960 resultados para 280402 Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages


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We study the bending of light caused by a static gravitational field generated by a localized material source in the context of quadratic gravity. Our calculation shows that for light rays passing close to the Sun the deflection Phi lies in the interval 0 < < 1.75. A tree-level approach to the same issue tells us that the vacuum concerning quadratic gravity is a dispersive medium. Nom Phi is energy dependent and ranges from 0(+) to 1.75(-) arcsec.


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Técnicas de otimização numérica são úteis na solução de problemas de determinação da melhor entrada para sistemas descritos por modelos matemáticos e cujos objetivos podem ser expressos de uma maneira quantitativa. Este trabalho aborda o problema de otimizar as dosagens dos medicamentos no tratamento da AIDS em termos de um balanço entre a resposta terapêutica e os efeitos colaterais. Um modelo matemático para descrever a dinâmica do vírus HIV e células CD4 é utilizado para calcular a dosagem ótima do medicamento no tratamento a curto prazo de pacientes com AIDS por um método de otimização direta utilizando uma função custo do tipo Bolza. Os parâmetros do modelo foram ajustados com dados reais obtidos da literatura. Com o objetivo de simplificar os procedimentos numéricos, a lei de controle foi expressa em termos de uma expansão em séries que, após truncamento, permite obter controles sub-ótimos. Quando os pacientes atingem um estado clínico satisfatório, a técnica do Regulador Linear Quadrático (RLQ) é utilizada para determinar a dosagem permanente de longo período para os medicamentos. As dosagens calculadas utilizando a técnica RLQ , tendem a ser menores do que a equivalente terapia de dose constante em termos do expressivo aumento na contagem das células T+ CD4 e da redução da densidade de vírus livre durante um intervalo fixo de tempo.


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Cet article présente les résultats de la recherche Démocratisation de la connaissance: recherche de pointe sur le genre et l'éducation formelle comme soutien pour formuler des agendas et des actions de politiques gouvernementales et non gouvernementales. Développée entre 2006 et 2007, elle visait à met re à jour, systématiser et diffuser la connaissance accumulée dans la production universitaire brésilienne sur les liens entre l'éducation formelle et les thématiques du genre, des femmes et/ou de la sexualité. Une banque de données contenant le titre et le résumé de 1 213 dissertations, thèses et articles a été constituée. Nous soulignons autant les défis théoriques, concernant une meilleure compréhension des concepts étudiés par cete enquête, que les défis méthodologique, comme la définition des descripteurs et des sources devant être examinées. Sa conclusion présente des tableaux et graphiques qui tracent un portrait initial des documents disponibles dans la base de données et indiquent que ces thématiques ont été l'objet d'un intérêt croissant sur la période étudiée.


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We consider a connection that exists between orthogonal polynomials associated with positive measures on the real line and orthogonal Laurent polynomials associated with strong measures of the class S-3 [0, beta, b]. Examples are given to illustrate the main contribution in this paper. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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MODSI is a multi-models tool for information systems modeling. A modeling process in MODSI can be driven according to three different approaches: informal, semi-formal and formal. The MODSI tool is therefore based on the linked usage of these three modeling approaches. It can be employed at two different levels: the meta-modeling of a method and the modeling of an information system.In this paper we start presenting different types of modeling by making an analysis of their particular features. Then, we introduce the meta-model defined in our tool, as well as the tool functional architecture. Finally, we describe and illustrate the various usage levels of this tool.


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In this paper I discuss the version of predicative analysis put forward by Hermann Weyl in Das Kontinuum. I try to establish how much of the underlying motivation for Weyl's position may be due to his acceptance of a phenomenological philosophical perspective. More specifically, I analyze Weyl's philosophical ideas in connexion with the work of Husserl, in particular Logische Untersuchungen and Ideen I.I believe that this interpretation of Weyl can clarify the views on mathematical existence and mathematical intuition which are implicit in Das Kontinuum.


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The recipe used to compute the symmetric energy-momentum tensor in the framework of ordinary field theory bears little resemblance to that used in the context of general relativity, if any. We show that if one stal ts fi om the field equations instead of the Lagrangian density, one obtains a unified algorithm for computing the symmetric energy-momentum tensor in the sense that it can be used for both usual field theory and general relativity.


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In this work we study existence, bifurcation, and symmetries of small solutions of the nonlinear equation Lx = N(x, p, epsilon) + mu f, which is supposed to be equivariant under the action of a group OHm, and where f is supposed to be OHm-invariant. We assume that L is a linear operator and N(., p, epsilon) is a nonlinear operator, both defined in a Banach space X, with values in a Banach space Z, and p, mu, and epsilon are small real parameters. Under certain conditions we show the existence of symmetric solutions and under additional conditions we prove that these are the only feasible solutions. Some examples of nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations are analyzed. (C) 1995 Academic Press, Inc.


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The usefulness of the application of heuristic algorithms in the transportation model, first proposed by Garver, is analysed in relation to planning for the expansion of transmission systems. The formulation of the mathematical model and the solution techniques proposed in the specialised literature are analysed in detail. Starting with the constructive heuristic algorithm proposed by Garver, an extension is made to the problem of multistage planning for transmission systems. The quality of the solutions found by heuristic algorithms for the transportation model is analysed, as are applications in problems of planning transmission systems.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Substitution of fuzzy logic control in an electrical system normally controlled by proportional-integral frequency was studied and analyzed. A linear model of an electrical system, the concepts which govern the theory of fuzzy logic, and the application of this theory to systems control, are briefly presented. The methodology of fuzzy logic was then applied to develop a model for an electrical energy system. The results of the simulation demonstrated that fuzzy logic control eliminated the area frequency error and permitted that only the area experiencing an increase in charge responds to this variation. Based on the results, it is concluded that control based on fuzzy logic is simple, is easy to maintain, is of low cost, and can be used to substitute traditional velocity controllers.


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Includes bibliography


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This paper presents a mathematical model and a methodology to solve a transmission network expansion planning problem considering uncertainty in demand and generation. The methodology used to solve the problem, finds the optimal transmission network expansion plan that allows the power system to operate adequately in an environment with uncertainty. The model presented results in an optimization problem that is solved using a specialized genetic algorithm. The results obtained for known systems from the literature show that cheaper plans can be found satisfying the uncertainty in demand and generation. ©2008 IEEE.


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Let (X, d) be a compact metric space and f: X → X a continuous function and consider the hyperspace (K(X), H) of all nonempty compact subsets of X endowed with the Hausdorff metric induced by d. Let f̄: K(X) → K (X) be defined by f̄(A) = {f(a)/a ∈ A} the natural extension of f to K(X), then the aim of this work is to study the dynamics of f when f is turbulent (erratic, respectively) and its relationships.