995 resultados para 216


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Sometimes decisions imply trade-offs that force people to accept missing an opportunity in the past or in the future. It has not yet been clarified whether a past miss or a future miss elicits more regret. In a direct comparison, Shani, Danziger, and Zeelenberg found support for the greater impact of future misses. In an experimental design with 216 students, we replicated their study and tested the strength of the future miss in a separate evaluation and with different periods. The results show that future misses cause less regret than past misses do when evaluated separately. However, future misses made participants change their feelings of regret more than past misses did. Feelings of regret did not decrease when future misses were further away. Our findings support the strength of future misses on regret but also show contrasting effects when evaluated separately. This indicates the further need for research in this topic.


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Les études de cas en psychothérapie connaissent une phase de renouveau auprès des chercheurs en psychothérapie et des psychothérapeutes. L'auteur discute de deux paradigmes qui ont grandement influencé ce nouvel intérêt : le paradigme pragmatique et le paradigme qui vise la construction d'une théorie. L'article présente les origines, les développements et les concepts clés des deux paradigmes et leurs spécificités méthodologiques et éthiques. Des exemples d'études de cas ou de modèles au sein des paradigmes sont évoqués. L'influence différentielle des courants postmodernes sur les deux paradigmes, et leurs apports respectifs dans le champ des méthodes d'études de cas, sont discutés et évalués par rapport aux implications pour le chercheur et le psychothérapeute.


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The dispersal process, by which individuals or other dispersing agents such as gametes or seeds move from birthplace to a new settlement locality, has important consequences for the dynamics of genes, individuals, and species. Many of the questions addressed by ecology and evolutionary biology require a good understanding of species' dispersal patterns. Much effort has thus been devoted to overcoming the difficulties associated with dispersal measurement. In this context, genetic tools have long been the focus of intensive research, providing a great variety of potential solutions to measuring dispersal. This methodological diversity is reviewed here to help (molecular) ecologists find their way toward dispersal inference and interpretation and to stimulate further developments.


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In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, TBF1, an essential gene, influences telomere function but also has other roles in the global regulation of transcription. We have identified a new member of the tbf1 gene family in the mammalian pathogen Pneumocystis carinii. We demonstrate by transspecies complementation that its ectopic expression can provide the essential functions of Schizosaccharomyces pombe tbf1 but that there is no rescue between fission and budding yeast orthologues. Our findings indicate that an essential function of this family of proteins has diverged in the budding and fission yeasts and suggest that effects on telomere length or structure are not the primary cause of inviability in S. pombe tbf1 null strains.


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Hypertension is a common, modifiable and heritable cardiovascular risk factor. Some rare monogenic forms of hypertension have been described, but the majority of patients suffer from "essential" hypertension, for whom the underlying pathophysiological mechanism is not clear. Essential hypertension is a complex trait, involving multiple genes and environmental factors. Recently, progress in the identification of common genetic variants associated with blood pressure and hypertension has been made thanks to large-scale international collaborative projects involving geneticists, epidemiologists, statisticians and clinicians. In this article, we review some basic genetic concepts and the main research methods used to study the genetics of hypertension, as well as selected recent findings in this field.


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BACKGROUND: American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association guidelines for the diagnosis and management of heart failure recommend investigating exacerbating conditions such as thyroid dysfunction, but without specifying the impact of different thyroid-stimulation hormone (TSH) levels. Limited prospective data exist on the association between subclinical thyroid dysfunction and heart failure events. METHODS AND RESULTS: We performed a pooled analysis of individual participant data using all available prospective cohorts with thyroid function tests and subsequent follow-up of heart failure events. Individual data on 25 390 participants with 216 248 person-years of follow-up were supplied from 6 prospective cohorts in the United States and Europe. Euthyroidism was defined as TSH of 0.45 to 4.49 mIU/L, subclinical hypothyroidism as TSH of 4.5 to 19.9 mIU/L, and subclinical hyperthyroidism as TSH <0.45 mIU/L, the last two with normal free thyroxine levels. Among 25 390 participants, 2068 (8.1%) had subclinical hypothyroidism and 648 (2.6%) had subclinical hyperthyroidism. In age- and sex-adjusted analyses, risks of heart failure events were increased with both higher and lower TSH levels (P for quadratic pattern <0.01); the hazard ratio was 1.01 (95% confidence interval, 0.81-1.26) for TSH of 4.5 to 6.9 mIU/L, 1.65 (95% confidence interval, 0.84-3.23) for TSH of 7.0 to 9.9 mIU/L, 1.86 (95% confidence interval, 1.27-2.72) for TSH of 10.0 to 19.9 mIU/L (P for trend <0.01) and 1.31 (95% confidence interval, 0.88-1.95) for TSH of 0.10 to 0.44 mIU/L and 1.94 (95% confidence interval, 1.01-3.72) for TSH <0.10 mIU/L (P for trend=0.047). Risks remained similar after adjustment for cardiovascular risk factors. CONCLUSION: Risks of heart failure events were increased with both higher and lower TSH levels, particularly for TSH ≥10 and <0.10 mIU/L.


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Se ha estudiado la composición, abundancia y distribución de las especies de Tintinida (Protozoa: Ciliata) en relación con las condiciones ambientales, entre 1982 y 1985. Se han identificado 54 especies pertenecientes a 30 géneros y 12 familias. Se utilizaron 901 muestras colectadas con red estándar de fitoplancton en 15 cruceros realizados por el Instituto del Mar del Perú, entre la primavera de 1982 y el verano de 1985, a lo largo del litoral peruano, entre Puerto Pizarro (04' S) e llo (18°S). Además se estudiaron 216 muestras de agua obtenidas con botellas Niskin en 7 estaciones distribuidas a lo largo del perfil Callao (12° S) y a profundidades de 0, 10, 25 y 50 m. Las mayores densidades se presentaron en el verano de 1985, por las especies: Eutintinnus tubulosus, Hellicostomella longa y H. subulata, época considerada como normal de acuerdo a las condiciones oceanográficas. La composición por especies cambia con la distancia de la costa. Dentro de las 30 mn predominaron H. longa y H. subulata; y en la región oceánica: Eutintinnus similis, Oadayiella ganymedes y X ystonella treforti, especies de aguas subtropicales superficia­les. En la distribución vertical, las mayores concentraciones se encontraron entre los O y 25 m de profundidad, muy cerca de la costa.


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Entre enero y noviembre de 1986, se colectaron un total de 216 muestras de fitoplancton en siete estaciones frente al Callao, Perú y 200 millas náuticas de distancia a la costa en profundidades de 0-50 m. Se determinaron las composiciones especiológicas y las densidades en relación a los factores ambientales.


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Presenta información colectada en 28 puntos de desembarque, entre puertos y caletas muestreados a nivel nacional durante el primer semestre de 1999. Con ello el proyecto Determinación del Potencial Pesquero Artesanal en el Litoral Peruano, mediante la ejecución del convenio VECEP-IMARPE, hace entrega del quinto volumen de resultados sobre las estadísticas de desembarque de la pesquería artesanal.


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De un total de 80 muestras de red, se determinó un máximo de 133 especies en agosto y un mínimo de 60 durante noviembre, ambos en 1991. En todo el período de estudio los grupos que aportaron mayor número de especies fueron dinoflagelados y diatomeas; silicoflagelados, fitoflagelados y cocolitofóridos fueron muy escasos o estuvieron ausentes. Dentro de los dinoflagelados resaltaron diferentes especies del género Ceratium, entre las diatomeas lo hicieron aquellas considerados de agua cálidas y cosmopolitas, y entre los silicoflagelados lo hizo Distyocha fibula. Se analizaron 70 muestras de agua, en donde se determinó 111 diatomeas, 89 dinoflagelados, 8 cocolitofóridos, 4 silicoflagelados y 4 fitoflagelados, dando un total de 216 especies de fitoplancton. En superficie el fitoplancton total alcanzó su máximo valor en agosto con 494 963 cel/l y el mínimo en febrero con 11 400 cel/l, ambos durante 1991. A 10 m el máximo fue de 122 690 cel/l durante setiembre y el mínimo de 3 165 cel/l en octubre, ambos en 1991. Tanto en superficie como a 10 m el mayor aporte lo dieron el nanoplancton y diatomeas. Los organismos que alcanzaron mayores cantidades celulares fueron Emiliana huxleyi y monadas. Los análisis de red reportan organismos del microplancton, principalmente diatomeas y dinoflagelados, encontrándose raramente organismos del nanoplancton, mientras que en los análisis de agua, se determinan principalmente diatomeas y nanoplancton.


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Entre noviembre 1992 y octubre 1993, se capturó 2052 t de atunes por buques atuneros de palangre, las especies más representativas fueron el atún patudo Thunnus obesus y el atún aleta amarilla Thunnus albacares, que en conjunto representaron el 64%. La captura incidental estuvo integrada por tiburones (el más representativo fue el tiburón azul, Prionace glauca), merlines, pez espada, rayas, mantas, tortugas y otros. Las capturas de atún patudo se distribuyeron en tres áreas, siendo la más importante la ubicada dentro de la Zona Económica Exclusiva del Perú, desde el límite norte de nuestra frontera hasta el sur del puerto de Paita, con capturas que superaron las 200 toneladas.


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This article introduces the Dyadic Coping Inventory (DCI; Bodenmann, 2008) and aims (1) to investigate the reliability and aspects of the validity of the Italian and French versions of the DCI, and (2) to replicate its factor structure and reliabilities using a new Swiss German sample. Based on 216 German-, 378 Italian-, and 198 French-speaking participants, the factor structure of the original German inventory was able to be replicated by using principal components analysis in all three groups after excluding two items in the Italian and French versions. The latter were shown to be as reliable as the German version with the exception of the low reliabilities of negative dyadic coping in the French group. Confirmatory factor analyses provided additional support for delegated dyadic coping and evaluation of dyadic coping. Intercorrelations among scales were similar across all three languages groups with a few exceptions. Previous findings could be replicated in all three groups, showing that aspects of dyadic coping were more strongly related to marital quality than to dyadic communication. The use of the dyadic coping scales in the actor-partner interdependence model, the common fate model, and the mutual influence model is discussed.


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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with significantly increased cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Fluid overload may promote obstructive sleep apnea in patients with ESRD through an overnight fluid shift from the legs to the neck soft tissues. Body fluid shift and severity of obstructive sleep apnea before and after hemodialysis were compared in patients with ESRD. DESIGN, SETTING, PARTICIPANTS, & MEASUREMENTS: Seventeen patients with hemodialysis and moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea were included. Polysomnographies were performed the night before and after hemodialysis to assess obstructive sleep apnea, and bioimpedance was used to measure fluid overload and leg fluid volume. RESULTS: The mean overnight rostral fluid shift was 1.27±0.41 L prehemodialysis; it correlated positively with fluid overload volume (r=0.39; P=0.02) and was significantly lower posthemodialysis (0.78±0.38 L; P<0.001). There was no significant difference in the mean obstructive apnea-hypopnea index before and after hemodialysis (46.8±22.0 versus 42.1±18.6 per hour; P=0.21), but obstructive apnea-hypopnea index was significantly lower posthemodialysis (-10.1±10.8 per hour) in the group of 12 patients, with a concomitant reduction of fluid overload compared with participants without change in fluid overload (obstructive apnea-hypopnea index +8.2±16.1 per hour; P<0.01). A lower fluid overload after hemodialysis was significantly correlated (r=0.49; P=0.04) with a lower obstructive apnea-hypopnea index. Fluid overload-assessed by bioimpedance-was the best predictor of the change in obstructive apnea-hypopnea index observed after hemodialysis (standardized r=-0.68; P=0.01) in multivariate regression analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Fluid overload influences overnight rostral fluid shift and obstructive sleep apnea severity in patients with ESRD undergoing intermittent hemodialysis. Although no benefit of hemodialysis on obstructive sleep apnea severity was observed in the whole group, the change in obstructive apnea-hypopnea index was significantly correlated with the change in fluid overload after hemodialysis. Moreover, the subgroup with lower fluid overload posthemodialysis showed a significantly lower obstructive sleep apnea severity, which provides a strong incentive to further study whether optimizing fluid status in patients with obstructive sleep apnea and ESRD will improve the obstructive apnea-hypopnea index.