995 resultados para Affinity ligands


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The [Fc[BOND]bis{ZnII(TACN)(Py)}] complex, comprising two ZnII(TACN) ligands (Fc=ferrocene; Py=pyrene; TACN=1,4,7-triazacyclononane) bearing fluorescent pyrene chromophores linked by an electrochemically active ferrocene molecule has been synthesised in high yield through a multistep procedure. In the absence of the polyphosphate guest molecules, very weak excimer emission was observed, indicating that the two pyrene-bearing ZnII(TACN) units are arranged in a trans-like configuration with respect to the ferrocene bridging unit. Binding of a variety of polyphosphate anionic guests (PPi and nucleotides di- and triphosphate) promotes the interaction between pyrene units and results in an enhancement in excimer emission. Investigations of phosphate binding by 31P NMR spectroscopy, fluorescence and electrochemical techniques confirmed a 1:1 stoichiometry for the binding of PPi and nucleotide polyphosphate anions to the bis(ZnII(TACN)) moiety of [Fc[BOND]bis{ZnII(TACN)(Py)}] and indicated that binding induces a trans to cis configuration rearrangement of the bis(ZnII(TACN)) complexes that is responsible for the enhancement of the pyrene excimer emission. Pyrophosphate was concluded to have the strongest affinity to [Fc[BOND]bis{ZnII(TACN)(Py)}] among the anions tested based on a six-fold fluorescence enhancement and 0.1 V negative shift in the potential of the ferrocene/ferrocenium couple. The binding constant for a variety of polyphosphate anions was determined from the change in the intensity of pyrene excimer emission with polyphosphate concentration, measured at 475 nm in CH3CN/Tris-HCl (1:9) buffer solution (10.0 mM, pH 7.4). These measurements confirmed that pyrophosphate binds more strongly (Kb=(4.45±0.41)×106 M−1) than the other nucleotide di- and triphosphates (Kb=1–50×105 M−1) tested.


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The angiotensin AT4 receptor was originally defined as the specific, high-affinity binding site for the hexapeptide angiotensin IV (Ang IV). Subsequently, the peptide LVV-hemorphin 7 was also demonstrated to be a bioactive ligand of the AT4 receptor. Central administration of Ang IV, its analogues or LVV-hemorphin 7 markedly enhance learning and memory in normal rodents and reverse memory deficits observed in animal models of amnesia. The AT4 receptor has a broad distribution and is found in a range of tissues, including the adrenal gland, kidney, lung and heart. In the kidney Ang IV increases renal cortical blood flow and decreases Na+ transport in isolated renal proximal tubules. The AT4 receptor has recently been identified as the transmembrane enzyme, insulin-regulated membrane aminopeptidase (IRAP). IRAP is a type II integral membrane spanning protein belonging to the M1 family of aminopeptidases and is predominantly found in GLUT4 vesicles in insulin-responsive cells. Three hypotheses for the memory-potentiating effects of the AT4 receptor/IRAP ligands, Ang IV and LVV-hemorphin 7, are proposed: (i) acting as potent inhibitors of IRAP, they may prolong the action of endogenous promnestic peptides; (ii) they may modulate glucose uptake by modulating trafficking of GLUT4; (iii) IRAP may act as a receptor, transducing the signal initiated by ligand binding to its C-terminal domain to the intracellular domain that interacts with several cytoplasmic proteins.


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Literature estimates of metal-protein affinities are widely scattered for many systems, as highlighted by the class of metallo-chaperone proteins, which includes human Atox1. The discrepancies may be attributed to unreliable detection probes and/or inconsistent affinity standards. In this study, application of the four CuI ligand probes bicinchoninate, bathocuproine disulfonate, dithiothreitol (Dtt), and glutathione (GSH) is reviewed, and their CuI affinities are re-estimated and unified. Excess bicinchoninate or bathocuproine disulfonate reacts with CuI to yield distinct 1:2 chromatophoric complexes [CuIL2] 3- with formation constants β2 = 1017.2 and 1019.8 M-2, respectively. These constants do not depend on proton concentration for pH ≥7.0. Consequently, they are a pair of complementary and stable probes capable of detecting free Cu+ concentrations from 10-12 to 10-19 M. Dtt binds CuI with KD∼10-15 M at pH 7, but it is air-sensitive, and its CuI affinity varies with pH. The CuI binding properties of Atox1 and related proteins (including the fifth and sixth domains at the N terminus of the Wilson protein ATP7B) were assessed with these probes. The results demonstrate the following: (i) their use permits the stoichiometry of high affinity CuI binding and the individual quantitative affinities (KD values) to be determined reliably via noncompetitive and competitive reactions, respectively; (ii) the scattered literature values are unified by using reliable probes on a unified scale; and (iii) Atox1-type proteins bind CuI with sub-femtomolar affinities, consistent with tight control of labile Cu+ concentrations in living cells.


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Aptamers are single-stranded structured oligonucleotides (DNA or RNA) that can bind to a wide range of targets ("apatopes") with high affinity and specificity. These nucleic acid ligands, generated from pools of random-sequence by an in vitro selection process referred to as systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX), have now been identified as excellent tools for chemical biology, therapeutic delivery, diagnosis, research, and monitoring therapy in real-time imaging. Today, aptamers represent an interesting class of modern pharmaceuticals which with their low immunogenic potential mimic extend many of the properties of monoclonal antibodies in diagnostics, research, and therapeutics. More recently, chimeric aptamer approach employing many different possible types of chimerization strategies has generated more stable and efficient chimeric aptamers with aptameraptamer, aptamernonaptamer biomacromolecules (siRNAs, proteins) and aptamernanoparticle chimeras. These chimeric aptamers when conjugated with various biomacromolecules like locked nucleic acid (LNA) to potentiate their stability, biodistribution, and targeting efficiency, have facilitated the accurate targeting in preclinical trials. We developed LNA-aptamer (anti-nucleolin and EpCAM) complexes which were loaded in iron-saturated bovine lactofeerin (Fe-blf)-coated dopamine modified surface of superparamagnetic iron oxide (Fe3O4) nanoparticles (SPIONs). This complex was used to deliver the specific aptamers in tumor cells in a co-culture model of normal and cancer cells. This review focuses on the chimeric aptamers, currently in development that are likely to find future practical applications in concert with other therapeutic molecules and modalities.


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The reaction of various [Os(L)2(L′)]2+ complexes (where L and L′ are phenanthroline, diphosphine or diarsine ligands) and organic reducing agents after chemical or electrochemical oxidation of the reactants produces an emission of light corresponding to MLCT transitions. In certain instances, the emission was greater than that of [Ru(bipy)3]2+, but the relative signals were dependent on many factors, including reagent concentration, mode of oxidation, reducing agent and the sensitivity of the photodetector over the wavelength range.


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1. The influence of two peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) ligands, a thiazolidinedione, rosiglitazone (RG) and the prostaglandin D2 metabolite 15-deoxy-Δ12,14-prostaglandin J2 (15d-PGJ2) on the proliferation of human cultured airway smooth muscle (HASM) was examined.

2. The increases in HASM cell number in response to basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, 300 pm) or thrombin (0.3 U ml−1) were significantly inhibited by either RG (1–10 μm) or 15d-PGJ2 (1–10 μm). The effects of RG, but not 15d-PGJ2, were reversed by the selective PPARγ antagonist GW9662 (1 μm).

3. Neither RG nor 15d-PGJ2 (10 μm) decreased cell viability, or induced apoptosis, suggesting that the regulation of cell number was due to inhibition of proliferation, rather than increased cell death.

4. Flow-cytometric analysis of HASM cell cycle distribution 24 h after bFGF addition showed that RG prevented the progression of cells from G1 to S phase. In contrast, 15d-PGJ2 caused an increase in the proportion of cells in S phase, and a decrease in G2/M, compared to bFGF alone.

5. Neither RG nor 15d-PGJ2 inhibited ERK phosphorylation measured 6 h post mitogen addition. The bFGF-mediated increase in cyclin D1 protein levels after 8 h was reduced in the presence of 15d-PGJ2, but not RG.

6. Although both RG and 15d-PGJ2 can inhibit proliferation of HASM irrespective of the mitogen used, only the antiproliferative effects of RG appear to be PPARγ-dependent. The different antimitogenic mechanisms of 15d-PGJ2 and synthetic ligands for PPARγ may be exploited to optimise the potential for these compounds to inhibit airway remodelling in asthma.


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A few mixed ligand transition metal carbodithioate complexes of the general formula [M(4-MPipzcdt)x(phen)y]Y (M = Mn(II), Co(II), Zn(II); 4-MPipzcdt = 4-methylpiperazine-1-carbodithioate; phen = 1,10-phenanthroline; x = 1 and y = 2 when Y = Cl; x = 2 and y = 1 when Y = nil) were synthesized and screened for their antimicrobial activity against Candida albicans, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa,Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcusfaecalis by disk diffusion method. All the complexes exhibited prominent antimicrobial activity against tested pathogenic strains with the MIC values in the range <8-512 μgmL-1. The complexes [Mn(4-MPipzcdt)2(phen)] and [Co(4-MPipzcdt)(phen)2]Cl inhibited the growth of Candida albicans at a concentration as low as 8 µgmL-1.The complexes were also evaluated for their toxicity towards human transformed rhabdomyosarcoma cells (RD cells). Moderate cell viability of the RD cells was exhibited against the metal complexes.


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A series of new metal (M) dithiolene complexes bearing terthiophene (3, 12, M = Ni; 4, M = Pd; 5, 6, M = Au) and 2,5-bis(para-methoxyphenyl)thiophene units (14, M = Ni; 15, 16, M = Au; 17, M = Pd) have been synthesised in 38–99% yield. The electrochemical properties of the materials have been characterised by cyclic voltammetry and UV-vis spectroelectrochemistry. The nickel complexes possess low oxidation potentials (−0.12 to −0.25 V vs Ag/AgCl) due to the electron-rich dithiolene centres and all complexes display ligand-based redox activity. The terthiophene derivatives have been polymerised by electrochemical oxidation to give stable films with, in the case of poly(3), broad absorption characteristics. Charge transfer materials have been isolated from 14 and 16 with conductivities in the range 9 × 10−6 to 7 × 10−8 S cm−1.


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This work demonstrates that the interfacial properties in a natural fiber reinforced polylactide biocomposite can be tailored through surface adsorption of amphiphilic and biodegradable poly (ethylene glycol)-b-poly-(L-lactide) (PEG-PLLA) block copolymers. The deposition from solvent solution of PEG-PLLA copolymers onto the fibrous substrate induced distinct mechanisms of molecular organization at the cellulosic interface, which are correlated to the hydrophobic/hydrophilic ratios and the type of solvent used. The findings of the study evidenced that the performance of the corresponding biocomposites with polylactide were effectively enhanced by using these copolymers as interfacial coupling agents. During the fabrication stage, diffusion of the polylactide in the melt induced a change in the environment surrounding block copolymers which became hydrophobic. It is proposed that molecular reorganization of the block copolymers at the interface occurred, which favored the interactions with both the hydrophilic fibers and hydrophobic polylactide matrix. The strong interactions such as intra- and intermolecular hydrogen bonds formed across the fiber−matrix interface can be accounted for the enhancement in properties displayed by the biocomposites. Although the results reported here are confined, this concept is unique as it shows that by tuning the amphiphilicity and the type of building blocks, it is possible to control the surface properties of the substrate by self-assembly and disassembly of the amphiphiles for functional materials.


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Aptamers, also known as chemical antibodies, are short single-stranded DNA, RNA or peptide molecules. These molecules can fold into complex three-dimensional structures and bind to target molecules with high affinity and specificity. The nucleic acid aptamers are selected from combinatorial libraries by an iterative in vitro selection procedure known as systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX). As a new class of therapeutics and drug targeting entities, bivalent and multivalent aptamer-based molecules are emerging as highly attractive alternatives to monoclonal antibodies as targeted therapeutics.

Aptamers have several advantages, offering the possibility of overcoming limitations of antibodies: 1) they can be selected against toxic or non-immunogenic targets; 2) aptamers can be chemically modified by using modified nucleotides to enhance their stability in biological fluids or via incorporating reporter molecules, radioisotopes and functional groups for their detection and immobilization; 3) they have very low immunogenicity; 4) they display high stability at room temperature, in extreme pH, or solvent; 5) once selected, they can be chemically synthesized free from cell- culturederived contaminants, and they can be manufactured at any time, in large amounts, at relatively low cost and reproducibly; 6) they are smaller and thus can diffuse more rapidly into tissues and organs, leading to faster targeting in drug delivery; 7) they have lower molecular weight that can lead to faster body clearance, resulting in a low background noise for imaging and minimizing the radiation dose to the patient in diagnostic imaging. Thus, the high selectivity and sensitivity, ease of screening and production, chemical versatility as well as stability make aptamers a class of highly attractive agents for the development of novel therapeutics, targeted drug delivery vehicles and molecular imaging.

In the review, we will discuss the latest technological advances in developing aptamers, its application as a novel class of drug on its own, as well as in surface functionalization of both polymer nanoparticles or nanoliposomes in the treatment of cancer, viral and autoimmune diseases.


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The selective increase in the oxidation rate of certain organic compounds with permanganate in the presence of environmental "ligands" and reduced species has been ascribed to the different reactivity of the target compounds toward Mn(III), which bears striking similarities to recent independent investigations into the use of permanganate as a chemiluminescence reagent. In spite of the importance of Mn(III) in the light-producing pathway, the dependence of the oxidation mechanism for any given compound on this intermediate could not be determined solely through the emission intensity. However, target compounds susceptible to single-electron oxidation by Mn(III) (such as bisphenol A and triclosan) can be easily distinguished by the dramatic increase in chemiluminescence intensity when a permanganate reagent containing high, stable concentrations of Mn(III) is used. The differences are accentuated under the low pH conditions that favor the chemiluminescence emission due to the greater reactivity of Mn(III) and the greater influence of complexing agents. This study supports the previously postulated selective role of ligands and reducing agents in permanganate oxidations and demonstrates a new approach to explore the chemistry of environmental manganese redox processes.