997 resultados para Ambient Media
For the flame spread over thermally thin combustibles in an atmosphere, if the atmosphere cannot emit and absorb the thermal radiation (e.g. for atmosphere Of O-2-N-2), the conductive heat transfer from the flame to the fuel surface dominates the flame spread at lower ambient atmosphere. As the ambient pressure increases, the flame spread rate increases, and the radiant heat transfer from the flame to the fuel surface gradually becomes the dominant driving force for the flame spread. In contrast, if the atmosphere is able to emit and absorb the thermal radiation (e.g. for atmosphere Of O-2-CO2), at lower pressure, the heat transfer from flame to the fuel surface is enhanced by the radiation reabsorption of the atmosphere at the leading edge of the flame, and both conduction and thermal radiation play important roles in the mechanism of flame spread. With the increase in ambient pressure, the oxygen diffuses more quickly from ambient atmosphere into the flame, the chemical reaction in the flame is enhanced, and the flame spread rate increases. When the ambient pressure is greater than a critical value, the thermal radiation from the flame to the solid surface is hampered by the radiation reabsorption of ambient atmosphere with the further increase in ambient pressure. As a result, with the increase in ambient pressure, the flame spread rate decreases and the heat conduction gradually dominates the flame spread over the fuel surface.
The multi-layers feedforward neural network is used for inversion of material constants of fluid-saturated porous media. The direct analysis of fluid-saturated porous media is carried out with the boundary element method. The dynamic displacement responses obtained from direct analysis for prescribed material parameters constitute the sample sets training neural network. By virtue of the effective L-M training algorithm and the Tikhonov regularization method as well as the GCV method for an appropriate selection of regularization parameter, the inverse mapping from dynamic displacement responses to material constants is performed. Numerical examples demonstrate the validity of the neural network method.
Modeling study is performed to compare the flow and heat transfer characteristics of laminar and turbulent argon thermal-plasma jets impinging normally upon a flat plate in ambient air. The combined-diffusion-coefficient method and the turbulence-enhanced combined-diffusion-coefficient method are employed to treat the diffusion of argon in the argon-air mixture for the laminar and the turbulent cases, respectively. Modeling results presented include the flow, temperature and argon concentration fields, the air mass flow-rates entrained into the impinging plasma jets, and the distributions of the heat flux density on the plate surface. It is found that the formation of a radial wall jet on the plate surface appreciably enhances the mass flow rate of the ambient air entrained into the laminar or turbulent plasma impinging-jet. When the plate standoff distance is comparatively small, there exists a significant difference between the laminar and turbulent plasma impinging-jets in their flow fields due to the occurrence of a large closed recirculation vortex in the turbulent plasma impinging-jet, and no appreciable difference is found between the two types of jets in their maximum values and distributions of the heat flux density at the plate surface. At larger plate standoff distances, the effect of the plate on the jet flow fields only appears in the region near the plate, and the axial decaying-rates of the plasma temperature, axial velocity and argon mass fraction along the axis of the laminar plasma impinging-jet become appreciably less than their turbulent counterparts.
In this paper, we study nonlinear Kramers problem by investigating overdamped systems ruled by the one-dimensional nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation. We obtain an analytic expression for the Kramers escape rate under quasistationary conditions by employing
The concept of state vector stems from statistical physics, where it is usually used to describe activity patterns of a physical field in its manner of coarsegrain. In this paper, we propose an approach by which the state vector was applied to describe quantitatively the damage evolution of the brittle heterogeneous systems, and some interesting results are presented, i.e., prior to the macro-fracture of rock specimens and occurrence of a strong earthquake, evolutions of the four relevant scalars time series derived from the state vectors changed anomalously. As retrospective studies, some prominent large earthquakes occurred in the Chinese Mainland (e.g., the M 7.4 Haicheng earthquake on February 4, 1975, and the M 7.8 Tangshan earthquake on July 28, 1976, etc) were investigated. Results show considerable promise that the time-dependent state vectors could serve as a kind of precursor to predict earthquakes.
El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de estudiar el efecto del destete a los 15, 30 y 45 días, sobre la ganancia media en conejos con alimento concentrado comercial tipo único, y ad-libitum, hasta los 75 días de vida, procedentes de hembras primiparas. Para la evaluación estadística se empleó un diseño completamente aleatorio (DCA) con cuatro repeticiones por periodos de destete. Cada unidad experimental o repetición correspondió a una camada, en las que se registraron loe pesos vivos cada 15 días y el número de crías vivas por camada. Esta última característica con el objetivo de corregir las ganancias a un tamaño de camada uniforme de existir regresión lineal significativa. Cada camada se alojó en una jaula de 0.49 m2. En el análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) dé la ganancia media por gazapo al cabo de 30 días, se observaron diferencias significativas entre periodos de destete resultando un promedio de 0,344 kg y 0.510 kg para destetes de 15 días y 30 días respectivamente. En el Análisis de varianza de la ganancia media por gazapo al cabo de 45, 60 y 75 días, se observaron diferencias no significativas al 10%. Resultado que se corroboró con el procedimiento de comparación de medias de Duncan. Las ganancias medias por gazapo obtenido en las camadas a los 75 días de vida resultó de 1.676 kg, 1. 939 kg y 1.846 kg para los destete de 15, 30 y 45 días respectivamente. Durante. El ensayo fue evidente el estrés post destete, acentuándose más en las camadas destetadas a los 15 días. Analizando el efecto de los períodos de destete sobre la ganancia media en conejos a los 45, 60 y 75 días de vida. Se determinó que dicho efecto no es significativo debido al rango de ganancia media mostrado por las variables en estudio y que estas no fueron afectadas por la covariable número de conejos por camada.
Three-dimensional modeling results show that the appearance of the long laminar plasma jet is less influenced by natural convection even as it is issuing into ambient air horizontally. However, plasma parameter distributions may deviate from axi-symmetry
In heterogeneous brittle media, the evolution of damage is strongly influenced by the multiscale coupling effect. To better understand this effect, we perform a detailed investigation of the damage evolution, with particular attention focused on the catastrophe transition. We use an adaptive multiscale finite-element model (MFEM) to simulate the damage evolution and the catastrophic failure of heterogeneous brittle media. Both plane stress and plane strain cases are investigated for a heterogeneous medium whose initial shear strength follows the Weibull distribution. Damage is induced through the application of the Coulomb failure criterion to each element, and the element mesh is refined where the failure criterion is met. We found that as damage accumulates, there is a stronger and stronger nonlinear increase in stress and the stress redistribution distance. The coupling of the dynamic stress redistribution and the heterogeneity at different scales result in an inverse cascade of damage cluster size, which represents rapid coalescence of damage at the catastrophe transition.
Modeling study is performed to reveal the special features of the entrainment of ambient air into subsonic laminar and turbulent argon plasma jets. Two different types of jet flows are considered, i.e., the argon plasma jet is impinging normally upon a flat substrate located in atmospheric air surroundings or is freely issuing into the ambient air. It is found that the existence of the substrate not only changes the plasma temperature, velocity and species concentration distributions in the near-substrate region, but also significantly enhances the mass flow rate of the ambient air entrained into the jet due to the additional contribution to the gas entrainment of the wall jet formed along the substrate surface. The fraction of the additional entrainment of the wall jet in the total entrained-air flow rate is especially high for the laminar impinging plasma jet and for the case with shorter substrate standoff distances. Similarly to the case of cold-gas free jets, the maximum mass flow-rate of ambient gas entrained into the turbulent impinging or free plasma jet is approximately directly proportional to the mass flow rate at the jet inlet. The maximum mass flow-rate of ambient gas entrained into the laminar impinging plasma jet slightly increases with increasing jet-inlet velocity but decreases with increasing jet-inlet temperature.
It has been shown in CA simulations and data analysis of earthquakes that declustered or characteristic large earthquakes may occur with long-range stress redistribution. In order to understand long-range stress redistribution, we propose a linear-elastic but heterogeneous-brittle model. The stress redistribution in the heterogeneous-brittle medium implies a longer-range interaction than that in an elastic medium. Therefore, it is surmised that the longer-range stress redistribution resulting from damage in heterogeneous media may be a plausible mechanism governing main shocks.
El propósito del presente trabajo fue comparar el efecto de Zeranol tixotrópico 1% y Zeranol + ivermectina 3.15% sobre la ganancia de peso y carga parasitaria en terneros de la raza Reyna. Se utilizaron 21 terneros con peso de 86.3 ± 0.8 kg y edad de 12.24 ± 2.0 m, agrupados en un diseño completamente al azar (DCA), distribuidos en tres tratamientos T1: Ivermectina, T2: Zeranol tixotrópico 1%, T3: Zeranol + ivermectina 3.15% con 7 repeticiones por tratamiento. Las variables productivas estudiadas fueron: Ganancia media diaria (GMD), Peso final (PF), Ganancia total de peso (GTP); y medidas zoométricas: Perímetro toráxico (PT), Perímetro abdominal (PA), altura a la cruz (AC) y longitud corporal (LC). Los datos fueron analizados por PROC: GLM del paquete estadístico SAS® Ver. 9.1.2. y la comparación de medias por la prueba de Tuckey. Los resultados demuestran que el T1 obtuvo una GMD de 277.95 g, superando a T2 y T3 (222.83g y 265.53g, respectivamente); el T1 obtuvo mayor peso final que el T2 (112.7 kg vs 104.80 kg), pero fue ligeramente superior al T3 (112.7 kg vs 112.00 kg); para GTP el T1 (25.57 kg) y T3 (24.43 kg) fueron superiores al T2 (20.50 kg). Respecto a las medidas zoométricas PT, PA, AC, LC, los mayores valores fueron para el T1 seguido del T3 y T2. Para control de cargas parasitarias, el T3 fue efectivo para Trichuris y Strongylus, el T1 ejerció mejor control para Trichuris, en cambio el T2 fue el de menor control. El análisis financiero favorece al tratamiento T1 por ser de menor costo, sin embargo el T3 manifestó mejor comportamiento en la ganancia de peso a lo largo del estudio, por lo cual este puede ser utilizado a pesar de tener un mayor costo en relación al T1.
Damage evolution of heterogeneous brittle media involves a wide range of length scales. The coupling between these length scales underlies the mechanism of damage evolution and rupture. However, few of previous numerical algorithms consider the effects of the trans-scale coupling effectively. In this paper, an adaptive mesh refinement FEM algorithm is developed to simulate this trans-scale coupling. The adaptive serendipity element is implemented in this algorithm, and several special discontinuous base functions are created to avoid the incompatible displacement between the elements. Both the benchmark and a typical numerical example under quasi-static loading are given to justify the effectiveness of this model. The numerical results reproduce a series of characteristics of damage and rupture in heterogeneous brittle media.
Resumen: El presente trabajo analiza la antroponimia de la aristocracia leonesa en los siglos X y XI, a fi n de contribuir a la comprensión de las estructuras de parentesco de los grupos aristocráticos, las manifestaciones de la memoria familiar y el papel del parentesco en la construcción del poder y el prestigio social. Se plantea que la aristocracia desarrolló una antroponimia específi ca basada en la reiteración de determinados nombres propios a lo largo de las generaciones, que constituyó un importante elemento de identifi cación de la parentela y que expresó en el plano simbólico la organización de los grupos de parentesco en función de la transmisión del poder y la afi rmación del prestigio familiar.
The permeability of the fractal porous media is simulated by Monte Carlo technique in this work. Based oil the fractal character of pore size distribution in porous media, the probability models for pore diameter and for permeability are derived. Taking the bi-dispersed fractal porous media as examples, the permeability calculations are performed by the present Monte Carlo method. The results show that the present simulations present a good agreement compared with the existing fractal analytical solution in the general interested porosity range. The proposed simulation method may have the potential in prediction of other transport properties (such as thermal conductivity, dispersion conductivity and electrical conductivity) in fractal porous media, both saturated and unsaturated.