870 resultados para Articular pain


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Avaliou-se o centro instantâneo de movimento e vetor velocidade após a transecção do ligamento cruzado cranial (LCCr), seguida da substituição ligamentar por retalho de fáscia lata, associada ou não a incisuroplastia troclear (ITR) em nove cães adultos. O joelho direito (GI) foi submetido a ITR e posterior estabilização articular, e o joelho esquerdo submetido somente a substituição ligamentar (GC). Os animais foram avaliados nos períodos pré-operatório, pós-operatório imediato e aos 30, 90 e 180 de pós-operatório, correspondente ao momento de eutanásia de subgrupos de três animais. O centro instantâneo de movimento (CIM) e o vetor velocidade (Vv) resultante foram determinados por meio do deslocamento de pontos a partir da análise radiográfica dos joelhos. Todas as articulações apresentavam CIM e Vv normais antes da transecção do ligamento cruzado cranial. Após a estabilização articular, acompanhada ou não de ITR, observou-se o posicionamento normal do CIM e Vv resultante, em todos os períodos de avaliação, apesar da presença de movimento de gaveta em três animais de GC e dois de GI no pós-operatório imediato, em dois animais de cada grupo, aos 30 dias de avaliação, e em um animal em cada grupo nas avaliações subseqüentes. Conclui-se que a estabilização articular com retalho de fáscia lata, associada ou não a ITR, mantém a integridade biomecânica do joelho, quando considerados o CIM e o Vv.


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Avaliaram-se as alterações clínicas e radiográficas em nove cães adultos, após a transecção do ligamento cruzado cranial (LCCr) seguida da substituição ligamentar por retalho de fáscia lata, associada ou não à incisuroplastia troclear (ITR). O joelho direito (GI) foi submetido à ITR e posterior estabilização articular, e o esquerdo somente à substituição ligamentar (GC). Os animais foram avaliados nos períodos pré-operatório, pós-operatório (po) imediato e aos 30, 90 e 180 dias de po, período coincidente com o momento de eutanásia de subgrupos de três cães. A instabilidade articular e o grau de claudicação diminuíram significativamente durante o período de avaliação, apesar da instabilidade persistir durante a flexão articular. Observou-se decréscimo significativo do perímetro muscular da coxa aos 30 e 90 dias p.o. em ambos os grupos. Não foram evidenciadas alterações nos graus de extensão e flexão articulares, na rotação interna da tíbia, na amplitude de movimento articular ou de doença articular degenerativa (DAD) durante o período de avaliação em ambos os grupos. Conclui-se que a ITR, associada à técnica de estabilização articular, não produz alterações em nenhuma das variáveis estudadas em cães, quando comparada à estabilização intra-articular, isoladamente.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar, por meio de teste quantitativo, a força muscular em crianças e adolescentes com dores de crescimento, associada ou não com hipermobilidade articular e comparadas com controles saudáveis. MÉTODO: Quarenta e sete casos de crianças e adolescentes acompanhados por dores de crescimento, sendo 24 com hipermobilidade articular (DC-HA), 23 sem hipermobilidade articular (DC) e 47 controles saudáveis pareados por idade e gênero foram submetidos a dois testes quantitativos para a avaliação da força muscular, o Childhood Myositis Assessment Scale (CMAS) e o Manual Muscle Strength Test (MMT). Os dados antropométricos como altura, peso, índice de massa corporal, prega cutânea tricipital, circunferência média do braço e a área muscular do braço foram comparados entre os três grupos. RESULTADOS: Os três grupos não apresentaram diferença estatística entre as medidas antropométricas. Houve diferença significante entre a mediana da pontuação do CMAS, sendo menores no grupo DC (47, mínimo e máximo 39-52) e DC-HA (46, mínimo e máximo 40-51), comparados com controles (50, mínimo e máximo 45-52; p<0,0001). Dois dos exercícios cronometrados do CMAS, a elevação da cabeça e a duração da elevação das pernas, tiveram menor pontuação nos pacientes comparados aos controles (p<0.0001). A pontuação mediana do MMT no grupo DC (79, mínimo e máximo 73-80) e DC-HA (78, mínimo e máximo 32-80) também apresentou diferença significante, sendo menor nos pacientes que nos controles (80, mínimo e máximo 78-80; p<0,0001). A melhor correlação entre a pontuação do CMAS e MMT foi no grupo DC-HA (Spearman r=0,65; p=0,0007). A aplicação do CMAS e MMT em duas ocasiões apresentou boa concordância e coeficiente de correlação intraclasse de 0,87 (IC 95% 0,64-0,96; p<0,0001) e 0,92 (IC 95% 0,76-0,97; p<0,0001), respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Os pacientes com dores de crescimento com ou sem hipermobilidade articular apresentaram fraqueza muscular de leve a moderada quando comparados com controles saudáveis.


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Dentre as pesquisas empreendidas no campo da epidemiologia, um grupo específico aborda patologias de etiologia desconhecida ou não totalmente compreendidas. É dentro deste grupo que estão situadas as desordens temporomandibulares (DTM). Três estratégias observacionais básicas têm sido utilizadas para abordar o papel etiológico da má oclusão no desenvolvimento das DTM, dentro do repertório epidemiológico. São elas: estudos do tipo transversal, estudos de caso controle e estudos de coorte. Alguns experimentos clínicos são realizados com base na remoção do fator etiológico suspeito. Com base em uma revisão estruturada da literatura, a partir da metodologia empregada nos estudos selecionados, podemos concluir que a definição dos possíveis fatores etiológicos relacionados a subgrupos específicos de DTM é fundamental para que o papel das más oclusões no desenvolvimento destas desordens, embora pareça pequeno quando baseado nas evidências disponíveis, não seja subestimado. Pode ser útil a caracterização de uma oclusão normal como aquela associada como o menor risco para o desenvolvimento de problemas de DTM, mas é provavelmente inapropriada a aplicação destes parâmetros para reverter um problema intra-capsular já estabelecido. O conceito de uma oclusão de baixo fator de risco implicaria em um pequeno desvio entre RC e MIH, pequeno transpasse horizontal, transpasse vertical positivo e ausência de mordida cruzada posterior. Este conceito é compatível com o conceito de oclusão normal defendido por décadas, embora uma variação do normal ao invés de um critério absoluto deva ser permitida. Embora provavelmente seja prudente estabelecer metas morfológicas terapêuticas que busquem o que é observado em oclusões não tratadas julgadas normais ou ideais, o estabelecimento de uma oclusão que alcance todos os critérios gnatológicos, por meio de tratamento ortodôntico, talvez seja impossível e provavelmente desnecessário.


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A model of nociceptive threshold determination was developed for evaluation of NSAID analgesia in cats. In a crossover study, eight cats received carprofen (4 mg/kg), buprenorphine (0.01 mg/kg) or saline (0.3 ml) subcutaneously before intradermal kaolin injection on the antebrachium to induce mild inflammation. Pressure thresholds were measured at the injected site using blunt-ended pins advanced by manual inflation of a bladder within a bracelet. Bladder pressure was recorded as threshold (PT) at the behavioural end point. Baseline PT were recorded before kaolin injection (time 0). PT was measured at 2-10 h intervals for 52 h. PT below the lower 95% confidence interval (CI) of baseline values indicated hyperalgesia. After saline, hyperalgesia was detected from 2-6 h, 22-26 h, and at 30 and 36 h. After carprofen, PT remained within the 95% CI. After buprenorphine, PT remained within the 95% CI except at 2 h. Carprofen and to some extent buprenorphine, prevented inflammatory hyperalgesia. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The study of the influence of motion and initial intra-articular pressure (IAP) on intra-articular pressure profiles in equine cadaver metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints was undertaken as a prelude to in vivo studies, Eleven equine cadaver MTP joints were submitted to 2 motion frequencies of 5 and 10 cycles/min of flexion and extension, simulating the condition of lower and higher (double) rates of passive motion. These frequencies were applied and pressure profiles generated with initial normal intra-articular pressure (-5 mmHg) and subsequently 30 mmHg intra-articular pressure obtained by injection of previously harvested synovial fluid.The 4 trials performed were 1) normal IAP; 5 cyles/min; 2) normal IAP; 10 cycles/min; 3) IAP at 30 mmHg; 5 cycles/min and 4) IAP at 30 mmHg; 10 cycles/min. The range of joint motion applied (mean +/- s.e.) was 67.6 +/- 1.61 degrees with an excursion from 12.2 +/- 1.2 degrees in extension to 56.2 +/- 2.6 degrees in flexion, Mean pressure recorded in mmHg for the first and last min of each trial, respectively, were 1) -5.7 +/- 0.9 and -6.3 +/- 1.1; 2) -5.3 +/- 1.1 and -6.2 +/- 1.1; 3) 58.8 +/- 8.0 and 42.3 +/- 7.2; 4) 56.6 +/- 3.7 and 40.3 +/- 4.6. Statistical analyses showed a trend for difference between the values for the first and last minute in trial 3 (0.05>P<0.1) with P = 0.1 and significant difference (P = 0.02) between the mean IAP of the first and last min in trial 4. The loss of intra-articular pressure associated with time and motion was 10.5, 16.9, 28.1 and 28.9% for trials 1-4, respectively. As initial intraarticular pressure and motion increased, the percent loss of intra-articular pressure increased.The angle of lowest pressure was 12.2 +/- 1.2 (mean +/- s.e.) in extension in trials 1 and 2, In trials 3 and 4, the lowest pressures were obtained in flexion with the joints at 18.5 +/- 2.0 degrees (mean +/- s.e.). This demonstrated that the joint angle of least pressure changed as the initial intra-articular pressure changed and there would not be a single angle of least pressure for a given joint.The volume of synovial fluid recovered from the MTP joints in trial 3 compared to 4 (trials in which fluid was injected to attain IAP of 30 mmHg) was not significantly different, supporting a soft tissue compliance change as a cause for the significant loss of intra-articular pressure during the 15 min of trial 4.The pressure profiles generated correlate well with in vivo values and demonstrated consistent pressure profiles. Our conclusions are summarised as follows:1. Clinically normal equine MTP joints which were frozen and then later thawed were found to have mostly negative baseline intra-articular pressures, as would be expected in living subjects,2. Alternate pressure profiles of the dorsal and plantar pouch at baseline intra-articular pressure document the presence of pressure forces that would support 'back and forth' fluid movement between joint compartments. This should result in movement of joint fluid during motion, assisting in lubrication and nutrition of articular cartilage,3. If joint pressure was initially greater than normal (30 mmHg), as occurs in diseased equine MTP joints, joint motion further increased joint capsule relaxation (compliance) and, therefore, reduced intra-articular pressure.4. Peak intra-articular pressures reached extremely high values (often >100 mmHg) in flexion when initial pressure was 30 mmHg. Joint effusion pressures recorded for clinical MCP joints are frequently 30 mmHg. These IAP values are expected to produce intermittent synovial ischaemia in clinical cases during joint flexion.5, Additional in vivo studies are necessary to confirm our conclusions from this study and to identify the contributions of fluid absorption and the presence of ischaemia in a vascularised joint.


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The object of the current study was to evaluate the efficacy of thermography and ultrasonography in the diagnosis of thoracolumbar lesions in Quarter Horse athletes and associate the different types of lesions found with the athletic modality practiced. Twenty-four horses were admitted to the Surgery Service for Large Animals of the Veterinary and Animal Science Faculty, UNESP, Botucatu, Brazil, with complaints of back problems. All the horses were submitted for physical examinations to confirm the existence of thoracolumbar alterations and then for thermography and ultrasonography Thermography was used to map the lesioned areas of this region and ultrasonography for lesion characterization. The lesions found were supraspinous desmitis, interspinous desmitis, dorsal intervertebral osteoarthritis, and impingement of the spinous processes or kissing spines. The existence of a relation between the type of event practiced by the horse and the type of lesion found was determined. In horses that competed in the barrel race, a predominance of lesions in the thoracic caudal, thoracolumbar, and cranial lumbar regions occurred, with intervertebral osteoarthritis and interspinous desmitis being the most common. In cutting horses, most of the lesions were observed in the caudal lumbar region, whereas horses competing in reining showed a preferential location for lesions in the middle lumbar, with a predominance of supraspinous desmitis and myositis. Thermography associated with ultrasonography was shown to be efficient in the diagnosis of the thoracolumbar lesions of these horses.


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Chronic pain is the major complaint of myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome (MPDS) and is a complex problem which involves physical, psychological and social aspects, the etiology of MPDS is multifactorial and the multidisciplinary approach is essential for differential diagnosis and for comprehensive treatment planning, In 1993, the Dental School of Piracicaba-UNICAMP, Brazil, opened a Center for Pain Studies (CPS), staffed by health care providers including, dentists, psychologists, physicians, physiotherapists and phonoaudiologists. The major aims of the CPS are to provide clinical care and to develop basic and applied research, Sixty-two MPDS patients had been admitted to the CPS by 1997, There were 60 females and 2 males, mean age -32.5 years, the mean duration of chronic pain was 48 months. Pain intensity and unpleasantness were measured employing the Visual Analogue Scale, the tendency to develop stress-related diseases was assessed by the Social Readjustment de Scale, There was a mean reduction of chronic pain of 69.89% and 71.78% relative to intensity and unpleasantness, respectively, the experience of clinical attendance at a multidisciplinary center showed the relevance of a team consisting of health care providers from different specialties with well-established aims, completely integrated and sensitive enough to understand the painful complaints of MPDS patients.


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Introduction: Study the characteristics of pain vocal emission of newborns during venepuncture through acoustic analysis and relate it to NIPS pain scale and some variables of the newborns.Methods: Emissions of 111 healthy term newborns were recorded, whose lifetime varied from 24 to 72 h. The acoustic analysis was realized with GRAM 5.7 software verifying the occurrence of tense strangled voice quality, sounds, concentration of acoustic energy, breaks, double harmonic breaks and frequency instability, type of phonation, vocal attack and cough. The NIPS scale was realized during venepuncture and descriptive statistical analysis and correlation through Spearman test.Results: Hundred percent of the emissions had guttural sounds, vowels, hard vocal attack, frequency, breaks, double harmonic breaks and tense strangled voice quality; 34.2% higher fundamental frequency; 62.2% periods of emission absence and 100% occurrence of tracing instability, concentration of acoustic energy, inspiratory and expiratory phonation. The cough occurred in 14.4%. The signs of vocal tract constriction associated with all. The parameters. There was a negative correlation between the higher fundamental frequencies and the weight of newborns and positive correlation between cough and NIPS score.Conclusions: the newborn pain emission is tense and strident, the modifications of frequency and spectrographic tracing and the presence of sounds show laryngeal and vocal tract participation. The smaller the newborn weight, the bigger the presence of higher fundamental frequency with tense strangled voice quality and the bigger the NIPS score, the more frequent the cough. Such characteristics make pain crying peculiar, helping in the evaluation of pain during a procedure. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)