773 resultados para 853
Background: Chronic stress frequently manifests with anxiety and/or depressive symptomatology and may have detrimental cardiometabolic effects over time. As such, recognising the potential links between stress-related psychological disorders and cardiovascular disease (CVD) is becoming increasingly important in cardiovascular epidemiology research. The primary aim of this study was to explore prospectively potential associations between clinically relevant depressive symptomatology and anxiety levels and the 10-year CVD incidence among apparently healthy Greek adults. Design: A population-based, health and nutrition prospective survey. Methods: In the context of the ATTICA Study (2002–2012), 853 adult participants without previous CVD history (453 men (45 ± 13 years) and 400 women (44 ± 18 years)) underwent psychological evaluations through validated, self-reporting depression and anxiety questionnaires. Results: After adjustment for multiple established CVD risk factors, both reported depression and anxiety levels were positively and independently associated with the 10-year CVD incidence, with depression markedly increasing the CVD risk by approximately fourfold (adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval) 3.6 (1.3, 11) for depression status; 1.03 (1.0, 1.1) for anxiety levels). Conclusions: Our findings indicate that standardised psychological assessments focusing on depression and anxiety should be considered as an additional and distinct aspect in the context of CVD preventive strategies that are designed and implemented by health authorities at the general population level.
The objective of this study was to determine the dynamics and diversity of Escherichia coli populations in animal and environmental lines of a commercial farrow-to-finish pig farm in Spain along a full production cycle (July 2008 to July 2009), with special attention to antimicrobial resistance and the presence of integrons. In the animal line, a total of 256 isolates were collected from pregnant sows (10 samples and 20 isolates), 1-week-old piglets (20 samples and 40 isolates), unweaned piglets (20 samples and 38 isolates), growers (20 samples and 40 isolates), and the finishers' floor pen (6 samples and 118 isolates); from the underfloor pits and farm slurry tank environmental lines, 100 and 119 isolates, respectively, were collected. Our results showed that E. coli populations in the pig fecal microbiota and in the farm environment are highly dynamic and show high levels of diversity. These issues have been proven through DNA-based typing data (repetitive extragenic palindromic PCR [REP-PCR]) and phenotypic typing data (antimicrobial resistance profile comprising 19 antimicrobials). Clustering of the sampling groups based on their REP-PCR typing results showed that the spatial features (the line) had a stronger weight than the temporal features (sampling week) for the clustering of E. coli populations; this weight was less significant when clustering was performed based on resistotypes. Among animals, finishers harbored an E. coli population different from those of the remaining animal populations studied, considering REP-PCR fingerprints and resistotypes. This population, the most important from a public health perspective, demonstrated the lowest levels of antimicrobial resistance and integron presence.
El envejecimiento de la población es un fenómeno que no sólo está alterando las estructuras demográficas, sino que tiene y tendrá una amplia repercusión social, económica y cultural. La promoción del envejecimiento activo resulta un enfoque indispensable para afrontar esta situación, y es necesario abrir nuevas oportunidades a los mayores para seguir participando activamente en la sociedad. En este sentido, el voluntariado puede ser una forma de promover esa mayor participación social de los mayores. Con el objetivo de profundizar en el estudio del voluntariado realizado por mayores, se aborda el análisis de la relación entre, por un lado, la permanencia, e número de horas dedicadas al voluntariado y la intención de continuar en el futuro como voluntario en la organización, y, por otro lado, la satisfacción experimentada con los usuarios del servicio voluntario, con las actividades que realiza, con los compañeros voluntarios y con la asociación. Para llevar a cabo dicho análisis se utilizó la Encuesta de Satisfacción con el Voluntariado de la Unión Democrática de Pensionistas (UDP) 2011-2012 realizada por Simple Lógica Investigación, S.A. La muestra analizada estaba compuesta por 853 voluntarios mayores de 50 años pertenecientes a UDP. Los resultados muestran que aunque se encuentran relaciones significativas y positivas entre las horas dedicadas, la intención de continuar en el futuro y la mayoría de los tipos de satisfacción analizadas, sólo la satisfacción con la actividad desarrollada era un predictor significativo del tiempo dedicado al voluntariado, y únicamente la satisfacción con la asociación lo era de la intención de continuar en el futuro con el voluntariado. En los dos casos los porcentajes de varianza explicada son muy reducidos. Se analizan los resultados hallados a la luz de investigaciones previas y se derivan implicaciones prácticas de cara a la gestión de los voluntarios mayores en las entidades de acción social.
O objectivo central do presente estudo foi construir valores de referência para as habilidades de locomoção e de manipulação em crianças da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal. A amostra envolveu 853 crianças, 426 rapazes e 427 raparigas, com idades compreendidas entre os 3 aos 10 anos, que participaram na pesquisa ‘Crescer com Saúde na Região Autónoma da Madeira’. As habilidades motoras foram avaliadas através do ‘Test of Gross Motor Development’. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram uma melhoria de resultados com a idade, na quase totalidade das habilidades motoras. Os rapazes foram mais proficientes do que as raparigas nas habilidades de manipulação. O maior número de crianças madeirenses foi classificado na categoria ‘médio’ nas habilidades de locomoção (51.5%) e de manipulação (37.7%). As crianças madeirenses apresentaram equivalentes etários abaixo da média nas habilidades de locomoção (86.5%) e de manipulação (87.7%). Um aumento de mestria com a idade foi observado na corrida, galope, deslocamento lateral, drible, agarrar e lançamento por cima do ombro. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram desempenhos inferiores relativamente às norte-americanas. Os resultados da presente pesquisa devem fomentar a investigação e conduzir à implementação de programas na escola e demais instituições com o objectivo de promover o normal crescimento e desenvolvimento motor das nossas crianças.
The UK decision to leave the European Union (EU) following a referendum in June 2016 fundamentally alters the country's relationship with the EU, with its European neighbours, with the rest of the world and potentially with its own constituent units. It is clear that different parts of the UK will be impacted differently by this decision and by the unfolding exit terms and process. In this context, Northern Ireland is considered to be particularly vulnerable. This article examines the referendum campaign in Northern Ireland by detailing input from the Northern Ireland administration, political parties, civil society and external figures. The article suggests that the overall referendum campaign in Northern Ireland was hamstrung by the opposing positions taken by key political protagonists, particularly Sinn Féin and the Democratic Unionist Party (DUP). This produced a challenging context for the referendum debate in Northern Ireland. The post-referendum period has also been marked by persistent differences in relation to how best to approach specific Northern Ireland issues and challenges. A continued absence of clear positions and a lack of contingency planning underline a poor level of preparedness for future political developments.
O objectivo central do presente estudo foi construir valores de referência para as habilidades de locomoção e de manipulação em crianças da Região Autónoma da Madeira, Portugal. A amostra envolveu 853 crianças, 426 rapazes e 427 raparigas, com idades compreendidas entre os 3 aos 10 anos, que participaram na pesquisa ‘Crescer com Saúde na Região Autónoma da Madeira’. As habilidades motoras foram avaliadas através do ‘Test of Gross Motor Development’. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram uma melhoria de resultados com a idade, na quase totalidade das habilidades motoras. Os rapazes foram mais proficientes do que as raparigas nas habilidades de manipulação. O maior número de crianças madeirenses foi classificado na categoria ‘médio’ nas habilidades de locomoção (51.5%) e de manipulação (37.7%). As crianças madeirenses apresentaram equivalentes etários abaixo da média nas habilidades de locomoção (86.5%) e de manipulação (87.7%). Um aumento de mestria com a idade foi observado na corrida, galope, deslocamento lateral, drible, agarrar e lançamento por cima do ombro. As crianças madeirenses apresentaram desempenhos inferiores relativamente às norte-americanas. Os resultados da presente pesquisa devem fomentar a investigação e conduzir à implementação de programas na escola e demais instituições com o objectivo de promover o normal crescimento e desenvolvimento motor das nossas crianças.
Entrepreneurship education has emerged as one popular research domain in academic fields given its aim at enhancing and developing certain entrepreneurial qualities of undergraduates that change their state of behavior, even their entrepreneurial inclination and finally may result in the formation of new businesses as well as new job opportunities. This study attempts to investigate the Colombian student´s entrepreneurial qualities and the influence of entrepreneurial education during their studies.
Dry or imbibed seeds of the negatively photoblastic burr burying subterranean clover cv. ‘Seaton Park’ were treated with dark or with red, blue or white light to evaluate the effects of light on seed germination. Dry seeds treated with constant white light, red light or blue light during 8 days and subsequently incubated in dark had final germination and duration of germination reduced, and the distribution of germination changed from highly asymmetric to symmetric respectively. Imbibing seeds incubated under constant blue or white light had final germination strongly reduced seven days after sowing (7.3% and 50.1% of the germination under dark) with significant differences between them. After transferral to dark, true complete recovery of germination of seeds treated with white light was observed 19 days after sowing, but only partial recovery in seeds treated with blue light. Results of dry and imbibed seeds are consistent with no activity of phytochromes, as expected in negatively photoblastic seeds. Results of dry seeds are seemingly contradictory because total germination data imply the inactivity of red and blue light photoreceptors, the opposite being implied by duration and shape of germination. A tentative hypothetical solution for the contradiction is presented. Results of imbibed seeds are fully consistent with cryptochromes but not with phototropins mediation of responses to light of seed germination in ‘Seaton Park’. The ecological and adaptive significance of such responses are discussed in the framework of light attenuation in soil and the requirement and ability of subterranean clover ‘Seaton Park’ to bury seeds.