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The assent of the Truth: here's a formula that seems to have puzzled philosophers since antiquity. The possibility of apprehending truth was defended by some philosophers who have been called dogmatic, due to their haste to judge appearances as representations of reality, and refuted by those who chose to continue questioning rather than engage with his predicament. These thinkers were called skeptics. Among those who defended the consent of the truth, is highlighted by St. Augustine in this research, which aims to combat the widespread skepticism in the ancient doctrine of the Academy of Plato in his work Against Academicos. Thus, to conduct this research we ask: What are the main arguments made by St. Augustine against the scholarly skepticism? In order to address the problem identified, we propose to investigate the critical skepticism of St. Augustine, identifying and analyzing the main rebuttals he built. For this purpose, we conducted a survey of aspects of both the skepticism about the life and thought of St. Augustine about this doctrine
The Health Family Program (HFP) was founded in the 1990s with the objective of changing the health care model through a restructuring of primary care. Oral health was officially incorporated into HFP mainly through the efforts of dental professionals, and was seen as a way to break from oral health care models based on curative, technical biological and inequity methods. Despite the fast expansion of HFP oral health teams, it is essential to ask if changes are really occurring in the oral health model of municipalities. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the incorporation of oral health teams into the Health Family Program by analyzing the factors that may interfere positively or negatively in the implementation of this strategy and consequently in the process of changing oral health care models in the National Health System in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. This evaluation involves three dimensions: access, work organization and strategies of planning. For this purpose,19 municipalities, geographically distributed according to Regional Public Health Units (RPHU), were randomly selected. The data collection instruments used were: structured interview of supervisors and dentists, structured observation, documental research and data from national health data banks. It was possible to identify critical points that may be impeding the implementation of oral health into HFP, such as, low incomes, no legal employment contract, difficulty in referring patients for high-complexity procedures, in developing intersectoral actions and program strategies such as epidemiologic diagnosis and evaluation of the new actions. The majority of municipalities showed little or no improvement in oral health care after incorporating the new model into HFP. All of them had failures in most of the aspects mentioned above. Furthermore, these municipalities are similar in other areas, such as low educational levels in children from 7 to 14 years of age, high child mortality rates and wide social inequalities. On the other hand, the five municipalities that had improved oral health, according to the categories analyzed, offered better living conditions to the population, with higher life expectancy, low infant mortality rates, per capita income among the highest in the state as well as high Human Development Index (HDI) means. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that public policies that include aspects beyond the health sector are decisive for a real change in health care models
Poverty is a main theme in Brazil: according to official data, poverty reachs 70 million Brazilian people, and, between them, 20 million are unable to provide their basic needs. Psychology, as a welfare profession, and given its historical concerns with social actions, could not be away from this theme. Based on this, we ask: Which answers Psychology can provide, toward both the production of knowledge and the practice about social reality? The purpose of this paper is to investigate the psychological scientific production on poverty and the propositions, limits and impacts of psychological actions. We carried out a three stages documental based study analyzing Brazilian psychological literature: (1) online databases survey (312 papers identified); (2) 109 scientific abstracts accessed and coded; (3) selected 47 scientific papers read and analyzed. Results are presented in three sections: general description of the selected scientific production; characterization of the role of poverty in psychological literature; and themes presented at the papers. The academic production about the main theme (poverty) is dispersed, heterogeneous, and related to other fields of knowledge. Poverty is presented at these studies in many ways, such as: a criterium for sample design and the assessment of its psychological impacts; reports on professional experience with poor population; descriptions of this population group; relationship between poverty and others social themes; developmental and learning problems of poor children. In general, it appears that Psychology has improved the scientific production and experiences with poor population. However, it is necessary to build up theories and technical innovations and also to understand structural boundaries for professional practice with this population group
It analyses the approach given by health professionals (social workers, nurses and doctors) against woman violence at the Medical Unities of Felipe Camarão and Quintas of the City of Natal and searches to identify if the domestic violence is (in)visible at the Public Health Assistance System attendance. and It refers to the grandiosity of this violence and its consequences to the women health, recognizing it as a public health problem. To the comprehension of the relationship between violent acts against women and their health serious damages, exposes the battle history of the feminist movements and the brazilian women, demonstrating the visibility acquired by theses conquests of the questions related to the women and how the gender study becomes the central category to (re) think the social relations involving women and men, specially, the violent relationships between them. It analyses, mainly, those practiced by the husbands, partners, boyfriends or lovers. It refers, at the end, about the public politics of violence combat adopted at police stations at health centers, showing the difficulties to establish the legislation that exists to combat the violence suffered by the women that look for assistance at the health unities. It intends, with this way, to give more visibility to the domestic questions at the marital relations and ask attention from the public power and health professionals between them, the social worker to the (in) visibility of this problems at the attendances practiced
A política de indexação deve ser constituída de estratégias que permitam o alcance dos objetivos de recuperação do sistema de informação. O indexador tem a função primordial de compreender o documento ao realizar uma análise conceitual que represente adequadamente seu conteúdo. Utilizando a leitura como evento social/protocolo verbal em grupo, nosso objetivo é contribuir com a literatura sobre política de indexação e apresentar propostas de ensino de política de indexação direcionadas a alunos de graduação e pós-graduação, além de uma experiência de educação à distância com vistas à formação do bibliotecário em serviço. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que a metodologia pode ser utilizada por sistemas de informação para que se tenha acesso ao conhecimento do indexador. Conclui que o indexador deve ser o alvo de investimento dos sistemas de informação e sugere aos sistemas de informação que a experiência do indexador também seja utilizada como parâmetro para política de indexação.
OBJETIVO: Estudar as normas relativas à ética da pesquisa em seres humanos contidas nas Instruções aos Autores de revistas científicas brasileiras. MATERIAL E MÉTODOS: As Instruções aos Autores de 139 revistas científicas brasileiras das áreas de medicina, biomedicina, enfermagem, odontologia e ciências gerais foram analisadas com relação às suas recomendações sobre os aspectos éticos. RESULTADOS: Das 139 revistas estudadas, 110 (79,1%) não fazem referências aos aspectos éticos; 17 (12,2%) exigem aprovação prévia pela Comissão de Ética; três (2,1%) fazem referência à Declaração de Helsinque; uma (0,7%) recomenda adotar o consentimento esclarecido; cinco (3,5%) seguem orientações dos requisitos uniformes para manuscritos submetidos a revistas biomédicas e três (2,1%) seguem princípios, normas e padrões éticos não especificados. Nas 29 revistas que fazem referências à ética, as exigências são solicitadas sob as seguintes formas: 15 (51,7%) exigem a inclusão da informação no texto do artigo; duas (6,8%) pedem carta assinada pelos autores; uma (3,4%) solicita cópia da autorização da Comissão de Ética; uma (3,4%) afirma supor que o autor cumpriu as exigências e dez (34,4%) não fazem qualquer referência específica. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados do estudo indicam que na maioria das revistas científicas brasileiras há pouca preocupação em relação aos aspectos éticos da pesquisa em seres humanos, contidas nas Instruções aos Autores. Nas revistas que fazem referência aos aspectos éticos, as exigências são muito variáveis.
The mangrove ecosystem has a great importance to maintaining marine biodiversity, and to the livelihoods of communities living around it. Despite its importance, many mangrove areas have been extensively cleared and converted to other uses. There are few places where communities can retain their traditional uses of mangrove. A good example of conservation of traditional costumes are the fishing communities of the Sustainable Development Reserve (Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável RDS) Ponta do Tubarão. The creation of the reserve came from the own population, and the devastation of a mangrove area, which would be destined for activity shrimp, was one of the reasons that led the population to ask authorities the establishment of a legally protected area. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the environmental perception of the fishing communities of RDS Ponta do Tubarão with respect to the mangroves in a biological, ecological and social perspective as well as evaluate the influence of the reserve in the mangrove conservation and quality of life. To meet objectives of this study was required the appropriation of some method and approaches of ethnosciences and environmental perception. Data were collected through direct observation, and semi-structured interviews. Through content analysis found that the population has a strong dependence on the mangrove ecosystem, as well as provides a good ecological knowledge of ecosystem functions. It was also found that the reservation has a good performance in the conservation of the mangroves; however, need to outline strategies to conciliate both the biological and cultural conservation.
The mangrove ecosystem has a great importance to maintaining marine biodiversity, and to the livelihoods of communities living around it. Despite its importance, many mangrove areas have been extensively cleared and converted to other uses. There are few places where communities can retain their traditional uses of mangrove. A good example of conservation of traditional costumes are the fishing communities of the Sustainable Development Reserve (Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustentável RDS) Ponta do Tubarão. The creation of the reserve came from the own population, and the devastation of a mangrove area, which would be destined for activity shrimp, was one of the reasons that led the population to ask authorities the establishment of a legally protected area. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the environmental perception of the fishing communities of RDS Ponta do Tubarão with respect to the mangroves in a biological, ecological and social perspective as well as evaluate the influence of the reserve in the mangrove conservation and quality of life. To meet objectives of this study was required the appropriation of some method and approaches of ethnosciences and environmental perception. Data were collected through direct observation, and semi-structured interviews. Through content analysis found that the population has a strong dependence on the mangrove ecosystem, as well as provides a good ecological knowledge of ecosystem functions. It was also found that the reservation has a good performance in the conservation of the mangroves; however, need to outline strategies to conciliate both the biological and cultural conservation.
O presente trabalho trata-se de pesquisa quase experimental para avaliar o impacto na redução do absenteísmo de usuários agendados para cirurgia eletiva, quando submetidos à confirmação de presença por telefone. O estudo foi conduzido no Centro Cirúrgico do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, durante trinta dias, perfazendo 89 usuários. Os resultados indicaram a efetividade da intervenção, que reduziu o absenteísmo em 30%. Recomenda-se sua implementação na antevéspera da cirurgia, possibilitando novas tentativas para encontrar o usuário no domicílio e convocação de outro. A criação de um núcleo de atendimento poderia constituir um canal de comunicação entre instituição e usuário, permitindo a confirmação da presença da pessoa e a oportunidade de sanar dúvidas sobre o tratamento e comunicar eventuais impedimentos à cirurgia. O núcleo demandaria um profissional com habilidade e conhecimento do serviço, uma vez que os usuários requerem orientações sobre o tratamento durante o contato telefônico.
Este artigo apresenta a reflexão sobre uma experiência de atendimento em grupo na porta de um serviço de Saúde Mental Coletiva de um município do Estado de São Paulo com 30 mil habitantes. Com a análise de dados referentes ao atendimento inicial desta instituição denominado Pronto Atendimento (PA), em especial as filas de espera em psiquiatria e em psicoterapia, considerou-se que o PA pode operar como um analisador, uma vez que é nesse atendimento que os usuários que procuram ajuda na instituição apresentam suas queixas e os seus pedidos de ajuda. É também a partir desse atendimento que a instituição, por meio de seus profissionais, oferece as possibilidades terapêuticas. A análise efetuada permitiu apontar que esse atendimento pode constituir ações que reforçam o paradigma psiquiátrico dominante ou ações que podem contribuir na construção do modelo psicossocial, partindo de mudanças da própria representação social da instituição, do sofrimento psíquico e dos recursos terapêuticos de cura.
Cet article cherche à dresser, sous la perspective historique, le bilan de la situation des pays périphériques dans les dernières trentes années. Pour cela, il aborde particulièrement les enjeux du développement dans la phase de la globalisation du capital. Ce travail s'appuie surtout sur les études de la vaste bibliographie publiée récemment. Dans quelle mesure la relance du développement concernant plusieurs secteurs stagnés de la périphérie deviendrait-elle une réelle possibilité? Autour de cette question, que nous trouvons centrale dans l'actuelle conjoncture, nous entamons quelques réflexions. Nous envisageons montrer que la stagnation économique à laquelle des nombreux pays non développés font face ne découle pas en partie d'une crise sociale et économique ouverte dans les années soixante-dix et qui s'élargit jusqu'à nos jours malgré les tentatives de restructuration de la société capitaliste. Les stratégies et les mesures politiques à caractère néo-liberal aussi auraient énormément contribué à cette situation étant donné qu'elles ont renforcé les amarres financières qui ont étranglé pour une part les économies périphériques. Outre ces difficultés, ces pays affronteraient les limites écologiques du capitalisme. La relance du développement dans un nouveau stade exigeant la croissance économique, la justice sociale et la préservation de la nature amènerait à une rupture face au capitalisme.
As concepções dos professores podem determinar as atitudes sociais em relação à inclusão do aluno com deficiência na sala de aula. Dentre dessa temática, pode-se questionar: a concepção de inclusão do professor do ensino regular muda no decorrer do ano letivo após a entrada de alunos com deficiência? Assim, objetivou-se identificar a existência de mudanças de concepções do professor do ensino regular em relação à inclusão. Participaram do estudo cinco professores do ensino regular que atuavam em sala de aula com pelo menos um aluno com deficiência, em três escolas de Município do interior Paulista. Os dados foram coletados durante um ano letivo por meio de três procedimentos: entrevista não-estruturada; segmento bimestral das informações por meio de cadernos de conteúdo e entrevista semi-estruturada, ao final do ano. Os dados foram tratados por meio da técnica designada como análise da enunciação. Dessa análise, foram estabelecidas classes e subclasses, aferidas por juízes para verificar o grau de concordância da análise. Os resultados mostraram mudanças de concepções nas subclasses: expectativa em relação à inclusão do aluno com deficiência no ensino regular, experiência em relação à inclusão, perfil do aluno para ser matriculado no ensino regular; ritmo de aprendizagem do aluno com deficiência na sala de aula regular, avaliação da aprendizagem do aluno com deficiência, dificuldades em lidar com a diversidade, dificuldade em lidar com a disciplina/comportamento do aluno com deficiência e dificuldade para ensinar o aluno com deficiência. Conclui-se que a entrada, por si só, do aluno com deficiência no ensino regular não garantiu a mudança de concepção dos professores.
Horizontal transfer ( HT), defined as the transfer of genetic material between species, is considered to be an essential step in the 'life cycle' of transposable elements. We present a broad overview of suspected cases of HT of transposable elements in Drosophila. Hundred-one putative events of HT have been proposed in Drosophila for 21 different elements (5.0% refer to non-long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons, 42.6% to LTR retrotransposons and 52.4% to DNA transposons). We discuss the methods used to infer HT, their limits and the putative vectors of transposable elements. We outline all the alternative hypotheses and ask how we can be almost certain that phylogenetic inconsistencies are due to HT.
The population growth phenomenon, coupled with recent urbanization, is seen in all continents and generates huge pressures on the physical and biotic environment, resulting in floods in several areas, desertification in others, and also various forms of pollution that cause serious problems to human health. It is appropriate to ask, what actions can be implemented in consolidated urban areas to improve the quality of life in this environment? What growth alternatives present themselves to today's society in order to keep an acceptable level of environmental quality in urban centers? A possibility is presented herein, stemming from the application of the Biotope Area Factor (BAF; www.stadtentwicklung.berlin.de) to an area of a Brazilian municipality. Current growing waterproofing requirements fur lots of the area were assesed, comparing them with those that would be desirable by the implementation of the BAF. The associated costs of this deployment are also discussed.
Background: Artificial selection has resulted in animal breeds with extreme phenotypes. As an organism is made up of many different tissues and organs, each with its own genetic programme, it is pertinent to ask: How relevant is tissue in terms of total transcriptome variability? Which are the genes most distinctly expressed between tissues? Does breed or sex equally affect the transcriptome across tissues?Results: In order to gain insight on these issues, we conducted microarray expression profiling of 16 different tissues from four animals of two extreme pig breeds, Large White and Iberian, two males and two females. Mixed model analysis and neighbor - joining trees showed that tissues with similar developmental origin clustered closer than those with different embryonic origins. Often a sound biological interpretation was possible for overrepresented gene ontology categories within differentially expressed genes between groups of tissues. For instance, an excess of nervous system or muscle development genes were found among tissues of ectoderm or mesoderm origins, respectively. Tissue accounted for similar to 11 times more variability than sex or breed. Nevertheless, we were able to confidently identify genes with differential expression across tissues between breeds (33 genes) and between sexes (19 genes). The genes primarily affected by sex were overall different than those affected by breed or tissue. Interaction with tissue can be important for differentially expressed genes between breeds but not so much for genes whose expression differ between sexes.Conclusion: Embryonic development leaves an enduring footprint on the transcriptome. The interaction in gene x tissue for differentially expressed genes between breeds suggests that animal breeding has targeted differentially each tissue's transcriptome.