986 resultados para Asymptotic expansions.
Background: The European mink (Mustela lutreola, L. 1761) is a critically endangered mustelid, which inhabits several main river drainages in Europe. Here, we assess the genetic variation of existing populations of this species, including new sampling sites and additional molecular markers (newly developed microsatellite loci specific to European mink) as compared to previous studies. Probabilistic analyses were used to examine genetic structure within and between existing populations, and to infer phylogeographic processes and past demography. Results: According to both mitochondrial and nuclear microsatellite markers, Northeastern (Russia, Estonia and Belarus) and Southeastern (Romania) European populations showed the highest intraspecific diversity. In contrast, Western European (France and Spain) populations were the least polymorphic, featuring a unique mitochondrial DNA haplotype. The high differentiation values detected between Eastern and Western European populations could be the result of genetic drift in the latter due to population isolation and reduction. Genetic differences among populations were further supported by Bayesian clustering and two main groups were confirmed (Eastern vs. Western Europe) along with two contained subgroups at a more local scale (Northeastern vs. Southeastern Europe; France vs. Spain). Conclusions: Genetic data and performed analyses support a historical scenario of stable European mink populations, not affected by Quaternary climate oscillations in the Late Pleistocene, and posterior expansion events following river connections in both North-and Southeastern European populations. This suggests an eastern refuge during glacial maxima (as already proposed for boreal and continental species). In contrast, Western Europe was colonised more recently following either natural expansions or putative human introductions. Low levels of genetic diversity observed within each studied population suggest recent bottleneck events and stress the urgent need for conservation measures to counteract the demographic decline experienced by the European mink.
Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1 or Steinert's disease) and type 2 (DM2) are multisystem disorders of genetic origin. Progressive muscular weakness, atrophy and myotonia are the most prominent neuromuscular features of these diseases, while other clinical manifestations such as cardiomyopathy, insulin resistance and cataracts are also common. From a clinical perspective, most DM symptoms are interpreted as a result of an accelerated aging (cataracts, muscular weakness and atrophy, cognitive decline, metabolic dysfunction, etc.), including an increased risk of developing tumors. From this point of view, DM1 could be described as a progeroid syndrome since a notable age dependent dysfunction of all systems occurs. The underlying molecular disorder in DM1 consists of the existence of a pathological (CTG) triplet expansion in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of the Dystrophia ll/Iyotonica Protein Kinase (DMPK) gene, whereas (CCTG)n repeats in the first intron of the Cellular Nucleic acid Binding Protein/Zinc Finger Protein 9 (CNBP/ZNF9) gene cause DM2. The expansions are transcribed into (CUG)n and (CCUG)n-containing RNA, respectively, which form secondary structures and sequester RNA binding proteins, such as the splicing factor muscleblind-like protein (MBNL), forming nuclear aggregates known as foci. Other splicing factors, such as CUGBP, are also disrupted, leading to a spliceopathy of a large number of downstream genes linked to the clinical features of these diseases. Skeletal muscle regeneration relies on muscle progenitor cells, known as satellite cells, which are activated after muscle damage, and which proliferate and differentiate to muscle cells, thus regenerating the damaged tissue. Satellite cell dysfunction seems to be a common feature of both age-dependent muscle degeneration (sarcopenia) and muscle wasting in DM and other muscle degenerative diseases. This review aims to describe the cellular, molecular and macrostructural processes involved in the muscular degeneration seen in DM patients, highlighting the similarities found with muscle aging.
This paper applies Micken's discretization method to obtain a discrete-time SEIR epidemic model. The positivity of the model along with the existence and stability of equilibrium points is discussed for the discrete-time case. Afterwards, the design of a state observer for this discrete-time SEIR epidemic model is tackled. The analysis of the model along with the observer design is faced in an implicit way instead of obtaining first an explicit formulation of the system which is the novelty of the presented approach. Moreover, some sufficient conditions to ensure the asymptotic stability of the observer are provided in terms of a matrix inequality that can be cast in the form of a LMI. The feasibility of the matrix inequality is proved, while some simulation examples show the operation and usefulness of the observer.
A simple approach is introduced to estimate the natural mortality rate (M) of fish stocks. The approach is based on the age at maximum cohort biomass, or critical length (L*) concept. The ratio of the critical length to the asymptotic length ( = L*/L8) is relatively constant in 141 fish stocks at 0.62 (CV = 21.4 per cent) and the relationship M = 3K(1- )/ is derived and could be used to estimate M, where K is the growth coefficient of the von Bertalanffy growth function. Average values of are given for the various Families of fish in order to estimate M based on closely related species.
Monthly length-frequency data of spiny lobster Panulirus homarus collected from the south coast of Sri Lanka during 1988-1990 were analyzed to estimate von Bertallanfy growth parameters. The asymptotic lengths estimated using Wetherall plots were 322 mm and 315 mm total length for the males and females, respectively. Using o' values of 3.53 for males and 3.61 for females, the growth constant (K) was estimated as 0.21 year super(1) and 0.27 year super(1) for the males and females, respectively. The estimates of natural and total mortality (M and Z) are 0.98 year super(1), 1.96 year super(1) for males and 0.92 year super(1), 1.54 year super(1) for females respectively. Recruitment appears to occur in two pulses per year.
Gillnet catches of Oreochromis mortimeri (Trewavas) were studied in the Bumi Basin of Lake Kariba in 1988 and 1989. Total length (TL) was positively correlated with standard length (SL). The linear relationship between TL and SL was TL=1.91 + 1.22 SL (r super(2)=0.982). The relationship between SL and weight in g (W) was of the form W = 0.12 SL super(2.67). Maximum standard length (L sub(max)) was 33 cm and asymptotic length (L sub( infinity )) was 34.7 cm. Monthly ratios of male to female varied between 0.6:1 and 13:1. The mean ratio was 57.4% male: 42.6%female. Monthly condition factors varied between 3.19 and 5.11 in males, and between 3.18 and 5.14 in females. Catches were higher in 1989 compared to 1988 and possible reasons for these differences are discussed.
Based upon a global comparison of over 400 fisheries, the Principal Components Analysis (PCA) methodology was used to identify factors affecting the choice of growth estimation methods. Of the six factors examined, the growth rate (K) and asymptotic length (L8) explained most of the variations. Financial resources, i.e., Gross National Product (GNP), and latitude were also important factors.
Neste trabalho é apresentado o desenvolvimento de um sistema de posicionamento dinâmico para uma pequena embarcação baseado em controle a estrutura variável com realimentação por visão computacional. Foram investigadas, na literatura, diversas técnicas desenvolvidas e escolheu-se o controle a estrutura variável devido, principalmente, ao modo de acionamento dos propulsores presentes no barco utilizado para os experimentos. Somando-se a isto, foi considerada importante a robustez que a técnica de controle escolhida apresenta, pois o modelo utilizado conta com incerteza em sua dinâmica. É apresentado ainda o projeto da superfície de deslizamento para realizar o controle a estrutura variável. Como instrumento de medição optou-se por utilizar técnicas de visão computacional em imagens capturadas a partir de uma webcam. A escolha por este tipo de sistema deve-se a alta precisão das medições aliada ao seu baixo custo. São apresentadas simulações e experimentos com controle a estrutura variável em tempo discreto utilizando a integral do erro da posição visando eliminar o erro em regime. Para realizar o controle que demanda o estado completo, são comparados quatro estimadores de estado realizados em tempo discreto: derivador aproximado; observador assintótico com uma frequência de amostragem igual a da câmera; observador assintótico com uma frequência de amostragem maior que a da câmera; e filtro de Kalman.
Mudanças de nicho entre ilhas e continente, ou entre diferentes ilhas, incluem expansões de habitat e faixas mais amplas de estratos verticais de forrageamento. Organismos estão geralmente aptos a explorar apenas uma porção dos recursos que se encontra disponível no ambiente. A maneira como partilham esses recursos, além de definir seu nicho ecológico, pode indicar como as interações entre as espécies influenciam na estrutura da comunidade. Estas espécies, por sua vez, encontram-se associadas por suas relações de alimentação. Entre aves, diferentes espécies se associam para explorar recursos alimentares em agregações como a de espécies que seguem correição de formigas ou em bandos mistos. A associação de aves a bandos mistos tem sido relacionada à diminuição da predação e aumento da eficiência do forrageamento. Nesse tipo de associação, as espécies são categorizadas de acordo com a sua frequência e importância, e podem contribuir com a formação, coesão e manutenção do bando. O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar o comportamento de forrageamento de Xiphorhynchus fuscus entre áreas de Mata Atlântica de ilha e continente a fim de investigar se existem diferenças em decorrência do isolamento. Foram realizadas transecções e observado o comportamento de forrageamento da espécie entre áreas de ilha e continente adjacente. Os resultados mostram uma diferença nos uso dos estratos verticais entre ilha e continente e entre indivíduos forrageando solitários e em bandos mistos de aves. A maior amplitude dos estratos verticais na ilha e a restrição deles no continente pela espécie, ao forragear solitariamente, indicam um provável efeito relacionado à competição. As diferenças entre o uso dos estratos verticais entre ilha e continente indicam a influência da composição das espécies em bandos mistos no estrato vertical utilizado por X. fuscus quando associado a estes. A menor adesão de X. fuscus a bandos mistos em ilha indica que a ausência de espécies de aves consideradas responsáveis pela associação das espécies e sua manutenção em bandos mistos seja responsável pela diferença encontrada em relação ao continente. Portanto, a diferença entre o número de espécies entre ilha e continente (com menor número na ilha) parece ser preponderante na utilização dos estratos verticais de forrageamento por X. fuscus estando ele associado a bandos mistos ou não
Nos últimos anos, duas espécies de lagostas sapateiras, Scyllarides brasiliensis e S. deceptor, vêm se destacando nos desembarques pesqueiros de lagostas do Atlântico Sul Ocidental. Para espécies comercialmente importantes, o desenvolvimento de estudos que permitam conhecer a variabilidade e entender a dinâmica populacional é fundamental. Assim, o objetivo do primeiro capítulo desta tese foi avaliar a diversidade genética e a estrutura populacional dessas duas lagostas ao longo de aprox. 2.800 km da costa da América do Sul. Para as análises, foram empregados marcadores mitocondriais (citocromo oxidase I: COI; e a região controle: RC) e marcadores nucleares (13 loci de microssatélites desenvolvidos nesta tese). As duas espécies apresentaram altos níveis de variabilidade (S. deceptor: N = 200, mtDNA: h > 0,841, π > 0,005; microssatélites: He = 0,685; S. brasiliensis: N = 211, He = 0,554), distribuídos homogeneamente entre as localidades (S. deceptor: ΦST < -0,004, ΦCT < 0,016, FST global = 0,001, Dest global = 0,003, FCT < 0,002, P > 0,05, K = 1; S. brasiliensis: FST global = 0,004, Dest global = 0,001, FCT < 0,004, P > 0,05, K = 1). A ausência de estruturação nas duas espécies pode estar relacionada a características biológicas que promovem a conectividade entre localidades geograficamente distantes, como alta fecundidade e alto potencial de dispersão das larvas planctônicas. Além disso, os dados mitocondriais sugerem que a história demográfica de S. deceptor foi marcada por eventos de expansão populacionais e geográficos possivelmente relacionados às condições ambientais favoráveis dos episódios interglaciais do Pleistoceno Médio-Tardio. Diversos estudos têm mostrado que os fenômenos de inserção de regiões mitocondriais no DNA nuclear (NuMts) e heteroplasmia limitam a correta amplificação e identificação dos marcadores mitocondriais. Em estudos filogenéticos e de genética de populações, a presença inadvertida de sequências de diversas origens viola o principio de ortologia, o que pode resultar em inferências evolutivas erradas. Assim, o objetivo do segundo capítulo desta tese foi identificar e caracterizar os possíveis NuMts e sequências heteroplásmicas de três regiões mitocondriais (COI, RC e o gene da subunidade maior do RNA ribossomal: 16S) em quatro espécies do gênero Scyllarides (S. aequinoctialis, S. brasiliensis, S. deceptor e S. delfosi). A clonagem e sequenciamento de extratos de DNA genômico e DNA enriquecido com mtDNA revelaram que os genomas destas espécies podem exibir NuMts (que divergem entre 0,6 e 17,6% do mtDNA) e heteroplasmia (que divergem < 0,2% do mtDNA prevalente). Os NuMts surgiram possivelmente de vários eventos independentes de integração ao núcleo ao longo da história evolutiva do gênero Scyllarides. Dependendo do seu grau de similaridade com o mtDNA, a presença de NuMts nas análises filogenéticas no nível de gênero pode causar superestimativa do número de espécies e alterações nos comprimentos dos ramos e nas relações filogenéticas entre espécies.
Demographic parameters were derived from sectioned otoliths of John’s Snapper (Lutjanus johnii) from 4 regions across 9° of latitude and 23° of longitude in northern Australia. Latitudinal variation in size and growth rates of this species greatly exceeded longitudinal variation. Populations of John’s Snapper farthest from the equator had the largest body sizes, in line with James’s rule, and the fastest growth rates, contrary to the temperature-size rule for ectotherms. A maximum age of 28.6 years, nearly 3 times previous estimates, was recorded and the largest individual was 990 mm in fork length. Females grew to a larger mean asymptotic fork length (L∞) than did males, a finding consistent with functional gonochorism. Otolith weight at age and gonad weight at length followed the same latitudinal trends seen in length at age. Length at maturity was ~72–87% of L∞ and varied by ~23% across the full latitudinal gradient, but age at first maturity was consistently in the range of 6–10 years, indicating that basic growth trajectories were similar across vastly different environments. We discuss both the need for complementary reproductive data in age-based studies and the insights gained from experiments where the concept of oxygen- and capacity-limited thermal tolerance is applied to explain the mechanistic causes of James’s rule in tropical fish species.
Multimode sound radiation from an unflanged, semi-infinite, rigid-walled circular duct with uniform subsonic mean flow everywhere is investigated theoretically. The multimode directivity depends on the amplitude and directivity function of each individual cut-on mode. The amplitude of each mode is expressed as a function of cut-on ratio for a uniform distribution of incoherent monopoles, a uniform distribution of incoherent axial dipoles, and for equal power per mode. The directivity function of each mode is obtained by applying a Lorentz transformation to the zero-flow directivity function, which is given by a Wiener-Hopf solution. This exact numerical result is compared to an analytic solution, valid in the high-frequency limit, for multimode directivity with uniform flow. The high-frequency asymptotic solution is derived assuming total transmission of power at the open end of the duct, and gives the multimode directivity function with flow in the forward arc for a general family of mode amplitude distribution functions. At high frequencies the agreement between the exact and asymptotic solutions is shown to be excellent.
Teeth of 71 estuarine dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) incidentally caught on the coast of Paraná State, southern Brazil, were used to estimate age. The oldest male and female dolphins were 29 and 30 years, respectively. The mean distance from the neonatal line to the end of the first growth layer group (GLG) was 622.4 ±19.1 μm (n=48). One or two accessory layers were observed between the neonatal line and the end of the first GLG. One of the accessory layers, which was not always present, was located at a mean of 248.9 ±32.6 μm (n=25) from the neonatal line, and its interpretation remains uncertain.The other layer, located at a mean of 419.6 ±44.6 μm (n=54) from the neonatal line, was always present and was first observed between 6.7 and 10.3 months of age. This accessory layer could be a record of weaning in this dolphin. Although no differences in age estimates were observed between teeth sectioned in the anterior-posterior and buccal-lingual planes, we recommend sectioning the teeth in the buccal-lingual plane in order to obtain on-center sections more easily. We also recommend not using teeth from the most anterior part of the mandibles for age estimation. The number of GLGs counted in those teeth was 50% less than the number of GLGs counted in the teeth from the median part of the mandible of the same animal. Although no significant difference (P>0.05) was found between the total lengths of adult male and female estuarine dolphins, we observed that males exhibited a second growth spurt around five years of age. This growth spurt would require that separate growth curves be calculated for the sexes. The asymptotic length (TL∞), k, and t0 obtained by the von Bertalanffy growth model were 177.3 cm, 0.66, and –1.23, respectively, for females and 159.6 cm, 2.02, and –0.38, respectively, for males up to five years, and 186.4 cm, 0.53 and –1.40, respectively, for males older than five years. The total weight (TW)/total length (TL) equations obtained for male and female estuarine dolphins were TW = 3.156 × 10−6 × TL 3.2836 (r=0.96), and TW = 8.974 × 10−5 × TL 2.6182 (r=0.95), respectively.
Age and growth estimates for the winter skate (Leucoraja ocellata) were estimated from vertebral band counts on 209 fish ranging in size from 145 to 940 mm total length (TL). An index of average percent error (IAPE) of 5.8% suggests that our aging method represents a precise approach to the age assessment of L. ocellata. Marginal increments were significantly different between months (Kruskal-Wallis P<0.001) and a distinct trend of increasing monthly increment growth began in July. Estimates of von Bertalanffy growth parameters suggest that females attain a slightly larger asymptotic TL (L∞=1374 mm) than males (L∞=1218 mm) and grow more slowly (k=0.059 and 0.074, respectively). The oldest ages obtained for the winter skate were 19 years for males and 18 years for females, which corresponded to total lengths of 932 mm and 940 mm, respectively. The results indicate that the winter skate exhibits the characteristics that have made other elasmobranch populations highly susceptible to exploitation by commercial fisheries.
Mayan cichlids (Cichlasoma urophthalmus) were collected monthly from March 1996 to October 1997 with hook-and-line gear at Taylor River, Florida, an area within the Crocodile Sanctuary of Everglades National Park, where human activities such as fishing are prohibited. Fish were aged by examining thin-sectioned otoliths, and past size-at-age information was generated by using back-calculation techniques. Marginal increment analysis showed that opaque growth zones were annuli deposited between January and May. The size of age-1 fish was estimated to be 33–66 mm standard length (mean=45.5 mm) and was supported by monthly length-frequency data of young-of-year fish collected with drop traps over a seven-year period. Mayan cichlids up to seven years old were observed. Male cichlids grew slower but achieved a larger size than females. Growth was asymptotic and was modeled by the von Bertalanffy growth equation Lt=263.6(1–exp[–0.166(t–0.001)]) for males (r2=0.82, n=581) and Lt=215.6 (1–exp[–0.197(t–0.058)]) for females (r2= 0.77, n=639). Separate estimates of total annual mortality were relatively consistent (0.44–0.60) and indicated moderate mortality at higher age classes, even in the absence of fishing mortality. Our data indicated that Mayan cichlids grow slower and live longer in Florida than previously reported from native Mexican habitats. Because the growth of Mayan cichlids in Florida periodically slowed and thus produced visible annuli, it may be possible to age introduced populations of other subtropical and tropical cichlids in a similar way.