867 resultados para Algebraic Homogeneous Spaces
The article explores the possibilities of formalizing and explaining the mechanisms that support spatial and social perspective alignment sustained over the duration of a social interaction. The basic proposed principle is that in social contexts the mechanisms for sensorimotor transformations and multisensory integration (learn to) incorporate information relative to the other actor(s), similar to the "re-calibration" of visual receptive fields in response to repeated tool use. This process aligns or merges the co-actors' spatial representations and creates a "Shared Action Space" (SAS) supporting key computations of social interactions and joint actions; for example, the remapping between the coordinate systems and frames of reference of the co-actors, including perspective taking, the sensorimotor transformations required for lifting jointly an object, and the predictions of the sensory effects of such joint action. The social re-calibration is proposed to be based on common basis function maps (BFMs) and could constitute an optimal solution to sensorimotor transformation and multisensory integration in joint action or more in general social interaction contexts. However, certain situations such as discrepant postural and viewpoint alignment and associated differences in perspectives between the co-actors could constrain the process quite differently. We discuss how alignment is achieved in the first place, and how it is maintained over time, providing a taxonomy of various forms and mechanisms of space alignment and overlap based, for instance, on automaticity vs. control of the transformations between the two agents. Finally, we discuss the link between low-level mechanisms for the sharing of space and high-level mechanisms for the sharing of cognitive representations. © 2013 Pezzulo, Iodice, Ferraina and Kessler.
Purpose: This paper aims to report on a project undertaken in order to identify, develop and reflect on the leadership and managerial skills of clinicians. The main aim of the project was to design, plan, organise and deliver a learning session for Foundation Year 2 Doctors within the premises of one of the largest NHS Foundation Trusts in the UK. The key theme of the learning session was the introduction of the notion of competent medical leadership in the NHS. A leadership role has been traditionally seen as the task of managers and as such clinicians have seemed reluctant to engage. Design/methodology/approach: A two hour workshop was designed and delivered with the use of Open Space Technology. Foundation Year 2 doctors were invited to consider the importance of leadership in their everyday roles. An awareness of the Medical Leadership Competency Framework had been a key aspect of the learning session. Findings: The project's outcome can be identified as being the encouragement of Foundation Year 2 doctors in considering their roles as leaders in their everyday tasks. Originality/value: Design, planning, organisation and delivery of a two hour Open Space learning session with the Foundation Year 2 doctors portrays the session's learning potentials and the potential for such sessions to provide a platform for difficult discussions in the NHS. This is particularly beneficial where a cultural shift is needed in order to see a way forward, notably when facing significant change. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
C–C bond-forming, cross-coupling reactions of organohalides with nucleophilic compounds, catalysed by palladium, are amongst the most important chemical reactions available to the synthetic chemist. The intimate mechanisms of these reactions, involving Pd0/PdII redox steps, have been of great historical interest and continue to be so. The myriad of possible mechanisms is reviewed in this chapter. The interplay of mononuclear Pd species with higher order Pd species, e.g. nanoclusters/nanoparticles are considered as being equally important in cross-coupling reaction mechanisms. A focus is placed on trichotomic behaviour of cross-coupling catalytic manifolds, from homogeneous to hybrid homogeneous–heterogeneous to truly heterogeneous behaviour. For the latter, surface chemistry and metal atom leaching (and various experimental techniques) are broadly discussed. It is now clear that mechanism for general cross‐coupling reactions, that is as presented to undergraduate students studying Chemistry degrees across the world, is undoubtedly more complex than first thought. New opportunities for catalyst design have therefore emerged in the area of Pd nanoparticles and nanocatalysis, with some wonderful applications especially in chemical biology, providing a snapshot of what the future might hold.
In this paper, we address the problem of robust information embedding in digital data. Such a process is carried out by introducing modifications to the original data that one would like to keep minimal. It assumes that the data, which includes the embedded information, is corrupted before the extraction is carried out. We propose a principled way to tailor an efficient embedding process for given data and noise statistics. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005.
Indentation of ceramic materials with smooth indenters such as parabolae of revolution and spheres can be conducted in the elastic regime to relatively high loads. Ceramic single crystals thus provide excellent calibration media for load-and depth-sensing indentation testing; however, they are generally anisotropic and a complete elastic analysis is cumbersome. This study presents a simplified procedure for the determination of the stiffness of contact for the indentation of an anisotropic half-space by a rigid frictionless parabola of revolution which, to first order, approximates spherical indentation. Using a similar approach, a new procedure is developed for analysing conical indentation of anisotropic elastic media. For both indenter shapes, the contact is found to be elliptical, and equations are determined for the size, shape and orientation of the ellipse and the indentation modulus.
Background: A natural glycoprotein usually exists as a spectrum of glycosylated forms, where each protein molecule may be associated with an array of oligosaccharide structures. The overall range of glycoforms can have a variety of different biophysical and biochemical properties, although details of structure–function relationships are poorly understood, because of the microheterogeneity of biological samples. Hence, there is clearly a need for synthetic methods that give access to natural and unnatural homogeneously glycosylated proteins. The synthesis of novel glycoproteins through the selective reaction of glycosyl iodoacetamides with the thiol groups of cysteine residues, placed by site-directed mutagenesis at desired glycosylation sites has been developed. This provides a general method for the synthesis of homogeneously glycosylated proteins that carry saccharide side chains at natural or unnatural glycosylation sites. Here, we have shown that the approach can be applied to the glycoprotein hormone erythropoietin, an important therapeutic glycoprotein with three sites of N-glycosylation that are essential for in vivo biological activity. Results: Wild-type recombinant erythropoietin and three mutants in which glycosylation site asparagine residues had been changed to cysteines (His10-WThEPO, His10-Asn24Cys, His10-Asn38Cys, His10-Asn83CyshEPO) were overexpressed and purified in yields of 13 mg l−1 from Escherichia coli. Chemical glycosylation with glycosyl-β-N-iodoacetamides could be monitored by electrospray MS. Both in the wild-type and in the mutant proteins, the potential side reaction of the other four cysteine residues (all involved in disulfide bonds) were not observed. Yield of glycosylation was generally about 50% and purification of glycosylated protein from non-glycosylated protein was readily carried out using lectin affinity chromatography. Dynamic light scattering analysis of the purified glycoproteins suggested that the glycoforms produced were monomeric and folded identically to the wild-type protein. Conclusions: Erythropoietin expressed in E. coli bearing specific Asn→Cys mutations at natural glycosylation sites can be glycosylated using β-N-glycosyl iodoacetamides even in the presence of two disulfide bonds. The findings provide the basis for further elaboration of the glycan structures and development of this general methodology for the synthesis of semi-synthetic glycoproteins. Results: Wild-type recombinant erythropoietin and three mutants in which glycosylation site asparagine residues had been changed to cysteines (His10-WThEPO, His10-Asn24Cys, His10-Asn38Cys, His10-Asn83CyshEPO) were overexpressed and purified in yields of 13 mg l−1 from Escherichia coli. Chemical glycosylation with glycosyl-β-N-iodoacetamides could be monitored by electrospray MS. Both in the wild-type and in the mutant proteins, the potential side reaction of the other four cysteine residues (all involved in disulfide bonds) were not observed. Yield of glycosylation was generally about 50% and purification of glycosylated protein from non-glycosylated protein was readily carried out using lectin affinity chromatography. Dynamic light scattering analysis of the purified glycoproteins suggested that the glycoforms produced were monomeric and folded identically to the wild-type protein. Conclusions: Erythropoietin expressed in E. coli bearing specific Asn→Cys mutations at natural glycosylation sites can be glycosylated using β-N-glycosyl iodoacetamides even in the presence of two disulfide bonds. The findings provide the basis for further elaboration of the glycan structures and development of this general methodology for the synthesis of semi-synthetic glycoproteins
In this paper we take seriously the call for strategy-as-practice research to address the material, spatial and bodily aspects of strategic work. Drawing on a video-ethnographic study of strategic episodes in a financial trading context, we develop a conceptual framework that elaborates on strategic work as socially accomplished within particular spaces that are constructed through different orchestrations of material, bodily and discursive resources. Building on the findings, our study identifies three types of strategic work - private work, collaborative work and negotiating work - that are accomplished within three distinct spaces that are constructed through multimodal constellations of semiotic resources. We show that these spaces, and the activities performed within them, are continuously shifting in ways that enable and constrain the particular outcomes of a strategic episode. Our framework contributes to the strategy-as-practice literature by identifying the importance of spaces in conducting strategic work and providing insight into the way that these spaces are constructed.
The concept of data independence designates the techniques that allow data to be changed without affecting the applications that process it. The different structures of the information bases require corresponded tools for supporting data independence. A kind of information bases (the Multi-dimensional Numbered Information Spaces) are pointed in the paper. The data independence in such information bases is discussed.
The paper has been presented at the 12th International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra, Varna, Bulgaria, June, 2006.
We deal with a class of elliptic eigenvalue problems (EVPs) on a rectangle Ω ⊂ R^2 , with periodic or semi–periodic boundary conditions (BCs) on ∂Ω. First, for both types of EVPs, we pass to a proper variational formulation which is shown to fit into the general framework of abstract EVPs for symmetric, bounded, strongly coercive bilinear forms in Hilbert spaces, see, e.g., [13, §6.2]. Next, we consider finite element methods (FEMs) without and with numerical quadrature. The aim of the paper is to show that well–known error estimates, established for the finite element approximation of elliptic EVPs with classical BCs, hold for the present types of EVPs too. Some attention is also paid to the computational aspects of the resulting algebraic EVP. Finally, the analysis is illustrated by two non-trivial numerical examples, the exact eigenpairs of which can be determined.
*Supported in part by GAˇ CR 201-98-1449 and AV 101 9003. This paper is based on a part of the author’s MSc thesis written under the supervison of Professor V. Zizler.
A γ-space with a strictly positive measure is separable. An example of a non-separable γ−space with c.c.c. is given. A P−space with c.c.c. is countable and discrete.
We prove that if E is a subset of a Banach space whose density is of measure zero and such that (E, weak) is a paracompact space, then (E, weak) is a Radon space of type (F ) under very general conditions.
∗ Supported by Research grants GAUK 190/96 and GAUK 1/1998