1000 resultados para Abordaje


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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Throughout the last years, the increasing use of Technologies of nformation and Communication (TICs) have stimulated a new gamma of informational necessities. The digital environments favor the transposition of the conventional limits of representation and dissemination of the registered knowledge, incorporating new elements to the processes of production, organization and recovery of information. Considering the ontologies as a new and riveting category of systems of representation of knowledge, we searched bases that allow to analyze the approaches of this new computational approach with the instruments and methods of Knowledge Organization, starting from presentation of the ontology OIR, designed for the representation and exchange of referential informations of academic papers, investigating in what scale the area of Information Science can contribute to the development of ontologies and analyzing the consequences of its use in digital libraries.


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Introduction: Studies about human cognition represent a relevant perspective in information science, considering the subjective actions of information professionals and dialogic process that should permeate the activity of subjects dealing with the organization and representation of information. Objective: Explore the approach of the cognitive perspective in information science and their new settings by contemporary needs of information to reflect on the process of meeting the professional information through the social reality that permeates the contexts of information. Methodology: Reflection on theoretical aspects that deal with the cognitive development to discuss the implications of the cognitive approach in information science and its evolution in the scope of the representation and processing of information. Results: Research in Information Science must consider issues of cognitive and social order that underlie information processing and the process of knowing the information professional as knowledge structures must be explained from the social context of knowing subjects. Conclusions: There is a need to investigate the process of knowing the information professional in the bias of socio-cognitive approach, targeting new elements for the understanding of the relationship information (cognitive manifestations) and its implications on the social dimension.


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Buscando contribuir e mesmo incentivar novos e mais aprofundados estudos sobre o modo como os dialetos do português são tratados e apresentados à população brasileira, o presente trabalho procura realizar uma breve análise da construção e abordagem do humor nos dicionários de dialetos do português do Brasil, bem como classificar os tipos de dicionários existentes. Busca-se, sobretudo, estudar quais os mecanismos utilizados para provocar o riso, como se reproduz determinado modo de falar e se por traz disto tudo há alguma manifestação velada de preconceito linguístico


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Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR


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Pós-graduação em Saúde Coletiva - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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Our main concern was to investigate the forms and rationalities implicit in the social regulation/autonomy of the management processes of learning, historically established in the 1971 through 2002 educational reforms, via assessment guidelines of school performance in the state of São Paulo. We used a socio-historical approach, relying on speeches and official documents as our primary source and on studies and research work about teacher assessment and performance as secondary sources. As central categories we considered continuity and rupture in the patterns and mechanisms of social regulation/autonomy of educational work. The results help to clarify how educational policies, instituted in contexts of social reproduction/transformation, influence the management of educational processes within the school.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this paper, are analyzed the content of morality and civility disclosed in five articles published in the Revista de Educação, educational periodic published by the School for Teaching Training of Piracicaba, between 1921 and 1923, and that had Lourenço Filho as editor. For the analysis, it was used aspects of the theory of civilization processes, based on the emotional control idea, proposed by the German sociologist Norbert Elias, in the first decades of the twentieth century. Through historical approach, it was founded in these articles the principles of civility and of morality that should be taught through the school to the teaching training students so they could teach it to their students, future citizens of Republic. From the analysis of the articles of this journal it was possible to observe the "drawing" of citizen who was disclosed and, consequently, the spread - through the school – of values related to social behavior that matched to the standards of civilized individuals to the Brazilian Republic.


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Nowadays, the current work perspective is characterized by a management economy in which the accounting and financial considerations overlap the human and social considerations. Therefore, there is a creation of a social imaginary dominated by a capitalist and utilitarist logic. With this in mind, we intend, in this theoretical-reflexive study, learn the power resonances and managerialist ideology for the included subjects in the hypermodern organizations. This way, this research was constructed by the light of Psichosociology. The reading through these approaches emphasizes the imaginary dimension, intersubjective and group of the organizations, contributing to the understanding of job relations and worker's mental health.


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This paper aims to present a reflection on the contemporary way of life substantiated by its pillars -consumption, individualism, competitiveness, fluid relationship - aiming to assimilate it to an administrative management model that is widely distributed in monopolistic-financial capitalism - strategic management model - guided by the question: Why does this management model find such a fertile field for development in the contemporary scenario? Thus, the study was theoretically and methodologically based on the approach of psychosociology and was developed from a theoretical review. We have conducted a contextualization and definition of contemporaneity in which a market society that celebrates the spectacle lies, analyzing, from this point, the strategic organizational management model that has been working as a drug in the subjective constitution of the individuals producing the striking resonances in the psychosocial field. The assimilation performed in this paper allowed us to clarify some possible causes of social pathologies arising from the increasingly cruel world we face in professional life.


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This paper presents the main achievements in the field of children and youngsters social rights and provides some data on Brazilian education that show the discrepancy between the legal guidelines and the educational situation of children and youngsters within public schools. It presents a critical approach to the ways production and attendance of school problems have been interpreted and shows the dimension in which social facilities established to provide protection to children and adolescents have not been able to ensure a good quality schooling. It highlights the Guardian Council as addressee of school demands and stands out the urgency of debating the violation of fundamental rights such as the lack of quality in education, the repeated situations of failure, and dropping out experienced by a significant number of poor students. The analyzes developed point to the fragility of the relationship between school and Guardian Council revealing an institutional dynamic that individualize social issues. The analyzes developed also suggest the possibility of including Psychology mediation to school, family and Guardian Council. These aim to break the hegemony of the gaze individualizing approach that blame individual and / or family for school failures. This all present to professionals the urgenct for a critical attitude, based on theoretical and practical approaches able to research and propose critical interventions in order to overcome the production of educational exclusion.


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In this work we propose a reflection on education and, more specifically, on theprocess of teacher’s education. To approach this discussion we assume the necessityof addressing this issue in its complexity. We used the multi-referential approachthat has the perspective to study educational phenomena considering the heterogeneitytypical of educational relationships. We are holding this discussion by identifyingseveral aspects of the formation of teachers from the fields of education andpsychoanalysis. This route allowed us to deepen and clarify some concepts: education,the teaching relationship, the experienced and lived, suggesting perspectives for theprocess of teacher´s education.