906 resultados para Aerobic and anaerobic metabolisms


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This is the Proposed Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) for Nonylphenol in Water produced by the Environment Agency in 1997. The report reviews the properties and uses of Nonylphenol, its fate, behaviour and reported concentrations in the environment, and critically assesses available data on its toxicity and bioaccumulation. The information is used to derive EQSs for the protection of fresh and saltwater life as well as for water abstracted to potable supply.Nonylphenol (NP) is used extensively in the production of other substances such as non-ionic ethoxylate surfactants. It is through the incomplete anaerobic biodegradation of these surfactants that most nonylphenol reaches the aquatic environment in effluents, e.g. from sewage treatment works and certain manufacturing operations. It was explicitly stated by the Environment Agency that the EQS was to be derived for NP and not Nonylphenol ethoxylates. However, since NP is unlikely to be present in the aquatic environment in the absence of other nonylphenol ethoxylate (NPE) degradation by-products, the toxicity, fate and behaviour of some of these (i.e. nonylphenol mono- and diethoxylates (NP1EO and NP2EO), mono- and di-nonylphenoxy carboxylic acids (NP1EC and NP2EC) have also been considered in this report. In the aquatic environment and during sewage treatment, NPEs are rapidly degraded to NP under aerobic conditions. NP may then be either fully mineralised or may be adsorbed to sediments. Since NP cannot be biodegraded under anaerobic conditions it can accumulate in sediments to high concentrations.


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As melhorias funcionais após uma rotina regular de exercícios físicos nem sempre se traduzem em uma idêntica melhoria da condição aeróbica (AER). O objetivo foi identificar se uma rotina regular de exercícios é capaz de manter ou atenuar a queda do condicionamento aeróbico e funcional, bem como se a diferença nas melhorias nestas variáveis, em indivíduos idosos, pode ser explicada por variações em flexibilidade e força/potência muscular. No primeiro estudo, 176 jogadores profissionais de futebol foram divididos em tercis em relação à idade. Obtivemos o consumo de oxigênio (VO2) e frequência cardíaca (FC), além do perfil de flexibilidade global utilizando o Flexiteste (FLX). Dados de pré-temporada (2005-2011) dos tercis extremos (n=54), mais jovem (17-22 anos) e mais velhos (27-36 anos), foram comparados. Os efeitos do envelhecimento foram avaliados pela comparação do VO2, da FC e de regressões lineares de FLX versus valores previstos para a idade. Os resultados foram semelhantes para VO2max, 62,76,1 vs 63,26,2 mL.(kg.min)-1, (p=0,67), e para FLX, 435,9 vs 416,0, respectivamente (p=0,11), o tercil mais jovem apresentou valores mais altos de FCmáx, 1948,1 vs 1898,8 bpm, (p<0,01). Os jogadores não apresentaram a diminuição prevista no VO2max, enquanto FCmax e FLX diminuiram. No segundo estudo utilizou-se dados de 144 pacientes com idade de 6212 anos submetidos a testes de FLX, força/potência muscular e cardiopulmonar de exercício máximo em cicloergômetro de membros inferiores, após pelo menos 3 meses de participação em um programa de exercício supervisionado (PES). A correlação de Pearson foi calculada para avaliar as associações entre a diferença nas melhorias funcional e aeróbica (DEMFA) e as variações de FLX, força de preensão manual (FPM) e potência muscular (POT) e também entre os valores da primeira avaliação de AER e capacidade funcional (FUN) e as respectivas melhorias e o DEMFA. Após uma média de 32 meses de PES, houve aumento da FLX em 11,6% (p<0,01) e da POT em 14,7% (p<0,01), ajustadas para a idade, com preservação da FPM (p=0,47). Houve uma relação inversa entre os resultados da primeira avaliação e a melhoria AER (r=-0,28; p<0,01). Considerando os valores previstos, a AER aumentou menos do que a FUN - 21% versus 25% (p<0,01). A melhoria na FLX associou-se ao DEMFA (r=0,24; p<0,01). Assim, os estudos mostraram: a) ao manter uma rotina regular de exercícios, principalmente aeróbicos, o VO2 não reduz com a idade em futebolistas entre os 16 e 36 anos, apesar de uma redução na FCmax. b) a participação regular em um PES proporciona melhorias de componentes da aptidão física de pacientes promovendo a restauração dos resultados para equivalentes aos previstos para indivíduos saudáveis. c) uma melhoria da FLX contribui para uma maior melhoria da FUN do que da AER


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The toxicity of xenobiotic in aquatic ecosystems is influenced by many factors such as ambient temperature, water hardness, pond soil type, etc. In the present study, it was observed that air temperature, water hardness and soil sediment have profound influence on the toxicity of deltamethrin to common carp fry (ay. length 3.5 ± 0.5 cm, ay. weight 0.58 ± 0.25 g); 96h LC(sub)50 values for common carp at 38.07 ± 2.20°C maximum and 27.86 ± 1.22°C minimum air temperature in soft and very hard water were 0.102 and 0.495 µg lˉ¹, respectively. This value had increased significantly to 2.37 and 3.02 µg at 30.55 ± 1.21°C maximum and 26.04 ± 0.61°C minimum air temperature, respectively. When sediment was included, 96h LC(sub)50 at 38.07°C maximum temperature in very hard water was 1.808 µg 1ˉ¹ and this had increased to 8.073 µg 1ˉ¹ when tested at 30.55°C maximum temperature. Due to the 7.5°C increase in maximum and 1.7°C in minimum temperature, toxicity increased significantly. Lower toxicity in very hard water in comparison to soft water may be due to the lower solubility of deltarnethrin and high level of calcium. Adsorption reaction of deltamethrin with clay, humus, FeOOH, MnOOH and particulate organic carbon, and complexation reaction with dissolved organic carbon were responsible for the lowered toxicity in the experiment with sediment. Exposure time had no significant effect on acute toxicity of deltamethrin.


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The quality and shelf-life of three freshwater fish species of Bangladesh, catla (Catla catla), magur (Clarias batrachus) and tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) stored at room temperature and ice were evaluated. Live fishes were killed by cranial spiking and stored at room temperature (27-30 °C), ice stored immediately after death, 5 hr after death and 10 hr after death. The shelf-life and quality of the fishes were evaluated by organoleptic method, rigor-mortis studies and bacteriological assessment. Fishes kept at room temperature became organoleptically unacceptable within 16-20 hr duration. Ice stored fishes showed considerable differences in their shelf-life when icing was delayed for different duration. Shelf-life of catla ice stored immediately after death was 20 days but shelf-life reduced to 12 days when icing delayed for 10 hr after death. Similar trend was observed for two other fish species magur and tilapia. Rigor-index of the fishes stored under different conditions also considerably varied among the three fish species, particularly effect of delayed icing was very much evident. Bacteriological study showed patterns of Aerobic Plate Count (APC) at the end of shelflife study when fishes became organoleptically unacceptable were more or less similar for all the three fish species stored under different conditions. No definite pattern was observed in the generic distribution of bacteria in different fish species under different storage conditions. Micrococcus, Coryneforms, Pseudomonas and Achromobacter were the dominant groups of bacteria isolated from the fishes spoiled at room temperature and ice stored condition.


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The overall quality of five SIS products was found in good condition up to 2 months storage on the basis of organoleptic, biochemical and bacteriological characteristics and all the products was excellent in sealed packed condition up to 45 days of storage. However, quality of the products stored in open air atmospheric temperature was found excellent for first 15 days. In an average the initial moisture content was in the range of 13.5 to 15.0% with highest moisture content in puti and lowest in chapila. At the end of the 60 days the moisture content reached to the range of 18.5 to 19.0% which was more or less near the recommended limit of 16% for dried fishery products. The moisture content beyond the recommended limit as the storage period increased further and at the end of 90 days the moisture content increased to the range of 22.9 to 24% when organoleptically the product quality became very poor. The changes in the value of total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N), peroxide value (PO), moisture and aerobic plate count (APC) of solar tunnel dried products in sealed polythene packages were investigated during 60 days of storage. There was little or no differences in TVB-N, PO and bacterial load of each species packed under various polythene density. The initial TVB-N values were in the range of 10.30 to 12.40 mg/100g of the samples. TVB-N value increased slowly up to the end of the storage period and was to in the range of 46.20 to 57.00 mg/1 00 g of sample. Initially the peroxide values (P.O.) were in the range of 6.54 to 8.40 m.eq./kg oil of the samples. During 60 days of storage, P.O. values increased slowly and at the end of the storage period these values reached to the range of 22.00 to 25.30meq./kg of sample. The initial APC was in the range 5.3xl04-7.3x104 CFU/g. The bacterial load increased slowly and at the end of the 60 days storage period reached to the range 6.6x106 - 8.6x107 CFT/g.


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A novel actinomycete strain, designated CW 108(T), was isolated from a forest soil in Anhui Province, China. The cells were strictly aerobic, non-motile, bent rods. The strain grew optimally at 30-37 degrees C and pH 6.0-8.0. Chemotaxonomically, the pepti


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Studies were undertaken to evaluate the quality changes in freshwater giant prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii during various storage conditions of handling and preservation and producing safe and quality products. The samples kept in ice immediately after catch with head-on and head-less condition were found to be acceptable for 6 days and 7 days, respectively. Delaying of icing considerably shortened the shelf-life. The pH value increased from 6.36 to 8.0 after 10 days in ice. The initial average TVB-N value of sample increased from below 10 mg/100 g to 25 mg/100 g with the lapse of storage period. The Ca++ ATPase activity in presence of 0.1M KCl slightly decreased at the end of 10 days of ice storage. Immediately after harvest, initial aerobic plate count (APC) was 2.88x10^6 CFU/g which gradually increased to 1.12x10^8 CFU/g after 6 days in ice storage and showed early signs of spoilage. Initial bacterial genera in the prawn iced at 0 hours were comprised of Coryneform (22.21 %), Bacillus (7.40%), Micrococcus (11.11 %), Achromobacter (48.14%), Flavobacterium/Cytophaga (7.40%), Pseudomonas (3.70%) and Aeromonas (3.70%). During ice storage Coryneforms and Bacillus were always dominating along with less prominent ones - Micrococcus, Achromobacter and Flavobacterium. Studies were conducted on the stability of myofibrillar protein of M. rosenbergii under different storage and pH conditions. The influence of a wide range of pH on the remaining Ca++ ATPase activity of M. rosenbergii muscle myofibrils after storage at -20°C for 2 days, at 0°C for 2 days and at 35°C for 30 minutes demonstrated that ATPase activities were lower in acidic and alkaline pH regions and the activity remained relatively high. Mg++ ATPase activities both in presence and absence of Ca++ remained high at neutral pH compared to those of acidic and alkaline region. The solubility of myofibrillar protein decreased gradually both in acidic and alkaline pH regions. The study also examined the bacteriological quality of freshly harvested M. rosenbergii, pond sediment and pond water from four commercial freshwater prawn farms at Fulpur and Tarakanda upazilas in the district of Mymensingh. The study included aerobic plate count (APC), total coliform count, detection, isolation and identification of suspected public health hazard bacteria and their seasonal variation, salt tolerance test, antibiotic sensitivity test of the isolates and washing effect of chlorinated water on the bacterial load in the prawn samples. APC in sediment soil and water of the farm and gill and hepatopancreas of freshly harvested prawns varied considerably among the farms and between summer and winter season. The range of coliform count in water, gill and hepatopancreas ranged between 6 - 2.8x10^2 CFU/ml, 1.2x10^2 - 3.32x10^2 CFU/g and 1.43x10^2 - 3.89 x10^3 CFU/g, respectively. No coliform was detected in pond sediment sample. Suspected health hazard bacteria isolated and identified from pond sediment, water, gill and hepatopancreas included Streptococcus, Bacillus, Escherichia coli, Klebsialla, Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas and Aeromonas. Bacillus, Salmonella and Staphyloccus [sic], and were found to be highly salt tolerant and capable of growing at 10% NaCl. The antibiotic discs with different concentration of antibiotics were used for the sensitivity test. The organisms were found to be most sensitive against Tetracyclin and Gentamycin.


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Spoilage characteristics of different types of bacteria isolated from bacteriologically defective cans and processing factory environs were studied by inoculating pure cultures into sterile prawn meat. The pattern of spoilage, namely, production of off odour, bulging of the cans and disintegration of meat were observed. Data on spoilage under aerobic as well as anaerobic conditions are presented. Most of the cultures produced some kind of spoilage, though differences were observed in the extent of spoilage produced by different types of bacteria. Gram positive spore formers were found to be the major spoilers and the extent of spoilage was more with mixed cultures.


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A detailed bacteriological survey of the prawn canneries of Cochin area was carried out to study the nature and type of micro-organisms present in the factory environs and their role in causing contamination of the canned products. About 26% of the total of 1030 strains isolated was found to be gram positive spore-formers of the Bacillus type, the cooling water being their major source. Similar types of organisms formed the major group often met with in defective canned prawn samples picked up from the factories for examination, thus establishing a correlation between bacterial characteristics and load of cooling water and can contamination.


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Two aerobic, gram-negative asporogenous, red-pigmented, rod-shaped bacterial strains were isolated from oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps). Their morphological, biochemical and growth characteristics are reported. The pigment was identified to be a prodigiosene. The strains were found to resemble Serratia plymuthica. Effect of temperature and certain carbohydrates on pigmentation was also studied. Iron was found to inhibit pigmentation, and mannitol or sorbitol removed such inhibition.


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The total aerobic viable plate counts (TPCs) of skin, gills and intestine of newly caught oil sardine (Sardinella longiceps) and Indian mackerel ( Rastrelliger kanagurta) at four different temperatures, namely 36 ± 1°C, 28 ± 2°C (RT), 8 ± 1°C and 1 ±1°C, are reported. The total plate count at RT of the skin of oil sardine and Indian mackerel were in the range of l0 super(3) to 10 super(7) and 10 super(4) to 10 super(6) per cm², that of gills in the range of 10 super(5) to 10 super(9) and 10 super(4) to 10 super(8) per g and that intestine in the range of 10 super(5) to 10 sueper(9) and 10 super(5) to 10 super(8) per g respectively. The TPCs were markedly affected by the incubation temperature. Incubation at 28 ± 2°C gave the highest count; at 36 ± 1°C and 8 ± 1°C, the counts decreased by nearly 1-2 log cycles from that at RT. Incubation at 1 ± 1°C registered the lowest count. The peak values for bacterial counts of these fishes occurred at different periods of the year.


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Chronic exposure to opiates impairs hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) and spatial memory, but the underlying mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Given the well known effects of adenosine, an important neuromodulator, on hippocampal neuronal excitability and synaptic plasticity, we investigated the potential effect of changes in adenosine concentrations on chronic morphine treatment-induced impairment of hippocampal CA1 LTP and spatial memory. We found that chronic treatment in mice with either increasing doses (20-100 mg/kg) of morphine for 7 d or equal daily dose (20 mg/kg) of morphine for 12 d led to a significant increase of hippocampal extracellular adenosine concentrations. Importantly, we found that accumulated adenosine contributed to the inhibition of the hippocampal CA1 LTP and impairment of spatial memory retrieval measured in the Morris water maze. Adenosine A(1) receptor antagonist 8-cyclopentyl-1,3-dipropylxanthine significantly reversed chronic morphine-induced impairment of hippocampal CA1 LTP and spatial memory. Likewise, adenosine deaminase, which converts adenosine into the inactive metabolite inosine, restored impaired hippocampal CA1 LTP. We further found that adenosine accumulation was attributable to the alteration of adenosine uptake but not adenosine metabolisms. Bidirectional nucleoside transporters (ENT2) appeared to play a key role in the reduction of adenosine uptake. Changes in PKC-alpha/beta activity were correlated with the attenuation of the ENT2 function in the short-term (2 h) but not in the long-term (7 d) period after the termination of morphine treatment. This study reveals a potential mechanism by which chronic exposure to morphine leads to impairment of both hippocampal LTP and spatial memory.


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This study has established that the use of a computer model, the Anaerobic Digestion Model 1, is suitable for investigation of the stability and energy balance of the anaerobic digestion of food waste. In simulations, digestion of undiluted food waste was less stable than that of sewage sludge or mixtures of the two, but gave much higher average methane yields per volume of digester. In the best case scenario simulations, food waste resulted in the production of 5.3 Nm3 of methane per day per m3 of digester volume, much higher than that of sewage sludge alone at 1.1 Nm3 of methane per day per m3. There was no substantial difference in the yield per volatile solids added. Food waste, however, did not sustain a stable digestion if its cation content was below a certain level. Mixing food waste and sewage sludge allowed digestion with a lower cation content. The changes in composition of food waste feedstock caused great variation in biogas output and even more so volatile fatty acid concentration, which lowered the digestion stability. Modelling anaerobic digestion allowed simulation of failure scenarios and gave insights into the importance of the cation/anion balance and the magnitude of variability in feedstocks.


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Micro-nano bubbles (MNBs) are tiny bubbles with diameters on the order of micrometers and nanometers, showing great potential in environmental remediation. However, the application is only in the beginning stages and remains to be intensively studied. In order to explore the possible use of MNBs in groundwater contaminant removal, this study focuses on the transport of MNBs in porous media and dissolution processes. The bubble diameter distribution was obtained under different conditions by a laser particle analyzer. The permeability of MNB water through sand was compared with that of air-free water. Moreover, the mass transfer features of dissolved oxygen in water with MNBs were studied. The results show that the bubble diameter distribution is influenced by the surfactant concentration in the water. The existence of MNBs in pore water has no impact on the hydraulic conductivity of sand. Furthermore, the dissolved oxygen (DO) in water is greatly increased by the MNBs, which will predictably improve the aerobic bioremediation of groundwater. The results are meaningful and instructive in the further study of MNB research and applications in groundwater bioremediation.


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Microorganisms play an important role in removing pollutants from constructed wetlands. We investigated the microbial characteristics in a novel integrated vertical-flow constructed wetland (IVCW), which has been in operation in Wuhan, China since 1998. We used phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and amoA gene to analyze the structure and diversity of the microbial community within the IVCW. PLFA results suggested that the amount of bacterial PLFA was significantly higher than that of fungal PLFA, but the total microbial biomass represented by PLFA index was low in the system. Microbial spatial distribution showed significantly higher bacterial (both G(+) and G(-)) and fungal biomass in the surface than in the subsurface layers. The ratios of monounsaturated to branched PLFA demonstrated that an anaerobic layer sandwiched by two aerobic layers existed in the IVCW, consistent with the redox potential results. Analysis of the amoA revealed the presence of Nitrosomonas-like sequences in the surface substrate of the downflow chamber and apparent diversities of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria in the system. These results suggest that microorganisms, despite their relatively low biomass, have inhabited the IVCW, and the results will offer some valuable information on microbe to system designers and managers.