983 resultados para ALKALINE CELLULASES
Bioactive glasses undergo corrosion with leaching of alkaline ions when exposed to body fluids. This results in the spontaneous formation of a layer of hydroxyapatite (HA), the mineral component of natural bone, which in turn can induce bone growth in vivo. This paper describes the different types of bioactive glasses, the characterization methods currently used, and the main factors that influence their bioactivity. Nucleation and crystallization, the main mechanisms involved in the formation of hydroxyapatite, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2, are discussed as a function of the chemical composition and the reactivity of the surface of the material. Finally, promising applications are considered.
A solid phase extraction procedure using Amberlite XAD-1180/Pyrocatechol violet (PV) chelating resin for the determination of iron and lead ions in various environmental samples was established. The procedure is based on the sorption of lead(II) and iron(III) ions onto the resin at pH 9, followed by elution with 1 mol/L HNO3 and determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The influence of alkaline, earth alkaline and some transition metals, as interferents, are discussed. The recoveries for the spiked analytes were greater than 95%. The detection limits for lead and iron by FAAS were 0.37 µg/L and 0.20 µg/L, respectively. Validation of the method described here was performed by using three certified reference materials (SRM 1515 Apple Leaves, SRM 2711 Montana Soil and NRCC-SLRS-4 Riverine Water). The procedure was successfully applied to natural waters and human hair.
UV-Vis and fluorescence spectroscopic studies of native and reconstituted d monomers from Glossoscolex paulistus were performed in alkaline pH. In addition to the presence of aquomet and hemichrome hexacoordinated species, a pentacoordinated species occurs. This latter species, which presents an imidazolate group of axial histidine as fifth ligand, is identified by the blue-shifted low-intensity Soret band and LMCT band. The pentacoordinated species must occur due to partial polypeptide unfolding.
Remediação de drenagem ácida de mina usando zeólitas sintetizadas a partir de cinzas leves de carvão
Zeolitic material was synthesized from coal fly ashes (baghouse filter fly ash and cyclone filter fly ash) by hydrothermal alkaline activation. The potential application of the zeolitic product for decontamination of waters from acid mine drainage was evaluated. The results showed that a dose of 30 g L-1 of zeolitic material allowed the water to reach acceptable quality levels after treatment. Both precipitation and cation-exchange processes accounted for the reduction in the pollutant concentration in the treated waters.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of Zn and Mn in a soil column. Two soil columns were sampled, and four opened alkaline batteries were placed at the top of one soil column. An acid-rainwater solution (HNO3 and H2SO4; pH 4) was percolated through the battery contaminated column during one year. The results showed that the leaching of alkaline batteries caused enrichment of 70 and 11 times in the Zn and Mn concentration of the topsoil, respectively. Additionally, leaching of electrolyte (KOH) from the batteries increased the soil pH in the contaminated column.
The modern stopped-flow reaction analyzer has shown high efficiency and flexibility, which provides outstanding sample economy with a dead-time of less than 1 ms. However the cost of the equipment imposes a serious restriction to many Brazilian scientists and teachers. In this work we describe the construction of a low-cost stopped-flow system coupled to a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The performance of the system was checked by monitoring the kinetics of two reactions: the fading of phenolphthalein in aqueous alkaline solution and the chlorophyll a demetallation in acid medium. The apparatus showed reasonable efficiency with a dead-time of 0.3 to 0.5 s. The very good results obtained in these two illustrative processes show that the system is satisfactory for determining rate constants with mean reaction times ranging from seconds to minutes.
The amount of water available is usually restricted, which leads to a situation where a complete understanding of the process, including water circulations and the influence of water components, is essential. The main aim of this thesis was to clarify the possibilities for the efficient use of residual peroxide by means of water circulation rearrangements. Rearranging water circulations and the reduction of water usage may cause new problems, such as metal induced peroxide decomposition that needs to be addressed. This thesis introduces theoretical methods of water circulations to combine two variables; effective utilization of residual peroxide and avoiding manganese in the alkaline peroxide bleaching stage. Results are mainly based on laboratory and mill site experiments concerning the utilization of residual peroxide. A simulation model (BALAS) was used to evaluate the manganese contents and residual peroxide doses. It was shown that with optimum recirculation of residual peroxide the brightness can be improved or chemical costs can be decreased. From the scientific perspective, it was also very important to discover that recycled peroxide was more effective pre-bleaching agent compared to fresh peroxide. This can be due to the organic acids i.e. per acetic acid in wash press filtrate that have been formed in alkaline bleaching stage. Even short retention time was adequate and the activation of residual peroxide using sodium hydroxide was not necessary. There are several possibilities for using residual peroxide in practice regarding bleaching. A typical modern mechanical pulping process line consist of defibering, screening, a disc filter, a bleach press, high consistency (HC) peroxide bleaching and a wash press. Furthermore there usually is not a particular medium consistency (MC) pre-bleaching stage that includes additional thickening equipment. The most advisable way to utilize residual peroxide in this kind of process is to recycle the wash press filtrate to the dilution of disc filter pulp (low MC pre-bleaching stage). An arrangement such as this would be beneficial in terms of the reduced convection of manganese to the alkaline bleaching stage. Manganese originates from wood material and will be removed to the water phase already in the early stages of the process. Recycling residual peroxide prior to the disc filter is not recommended because of low consistencies. Regarding water circulations, the novel point of view is that, it would be beneficial to divide water circulations into two sections and the critical location for the division is the disc filter. Both of these two sections have their own priority. Section one before the disc filter: manganese removal. Section two after the disc filter: brightening of pulp. This division can be carried out if the disc filter pulp is diluted only by wash press filtrate before the MC storage tower. The situation is even better if there is an additional press after the disc filter, which will improve the consistency of the pulp. This has a significant effect on the peroxide concentration in the MC pre-bleaching stage. In terms of manganese content, it is essential to avoid the use of disc filter filtrate in the bleach press and wash press showers. An additional cut-off press would also be beneficial for manganese removal. As a combination of higher initial brightness and lower manganese content, the typical brightness increase varies between approximately 0.5 and 1% ISO units after the alkaline peroxide bleaching stage. This improvement does not seem to be remarkable, but as it is generally known, the final brightness unit is the most expensive and difficult to achieve. The estimation of cost savings is not unambiguous. For example in GW/TMP mill case 0.6% ISO units higher final brightness gave 10% savings in the costs of bleaching chemicals. With an hypothetical 200 000 ton annual production, this means that the mill could save in the costs of bleaching chemicals more than 400 000 euros per year. In general, it can be said that there were no differences between the behavior of different types of processes (GW, PGW, TMP and BCTMP). The enhancement of recycling gave a similar response in all cases. However, we have to remember that the utilization of residual peroxide in older mills depends a great deal on the process equipment, the amount of water available and existing pipeline connections. In summary, it can be said that processes are individual and the same solutions cannot be applied to all cases.
The present study describes phenol adsorption on commercial active carbon (CAF) under alkaline conditions in the concentration range of 0.01 to 2.08 mmol L-1. Surface characterization has been performed by means of surface area measurements, IR spectroscopy and Boehm titration. The effect of temperature on the adsorption equilibrium isotherm was investigated at 23, 30, 40, 50 and 60 °C. The results showed that adsorption capacity decreased with increasing temperature. The adsorption kinetics and the role of surface characteristics on the adsorption of phenol also discussed.
Ultrasuodatus on tehokas entsyymiliuosten konsentrointi- ja puhdistusmenetelmä. Prosessin ongelmana on kuitenkin kalvojen likaantumisesta johtuva suodatuksen aikainen vuon pienentyminen ja kalvojen hankala puhdistaminen. Oikeilla kalvovalinnoilla ja optimaalisilla pesustrategioilla voidaan suodatus- ja pesuaikoja lyhentää ja nain parantaa suodatusprosessin tehokkuutta ja tuotteen laatua. Työn kirjallisessa osassa on käsitelty entsyymiliuosten ja polymeerikalvojen suodatusprosessiin vaikuttavia ominaisuuksia. Työssä on esitelty myös pesuaineiden ja pesukemikaalien ominaisuuksia sekä pesuprosessiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työn kokeellinen osa koostui kahdesta osasta. Työn ensimmäisessä osassa etsittiin entsyymiliuosten ultrasuodatusprosessiin sopivaa kalvoa vertailemalla kalvojen permeabiliteetteja, hydrofiilisyytta, varausta ja peseytyvyyttä. Suodatuksissa käytettiin kahta Roal Oy:n tuottamaa entsyymiliuosta ja suodatukset tehtiin DSS Labstak M20-laitteistolla. Työn toisen osan tarkoituksena oli etsiä entsyymiliuosten suodatuksessa käytettävien kalvojen likaantumisen syyt sekä tehokas puhdistusaine kalvojen pesuun. Tehokasta pesuainetta etsittiin liotuskokeilla ja laboratoriomittakaavan poikkivirtauslaitteistolla. Analysointeja tehtiin muun muassa FTIR- spektroskoopilla, vuomittauksilla, pyyhkäisyelektronimikroskoopilla ja kontaktikulmamittauksilla. Entsyymiliuosten suodatuksiin sopivan kalvon etsinnässä testattujen kalvojen välillä oli suuria eroja niin permeabiliteeteissa kuin likaantumisessa ja puhdistumisessa, mutta mikään kalvoista ei erottunut ylivoimaisesti parhaaksi. Pesuaineista kaupalliset membraanien puhdistukseen tarkoitetut emäksiset pesuaineet osoittautuivat tehokkaimmiksi lian poistajiksi.
The physicochemical composition of pure royal jelly as well as of some adulterated samples was analyzed by determining moisture, ash, lipids, nitrogen/proteins, carbohydrates, starch and 10- HDA (10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid). The solubility in alkaline medium was used to detect the main frauds for adulterating royal jelly which comprise addition of yogurt, water, egg white, sweet condensed milk mixed with propolis, unripe banana and corn starch slurry.
Polysaccharide-based drilling fluids have been often applied in horizontal wells of petroleum reservoirs in Campos, Rio de Janeiro. The present study aimed to understand the mechanism of adsorption and desorption of the drill-in fluid, xanthan, modified starch and lubricant on SiO2 by means of ellipsometry. The effect of pH and brine on the mean thickness (D) of adsorbed layer was systematically investigated. The adsorption was mainly favored under alkaline conditions. A model has been proposed to explain this effect. The adsorption isotherms determined separately for xanthan and starch on SiO2 surfaces could be fitted with the Langmuir model, which yielded similar adsorption constant values.
This paper presents the alkaline battery (MnO2/Zn) as a useful device in the teaching of chemistry. The preparation of the battery, the materials used in the preparation of the MnO2 electrode, the mechanism of energy storage and the parameters often used in the understanding of general batteries are discussed in detail. In addition, a schedule and a questionnaire that can be applied in an experimental class have been developed, which allow the assembly of an alkaline battery, its discharge using a galvanostatic or a load-resistance procedure, and the elaboration of a report based on the main text. This experimental class has been offered in the chemistry course of FFCLRP.
The solid by-product of the oil shale processing (PETROBRAS - Brazil) was used as raw material to synthesize zeolites A and faujasite. Alkaline fusion followed by hydrothermal treatment was the synthesis procedure used, and five different starting material compositions were obtained. The more crystalline zeolite-type materials synthesized, the pretreated oil shale ash and commercial zeolites were used as adsorbents in the purification of pollutant solutions with arsenic. The zeolite-type material composed of a mixture of zeolite A (42.6%) and faujasite (52.9%) presented an ion exchange capacity comparable to the pure zeolites A and faujasite, much better than the pretreated ash.
Dregs is an alkaline solid by-product generated in the cellulose manufacturing industry that could be used to correct soil acidity. The present study aimed to evaluate the chemical composition of this product and some of its properties. The dregs presented 354 g kg-1 of calcium, neutralization capacity of 80.3%, and pH 10.7, besides low concentration of sodium (10.2 g kg-1), lead (62.9 mg kg-1) and cadmium (5.6 mg kg-1). Thus, it is a product that can safely be used to increase the soil pH.
Malondialdehyde (MDA) is one of the lipid peroxidation products widely used as indicator of cellular injury. However, the short-term and the long-term stability of this biomarker remain unclear. The objective of this work was to evaluate the stability of plasmatic MDA at -20 ºC, utilizing thiobarbituric acid (TBA) as derivative in spectrophotometric and chromatographic analysis. The results showed that MDA was stable for 24 h after blood collection, was not stable when stored after alkaline hydrolysis, remained stable for 30 days after TBA derivatization and was stable for 3 days when stored after n-butanol extraction, all at -20 ºC.