNA for O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase was also detected in mesophyll cells. Glutathione was predominantly detected in mesophyll cells; however, oxidized glutathione was equally distributed between the two cell types. Chilling at 12 °C induced oxidative stress which resulted in increased concentrations of oxidized glutathione in both cell types and a prominent increase of APR mRNA and activity in bundle-sheath cells. After chilling, mRNAs for APR and sulfite reductase, as well as low APR activity, were detected in mesophyll cells. In roots, APR mRNA and activity were at higher levels in root tips than in the mature root and were greatly increased after chilling. These results demonstrate that chilling stress affected the levels and the intercellular distribution of mRNAs for enzymes of sulfate assimilation.


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In intact chloroplasts isolated from mature pea leaves (Pisum sativum L.), the large subunit (LSU) of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco, EC was rapidly fragmented into several products upon illumination in the presence of 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT). Very similar effects on LSU stability could be observed when illuminated chloroplasts were poisoned with cyanide which, like DTT, inhibits important plastid antioxidant enzymes, or when a light-dependent hydroxyl radical-producing system was added to the incubation medium. Moreover, DTT-stimulated light degradation of LSU was markedly delayed in the presence of scavengers of active oxygen species (AOS). It is therefore suggested that light degradation of LSU in the presence of DTT is mainly due to inhibition of the chloroplast antioxidant defense system and the subsequent accumulation of AOS in intact organelles. When chloroplasts were isolated from nonsenescent or senescent leaves, LSU remained very stable upon incubation without DTT, indicating that the antioxidant system was still functional in the isolated chloroplasts during leaf ageing. Our data support the notion that AOS might be important for the degradation of Rubisco in vivo under oxidative stress.


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The baker's yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae responds to the cytotoxic effects of elevated temperature (37-42°C) by activating transcription of ∼150 genes, termed heat shock genes, collectively required to compensate for the abundance of misfolded and aggregated proteins and various physiological modifications necessary for the cell to survive and grow at heat shock temperatures. An intriguing facet of the yeast heat shock response is the remarkable similarity it shares with the global remodeling that occurs in mammalian cells in response to numerous pathophysiological conditions including cancer and cardiovascular disease and thus provides an ideal model system. I have therefore investigated several novel features of stress signaling, transcriptional regulation, and physiology. Initial work focused on the characterization of SYM1, a novel heat shock gene in yeast which was demonstrated to be required for growth on the nonfermentable carbon source ethanol at elevated temperature, and to be the functional ortholog of the mammalian kidney disease gene, Mpv17. Additional work addressed the role of two proteins, the Akt-related kinase, Sch9, and Sse1, the yeast Hsp110 protein chaperone homolog, in signaling by protein kinase A, establishing Sse1 as a critical negative regulator of this pathway. Furthermore, I have demonstrated a role for Sse1 in biogenesis and stability of the stress-response transcription factor, Msn2; a finding that has been extended to include a select subset of additional high molecular weight proteins, suggesting a more global role for this chaperone in stabilizing the cellular proteome. The final emphasis of my doctoral work has included the finding that celastrol, a compound isolated from the plant family Celasfraceae, a component of traditional Chinese herbal medicine, can activate heat shock transcription factor (Hsf1) in yeast and mammalian cells through an oxidative stress mechanism. Celastrol treatment simultaneously activates both heat shock and oxidative stress response pathways, resulting in increased cytoprotection. ^


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Nucleoside analogues are antimetabolites effective in the treatment of a wide variety of solid tumors and hematological malignancies. Upon being metabolized to their active triphosphate form, these agents are incorporated into DNA during replication or excision repair synthesis. Because DNA polymerases have a greatly decreased affinity for primers terminated by most nucleoside analogues, their incorporation causes stalling of replication forks. The molecular mechanisms that recognize blocked replication may contribute to drug resistance but have not yet been elucidated. Here, several molecules involved in sensing nucleoside analogue-induced stalled replication forks have been identified and examined for their contribution to drug resistance. ^ The phosphorylation of the DNA damage sensor, H2AX, was characterized in response to nucleoside analogues and found to be dependent on both time and drug concentration. This response was most evident in the S-phase fraction and was associated with an inhibition of DNA synthesis, S-phase accumulation, and activation of the S-phase checkpoint pathway (Chk1-Cdc25A-Cdk2). Exposure of the Chk1 inhibitor, 7-hydroxystaurosporine (UCN-01), to cultures previously treated with nucleoside analogues caused increased apoptosis, clonogenic death, and a further log-order increase in H2AX phosphorylation, suggesting enhanced DNA damage. Ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) has been identified as a key DNA damage signaling kinase for initiating cell cycle arrest, DNA repair, and apoptosis while the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 (MRN) complex is known for its functions in double-strand break repair. Activated ATM and the MRN complex formed distinct nuclear foci that colocalized with phosphorylated H2AX after inhibition of DNA synthesis by the nucleoside analogues, gemcitabine, ara-C, and troxacitabine. Since double-strand breaks were undetectable, this response was likely due to stalling of replication forks. A similar DNA damage response was observed in human lymphocytes after exposure to ionizing radiation and in acute myelogenous leukemia blasts during therapy with the ara-C prodrug, CP-4055. Deficiencies in ATM, Mre11, and Rad50 led to a two- to five-fold increase in gemcitabine sensitivity, suggesting that these molecules contribute to drug resistance. Based on these results, a model is proposed for the sensing of nucleoside analogue-induced stalled replication forks that includes H2AX, ATM, and the Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1 complex. ^


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Toxic side effect is a major problem in cancer chemotherapy. Therefore, identification and development of new agents that can selectively remove cancer with low toxicity to normal cells would have significant clinical impact. Compared to normal cells, cancer cells are under intrinsic stress with elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. My research aimed to exploit this biochemical alteration as a novel basis to develop a selective agent. The goal of my dissertation research was to test the hypothesis that since most cancer cells are under higher oxidative stress than normal cells, compounds which modulate oxidative stress such as pphenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) may preferentially impact cancer cells through ROS-mediated mechanisms and have implications in cancer therapeutics. Using H-RasV1-transformed ovarian cells and their immortalized non-tumorigenic counterparts, I discovered that the transformed cells exhibited increased ROS generation and this intrinsic stress rendered them highly dependent on glutathione antioxidant system to maintain redox balance. Abolishing this system by PEITC through depletion of glutathione and inhibition of GPX activity led to a preferential ROS increase in the transformed cells. The severe ROS accumulation caused oxidative damage to the mitochondria membranes and impaired the membrane integrity leading to massive cell death. In contrast, PEITC caused only a modest increase of ROS insufficient to cause significant cell death in non-transformed cells. Promisingly, PEITC exhibited anticancer activity in vivo by prolonging survival of mice bearing the Ras-transformed ovarian xenograft with minimal toxic side effect. Further study in chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) cells isolated from the blood samples of CLL patients revealed that PEITC not only exhibits promising selectivity against primary CLL cells compared to normal lymphocytes, but it is also effective in removing CLL cells resistant to standard anti-cancer drug Fludarabine. In conclusion, the data implicate that intrinsic oxidative stress in cancer cells could serve as a biochemical basis to develop selective novel anticancer agents such as PEITC, with significant therapeutic implications. ^


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Caenorhabditis elegans has recently been developed as a model system to study both pathogen virulence mechanisms and host defense responses. We have shown that C. elegans produces reactive oxygen species (ROS) in response to exposure to the important Gram-positive, noscomial pathogen, Enterococcus faecalis. We have also shown evidence of oxidative stress and upregulation of stress response after exposure to the pathogen. As in mammalian systems, this work shows that production of ROS for innate immune functions occurs via an NADPH oxidase. Specifically, reducing expression of a dual oxidase, Ce-duox1/BLI-3 causes a decrease in ROS production in response to E. faecalis. We also present evidence that reduction of expression of Ce-duox1/BLI-3 increases susceptibility to this pathogen, specifically when expression is reduced in the intestine and the hypodermis. This dual oxidase has previously been localized to the hypodermis, but we show that it is additionally localized to the intestine of C. elegans. To further demonstrate the protective effects of the pathogen-induced ROS production, we demonstrate that antioxidants that scavenge ROS, increase the sensitivity of the nematode to the infection, in stark contrast to their longevity-promoting effects under non-pathogenic conditions. In conclusion, we postulate that the generation of ROS by NADPH oxidases in the barrier epithelium is an ancient, highly conserved innate immune defense mechanism.^


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Targeting the proteasome with the sole FDA approved proteasome inhibitor (PI), bortezomib, has been fruitful in specific cancers. Its success has generated an interest in next-generation PIs that might have a therapeutic advantage in cancers, such as leukemia, where bortezomib monotherapy was less effective. This study focuses on a novel, clinically relevant PI, NPI-0052. Experiments show that NPI-0052 targets chymotrypsin- and caspase-like activities more potently than the trypsin-like activity in leukemia cells. NPI-0052 induced apoptosis, as determined by caspase-3 activation and DNA fragmentation. Using caspase inhibitors and caspase-8 (I9.2) or FADD (I2.1) deficient cells revealed that caspase-8 was essential for NPI-0052-induced apoptosis. NPI-0052 killed cells via a caspase-8-tBid-mitochondrial pathway, relying on caspase-8, whereas bortezomib relies on several caspases. NPI-0052 increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels, which contributed towards cytotoxicity since an antioxidant conferred protection. To improve the clinical efficacy of PIs, NPI-0052 was combined with epigenetic anti-cancer agents, histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi). NPI-0052 with MS-275 or vorinostat (FDA approved HDACi), synergistically induced apoptosis more effectively than an HDACi/bortezomib regimen in Jurkat cells. Caspase-8 and ROS contributed towards NPI-0052/HDACi cytotoxicity and caspase-8 mediated superoxide production by NPI-0052 or NPI-0052/HDACi. The proximal targets of these agents: proteasome activity and histone acetylation were examined to determine if they contributed towards synergistic effects. HDACi targeted proteasomal β subunits and corresponding catalytic activities responsible for degrading proteins. Immunoblotting showed increases in histone-H3 expression and its acetylation with NPI-0052 or NPI-0052/HDACi in Jurkat and primary cells. Importantly, the hyper-acetylation by NPI-0052 was not detected with bortezomib, suggesting that this effect may be unique to NPI-0052. An antioxidant attenuated histone-H3 expression and acetylation induced by NPI-0052 alone or with HDACi. Furthermore, the hyper-acetylation by NPI-0052 relied on caspase-8. These novel results show that a PI is eliciting classical epigenetic alterations, demonstrated by hyper-acetylation of histone-H3. This alteration was oxidant and caspase-8 dependent. Overall, results reveal that caspase-8 mediates many effects induced by NPI-0052. Data show overlapping activities by NPI-0052 and HDACi which are contributing, along with caspase-8 activation and oxidative stress, to cytotoxic interactions in leukemia cells, reinforcing the potential clinical utility of combining these two compounds. ^


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One of the reasons for animals not to grow as fast as they potentially could is that fast growth has been shown to be associated with reduced lifespan. However, we are still lacking a clear description of the reality of growth-dependent modulation of ageing mechanisms in wild animals. Using the particular growth trajectory of small king penguin chicks naturally exhibiting higher-than-normal growth rate to compensate for the winter break, we tested whether oxidative stress and telomere shortening are related to growth trajectories. Plasma antioxidant defences, oxidative damage levels and telomere length were measured at the beginning and at the end of the post-winter growth period in three groups of chicks (small chicks, which either passed away or survived the growth period, and large chicks). Small chicks that died early during the growth period had the highest level of oxidative damage and the shortest telomere lengths prior to death. Here, we show that small chicks that grew faster did it at the detriment of body maintenance mechanisms as shown by (i) higher oxidative damage and (ii) accelerated telomere loss. Our study provides the first evidence for a mechanistic link between growth and ageing rates under natural conditions.


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Water stress (WS) slows growth and photosynthesis (An), but most knowledge comes from short-time studies that do not account for longer term acclimation processes that are especially relevant in tree species. Using two Eucalyptus species that contrast in drought tolerance, we induced moderate and severe water deficits by withholding water until stomatal conductance (gsw) decreased to two pre-defined values for 24 d, WS was maintained at the target gsw for 29 d and then plants were re-watered. Additionally, we developed new equations to simulate the effect on mesophyll conductance (gm) of accounting for the resistance to refixation of CO2. The diffusive limitations to CO2, dominated by the stomata, were the most important constraints to An. Full recovery of An was reached after re-watering, characterized by quick recovery of gm and even higher biochemical capacity, in contrast to the slower recovery of gsw. The acclimation to long-term WS led to decreased mesophyll and biochemical limitations, in contrast to studies in which stress was imposed more rapidly. Finally, we provide evidence that higher gm under WS contributes to higher intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) and reduces the leaf oxidative stress, highlighting the importance of gm as a target for breeding/genetic engineering.


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Ataxia-telangiectasia (AT) is a human disease caused by mutations in the ATM gene. The neural phenotype of AT includes progressive cerebellar neurodegeneration, which results in ataxia and eventual motor dysfunction. Surprisingly, mice in which the Atm gene has been inactivated lack distinct behavioral ataxia or pronounced cerebellar degeneration, the hallmarks of the human disease. To determine whether lack of the Atm protein can nonetheless lead to structural abnormalities in the brain, we compared brains from male Atm-deficient mice with male, age-matched controls. Atm-deficient mice exhibited severe degeneration of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive, dopaminergic nigro-striatal neurons, and their terminals in the striatum. This cell loss was accompanied by a large reduction in immunoreactivity for the dopamine transporter in the striatum. A reduction in dopaminergic neurons also was evident in the ventral tegmental area. This effect was selective in that the noradrenergic nucleus locus coeruleus was normal in these mice. Behaviorally, Atm-deficient mice expressed locomotor abnormalities manifested as stride-length asymmetry, which could be corrected by peripheral application of the dopaminergic precursor l-dopa. In addition, these mice were hypersensitive to the dopamine releasing drug d-amphetamine. These results indicate that ATM deficiency can severely affect dopaminergic neurons in the central nervous system and suggest possible strategies for treating this aspect of the disease.


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Funding This work was supported by grants from the French Ministry of Research (PhD fellowship to CR), the University of Aberdeen (stipend to CR), the CNRS (PICS grant to BD), the L’Oréal Foundation-UNESCO “For Women in Science” program (fellowship to CR), the Région Rhône-Alpes (student mobility grant CMIRA Explora’doc to CR), the Rectors’ Conference of the Swiss Universities (mobility grant to CR), the Fédération de Recherche 41 BioEnvironnement et Santé (training grant to CR), and the Journal of Experimental Biology (travel grant to CR).


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The mechanisms that cause aging are not well understood. The oxidative stress hypothesis proposes that the changes associated with aging are a consequence of random oxidative damage to biomolecules. We hypothesized that oxidation of specific proteins is critical in controlling the rate of the aging process. Utilizing an immunochemical probe for oxidatively modified proteins, we show that mitochondrial aconitase, an enzyme in the citric acid cycle, is a specific target during aging of the housefly. The oxidative damage detected immunochemically was paralleled by a loss of catalytic activity of aconitase, an enzyme activity that is critical in energy metabolism. Experimental manipulations which decrease aconitase activity should therefore cause a decrease in life-span. This expected decrease was observed when flies were exposed to hyperoxia, which oxidizes aconitase, and when they were given fluoroacetate, an inhibitor of aconitase. The identification of a specific target of oxidative damage during aging allows for the assessment of the physiological age of a specific individual and provides a method for the evaluation of treatments designed to affect the aging process.


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Fission yeast Spc1/StyI MAPK is activated by many environmental insults including high osmolarity, oxidative stress, and heat shock. Spc1/StyI is activated by Wis1, a MAPK kinase (MEK), which is itself activated by Wik1/Wak1/Wis4, a MEK kinase (MEKK). Spc1/StyI is inactivated by the tyrosine phosphatases Pyp1 and Pyp2. Inhibition of Pyp1 was recently reported to play a crucial role in the oxidative stress and heat shock responses. These conclusions were based on three findings: 1) osmotic, oxidative, and heat stresses activate Spc1/StyI in wis4 cells; 2) oxidative stress and heat shock activate Spc1/StyI in cells that express Wis1AA, in which MEKK consensus phosphorylation sites were replaced with alanine; and 3) Spc1/StyI is maximally activated in Δpyp1 cells. Contrary to these findings, we report: 1) Spc1/StyI activation by osmotic stress is greatly reduced in wis4 cells; 2) wis1-AA and Δwis1 cells have identical phenotypes; and 3) all forms of stress activate Spc1/StyI in Δpyp1 cells. We also report that heat shock, but not osmotic or oxidative stress, activate Spc1 in wis1-DD cells, which express Wis1 protein that has the MEKK consensus phosphorylation sites replaced with aspartic acid. Thus osmotic and oxidative stress activate Spc1/StyI by a MEKK-dependent process, whereas heat shock activates Spc1/StyI by a novel mechanism that does not require MEKK activation or Pyp1 inhibition.


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The c-Abl tyrosine kinase and the p53 tumor suppressor protein interact functionally and biochemically in cellular genotoxic stress response pathways and are implicated as downstream mediators of ATM (ataxia-telangiectasia mutated). This fact led us to study genetic interactions in vivo between c-Abl and p53 by examining the phenotype of mice and cells deficient in both proteins. c-Abl-null mice show high neonatal mortality and decreased B lymphocytes, whereas p53-null mice are prone to tumor development. Surprisingly, mice doubly deficient in both c-Abl and p53 are not viable, suggesting that c-Abl and p53 together contribute to an essential function required for normal development. Fibroblasts lacking both c-Abl and p53 were similar to fibroblasts deficient in p53 alone, showing loss of the G1/S cell-cycle checkpoint and similar clonogenic survival after ionizing radiation. Fibroblasts deficient in both c-Abl and p53 show reduced growth in culture, as manifested by reduction in the rate of proliferation, saturation density, and colony formation, compared with fibroblasts lacking p53 alone. This defect could be restored by reconstitution of c-Abl expression. Taken together, these results indicate that the ATM phenotype cannot be explained solely by loss of c-Abl and p53 and that c-Abl contributes to enhanced proliferation of p53-deficient cells. Inhibition of c-Abl function may be a therapeutic strategy to target p53-deficient cells selectively.


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The 20S proteasome has been shown to be largely responsible for the degradation of oxidatively modified proteins in the cytoplasm. Nuclear proteins are also subject to oxidation, and the nucleus of mammalian cells contains proteasome. In human beings, tumor cells frequently are subjected to oxidation as a consequence of antitumor chemotherapy, and K562 human myelogenous leukemia cells have a higher nuclear proteasome activity than do nonmalignant cells. Adaptation to oxidative stress appears to be one element in the development of long-term resistance to many chemotherapeutic drugs and the mechanisms of inducible tumor resistance to oxidation are of obvious importance. After hydrogen peroxide treatment of K562 cells, degradation of the model proteasome peptide substrate suc-LLVY-MCA and degradation of oxidized histones in nuclei increases significantly within minutes. Both increased proteolytic susceptibility of the histone substrates (caused by modification by oxidation) and activation of the proteasome enzyme complex occur independently during oxidative stress. This rapid up-regulation of 20S proteasome activity is accompanied by, and depends on, poly-ADP ribosylation of the proteasome, as shown by inhibitor experiments, 14C-ADP ribose incorporation assays, immunoblotting, in vitro reconstitution experiments, and immunoprecipitation of (activated) proteasome with anti-poly-ADP ribose polymerase antibodies. The poly-ADP ribosylation-mediated activated nuclear 20S proteasome is able to remove oxidatively damaged histones more efficiently and therefore is proposed as an oxidant-stimulatable defense or repair system of the nucleus in K562 leukemia cells.