991 resultados para African Americans - statistics


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These bookmarks state: African-Americans are less likely to exercise than Caucasians. In S.C., 1 in 3 African-Americans has high blood pressure and 1 in 3 has high cholesterol. This causes an increase in death rates from heart disease and stroke. Regular physical activity can help to: prevent heart disease and prevent high blood pressure.


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These bookmarks state: Sickle cell disease is an inherited blood disorder that affects red blood cells and causes organ damage, anemia, and lifelong episodes of pain. The disease most commonly affects people of African, Asian, Mediterranean, Central and South American ancestry. About 70,000 Americans are currently diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. Newborn screening for sickle cell disease and trait is required in South Carolina and most other states. One in 10 African Americans has the sickle cell trait. Knowing if you have the trait is important! Also is a list of available resources with addresses and phone numbers.


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These bookmarks state: poor diet can have bad effects on diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol in African-Americans. What can you do? Eat more fruits and vegetables. Choose meat with less fat. Buy foods low in fat, salt and cholesterol. Have sugar-free drinks. Eat less. Choose less fried foods.


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These bookmarks state: Blacks account for more than 11,000 people living with HIV and AIDS in the state of South Carolina. Blacks account for 27% of the states population and 73% of new HIV infections. Among Blacks, men account for 67% of new HIV infections and women account for 33%. The rate of HIV infection for Blacks is more than 7 times as high as the rate among Whites, and more than three times that of Hispanics.


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These bookmarks state: Your kidney count is a number that your doctor can tell you that could save your life. Your kidney count should be 90 or above. In South Carolina, 1 in 8 people has kidney disease. More than 70 percent of South Carolinians on dialysis are African-American. If you have diabetes or high blood pressure, you are at risk for kidney disease. Kidney disease can be prevented or delayed.


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These bookmarks state: African-Americans smoke less, but have more smoking-related diseases than Caucasians. Smoking causes cancer, heart disease and a higher chance of stroke. The Good News If smoking is stopped, the health risks caused by smoking are reduced.


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These bookmarks state: African-Americans face higher risks of stroke. The more risk factors you have, the greater your chances of having a stroke. The best way to prevent a stroke is to reduce your risk factors. Common Risk Factors for Stroke: smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, physical inactivity, obesity/overweight, diabetes. It also lists the warning signs of stroke.


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Introduccin: El tiempo promedio del efecto mximo de la insulina regular rpida en la glucemia postprandial ha sido considerado durante aos de 120 minutos. En pacientes con Diabetes Mellitus (DM) que usan insulinas anlogas este tiempo y los factores asociados no se encuentran reportados para ser aplicados en el automonitoreo. El objetivo de este estudio fue calcular el tiempo y factores relacionados al efecto mximo de la insulina en la glucemia postprandial. Metodologa: Se desarroll un estudio longitudinal retrospectivo a partir de una fuente secundaria donde se realiz un anlisis descriptivo y bivariado con las variables demogrficas y clnicas presentes en la poblacin. Resultados: El tiempo promedio del pico mximo de insulina en pacientes con DM1 fue de 78.4 (DE 16.512) y DM2 75.01(DE 12.02) minutos. El 75% de la poblacin con DM1 y el 54.2% en DM2 era de sexo femenino, la edad promedio en DM1 era 42.38 aos y en DM2 68 aos, en cuanto a la categorizacin del IMC el 50% de la poblacin en DM1 y el 37.5% en DM2 estaban dentro del rango de obesidad y se encontr una relacin con respecto al tipo de comida desayuno-cena vs el tiempo promedio del efecto mximo de la insulina calculado para ambos grupos (p:0.010). Conclusiones: El tiempo promedio del efecto mximo de la insulina calculado fue menor al tiempo reportado en la literatura clnica de 120 minutos. El tipo de comida principal mostr una relacin con el tiempo promedio del efecto mximo en ambos grupos.


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El trabajo a continuacin tiene como objetivo mostrar cmo la msica ha estado ligada al afroamericano desde su llegada al continente Americano en 1800, y cmo ha sido usada para lograr una transformacin poltico-social que permitira alcanzar la igualdad de trato en Estados Unidos durante la mitad del siglo XX. Se observar la evolucin del Blues desde sus races y la introduccin del R&B como expresin de pensamiento, ideas y experiencias utilizado por The Black Panther Party en la escena social negra de la poca. Para lograr el objetivo anteriormente mencionado, se utilizar la Teora de Campos de Pierre Bourdieu, junto con los conceptos de Capital y Habitus.


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La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es la demencia ms frecuente y su prevalencia contina en aumento tanto en Colombia como en el mundo. Esta investigacin tuvo como objetivo explorar si las actitudes hacia la EA varan segn la edad y gnero de 450 personas adultas colombianas. Se realiz un estudio exploratorio de corte transversal en el que se aplic un cuestionario autodiligenciado. Se encontr que efectivamente hay algunas diferencias segn la edad y el gnero en el componente cognoscitivo (creencias y conocimiento) y conductual (intencin conductual y conducta) de las actitudes; y diferencias segn el gnero en el componente afectivo. Se concluye que los conocimientos sobre la EA son escasos, que la tristeza es la emocin predominante hacia la EA y que es un tema de inters en el que predomina la idea de que afecta especialmente la memoria. Se discutieron los resultados reconociendo que esta es una aproximacin inicial a las actitudes hacia la EA.


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This paper provides for the first time an objective short-term (8 yr) climatology of African convective weather systems based on satellite imagery. Eight years of infrared International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project-European Space Agency's Meteorological Satellite (ISCCP-Meteosat) satellite imagery has been analyzed using objective feature identification, tracking, and statistical techniques for the July, August, and September periods and the region of Africa and the adjacent Atlantic ocean. This allows various diagnostics to be computed and used to study the distribution of mesoscale and synoptic-scale convective weather systems from mesoscale cloud clusters and squall lines to tropical cyclones. An 8-yr seasonal climatology (1983-90) and the seasonal cycle of this convective activity are presented and discussed. Also discussed is the dependence of organized convection for this region, on the orography, convective, and potential instability and vertical wind shear using European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts reanalysis data.


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The spatial and temporal patterns of fog and low clouds along the South-Western African coast are characterized based on an evaluation of Meteosat SEVIRI satellite data. A technique for the detection of fog/low clouds in the region is introduced, and validated using 1 year of CALIOP cloud lidar products, showing reliable performance. The frequency of fog and low cloud in the study area is analyzed by systematic application of the technique to all available Meteosat SEVIRI scenes from 2004 to 2009, for 7:00 UTC and 14:00 UTC. The highest frequencies are encountered in the area around Walvis Bay, with a peak in the summer months. Fog and low clouds clear by 14:00 UTC almost everywhere over land.


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This paper is based on a two year's intensive statistical data collection survey on Lake Kyoga, observations made on Lake Victoria over the last decade occasional visits on Lake Albert (Mobutu) and Lake Malawi. World over, scientists have kept doubting the fisheries statistical figures presented by various African countries. Some countries fail to present any figures. This paper, therefore, narrates most of the causes and possible solutions to those problems.


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BACKGROUND: Baseline physical activity data are needed to effectively plan programs and policies to prevent noncommunicable diseases, but for many African countries these data are lacking. PURPOSE: To describe and compare levels and patterns of physical activity among adults across 22 African countries. METHODS: Data from 57,038 individuals from 22 countries (11 national and 11 subnational samples) that participated in the STEPwise approach to chronic disease risk factor surveillance (2003-2009) were analyzed in 2010. The validated Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) was used to assess days and duration of physical activity at work, for transport, and during leisure time in a typical week. RESULTS: Overall, 83.8% of men and 75.7% of women met WHO physical activity recommendations (at least 150 minutes of moderate activity per week or equivalent). Country prevalence ranged from 46.8% (Mali) to 96.0% (Mozambique). Physical activity, both at work and for transport, including walking, had large contributions to overall physical activity, while physical activity during leisure time was rare in the analyzed countries. CONCLUSIONS: Physical activity levels varied greatly across African countries and population subgroups. Leisure time activity was consistently low. These data will be useful to inform policymakers and to guide interventions to promote physical activity.