887 resultados para 6-MINUTE WALK TEST
Quizás el campo de las telecomunicaciones sea uno de los campos en el que más se ha progresado en este último siglo y medio, con la ayuda de otros campos de la ciencia y la técnica tales como la computación, la física electrónica, y un gran número de disciplinas, que se han utilizado estos últimos 150 años en conjunción para mejorarse unas con la ayuda de otras. Por ejemplo, la química ayuda a comprender y mejorar campos como la medicina, que también a su vez se ve mejorada por los progresos en la electrónica creados por los físicos y químicos, que poseen herramientas más potentes para calcular y simular debido a los progresos computacionales. Otro de los campos que ha sufrido un gran avance en este último siglo es el de la automoción, aunque estancados en el motor de combustión, los vehículos han sufrido enormes cambios debido a la irrupción de los avances en la electrónica del automóvil con multitud de sistemas ya ampliamente integrados en los vehículos actuales. La Formula SAE® o Formula Student es una competición de diseño, organizada por la SAE International (Society of Automotive Engineers) para estudiantes de universidades de todo el mundo que promueve la ingeniería a través de una competición donde los miembros del equipo diseñan, construyen, desarrollan y compiten en un pequeño y potente monoplaza. En el ámbito educativo, evitando el sistema tradicional de clases magistrales, se introducen cambios en las metodologías de enseñanza y surge el proyecto de la Fórmula Student para lograr una mejora en las acciones formativas, que permitan ir incorporando nuevos objetivos y diseñar nuevas situaciones de aprendizaje que supongan una oportunidad para el desarrollo de competencias de los alumnos, mejorar su formación como ingenieros y contrastar sus progresos compitiendo con las mejores universidades del mundo. En este proyecto se pretende dotar a los alumnos de las escuelas de ingeniería de la UPM que desarrollan el vehículo de FSAE de una herramienta de telemetría con la que evaluar y probar comportamiento del vehículo de FSAE junto con sus subsistemas que ellos mismos diseñan, con el objetivo de evaluar el comportamiento, introducir mejoras, analizar resultados de una manera más rápida y cómoda, con el objetivo de poder progresar más rápidamente en su desarrollo, recibiendo y almacenando una realimentación directa e instantánea del funcionamiento mediante la lectura de los datos que circulan por el bus CAN del vehículo. También ofrece la posibilidad de inyectar datos a los sistemas conectados al bus CAN de manera remota. Se engloba en el conjunto de proyectos de la FSAE, más concretamente en los basados en la plataforma PIC32 y propone una solución conjunta con otros proyectos o también por sí sola. Para la ejecución del proyecto se fabricó una placa compuesta de dos placas de circuito impreso, la de la estación base que envía comandos, instrucciones y datos para inyectar en el bus CAN del vehículo mediante radiofrecuencia y la placa que incorpora el vehículo que envía las tramas que circulan por el bus CAN del vehículo con los identificadores deseados, ejecuta los comandos recibidos por radiofrecuencia y salva las tramas CAN en una memoria USB o SD Card. Las dos PCBs constituyen el hardware del proyecto. El software se compone de dos programas. Un programa para la PCB del vehículo que emite los datos a la estación base, codificado en lenguaje C con ayuda del entorno de desarrollo MPLAB de Microchip. El otro programa hecho con LabView para la PCB de la estación base que recibe los datos provenientes del vehículo y los interpreta. Se propone un hardware y una capa o funciones de software para los microcontroladores PIC32 (similar al de otros proyectos del FSAE) para la transmisión de las tramas del bus CAN del vehículo de manera inalámbrica a una estación base, capaz de insertar tramas en el bus CAN del vehículo enviadas desde la estación base. También almacena estas tramas CAN en un dispositivo USB o SD Card situado en el vehículo. Para la transmisión de los datos se hizo un estudio de las frecuencias de transmisión, la legislación aplicable y los tipos de transceptores. Se optó por utilizar la banda de radiofrecuencia de uso común ISM de 433MHz mediante el transceptor integrado CC110L de Texas Instruments altamente configurable y con interfaz SPI. Se adquirieron dos parejas de módulos compatibles, con amplificador de potencia o sin él. LabView controla la estación que recoge las tramas CAN vía RF y está dotada del mismo transceptor de radio junto con un puente de comunicaciones SPI-USB, al que se puede acceder de dos diferentes maneras, mediante librerías dll, o mediante NI-VISA con transferencias RAW-USB. La aplicación desarrollada posee una interfaz configurable por el usuario para la muestra de los futuros sensores o actuadores que se incorporen en el vehículo y es capaz de interpretar las tramas CAN, mostrarlas, gráfica, numéricamente y almacenar esta información, como si fuera el cuadro de instrumentos del vehículo. Existe una limitación de la velocidad global del sistema en forma de cuello de botella que se crea debido a las limitaciones del transceptor CC110L por lo que si no se desea filtrar los datos que se crean necesarios, sería necesario aumentar el número de canales de radio para altas ocupaciones del bus CAN. Debido a la pérdida de relaciones con el INSIA, no se pudo probar de manera real en el propio vehículo, pero se hicieron pruebas satisfactorias (hasta 1,6 km) con una configuración de tramas CAN estándar a una velocidad de transmisión de 1 Mbit/s y un tiempo de bit de 1 microsegundo. El periférico CAN del PIC32 se programará para cumplir con estas especificaciones de la ECU del vehículo, que se presupone que es la MS3 Sport de Bosch, de la que LabView interpretará las tramas CAN recibidas de manera inalámbrica. Para poder probar el sistema, ha sido necesario reutilizar el hardware y adaptar el software del primer prototipo creado, que emite tramas CAN preprogramadas con una latencia también programable y que simulará al bus CAN proporcionando los datos a transmitir por el sistema que incorpora el vehículo. Durante el desarrollo de este proyecto, en las etapas finales, el fabricante del puente de comunicaciones SPI-USB MCP2210 liberó una librería (dll) compatible y sin errores, por lo que se nos ofrecía una oportunidad interesante para la comparación de las velocidades de acceso al transceptor de radio, que se presuponía y se comprobó más eficiente que la solución ya hecha mediante NI-VISA. ABSTRACT. The Formula SAE competition is an international university applied to technological innovation in vehicles racing type formula, in which each team, made up of students, should design, construct and test a prototype each year within certain rules. The challenge of FSAE is that it is an educational project farther away than a master class. The goal of the present project is to make a tool for other students to use it in his projects related to FSAE to test and improve the vehicle, and, the improvements that can be provided by the electronics could be materialized in a victory and win the competition with this competitive advantage. A telemetry system was developed. It sends the data provided by the car’s CAN bus through a radio frequency transceiver and receive commands to execute on the system, it provides by a base station on the ground. Moreover, constant verification in real time of the status of the car or data parameters like the revolutions per minute, pressure from collectors, water temperature, and so on, can be accessed from the base station on the ground, so that, it could be possible to study the behaviour of the vehicle in early phases of the car development. A printed circuit board, composed of two boards, and two software programs in two different languages, have been developed, and built for the project implementation. The software utilized to design the PCB is Orcad10.5/Layout. The base station PCB on a PC receives data from the PCB connected to the vehicle’s CAN bus and sends commands like set CAN filters or masks, activate data logger or inject CAN frames. This PCB is connected to a PC via USB and contains a bridge USB-SPI to communicate with a similar transceiver on the vehicle PCB. LabView controls this part of the system. A special virtual Instrument (VI) had been created in order to add future new elements to the vehicle, is a dashboard, which reads the data passed from the main VI and represents them graphically to studying the behaviour of the car on track. In this special VI other alums can make modifications to accommodate the data provided from the vehicle CAN’s bus to new elements on the vehicle, show or save the CAN frames in the form or format they want. Two methods to access to SPI bus of CC110l RF transceiver over LabView have been developed with minimum changes between them. Access through NI-VISA (Virtual Instrument Software Architecture) which is a standard for configuring, programming, USB interfaces or other devices in National Instruments LabView. And access through DLL (dynamic link library) supplied by the manufacturer of the bridge USB-SPI, Microchip. Then the work is done in two forms, but the dll solution developed shows better behaviour, and increase the speed of the system because has less overload of the USB bus due to a better efficiency of the dll solution versus VISA solution. The PCB connected to the vehicle’s CAN bus receives commands from the base station PCB on a PC, and, acts in function of the command or execute actions like to inject packets into CAN bus or activate data logger. Also sends over RF the CAN frames present on the bus, which can be filtered, to avoid unnecessary radio emissions or overflowing the RF transceiver. This PCB consists of two basic pieces: A microcontroller with 32 bit architecture PIC32MX795F512L from Microchip and the radio transceiver integrated circuit CC110l from Texas Instruments. The PIC32MX795F512L has an integrated CAN and several peripherals like SPI controllers that are utilized to communicate with RF transceiver and SD Card. The USB controller on the PIC32 is utilized to store CAN data on a USB memory, and change notification peripheral is utilized like an external interrupt. Hardware for other peripherals is accessible. The software part of this PCB is coded in C with MPLAB from Microchip, and programming over PICkit 3 Programmer, also from Microchip. Some of his libraries have been modified to work properly with this project and other was created specifically for this project. In the phase for RF selection and design is made a study to clarify the general aspects of regulations for the this project in order to understand it and select the proper band, frequency, and radio transceiver for the activities developed in the project. From the different options available it selects a common use band ICM, with less regulation and free to emit with restrictions and disadvantages like high occupation. The transceiver utilized to transmit and receive the data CC110l is an integrated circuit which needs fewer components from Texas Instruments and it can be accessed through SPI bus. Basically is a state machine which changes his state whit commands received over an SPI bus or internal events. The transceiver has several programmable general purpose Inputs and outputs. These GPIOs are connected to PIC32 change notification input to generate an interrupt or connected to GPIO to MCP2210 USB-SPI bridge to inform to the base station for a packet received. A two pair of modules of CC110l radio module kit from different output power has been purchased which includes an antenna. This is to keep away from fabrication mistakes in RF hardware part or designs, although reference design and gerbers files are available on the webpage of the chip manufacturer. A neck bottle is present on the complete system, because the maximum data rate of CC110l transceiver is a half than CAN bus data rate, hence for high occupation of CAN bus is recommendable to filter the data or add more radio channels, because the buffers can’t sustain this load along the time. Unfortunately, during the development of the project, the relations with the INSIA, who develops the vehicle, was lost, for this reason, will be made impossible to test the final phases of the project like integration on the car, final test of integration, place of the antenna, enclosure of the electronics, connectors selection, etc. To test or evaluate the system, it was necessary to simulate the CAN bus with a hardware to feed the system with entry data. An early hardware prototype was adapted his software to send programed CAN frames at a fixed data rate and certain timing who simulate several levels of occupation of the CAN Bus. This CAN frames emulates the Bosch ECU MS3 Sport.
6-Hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) is widely used to selectively lesion dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra (SN) in the creation of animal models of Parkinson’s disease. In vitro, the death of PC-12 cells caused by exposure to 6-OHDA occurs with characteristics consistent with an apoptotic mechanism of cell death. To test the hypothesis that apoptotic pathways are involved in the death of dopaminergic neurons of the SN caused by 6-OHDA, we created a replication-defective genomic herpes simplex virus-based vector containing the coding sequence for the antiapoptotic peptide Bcl-2 under the transcriptional control of the simian cytomegalovirus immediate early promoter. Transfection of primary cortical neurons in culture with the Bcl-2-producing vector protected those cells from naturally occurring cell death over 3 weeks. Injection of the Bcl-2-expressing vector into SN of rats 1 week before injection of 6-OHDA into the ipsilateral striatum increased the survival of neurons in the SN, detected either by retrograde labeling of those cells with fluorogold or by tyrosine hydroxylase immunocytochemistry, by 50%. These results, demonstrating that death of nigral neurons induced by 6-OHDA lesioning may be blocked by the expression of Bcl-2, are consistent with the notion that cell death in this model system is at least in part apoptotic in nature and suggest that a Bcl-2-expressing vector may have therapeutic potential in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
A recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector capable of infecting cells and expressing rat glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (rGDNF), a putative central nervous system dopaminergic survival factor, under the control of a potent cytomegalovirus (CMV) immediate/early promoter (AAV-MD-rGDNF) was constructed. Two experiments were performed to evaluate the time course of expression of rAAV-mediated GDNF protein expression and to test the vector in an animal model of Parkinson’s disease. To evaluate the ability of rAAV-rGDNF to protect nigral dopaminergic neurons in the progressive Sauer and Oertel 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesion model, rats received perinigral injections of either rAAV-rGDNF virus or rAAV-lacZ control virus 3 weeks prior to a striatal 6-OHDA lesion and were sacrificed 4 weeks after 6-OHDA. Cell counts of back-labeled fluorogold-positive neurons in the substantia nigra revealed that rAAV-MD-rGDNF protected a significant number of cells when compared with cell counts of rAAV-CMV-lacZ-injected rats (94% vs. 51%, respectively). In close agreement, 85% of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive cells remained in the nigral rAAV-MD-rGDNF group vs. only 49% in the lacZ group. A separate group of rats were given identical perinigral virus injections and were sacrificed at 3 and 10 weeks after surgery. Nigral GDNF protein expression remained relatively stable over the 10 weeks investigated. These data indicate that the use of rAAV, a noncytopathic viral vector, can promote delivery of functional levels of GDNF in a degenerative model of Parkinson’s disease.
The pathogenic human parvovirus B19 is an autonomously replicating virus with a remarkable tropism for human erythroid progenitor cells. Although the target cell specificity for B19 infection has been suggested to be mediated by the erythrocyte P-antigen receptor (globoside), a number of nonerythroid cells that express this receptor are nonpermissive for B19 replication. To directly test the role of expression from the B19 promoter at map unit 6 (B19p6) in the erythroid cell specificity of B19, we constructed a recombinant adeno-associated virus 2 (AAV), in which the authentic AAV promoter at map unit 5 (AAVp5) was replaced by the B19p6 promoter. Although the wild-type (wt) AAV requires a helper virus for its optimal replication, we hypothesized that inserting the B19p6 promoter in a recombinant AAV would permit autonomous viral replication, but only in erythroid progenitor cells. In this report, we provide evidence that the B19p6 promoter is necessary and sufficient to impart autonomous replication competence and erythroid specificity to AAV in primary human hematopoietic progenitor cells. Thus, expression from the B19p6 promoter plays an important role in post-P-antigen receptor erythroid-cell specificity of parvovirus B19. The AAV-B19 hybrid vector system may also prove to be useful in potential gene therapy of human hemoglobinopathies.
Introdução: Em 2008, o baixo nível de atividade física (< 30 min de atividade moderada/vigorosa por dia) foi responsável por 9 por cento da ocorrência de óbito no mundo. Além disso, está associado ao comprometimento de mobilidade em idosos com 80 anos e mais. No entanto, devido a dificuldades metodológicas, poucos são os estudos populacionais que realizaram a associação entre baixo nível de atividade física e comprometimento de mobilidade e risco para óbito, utilizando método objetivo para avaliação da atividade física, e ainda não se tem conhecimento de pesquisas que verificaram essa associação na América Latina. Objetivo: Identificar a prevalência do baixo nível de atividade física e sua associação com o comprometimento da mobilidade e risco para óbito em idosos com 65 anos e mais residentes no município de São Paulo em 2010. Métodos: Estudo exploratório e quantitativo de base populacional, que utilizou a base de dados do Estudo SABE de 2010 e ocorrência de óbito em 2014. Foram avaliados 599 indivíduos em 2010. O nível de atividade física foi analisado de duas maneiras: 1) baixo nível de atividade física (< 30 minutos de atividade moderada e/ou vigorosa por dia) e alto nível de atividade física (> 30 minutos de atividade moderada e/ou vigorosa por dia); e 2) a amostra foi distribuída em tercis, de acordo com as contagens por minuto, e agrupada em dois grupos, sendo os idosos do mais baixo tercil classificados com baixo nível de atividade física e os idosos dos dois outros tercis como intermediário/alto nível de atividade física. A regressão logística hierárquica foi utilizada para: 1) identificar as variáveis associadas ao baixo nível de atividade física; 2) analisar a associação do baixo nível de atividade física no comprometimento da mobilidade; e 3) estimar o risco para óbito em idosos com baixo nível de atividade física. A curva de sobrevida foi analisada com o método de Kaplan-Meier utilizando o teste de log-rank e o risco proporcional foi calculado pelo modelo de risco proporcional de Cox. Resultados: A prevalência de baixo nível de atividade física em idosos foi de 85,4 por cento e as variáveis associadas, após ajuste, foram sexo (feminino), grupo etário (>75 anos), multimorbidade (> 2 doenças crônicas), dor crônica (dor crônica nos últimos 3 meses) e índice de massa corporal (maior valor médio). O baixo nível de atividade física permaneceu significativamente associado ao comprometimento de mobilidade (OR= 3,49; IC95 por cento = 2,00 6,13) e ao risco para (RP= 2,79; IC95 por cento = 1,71 4,57), mesmo após ajuste das variáveis sóciodemográficas e clínicas. Conclusão: A prevalência do baixo nível de atividade física em pessoas idosas residentes no Município de São Paulo é superior aos encontrados na população brasileira, mas se aproxima de outras populações que utilizaram o mesmo método de avaliação da atividade física. O baixo nível de atividade física (< 30 min de atividades moderadas/vigorosas) foi associado com variáveis sociodemográficas (sexo feminino e grupo etário) e clínicas (multimorbidade, dor crônica e índice de massa corporal). O baixo nível de atividade física (menor tercil de contagens por minuto) foi associado ao comprometimento de mobilidade e risco para óbito em quatro anos. Dessa forma, o baixo nível de atividade física pode ser utilizado como uma forma adequada para identificar idosos com maiores chances de apresentar comprometimento da mobilidade e aumento do risco para óbito.
Com o objetivo de se avaliar a importância do \"clearance\" do dietilenotriamino-pentacetato marcado com Tecnécio 99m (DTPA-Tecnécio-99m) em portadores de pneumopatia por amiodarona foram estudados 40 indivíduos, em quatro grupos. Grupo I: 10 voluntários normais, assintomáticos e não fumantes (8 homens e 2 mulheres), com média de idade de 56,80 anos. Grupo II: 10 voluntários normais, assintomáticos e fumantes (6 homens e 4 mulheres ), com média de idade de 27,50 anos. Grupo III: 10 pacientes não fumantes ( 4 homens e 5 mulheres ), com média de idade de 52,90 anos. Todos faziam uso crônico de amiodarona por via oral. Grupo IV: 10 pacientes portadores de pneumopatia por amiodarona, quatro ex-fumantes, dois fumantes e quatro não fumantes ( 8 homens e 2 mulheres) com média de idade de 52,90 anos. Todos faziam uso de amiodarona por via oral e nenhum fumou nas 4 semanas que precederam o estudo. Após espirometria que constou do registro da curva volume-tempo, todos inalaram 4 ml de solução salina contendo 740 MBq de DTPA Tecnécio-99m, durante cinco minutos. Através de uma c~mara de cintilação computadorizada foram obtidas imagens pulmonares, definindo-se 9 áreas de interesse. Para cada região escolhida foi determinada uma curva de \"clearance\" extraindo-se o valor de meia-vida biológica em minu- tos ( T 1/2 ) e a taxa percentual de \" clearance\" alvéolo capilar do radioaerossol por minuto (K%/min). Observamos que, das variáveis espirométricas consideradas, a capacidade vital forçada (CVF) e o volume expiratório forçado no 1 segundo (VEF1) mostraram diferenças significantes entre os grupos I e IV. A contagem total de radioatividade de ambos os pulmões não mostrou relação com a CVF e o VEF1. O \" clearance \" pulmonar do DTPA Tecnécio-99m foi maior nos grupos 11 e IV, porém não permitindo sua diferenciação. Estes resultados permitem concluir: Os pacientes portadores de pneumonite por amiodaro- na apresentam\" clearance \" alvéolo-capilar de DTPA Tecnécio-99m significativamente maior que os indivíduos do grupo de normais não fumantes. Este fato também se verificou em relação aos pacientes em uso crônico de amiodarona mas sem evidências de pneumopatia. Não é possível diferenciar os fumantes dos portadores de pneumonite por amiodarona através da análise da integridade da barreira alvéolo-epitelial com DTPA Tecnécio-99m. Comparativamente, o estudo da integridade alvéolo-epitelial pelo \"clearance\" pulmonar de DTPA Tecnécio-99m é mais sensível que a espirometria na avaliação da pneumonite por amiodarona, permitindo diferenciar estes pacientes dos que fazem uso crônico da droga
The utilization of symptom validity tests (SVTs) in pediatric assessment is receiving increasing empirical support. The Rey 15-Item Test (FIT) is an SVT commonly used in adult assessment, with limited research in pediatric populations. Given that FIT classification statistics across studies to date have been quite variable, Boone, Salazar, Lu, Warner-Chacon, and Razani (2002) developed a recognition trial to use with the original measure to enhance accuracy. The current study aims to assess the utility of the FIT and recognition trial in a pediatric mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) sample (N = 112; M = 14.6 years), in which a suboptimal effort base rate of 17% has been previously established (Kirkwood & Kirk, 2010). All participants were administered the FIT as part of an abbreviated neuropsychological evaluation; failure on the Medical Symptom Validity Test (MSVT) was used as the criterion for suspect effort. The traditional adult cut-off score of(99%), but poor sensitivity (6%). When the recognition trial was also utilized, a combination score of(sensitivity = 64%, specificity = 93%). Results indicate that the FIT with recognition trial may be useful in the assessment of pediatric suboptimal effort, at least among relatively high functioning children following mild TBI.
Tema 6. Contrastes para los parámetros de dos poblaciones normales Independientes
This paper proposes an adaptive algorithm for clustering cumulative probability distribution functions (c.p.d.f.) of a continuous random variable, observed in different populations, into the minimum homogeneous clusters, making no parametric assumptions about the c.p.d.f.’s. The distance function for clustering c.p.d.f.’s that is proposed is based on the Kolmogorov–Smirnov two sample statistic. This test is able to detect differences in position, dispersion or shape of the c.p.d.f.’s. In our context, this statistic allows us to cluster the recorded data with a homogeneity criterion based on the whole distribution of each data set, and to decide whether it is necessary to add more clusters or not. In this sense, the proposed algorithm is adaptive as it automatically increases the number of clusters only as necessary; therefore, there is no need to fix in advance the number of clusters. The output of the algorithm are the common c.p.d.f. of all observed data in the cluster (the centroid) and, for each cluster, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic between the centroid and the most distant c.p.d.f. The proposed algorithm has been used for a large data set of solar global irradiation spectra distributions. The results obtained enable to reduce all the information of more than 270,000 c.p.d.f.’s in only 6 different clusters that correspond to 6 different c.p.d.f.’s.
This raster layer represents surface elevation and bathymetry data for the Boston Region, Massachusetts. It was created by merging portions of MassGIS Digital Elevation Model 1:5,000 (2005) data with NOAA Estuarine Bathymetric Digital Elevation Models (30 m.) (1998). DEM data was derived from the digital terrain models that were produced as part of the MassGIS 1:5,000 Black and White Digital Orthophoto imagery project. Cellsize is 5 meters by 5 meters. Each cell has a floating point value, in meters, which represents its elevation above or below sea level.
Stefano Micossi, Director General of Assonime and member of the CEPS Board of Directors, observes in a new EuropEos Commentary that there is something surreal to the unfolding financial crisis of the eurozone, as the leaders grudgingly do what is needed to prevent disaster just minutes before it’s too late, and then in the next minute revert to the same behaviour that had brought them against the wall in the first place. He cites rising sovereign spreads within the area as the visible result of this strategy: they signal investors’ expectation that the future can only bring more of the same, a series of ever-larger sovereign debt crises, under Damocles’ sword that at some stage Germany, the paymaster of last resort, will close its purse and let Armageddon start.
In May and June 1997, Germany's commitment to Economic and Monetaty Union (EMU) underwent its most serious test ever when the Bundesbank and the government of Chancellor Helmut Kohl dashed openly over the government's plans to revalue the country's gold reserves. Faced with a budget short-fall and strong political opposition to either tax increases or spending cuts, Finance Minister Waigel attempted to introduce a modest change in the Bundesbank's bookkeeping procedures to bring them in line with the standard practices at other European central banks. The Bundesbank resisted, arguing that the changes would infringe upon its closely guarded independence. This paper analyzes how the politics of coalition interacted with Germany's political institutions to cause this conflict.
-cochran- performs a test for equality of two or more proportions in matched samples. The chi-squared calculated by -cochran- is known as Cochran's Q (Cochran 1950)
Stereotypies are abnormal repetitive behaviour patterns that are highly prevalent in laboratory mice and are thought to reflect impaired welfare. Thus, they are associated with impaired behavioural inhibition and may also reflect negative affective states. However, in mice the relationship between stereotypies and behavioural inhibition is inconclusive, and reliable measures of affective valence are lacking. Here we used an exploration based task to assess cognitive bias as a measure of affective valence and a two-choice guessing task to assess recurrent perseveration as a measure of impaired behavioural inhibition to test mice with different forms and expression levels of stereotypic behaviour. We trained 44 CD- 1 and 40 C57BL/6 female mice to discriminate between positively and negatively cued arms in a radial maze and tested their responses to previously inaccessible ambiguous arms. In CD-1 mice (i) mice with higher stereotypy levels displayed a negative cognitive bias and this was influenced by the form of stereotypy performed, (ii) negative cognitive bias was evident in back-flipping mice, and (iii) no such effect was found in mice displaying bar-mouthing or cage-top twirling. In C57BL/6 mice neither route-tracing nor bar-mouthing was associated with cognitive bias, indicating that in this strain these stereotypies may not reflect negative affective states. Conversely, while we found no relation of stereotypy to recurrent perseveration in CD-1 mice, C57BL/6 mice with higher levels of route-tracing, but not bar-mouthing made more repetitive responses in the guessing task. Our findings confirm previous research indicating that the implications of stereotypies for animal welfare may strongly depend on the species and strain of animal as well as on the form and expression level of the stereotypy. Furthermore, they indicate that variation in stereotypic behaviour may represent an important source of variation in many animal experiments.
BACKGROUND Screening of aphasia in acute stroke is crucial for directing patients to early language therapy. The Language Screening Test (LAST), originally developed in French, is a validated language screening test that allows detection of a language deficit within a few minutes. The aim of the present study was to develop and validate two parallel German versions of the LAST. METHODS The LAST includes subtests for naming, repetition, automatic speech, and comprehension. For the translation into German, task constructs and psycholinguistic criteria for item selection were identical to the French LAST. A cohort of 101 stroke patients were tested, all of whom were native German speakers. Validation of the LAST was based on (1) analysis of equivalence of the German versions, which was established by administering both versions successively in a subset of patients, (2) internal validity by means of internal consistency analysis, and (3) external validity by comparison with the short version of the Token Test in another subset of patients. RESULTS The two German versions were equivalent as demonstrated by a high intraclass correlation coefficient of 0.91. Furthermore, an acceptable internal structure of the LAST was found (Cronbach's α = 0.74). A highly significant correlation (r = 0.74, p < 0.0001) between the LAST and the short version of the Token Test indicated good external validity of the scale. CONCLUSION The German version of the LAST, available in two parallel versions, is a new and valid language screening test in stroke.