983 resultados para 2-sigma error


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NW African climate shows orbital and millenial-scale variations, which are tightly connected to changes in marine productivity. We present an organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) record from a sediment core off Cape Yubi at about 27°N in the Canary Basin covering the time period from 47 to 3ka before present (BP). The dinocyst record reflects differences in upwelling intensity and seasonality as well as the influence of fluvial input. Sea-level changes play an important role for the upwelling pattern and productivity signals at the core site. Within the studied time interval, four main phases were distinguished. (1) From 45 to 24ka BP, when sea-level was mostly about 75m lower than today, high relative abundances of cysts of heterotrophic taxa point to enhanced upwelling activity, especially during Heinrich Events, while relatively low dinocyst accumulation rates indicate that filament activity at the core location was strongly reduced. (2) At sea-level lowstand during the LGM to H1, dinocyst accumulation rates suggest that local filament formation was even more inhibited. (3) From the early Holocene to about 8ka BP, extraordinary high accumulation rates of most dinocyst species, especially of Lingulodinium machaerophorum, suggest that nutrient supply via fluvial input increased and rising sea-level promoted filament formation. At the same time, the upwelling season prolongated. (4) A relative increase in cysts of photoautotrophic taxa from about 8ka BP on indicates more stratified conditions while fluvial input decreased. Our study shows that productivity records can be very sensitive to regional features. From the dinocyst data we infer that marine surface productivity off Cape Yubi during glacial times was within the scale of modern times but extremely enhanced during deglaciation.


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The surface water hydrography along the western Iberian margin, as part of the North Atlantic's eastern boundary upwelling system, consists of a complex, seasonally variable system of equatorward and poleward surface and subsurface currents and seasonal upwelling. Not much information exists to ascertain if the modern current and productivity patterns subsisted under glacial climate conditions, such as during marine isotope stage (MIS) 2, and how North Atlantic meltwater events, especially Heinrich events, affected them. To help answer these questions we are combining stable isotope records of surface to subsurface dwelling planktonic foraminifer species with sea surface temperature and export productivity data for four cores distributed along the western and southwestern Iberian margin (MD95-2040, MD95-2041, MD99-2336, and MD99-2339). The records reveals that with the exception of the Heinrich events and Greenland Stadial (GS) 4 hydrographic conditions along the western Iberian margin were not much different from the present. During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), subtropical surface and subsurface waters penetrated poleward to at least 40.6°N (site MD95-2040). Export productivity was, in general, high on the western margin during the LGM and low in the central Gulf of Cadiz, in agreement with the modern situation. During the Heinrich events and GS 4, on the other hand, productivity was high in the Gulf of Cadiz and suppressed in the upwelling regions along the western margin where a strong halocline inhibited upwelling. Heinrich event 1 had the strongest impact on the hydrography and productivity off Iberia and was the only period when subarctic surface waters were recorded in the central Gulf of Cadiz. South of Lisbon (39°N), the impact of the other Heinrich events was diminished, and not all of them led to a significant cooling in the surface waters. Thus, climatic impacts of Heinrich events highly varied with latitude and the prevailing hydrographic conditions in this region.


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In order to monitor the evolution of the British-Irish Ice Sheet (BIIS) and its influence in surface ocean structure during marine isotopic stages (MIS) 2 and 3, we have analyzed the sediments recovered in core MD04-2829CQ (Rosemary Bank, north Rockall Trough, northeast Atlantic) dated between ~41 and ~18 ka B.P. Ice-rafted debris flux and composition, 40Ar/39Ar ages of individual hornblende grains, multispecies planktonic stable isotope records, planktonic foraminifera assemblage data and faunal-based sea surface temperatures (SSTs) demonstrate a close interaction between BIIS dynamics and surface ocean structure and water properties in this region. The core location lies beneath the North Atlantic Current (NAC) and is ideal for monitoring the shifts in the position of its associated oceanic fronts, as recorded by faunal changes. These data reveal a succession of BIIS-sourced iceberg calving events related to low SST, usually synchronous with dramatic changes in the composition of the planktonic foraminifera assemblage and with variations in the stable isotope records of the taxa Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral coiling) and Globigerina bulloides. The pacing of the calving events, from typically Dansgaard-Oeschger millennial timescales during late MIS 3 to multicentennial cyclicity from ~28 ka B.P., represents the build-up of the BIIS and its growing instability toward Heinrich Event (HE) 2 and the Last Glacial Maximum. Our data confirm the strong coupling between BIIS instabilities and the temperature and salinity of surface waters in the adjacent northeast Atlantic and demonstrate the BIIS's ability to modify the NAC on its flow toward the Nordic Seas. In contrast, subsurface water masses were less affected except during the Greenland stadials that contain HEs, when most intense water column reorganizations occurred simultaneously with the deposition of cream-colored carbonate sourced from the Laurentide Ice Sheet.


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40Ar-39Ar dating of a high-MgO bronzite andesite from near the top of basement drilled at Site 458 shows the characteristic symptoms of artificially disturbed samples - i.e., an inverse staircase-type age spectrum, approximate linearity on an isochron plot, and concordance between total fusion age and isochron age. From conclusions based on other artificially disturbed samples (Ozima et al., 1979), we suggest that the reference isochron age (33.6 Ma) approximates the age of the sample. A basalt from deeper in Hole 458 gives an isochron age of 19.1 ± 0.2 Ma, which is slightly younger than the plateau age of 21.4 ± 1.0 Ma. Both ages are, however, considerably younger than the age of fossils in the overlying sediments (30 - 34 Ma). The age discrepancy may be explained if the 40Ar-39Ar age represents the age of secondary minerals, which formed later. No useful age data were obtained from a basalt sample recovered from Hole 459B.


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Neodymium isotopes and concentrations from 11 stations in the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, Florida Straits and close to the mouth of the Orinoco. CTD data (potential temperature, salinity, potential density and oxygen concentration) for the same samples are also reported. Sampling took place during February and March 2009 as part of the Meteor Cruise 78, Leg 1.