902 resultados para Arthritis Clinical-trials
Mesenchymal stromal cells are adult stem cells found mostly in the bone marrow. They have immunosuppressive properties and they have been successfully applied as biological therapy in several clinical trials regarding autoimmune diseases. Despite the great number of clinical trials, MSCs’ action is not fully understand and there are no identified markers that correlate themselves with the immunomodulatory power. A lipidomic approach can solve some of these problems once lipids are one of the major cells’ components. Therefore, in this study cells’ lipidome was analysed and its deviations were evaluated according to the medium of culture and to the presence of pro-inflammatory stimuli, mimicking physiological conditions in which these cells are used. This was the first study ever made that aimed to analyse the differences in the phospholipid profile between mesenchymal stromal cells non-stimulated and stimulated with proinflammatory stimulus. This analysis was conducted in both cells cultured in medium supplemented with animal serum and in cells cultured in a synthetic medium. In cells cultured in the standard medium the levels of phosphatidylcholine (PC) species with shorter fatty acids (FAs) acyl chains decreased under pro-inflammatory stimuli. The level of PC(40:6) also decreased, which may be correlated with enhanced levels of lysoPC (LPC)(18:0) - an anti-inflammatory LPC - observed in cells subjected to TNF-α and IFN-γ. Simultaneously, the relative amounts of PC(36:1) and PC(38:4) increased. TNF-α and IFN- γ also enhanced the levels of phosphatidylethanolamine PE(40:6) and decreased the levels of PE(38:6). Higher expression of phosphatidylserine PS(36:1) and sphingomyelin SM(34:0) along with a decrease in PS(38:6) levels were observed. However, in cells cultured in a synthetic medium, TNF-α and IFN-γ only enhanced the levels of PS(36:1). These results indicate that lipid metabolism and signaling is modulated during mesenchymal stromal cells action.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a serious and growing threat to human health. The development of new antibiotics is limited and slow. The tradition of synergy in herbal medicine is being used as a source of research ideas. A literature review of antimicrobial research and plant synergy published in a five year period was carried out using online databases. The in vitro findings were that most of the research reported synergy both within plants and between plants and antibiotics. Whole plant extracts and combinations of compounds were shown to be more effective antimicrobials than isolated constituents. The discussion highlights that the in vitro herbal research findings are difficult to apply to practice and aren’t progressing to clinical trials. Collaborative, innovative, inter-disciplinary clinical research is recommended.
Dissertação de mestrado, Oncobiologia,(Mecanismos Moleculares do Cancro), Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
La cystectomie radicale est le traitement de référence pour les cancers de la vessie infiltrant le muscle. Cette chirurgie entraine un taux élevé de complications et diminue la qualité de vie des patients à court et à long terme. Une revue de la littérature a d’abord été effectuée afin d’identifier les facteurs de l’état nutritionnel associés au risque de complications et de mortalité après la cystectomie radicale. L’hypoalbuminémie a été identifiée comme un prédicteur potentiel de la mortalité post-opératoire. Une étude de cohorte a ensuite été menée afin d’identifier des facteurs de l’état nutritionnel associés au risque de développer des complications après cette chirurgie. Un indice de masse corporelle élevé, une baisse de l’appétit, une perte de poids, une hypo-albuminémie et une hypo-préalbuminémie avant l’opération sont les facteurs qui ont été associés au développement de complications post-opératoires. Des analyses et des études supplémentaires doivent être menées dans l’optique développer des interventions qui pourraient diminuer le risque de complications après la cystectomie radicale.
Tese de doutoramento, Medicina (Neurocirurgia), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2014
A number of media outlets now issue medium-range (~7 day) weather forecasts on a regular basis. It is therefore logical that aerobiologists should attempt to produce medium-range forecasts for allergenic pollen that cover the same time period as the weather forecasts. The objective of this study is to construct a medium-range (< 7 day) forecast model for grass pollen at north London. The forecast models were produced using regression analysis based on grass pollen and meteorological data from 1990-1999 and tested on data from 2000 and 2002. The modelling process was improved by dividing the grass pollen season into three periods; the pre-peak, peak and post peak periods of grass pollen release. The forecast consisted of five regression models. Two simple linear regression models predicting the start and end date of the peak period, and three multiple regression models forecasting daily average grass pollen counts in the pre-peak, peak and post-peak periods. Overall the forecast models achieved 62% accuracy in 2000 and 47% in 2002, reflecting the fact that the 2002 grass pollen season was of a higher magnitude than any of the other seasons included in the analysis. This study has the potential to make a notable contribution to the field of aerobiology. Winter averages of the North Atlantic Oscillation were used to predict certain characteristics of the grass pollen season, which presents an important advance in aerobiological work. The ability to predict allergenic pollen counts for a period between five and seven days will benefit allergy sufferers. Furthermore, medium-range forecasts for allergenic pollen will be of assistance to the medical profession, including allergists planning treatment and physicians scheduling clinical trials.
Tese de doutoramento, Medicina (Imunologia Clínica), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Medicina, 2016
The use of triple-therapy, pegylated-interferon, ribavirin and either of the first generation hepatitis C virus (HCV) protease inhibitors telaprevir or boceprevir, is the new standard of care for treating genotype 1 chronic HCV. Clinical trials have shown response rates of around 70–80%, but there is limited data from the use of this combination outside this setting. Through an expanded access programme, we treated 59 patients, treatment naïve and experienced, with triple therapy. Baseline factors predicting treatment response or failure during triple therapy phase were identified in 58 patients. Thirty seven (63.8%) of 58 patients had undetectable HCV RNA 12 weeks after the end of treatment. Genotype 1a (p = 0.053), null-response to previous treatment (p = 0.034), the rate of viral load decline after 12 weeks of previous interferon-based treatment (p = 0.033) were all associated with triple-therapy failure. The most common cause of on-treatment failure for telaprevir-based regimens was the development of resistance-associated variants (RAVs) at amino acids 36 and/or 155 of HCV protease (p = 0.027) whereas in boceprevir-based regimens mutations at amino acid 54 were significant (p = 0.015). SVR12 rates approaching 64% were achieved using triple therapy outside the clinical trial setting, in a patient cohort that included cirrhotics.
Os ácidos gordos desempenham um papel fisiológico importante como componentes indispensáveis na estrutura celular, bem como fontes de energia. Nas últimas décadas, tem havido um aumento notável do interesse público nos ácidos gordos polinsaturados ómegas 3 e 6 e no seu impacto sobre a saúde humana, especialmente em doenças metabólicas e cardiovasculares. Estes ácidos gordos específicos podem prevenir e/ou tratar várias patologias metabólicas, atuando nomeadamente como compostos anti-inflamatórios. A menopausa é um fator de risco para doença cardiovascular, a diminuição de estrogénio, que ocorre neste estado fisiológico, provoca disfunção endotelial e stresse oxidativo. Consequentemente há uma redução dos níveis de ácidos gordos polinsaturados ómegas 3, o que contribui para o aparecimento de aterosclerose e doença cardiovascular. Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar e caracterizar o perfil lipídico de ácidos gordos de uma amostra de mulheres pós-menopausa e com este, estudar as associações entre o perfil lipídico determinado e parâmetros metabólicos de risco (parâmetros clínicos e bioquímicos). Inicialmente, os ácidos gordos foram extraídos da matriz plasmática através da derivatização destes e a sua composição percentual no plasma foi determinada com recurso a cromatografia gasosa com deteção de ionização de chama. De seguida, através do software IBM SPSS Statistics 21, foram estabelecidas associações entre os parâmetros clínicos e bioquímicos e o perfil lipídico determinado. A população em estudo foi divida em dois grupos consoante o período de entrada na menopausa (há menos de 7 anos e há 7 anos ou mais). Não há conhecimento de estudos semelhantes ao apresentado, que relacionem todo o perfil de ácidos gordos com parâmetros metabólicos de risco considerando o estado menopausal. Os resultados obtidos mostram que o perfil lipídico influencia vários marcadores metabólicos / endócrinos com relevância clínica que devem ser explorados em futuros ensaios clínicos. Para as mulheres na menopausa há menos de 7 anos foram estabelecidas as seguintes relações: i) entre os ácidos gordos saturados e insaturados cis e os níveis de ALP; ii) entre os ácidos gordos mono e polinsaturados cis e os níveis de GGT, IL10 e estradiol; iii) entre os ácidos gordos polinsaturados trans e o IMC e os níveis de IL6; iv) entre os ómegas 3 e os níveis de IL10 e ácido úrico; v) entre os ómegas 6 e os níveis de estradiol, ALP e GGT; vi) entre os ómegas 9 e os níveis de estradiol e GGT; vi) entre os ácidos gordos de curta cadeia e os níveis de colesterol total, LDL, triglicerídeos e IL10; vii) entre os ácidos gordos saturados de cadeia longa e o ΣÁcido láurico, mirístico, palmítico e esteárico e os níveis de triglicerídeos, ALP e GGT; viii) os níveis de IL10 podem ser simultaneamente associados com os ácidos gordos de curta cadeia e os ómegas 3. Para as mulheres na menopausa há 7 anos ou mais foram estabelecidas relações: i) entre os ómegas 3 e o IMC e os níveis de triglicerídeos; ii) entre os ácidos gordos monoinsaturados cis e os ómegas 9 com os níveis de ALT. Relações independentes do estado menopausal também foram estabelecidas, nomeadamente: i) entre os ácidos gordos polinsaturados cis e ómegas 6 e os níveis de ALT, triglicerídeos e AST; ii) entre os níveis de ácidos gordos monoinsaturados cis e ómegas 9 e os níveis de AST e triglicerídeos. O perfil lipídico de ácidos gordos pode ser considerado um biomarcador para a condição de saúde da mulher na menopausa.
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: To estimate the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of ticagrelor in the treatment of patients with acute coronary syndromes (unstable angina or myocardial infarction with or without ST-segment elevation), including patients treated medically and those undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention or coronary artery bypass grafting. METHODS: A short-term decision tree and a long-term Markov model were used to simulate the evolution of patients' life-cycles. Clinical effectiveness data were collected from the PLATO trial and resource use data were obtained from the Hospital de Santa Marta database, disease-related group legislation and the literature. RESULTS: Ticagrelor provides increases of 0.1276 life years and 0.1106 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) per patient. From a societal perspective these clinical gains entail an increase in expenditure of €610. Thus the incremental cost per life year saved is €4780 and the incremental cost per QALY is €5517. CONCLUSIONS: The simulation results show that ticagrelor reduces events compared to clopidogrel. The costs of ticagrelor are partially offset by lower costs arising from events prevented. The use of ticagrelor in clinical practice is therefore cost-effective compared to generic clopidogrel.
The potential of human adenovirus vectors as vehicles for gene transfer with clinical applications in vaccination, cancer treatment and in many monogenic and acquired diseases has been demonstrated in several studies and clinical trials. However, the clinical use of these vectors can be limited by pre-existing humoral and cellular anti-capsid immunity. One way to circumvent this bottleneck while keeping the advantages of using adenovirus vectors is using non-human viruses such as Canine Adenovirus type 2 (CAV-2). Moreover, CAV-2 vectors present attractive features to develop potential treatment of neurodegenerative and ocular disorders. While the interest in CAV-2 vectors increases, scalable and robust production processes are required to meet the need for preclinical and possibly clinical uses.(...)
RESUMO: Este trabalho teve como objetivo a determinação de esquemas de tratamento alternativos para o carcinoma da próstata com radioterapia externa (EBRT) e braquiterapia de baixa taxa de dose (LDRBT) com implantes permanentes de Iodo-125, biologicamente equivalentes aos convencionalmente usados na prática clínica, com recurso a modelos teóricos e a métodos de Monte Carlo (MC). Os conceitos de dose biológica efetiva (BED) e de dose uniforme equivalente (EUD) foram utilizados, com o modelo linear-quadrático (LQ), para a determinação de regimes de tratamento equivalentes. Numa primeira abordagem, utilizou-se a BED para determinar: 1) esquemas hipofracionados de EBRT mantendo as complicações retais tardias de regimes convencionais com doses totais de 75,6 Gy, 77,4 Gy, 79,2 Gy e 81,0 Gy; e 2) a relação entre as doses totais de EBRT e LDRBT de modo a manter a BED do regime convencional de 45 Gy de EBRT e 110 Gy de LDRBT. Numa segunda abordagem, recorreu-se ao código de MC MCNPX para a simulação de distribuições de dose de EBRT e LDRBT em dois fantomas de voxel segmentados a partir das imagens de tomografia computorizada de pacientes com carcinoma da próstata. Os resultados das simulações de EBRT e LDRBT foram somados e determinada uma EUD total de forma a obterem-se: 1) esquemas equivalentes ao tratamento convencional de 25 frações de 1,8 Gy de EBRT em combinação com 110 Gy de LDRBT; e 2) esquemas equivalentes a EUD na próstata de 67 Gy, 72 Gy, 80 Gy, 90 Gy, 100 Gy e 110 Gy. Em todos os resultados nota-se um ganho terapêutico teórico na utilização de esquemas hipofracionados de EBRT. Para uma BED no reto equivalente ao esquema convencional, tem-se um aumento de 2% na BED da próstata com menos 5 frações. Este incremento dá-se de forma cada vez mais visível à medida que se reduz o número de frações, sendo da ordem dos 10-11% com menos 20 frações e dos 35-45% com menos 40 frações. Considerando os resultados das simulações de EBRT, obteve-se uma EUD média de 107 Gy para a próstata e de 42 Gy para o reto, com o esquema convencional de 110 Gy de LDRBT, seguidos de 25 frações de 1,8 Gy de EBRT. Em termos de probabilidade de controlo tumoral (igual EUD), é equivalente a este tratamento a administração de EBRT em 66 frações de 1,8 Gy, 56 de 2 Gy, 40 de 2,5 Gy, 31 de 3 Gy, 20 de 4 Gy ou 13 de 5 Gy. Relativamente à administração de 66 frações de 1,8 Gy, a EUD generalizada no reto reduz em 6% com o recurso a frações de 2,5 Gy e em 10% com frações de 4 Gy. Determinou-se uma BED total de 162 Gy para a administração de 25 frações de 1,8 Gy de EBRT em combinação com 110 Gy de LDRBT. Variando-se a dose total de LDRBT (TDLDRBT) em função da dose total de EBRT (TDEBRT), de modo a garantir uma BED de 162 Gy, obteve-se a seguinte relação:.......... Os resultados das simulações mostram que a EUD no reto diminui com o aumento da dose total de LDRBT para dose por fração de EBRT (dEBRT) inferiores a 2, Gy e aumenta para dEBRT a partir dos 3 Gy. Para quantidades de TDLDRBT mais baixas (<50 Gy), o reto beneficia de frações maiores de EBRT. À medida que se aumenta a TDLDRBT, a EUD generalizada no reto torna-se menos dependente da dEBRT. Este trabalho mostra que é possível a utilização de diferentes regimes de tratamento para o carcinoma da próstata com radioterapia que possibilitem um ganho terapêutico, quer seja administrando uma maior dose biológica com efeitos tardios constantes, quer mantendo a dose no tumor e diminuindo a toxicidade retal. A utilização com precaução de esquemas hipofracionados de EBRT, para além do benefício terapêutico, pode trazer vantagens ao nível da conveniência para o paciente e economia de custos. Os resultados das simulações deste estudo e conversão para doses de efeito biológico para o tratamento do carcinoma da próstata apresentam linhas de orientação teórica de interesse para novos ensaios clínicos. --------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work was to determine alternative radiotherapy regimens for the treatment of prostate cancer using external beam radiotherapy (EBRT) and low dose-rate brachytherapy (LDRBT) with Iodine-125 permanent implants which are biologically equivalent to conventional clinical treatments, by the use of theoretical models and Monte Carlo techniques. The concepts of biological effective dose (BED) and equivalent uniform dose (EUD), together with the linear-quadratic model (LQ), were used for determining equivalent treatment regimens. In a first approach, the BED concept was used to determine: 1) hypofractionated schemes of EBRT maintaining late rectal complications as with the conventional regimens with total doses of 75.6 Gy, 77.4 Gy, 79.2 Gy and 81.0 Gy; and 2) the relationship between total doses of EBRT and LDRBT in order to keep the BED of the conventional treatment of 45 Gy of EBRT and 110 Gy of LDRBT. In a second approach, the MC code MCNPX was used for simulating dose distributions of EBRT and LDRBT in two voxel phantoms segmented from the computed tomography of patients with prostate cancer. The results of the simulations of EBRT and LDRBT were added up and given an overall EUD in order to obtain: 1) equivalent to conventional treatment regimens of 25 fraction of 1.8 Gy of EBRT in combination with 110Gy of LDRBT; and 2) equivalent schemes of EUD of 67 Gy, 72 Gy, 80 Gy, 90 Gy, 100 Gy, and 110Gy to the prostate. In all the results it is noted a therapeutic gain using hypofractionated EBRT schemes. For a rectal BED equivalent to the conventional regimen, an increment of 2% in the prostate BED was achieved with less 5 fractions. This increase is visibly higher as the number of fractions decrease, amounting 10-11% with less 20 fractions and 35-45% with less 20 fractions. Considering the results of the EBRT simulations an average EUD of 107 Gy was achieved for the prostate and of 42 Gy for the rectum with the conventional scheme of 110 Gy of LDRBT followed by 25 fractions of 1.8 Gy of EBRT. In terms of tumor control probability (same EUD) it is equivalent to this treatment, for example, delivering the EBRT in 66 fractions of 1.8 Gy, 56 fractions of 2 Gy, 40 fractions of 2.5 Gy, 31 fractions of 3 Gy, 20 fractions of 4 Gy or 13 fractions of 5 Gy. Regarding the use of 66 fractions of 1.8 Gy, the rectum EUD is reduced to 6% with 2.5 Gy per fraction and to 10% with 4 Gy. A total BED of 162 Gy was achieved for the delivery of 25 fractions of 1.8 Gy of EBRT in combination with 110 Gy of LDRBT. By varying the total dose of LDRBT (TDLDRBT) with the total dose of EBRT (TDEBRT) so as to ensure a BED of 162 Gy, the following relationship was obtained: ....... The simulation results show that the rectum EUD decreases with the increase of the TDLDRBT, for EBRT dose per fracion (dEBRT) less than 2.5 Gy and increases for dEBRT above 3 Gy. For lower amounts of TDLDRBT (< 50Gy), the rectum benefits of larger EBRT fractions. As the TDLDRBT increases, the rectum gEUD becomes less dependent on the dEBRT. The use of different regimens which enable a therapeutic gain, whether deivering a higher dose with the same late biological effects or maintaining the dose to the tumor and reducing rectal toxicity is possible. The use with precaution of hypofractionated regimens, in addition to the therapeutic benefit, can bring advantages in terms of convenience for the patient and cost savings. The simulation results of this study together with the biological dose conversion for the treatment of prostate cancer serve as guidelines of interest for new clinical trials.
BACKGROUND: The WOSI (Western Ontario Shoulder Instability Index) is a self-administered quality of life questionnaire designed to be used as a primary outcome measure in clinical trials on shoulder instability, as well as to measure the effect of an intervention on any particular patient. It is validated and is reliable and sensitive. As it is designed to measure subjective outcome, it is important that translation should be methodologically rigorous, as it is subject to both linguistic and cultural interpretation. OBJECTIVE: To produce a French language version of the WOSI that is culturally adapted to both European and North American French-speaking populations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A validated protocol was used to create a French language WOSI questionnaire (WOSI-Fr) that would be culturally acceptable for both European and North American French-speaking populations. Reliability and responsiveness analyses were carried out, and the WOSI-Fr was compared to the F-QuickDASH-D/S (Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand-French translation), and Walch-Duplay scores. RESULTS: A French language version of the WOSI (WOSI-Fr) was accepted by a multinational committee. The WOSI-Fr was then validated using a total of 144 native French-speaking subjects from Canada and Switzerland. Comparison of results on two WOSI-Fr questionnaires completed at a mean interval of 16 days showed that the WOSI-Fr had strong reliability, with a Pearson and interclass correlation of r=0.85 (P=0.01) and ICC=0.84 [95% CI=0.78-0.88]. Responsiveness, at a mean 378.9 days after surgical intervention, showed strong correlation with that of the F-QuickDASH-D/S, with r=0.67 (P<0.01). Moreover, a standardized response means analysis to calculate effect size for both the WOSI-Fr and the F-QuickDASH-D/S showed that the WOSI-Fr had a significantly greater ability to detect change (SRM 1.55 versus 0.87 for the WOSI-Fr and F-QuickDASH-D/S respectively, P<0.01). The WOSI-Fr showed fair correlation with the Walch-Duplay. DISCUSSION: A French-language translation of the WOSI questionnaire was created and validated for use in both Canadian and Swiss French-speaking populations. This questionnaire will facilitate outcome assessment in French-speaking settings, collaboration in multinational studies and comparison between studies performed in different countries. TYPE OF STUDY: Multicenter cohort study. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II.
BACKGROUND: The feasibility of clinical trials depends, among other factors, on the number of eligible patients, the recruitment process, and the readiness of patients to participate in research. Seeking patients' views about their experience in research projects may allow investigators to develop more effective recruitment and retention strategies. METHODS: A total of 100 patients consecutively admitted to a psychiatric university hospital were interviewed with respect to their willingness to participate in a study. For a different study scenario, patients were asked whether they would be ready to participate if such a study were organized in the service and to indicate their reasons for refusing or for participating. RESULTS: The general readiness to participate in a study ranged between 70% and 96%. The prospect of remuneration did not notably augment the potential consent rate. The most common and spontaneous motivation for agreeing to take part in a study was to help science progress and to allow future patients to benefit from improved diagnosis and treatment (87%). The presence or lack of a financial incentive was rarely chosen as an argument to agree (23%) or to refuse (7%) to participate. Patients relied mainly on their treating physicians when contemplating possible participation in a study (family physician [65%] and hospital physician [54%]). CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians and, in particular, treating doctors can play an important role in facilitating the recruitment process.
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Amplification and overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene are a hallmark of primary glioblastoma (45%), making it a prime target for therapy. In addition, these amplifications are frequently associated with oncogenic mutations in the extracellular domain. However, efforts at targeting the EGFR tyrosine kinase using small molecule inhibitors or antibodies have shown disappointing efficacy in clinical trials for newly diagnosed or recurrent glioblastoma. Here, we review recent insights into molecular mechanisms relevant for effective targeting of the EGFR pathway. RECENT FINDINGS: Molecular workup of glioblastoma tissue of patients under treatment with small molecule inhibitors has established drug concentrations in the tumor tissue, and has shed light on the effectiveness of target inhibition and respective effects on pathway signaling. Further, functional analyses of interaction of small molecule inhibitors with distinct properties to bind to the active or inactive form of EGFR have provided new insights that will impact the choice of drugs. Finally, vaccination approaches targeting the EGFRvIII mutant featuring a tumor-specific antigen have shown promising results that warrant larger controlled clinical trials. SUMMARY: A combination of preclinical and clinical studies at the molecular level has provided new insights that will allow refining strategies for targeting the EGFR pathway in glioblastoma.