986 resultados para Adhesive phenol-formaldehyde


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Do ponto de vista das preocupações de saúde, os níveis de contaminação do ar interior assumem actualmente uma elevada importância quando se tem em consideração que as pessoas passam a maior parte do seu tempo no interior de edifícios. Neste contexto, o formaldeído é um dos poluentes mais preocupantes e, inclusivamente, os resultados de concentração obtidos em habitações do espaço Europeu foram considerados preocupantes devido ao facto de estarem relacionados com efeitos negativos para a saúde. O estudo exploratório desenvolvido pretendeu disponibilizar informação acerca das concentrações de formaldeído existentes em habitações domésticas portuguesas. Estudou‑se a presença de formaldeído em habitações novas e habitações domésticas com ocupação, abrangendo 6 unidades de cada um dos tipos considerados. Para a avaliação ambiental foi utilizado um equipamento de leitura direta que deteta as concentrações de formaldeído por fotoionização com uma lâmpada de 11,7 eV. A temperatura ambiente e a humidade relativa foram igualmente medidas, de acordo com o estipulado na Norma Internacional ISO 7726:1998. No caso das habitações novas foram registados valores de concentração superiores a 0,08 ppm em 3 das unidades estudadas. Por outro lado, em 4 das habitações com ocupação foram obtidos valores superiores a 0,08 ppm. O desenvolvimento deste estudo permitiu reconhecer algumas das possíveis fontes emissoras e os factores que influenciam as concentrações de formaldeído nas habitações em Portugal. ABSTRACT - Nowadays, indoor air contamination is considering an important health issue considering that people spend most of their time indoors. In this context, formaldehyde is a pollutant of major concern and, recently, concentration results obtained in European dwellings reveal high concentrations and values related with negative health effects in occupants. The present exploratory study sought to provide information about formaldehyde concentrations in Portuguese dwellings. It was studied formaldehyde presence in new dwellings and dwellings with occupation and included 6 units of each setting. For concentrations measure, it was used a direct‑reading equipment that detects formaldehyde concentration by photoionization. Temperature and relative humidity were also measured in accordance with International Standard ISO 7726:1998. In the case of new dwellings, in 3 units concentration values were higher than 0.08 ppm. In addition, in 4 units of the 6 dwellings with occupation, concentrations higher than this reference value were obtained. The development of this study permitted to recognize some of the possible indoors emissions sources and to define several of the preventive measures that can be applied.


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Exposure assessment is an important step of risk assessment process and has evolved more quickly than perhaps any aspect of the four-step risk paradigm (hazard identification, exposure assessment, dose-response analysis, and risk characterization). Nevertheless, some epidemiological studies have associated adverse health effects to a chemical exposure with an inadequate or absent exposure quantification. In addition to the metric used, the truly representation of exposure by measurements depends on: the strategy of sampling, random collection of measurements, and similarity between the measured and unmeasured exposure groups. Two environmental monitoring methodologies for formaldehyde occupational exposure were used to assess the influence of metric selection in exposure assessment and, consequently, in risk assessment process.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, 2015.


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O formaldeído (FA) foi classificado, em 2004, pela International Agency for Cancer Research como agente cancerígeno. Este agente químico ocupa a 25ª posição em toda a produção química dos Estados Unidos da América, com mais de 5 milhões de toneladas produzidas por ano. Devido à sua importância económica e uso diversificado, muitos indivíduos estão expostos profissionalmente a FA. Com o estudo desenvolvido pretendeu‑se avaliar a exposição a FA em dois contextos ocupacionais distintos – na produção de FA e resinas e em laboratórios de anatomia patológica (AP) e relacionar com eventuais efeitos para a saúde, comparando a frequência de micronúcleos (MN) em linfócitos do sangue periférico e em células esfoliadas da mucosa bucal dos trabalhadores expostos a FA com indivíduos não expostos (controlos). Como amostra foram estudados 80 trabalhadores ocupacionalmente expostos a FA: 30 trabalhadores da fábrica de produção de FA e resinas e 50 trabalhadores de 10 laboratórios de AP. Foi constituído um grupo controlo de 85 indivíduos com atividades profissionais que não envolviam a exposição a formaldeído ou qualquer outro agente químico com propriedades genotóxicas. Aplicaram‑se duas metodologias distintas de avaliação ambiental do FA com o objetivo de conhecer a exposição profissional. Compararam‑se os resultados obtidos com os valores limite para a exposição média ponderada (TLV‑TWA=0,75 ppm) e para a concentração máxima (VLE‑CM=0,3 ppm). A totalidade dos laboratórios apresentou resultados superiores ao valor de referência existente para a concentração máxima. Nenhum dos resultados obtidos para a exposição média ponderada foi superior ao valor de referência. O exame macroscópico obteve os valores das concentrações máximas mais elevadas em 90% dos laboratórios. Os valores de MN foram mais elevados nos indivíduos expostos a FA comparativamente com os controlos. No caso dos MN nos linfócitos, a média foi de 3,96 nos expostos e de 0,81 nos não expostos. Os MN nas células esfoliadas da boca apresentaram uma média de 0,96 nos expostos e de 0,16 nos controlos. Os resultados obtidos nesta acção de biomonitorização podem revelar‑se particularmente úteis para as organizações responsáveis em definir os níveis aceitáveis para a exposição humana a FA. ABSTRACT: Since 2004, formaldehyde (FA) has been classified by the International Agency for Cancer Research as a carcinogen. The FA ranks 25th in the overall United States chemical production, with more than 5 million tons produced each year. Due to its economic importance and varied use, many individuals are exposed to FA at their occupational settings. This study aimed to assess the exposure to FA in two occupational settings – FA production factory and pathology anatomy (PA) laboratories – and relate it to possible health effects by comparing frequency of micronuclei (MN) in peripheral blood lymphocytes and exfoliated cells from the oral mucosa of workers exposed to FA with individuals not exposed to this agent (controls). This study was performed in 80 workers occupationally exposed to FA: 30 workers of the FA factory and 50 workers in 10 PA laboratories. The control group comprised 85 subjects without exposure. We have applied two different methodologies for environmental monitoring of FA. The results were compared with the reference to the exposure weighted average (TLV‑TWA = 0.75 ppm) and ceiling concentration (VLE‑MC = 0.3 ppm). All laboratories had results higher than the reference value to CM (1.41 ppm). None of the results obtained for the TWA exposure (0.16 ppm) were higher than the reference value. Macroscopic examination obtained the highest values of CM in 90% of laboratories. MN values were higher in individuals exposed to FA as compared to controls. As for MN in lymphocytes, the average was 3.96 in exposed compared with 0.81 in the unexposed. The MN in exfoliated cells of the buccal mucosa had an average of 0.96 in exposed, compared with 0.16 in controls. The results of this biomonitoring can be particularly useful to organizations responsible for defining acceptable levels for human exposure to FA.


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Indoor air quality recently entered legislation in Portugal. Several parameters must be evaluated and kept within limits in order to obtain a certification for air quality and energy consumption. Certification parameters were analyzed in two Portuguese archives in order to assess indoor air quality both for people attending or working on these premises and for maintenance of a written heritage that must be retained for future generations. Carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2), formaldehyde, and fungal counts were kept within stipulated limits. Relative humidity (RH), volatile organic compounds (VOC), particulate matter (PM10), and ozone (O3) showed values above legislated levels and justified the implementation of corrective measures. In terms of conservation, studies on the limit values are still needed, but according to the available international guidelines, some of the analyzed parameters such as PM10, O3, and RH were also above desirable values. Corrective measures were proposed to these institutions. Although this study was only of a short duration, it proved valuable in assessing potential eventual problems and constitutes the first Portuguese indoor air quality assessment taking into consideration both aspects of an archive such as human health and heritage safekeeping.


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This work addresses the treatment by nanofiltration (NF) of solutions containing NaCN and NH(4)Cl at various pH values. The NF experiments are carried out in a Lab-Unit equipped with NF-270 membranes for model solutions that are surrogates of industrial ammoniacal wastewaters generated in the coke-making processes. The applied pressure is 30 bar. The main objective is the separation of the compounds NaCN and NH(4)Cl and the optimization of this separation as a function of the pH. Membrane performance is highly dependent on solution composition and characteristics, namely on the pH. In fact, the rejection coefficients for the binary model solution containing sodium cyanide are always higher than the rejections coefficients for the ammonium chloride model solution. For ternary solutions (cyanide/ammonium/water) it was observed that for pH values lower than 9 the rejection coefficients to ammonium are well above the ones observed for the cyanides, but for pH values higher than 9.5 there is a drastic decrease in the ammonium rejection coefficients with the increase of the pH. These results take into account the changes that occur in solution, namely, the solute species that are predominant, with the increase of the pH. The fluxes of the model solutions decreased with increased pH. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Cryptosporidiosis occurrence was determined in HIV+ patient assisted in the Clinic of Infect-parasitic Diseases in a hospital of Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in the period from Juy/1998 to March/1999. In order to research, seventy-five patient, carriers of diarrhea or not, were appraised. The samples of feces were collected and placed in saline solution with formaldehyde (5%). The Modified Ritchie technique was used for the oocysts research, and the smears were stained with Safranine O methylene blue. The results verified 9.33% of positive samples, with higher frequency of cases in patients of the masculine sex from 20 to 50 years old, however without significant difference.


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Na última década têm desenvolvido fixadores para substituição do formol que é tóxico para o homem. O principal objectivo foi avaliar microscopicamente a histomorfologia e as características tintoriais de tecido mamário fixado em GreenFix®, durante 24 e 72 horas, comparativamente ao fixado em formol, através da coloração de Hematoxilina-Eosina. Uma análise global da histomorfologia revelou existir uma diferença estatisticamente significativa entre a fixação pelo GreenFix® e pelo formol (p=0,050), tendo-se registado uma melhoria da coloração e detalhe nuclear nos tecidos fixados com GreenFix® durante 24 (p=0,007) ou 72 horas(p=0,024). O GreenFix® é um potencial substituto do formol na rotina histológica.


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Avaliação do estado do gene Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR), por Silver In Situ Hibridization (SISH), tem-se destacado como biomarcador preditivo na resposta à terapêutica. O principal objectivo foi optimizar a etapa de recuperação por calor da metodologia automatizada SISH Dual-Colour, em carcinomas pulmonares fixados em formol durante 24 e 72 horas. A optimização levou a um aumento da preservação do contorno nuclear e da intensidade e contraste dos sinais para os dois tempos de fixação, permitindo avaliar o estado do EGFR em 83,3% dos casos em estudo. A SISH Dual-Colour é uma alternativa para avaliar o estado do EGFR.


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Pretendeu-se verificar a influência de dois tipos de ligaduras no tempo de reacção dos peroniais, através de electromiografia de superfície, em atletas femininas de voleibol, com história de entorse e indicadores de instabilidade. Efectuou-se um estudo com uma amostra de 15 atletas. Seleccionaram-se as ligaduras elástica adesiva em heel-lock e kinesiotape com aplicação peronial e ligamentar, pela sua indicação de diminuição da instabilidade tíbio-társica. Utilizaram-se os testes paramétricos ANOVA de medidas repetidas e Teste t para amostras emparelhadas. Verificou-se que a aplicação da ligadura kinesiotape reduziu o tempo de reacção dos peroniais enquanto a ligadura elástica não exerceu influência sobre este.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Results of research work developed in anatomy and pathology laboratories have indicated that “macroscopic examination” is the task involving the highest exposure to formaldehyde. This is probably because precision and very good visibility are needed and, therefore, pathologists must lean over the specimen with consequent increase of proximity. With this research we aimed to know formaldehyde exposure in case of animal’s macroscopic examination. Three macroscopic examinations were considered and exposure assessment performed with photo ionization detection (PID) direct-reading equipment (with an 11.7 eV lamp) designated by First-Check, from Ion Science. Higher values of formaldehyde concentration (ceiling values) were register in each exam.


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The dispersal flights of West Indian drywood termite, Cryptotermes brevis (Walker) (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae) were surveyed in the major cities of Azores. The sampling device used to estimate termite density consisted of a yellow adhesive trap (size 45 by 24 cm), placed with an artificial or natural light source in a dark attic environment. In addition, data from two other projects were used to improve the knowledge about the geographical distribution of the species. The level of infestation in the two main Azorean towns differed, with high levels in the houses of Angra do Heroísmo, whereas in Ponta Delgada, there are fewer houses with high levels of infestation. The infestation in Ponta Delgada shows a pattern of spreading from the center outward to the city's periphery, whereas in Angra do Heroísmo, there was a pattern of spreading outward from several foci. The heavy infestation observed in Angra do Heroísmo and the clear increase of infestation levels observed from 2010 to 2011 is a reason for concern and calls for an urgent application of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) control strategy.


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química. Ramo Tecnologias de Protecção Ambiental.


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A flow injection analysis (FIA) system comprising a tartrate- (TAT) selective electrode has been developed for determination of tartaric acid in wines. Several electrodes constructed for this purpose had a PVC membrane with a complex of quaternary ammonium and TAT as anion exchanger, a phenol derivative as additive, and a more or less polar mediator solvent. Characterization of the electrodes showed behavior was best for membranes with o-nitrophenyl octyl ether as solvent. On injection of 500 μL into a phosphate buffer carrier (pH = 3.1; ionic strength 10–2 mol/L) flowing at 3 mL/min, the slope was 58.06 ± 0.6 with a lower limit of linear range of 5.0 × 10–4 mol/L TAT and R2 = 0.9989. The interference of several species, e.g. chloride, bromide, iodide, nitrate, gallic acid, tannin, sucrose, glucose, fructose, acetate, and citrate, was evaluated in terms of potentiometric selectivity coefficients. The Hofmeister series was followed for inorganic species and the most interfering organic ion was citrate. When red and white wines were analyzed and the results compared with those from an independent method they were found to be accurate, with relative standard deviations below 5.0%.