919 resultados para Analytic Reproducing Kernel
IntroductionThe objective of this study was to analyze the spatial behavior of the occurrence of trachoma cases detected in the City of Bauru, State of São Paulo, Brazil, in 2006 in order to use the information collected to set priority areas for optimization of health resources.Methodsthe trachoma cases identified in 2006 were georeferenced. The data evaluated were: schools where the trachoma cases studied, data from the 2000 Census, census tract, type of housing, water supply conditions, distribution of income and levels of education of household heads. In the Google Earth® software and TerraView® were made descriptive spatial analysis and estimates of the Kernel. Each area was studied by interpolation of the density surfaces exposing events to facilitate to recognize the clusters.ResultsOf the 66 cases detected, only one (1.5%) was not a resident of the city's outskirts. A positive association was detected of trachoma cases and the percentage of heads of household with income below three minimum wages and schooling under eight years of education.ConclusionsThe recognition of the spatial distribution of trachoma cases coincided with the areas of greatest social inequality in Bauru City. The micro-areas identified are those that should be prioritized in the rationalization of health resources. There is the possibility of using the trachoma cases detected as an indicator of performance of micro priority health programs.
The theme of this dissertation is the finite element method applied to mechanical structures. A new finite element program is developed that, besides executing different types of structural analysis, also allows the calculation of the derivatives of structural performances using the continuum method of design sensitivities analysis, with the purpose of allowing, in combination with the mathematical programming algorithms found in the commercial software MATLAB, to solve structural optimization problems. The program is called EFFECT – Efficient Finite Element Code. The object-oriented programming paradigm and specifically the C ++ programming language are used for program development. The main objective of this dissertation is to design EFFECT so that it can constitute, in this stage of development, the foundation for a program with analysis capacities similar to other open source finite element programs. In this first stage, 6 elements are implemented for linear analysis: 2-dimensional truss (Truss2D), 3-dimensional truss (Truss3D), 2-dimensional beam (Beam2D), 3-dimensional beam (Beam3D), triangular shell element (Shell3Node) and quadrilateral shell element (Shell4Node). The shell elements combine two distinct elements, one for simulating the membrane behavior and the other to simulate the plate bending behavior. The non-linear analysis capability is also developed, combining the corotational formulation with the Newton-Raphson iterative method, but at this stage is only avaiable to solve problems modeled with Beam2D elements subject to large displacements and rotations, called nonlinear geometric problems. The design sensitivity analysis capability is implemented in two elements, Truss2D and Beam2D, where are included the procedures and the analytic expressions for calculating derivatives of displacements, stress and volume performances with respect to 5 different design variables types. Finally, a set of test examples were created to validate the accuracy and consistency of the result obtained from EFFECT, by comparing them with results published in the literature or obtained with the ANSYS commercial finite element code.
Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The spatial distribution of disseminated histoplasmosis (DH) and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) co-infection in adult residents of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil was evaluated. METHODS: Socio-demographic data for the DH/AIDS cases were obtained from a reference hospital, and socio-environmental indicators were obtained from an official Brazilian institute. Kernel analysis and local indicators of spatial autocorrelation (LISA) cluster maps were used to estimate the case density within the city. RESULTS: DH/AIDS cases were concentrated in the Northwestern and Southwestern peripheral areas of the city, related with low human development indices, but different from AIDS cases distribution. CONCLUSION: Risk factors other than AIDS infection must affect histoplasmosis development in this area.
The restoration materials currently used to fill gaps in architectural historical azulejos (e.g. lime or organic resin pastes) usually show serious drawbacks in terms of compatibility, effectiveness and durability. The existing solutions do not fully protect azulejos in outdoor conditions and frequently result in further deterioration. Geopolymers can be a potential solution for azulejo lacunae infill given the chemical-mineralogical similitude to the ceramic body, and also the durability and versatile range of physical properties that can be obtained through the manipulation of their formulation and curing conditions. This work presents and discusses the viability of the use of geopolymeric pastes to fill lacunae in azulejos or to act as “cold” cast ceramic tile surrogates reproducing missing azulejo fragments. The formulation of geopolymers, namely the type of activators, the aluminosilicate source, the amount of water (to meet adequate workability requirements) and curing conditions were studied. The need for post-curing desalination was also considered envisaging their application in the restoration of outdoor architectural historical azulejos frequently exposed to adverse environmental conditions. The possible advantages and disadvantages of the use of geopolymers in the conservation of azulejos are also discussed. Several techniques were used to study the chemical and physical behavior of geopolymers, namely FT-IR, XRD, MIP, SEM-EDS, WDXRF, electrical conductivity, open porosity, bending strength, adhesion strength, water vapour permeability, thermal expansion and hydric expansion. The results indicate that geopolymers are a promising material for restoration of azulejos, exhibiting some properties, such as adhesion to the ceramic substrate, higher than inorganic materials used nowadays, such as aerial lime based pastes.
The EM3E Master is an Education Programme supported by the European Commission, the European Membrane Society (EMS), the European Membrane House (EMH), and a large international network of industrial companies, research centres and universities (http://www.em3e.eu)
Com o presente trabalho estudamos a Primeira República do pós-guerra (1919-1926), procurando compreender o sentido histórico desses anos atribulados, caracterizados por uma permanente instabilidade governativa e pelo desassossego dos agentes sociais. Defendemos existir uma explicação que torna os últimos anos do regime republicano, aparentemente caóticos, compreensíveis: à semelhança de outros países europeus, a especificidade dos anos 20 portugueses reside num fenómeno de polarização política da sociedade, na mobilização e organização de forças mediante os quadrantes da esquerda e da direita modernas. Concretamente, o nosso objecto de estudo consiste na esquerda republicana, um campo que se autonomizou dentro do republicanismo durante o pós-guerra, e no bloco radical, conceito analítico sob o qual englobamos manifestações heteróclitas (partidárias, armadas, intelectuais, unitárias) do fenómeno de polarização política à esquerda.
Autor proof
To solve a health and safety problem on a waste treatment facility, different multicriteria decision methods were used, including the PROV Exponential decision method. Four alternatives and ten attributes were considered. We found a congruent solution, validated by the different methods. The AHP and the PROV Exponential decision method led us to the same options ordering, but the last method reinforced one of the options as being the best performing one, and detached the least performing option. Also, the ELECTRE I method results led to the same ordering which allowed to point the best solution with reasonable confidence. This paper demonstrates the potential of using multicriteria decision methods to support decision making on complex problems such as risk control and accidents prevention.
We theoretically investigate light propagation and Anderson localization in one-dimensional disordered superlattices composed of dielectric stacks with graphene sheets in between. Disorder is introduced either on graphene material parameters ({\it e.g.} Fermi energy) or on the widths of the dielectric stacks. We derive an analytic expression for the localization length $\xi$, and compare it to numerical simulations using transfer matrix technique; a very good agreement is found. We demonstrate that the presence of graphene may strongly attenuate the anomalously delocalised Breswter modes, and is at the origin of a periodic dependence of $\xi$ on frequency, in contrast to the usual asymptotic decay, $\xi \propto \omega^{-2}$. By unveiling the effects of graphene on Anderson localization of light, we pave the way for new applications of graphene-based, disordered photonic devices in the THz spectral range.
We investigate the low-energy electronic transport across grain boundaries in graphene ribbons and infinite flakes. Using the recursive Green’s function method, we calculate the electronic transmission across different types of grain boundaries in graphene ribbons. We show results for the charge density distribution and the current flow along the ribbon. We study linear defects at various angles with the ribbon direction, as well as overlaps of two monolayer ribbon domains forming a bilayer region. For a class of extended defect lines with periodicity 3, an analytic approach is developed to study transport in infinite flakes. This class of extended grain boundaries is particularly interesting, since the K and K0 Dirac points are superposed.
The Cutia-nut (Couepia edulis Prance), a species originally from the Amazon region, has a kernel with reasonable nutritional value and a hard and thick woody shell that constitute most of the fruit. After the kernel removal, the shells are regarded as waste. The possibility of using such shells, as raw material for burning or charcoal production, as well as milled residue for structural reinforcement materials is quite feasible, considering environmental and economical aspects. There is, however, a complete lack of characterization of the Cutia-nut shell and other similar species which can aggregate desirable qualities for application as engineering material. In this study some analyses are presented aiming at providing information for potential uses of these residues. In general, the shells follow a regular shape with certain dimensional proportionality to the kernel. The shell is a fibrous material with high lignin content, present low water absorption and high resistance to natural degradation.
Publicado em "Educação, territórios e desenvolvimento humano: atas do I Seminário Internacional, Vol. I – conferências e intervenções". ISBN 978-989-96186-9-5
versão acessível em http://ace2015.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/ACE_2015_submission_148.pdf
O papel central da avaliação, da avaliação institucional e dos processos de garantia da qualidade de escolas e universidades nas políticas educacionais é objeto de discussão, também considerando a reforma do Estado. As teorias da nova gestão pública e as perspectivas gestionárias são consideradas como algumas das principais fontes de inspiração e de legitimação no contexto dominante de uma educação contábil. Dados empíricos preliminares resultantes do processo de avaliação externa de escolas básicas e secundárias portuguesas são apresentados e interpretados de acordo com os principais conceitos e representações organizacionais de escola presentes nos relatórios externos. Examinando algumas das imagens e dos significados de escola, cultura de escola, autonomia, objetivos, liderança e eficácia presentes nos relatórios de avaliação, o autor releva a importância das imagens formais, racionais e burocráticas de escolas. Várias questões de investigação são apresentadas tendo por base aquilo a que o autor chama o processo da hiperburocratização das organizações educativas. Algumas dimensões do conceito de burocracia de Max Weber são revisitadas, em articulação com perspectivas neocientíficas de garantia da qualidade e com as tecnologias da informação e comunicação. O autor sugere que maior relevância deve ser atribuída aos modelos formais e racionais de interpretação das organizações educativas, pois os processos de avaliação e de garantia da qualidade estão a contribuir para a formalização de escolas e universidades e para a intensificação do seu processo de racionalização, isto é, para a emergência de uma imagem analítica das escolas como hiperburocracias.
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy: impact of body mass index on outcomes