984 resultados para 2 `-deoxyadenosine-5 `-monophosphate


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A new man-tailored biomimetic sensor for Chlorpromazine host-guest interactions and potentiometric transduction is presented. The artificial host was imprinted within methacrylic acid, 2-vinyl pyridine and 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propanesulfonic acid based polymers. Molecularly imprinted particles were dispersed in 2-nitrophenyloctyl ether and entrapped in a poly(vinyl chloride) matrix. Slopes and detection limits ranged 51–67 mV/decade and 0.46–3.9 μg/mL, respectively, in steady state conditions. Sensors were independent fromthe pHof test solutionswithin 2.0–5.5.Good selectivitywas observed towards oxytetracycline, doxytetracycline, ciprofloxacin, enrofloxacin, nalidixic acid, sulfadiazine, trimethoprim, glycine, hydroxylamine, cysteine and creatinine. Analytical features in flowing media were evaluated on a double-channel manifold, with a carrier solution of 5.0×10−2 mol/L phosphate buffer. Near-Nernstian response was observed over the concentration range 1.0×10−4 to 1.0×10−2 mol/L. Average slopes were about 48 mV/decade. The sensors were successfully applied to field monitoring of CPZ in fish samples, offering the advantages of simplicity, accuracy, automation feasibility and applicability to complex samples.


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OBJETIVO: Estimar a prevalência e analisar o padrão da violência por parceiro íntimo antes e durante a gestação e no pós-parto. MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte realizado com 960 mulheres de 18 a 49 anos, cadastradas no Programa Saúde da Família da cidade do Recife, PE, entre 2005 e 2006. As mulheres foram entrevistadas durante a gestação e no puerpério, utilizando-se um questionário adaptado do Estudo Multipaíses sobre a Saúde da Mulher e Violência Doméstica da Organização Mundial da Saúde. Para avaliar o padrão de ocorrência da violência por parceiro íntimo, entre um determinado período e o subseqüente, o odds ratio foi calculado com intervalos de 95% de confiança (IC95%). RESULTADOS: A prevalência de violência por parceiro íntimo antes, durante e/ou depois da gestação foi estimada em 47,4% e, para cada período isolado, em 32,4%, 31,0% e 22,6%, respectivamente. As mulheres que relataram violência antes da gravidez tiveram chance 11,6 vezes maior (IC95%: 8,3;16,2) de relatar violência durante a gravidez. Quando as mulheres relataram violência durante a gravidez, a chance de relatos no pós-parto foi 8,2 vezes maior (IC95%: 5,1;11,7). A violência psicológica foi a de maior prevalência, principalmente durante a gestação (28,8%; IC95%: 26,0%;31,7%); a sexual, a menos prevalente, especialmente no pós-parto (3,7%; IC95%: 2,6%;5,0%); e a física diminuiu quase 50% durante a gestação em comparação com o período anterior. CONCLUSÕES: Parcela significativa das mulheres em idade reprodutiva vivencia situações de violência por parceiro íntimo. Os períodos de consultas de pré-natal e de puericultura são oportunidades para que o profissional de saúde possa identificar situações de violência.


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OBJETIVO: Descrever a tendência de hospitalizações por condições sensíveis à atenção primária entre 1998 e 2009 no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Estudo ecológico de séries temporais com dados secundários referentes às internações hospitalares por condições sensíveis à atenção primária no Sistema Único de Saúde. Os dados foram obtidos do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares. As taxas de internações por 10.000 habitantes foram padronizadas por faixa etária e sexo, considerando a população brasileira masculina recenseada em 2000 como padrão. A análise de tendência da série histórica foi realizada por regressão linear generalizada pelo método de Prais-Winsten. RESULTADOS: Houve redução média anual de internações por condições sensíveis à atenção primária de 3,7% entre homens (IC95% -2,3;-5,1) e mulheres (IC95% -2,5;-5,6) entre 1998 e 2009. A tendência variou em cada unidade federativa, porém em nenhuma houve aumento das internações. No sexo masculino e feminino as maiores reduções foram observadas nas internações por úlceras gastrintestinais (-11,7% ao ano e -12,1%, respectivamente), condições evitáveis (-8,8% e -8,9%) e doenças das vias aéreas inferiores (-8,0% e -8,1%). Angina (homens), infecção no rim e trato urinário (homens e mulheres) e condições relacionadas ao pré-natal e parto (mulheres) apresentaram aumento nas internações. Os três grupos de doenças que mais ocasionaram internações foram gastrenterites infecciosas e complicações, internações por insuficiência cardíaca e asma. CONCLUSÕES: Houve redução substancial nas internações por condições sensíveis à atenção primária no Brasil entre 1998 e 2009, porém algumas doenças apresentaram estabilidade ou acréscimo, exigindo atenção do setor saúde.


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^len^lpt^aOBJETIVO: Descrever a prevalência de pressão arterial limítrofe (PAL) e hipertensão (HT) entre adultos jovens e avaliar a associação entre tamanho ao nascer e PAL/HT. MÉTODOS: Dados foram coletados do primeiro estudo brasileiro de coorte de nascimentos em Ribeirão Preto (sudeste do Brasil), iniciado em 1978/79. De 6.827 recém-nascidos de parto único hospitalar, 2.060 foram avaliados aos 23/25 anos. Foram realizadas coleta de sangue, avaliação antropométrica e obtidas informações sobre ocupação, escolaridade, hábitos de vida e doenças crônicas. Pressão arterial (PA) foi classificada em: 1) PAL: PA sistólica (PAS) ≥ 130 e < 140 mm Hg e/ou PA diastólica (PAD) ≥ 85 e < 90 mmHg; 2) HT: PAS ≥ 140 e/ou PAD ≥ 90 mm Hg. Foi aplicado modelo de regressão logística politômica. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de PAL foi de 13,5% (homens 23,2%) e a de HT, 9,5% (homens 17,7%). PAL foi independentemente associada com sexo masculino (RR 8,84; IC95%: 6,09;12,82), comprimento ao nascer ≥ 50 cm (RR 1,97; 1,04; 3,73), índice de massa corporal (IMC) ≥ 30 kg/m² (RR 3,23; 2,02; 5,15) e circunferência de cintura alterada (RR 1,61; 1,13;2,29), enquanto HT associou-se com sexo masculino (RR 15,18; 8,92;25,81), IMC ≥ 30 kg/m² (RR 3,68; 2,23;6,06), circunferência de cintura alterada (RR 2,68; 1,77;4,05) e glicemia elevada (RR 2,55; 1,27;5,10), mas não com comprimento ao nascer. CONCLUSÕES: As prevalências de PAL e HT entre os adultos jovens dessa coorte foram maiores em homens que em mulheres. Maior comprimento ao nascer foi associado com PAL, mas não com HT, enquanto peso ao nascer não foi associado com PAL ou HT. Fatores de risco do adulto explicaram a maioria dos aumentos de PAL ou HT.^les^aOBJETIVO: Describir la prevalencia de presión arterial limítrofe (PAL) e hipertensión (HT) entre adultos jóvenes y evaluar la asociación entre tamaño al nacer y PAL/HT. MÉTODOS: : Los datos fueron colectados en el primer estudio de cohorte de nacimientos brasileño en Ribeirao Preto (sureste de Brasil), iniciado en 1978/79. De 6.827 recién nacidos de parto único hospitalario, 2.060 fueron evaluados a los 23/25 años. Se realizaron colecta de sangre, evaluación antropométrica y obtenidas informaciones sobre ocupación, escolaridad, hábitos de vida y enfermedades crónicas. Presión arterial (PA) fue clasificada en: 1) PAL: PA sistólica (PAS) ≥ 130 y < 140 mm Hg y/o PA diastólica (PAD) ≥ 85 y < 90 mm Hg; 2) HT: PAS ≥ 140 y/o PAD ≥ 90 mm Hg. Se aplicó modelo de regresión logística politómica. RESULTADOS: La prevalencia de PAL fue de 13,5% (hombres 23,2%) y la de HT, 9,5% (hombres 17,7%). PAL fue independientemente asociada con sexo masculino (Riesgo Relativo - RR) 8,84; 95%IC: 6,09;12,82), estatura al nacer ≥ 50 cm (RR 1,97; 1,04; 3,73), índice de masa corporal (IMC) ≥ 30 kg/m2 (RR 3,23; 2,02; 5,15) y circunferencia de cintura alterada (RR 1,61; 1,13;2,29), mientras el HT se asoció con sexo masculino (RR 15,18; 8,92;25,81), IMC ≥ 30 kg/m2 (RR 3,68; 2,23;6,06), circunferencia de cintura alterada (RR 2,68; 1,77;4,05) y glicemia elevada (RR 2,55; 1,27;5,10), pero no con estatura al nacer. CONCLUSIONES: Las prevalencias de PAL y HT entre los adultos jóvenes de la cohorte fueron mayores en hombres que en mujeres. Mayor estatura al nacer fue asociado con PAL, pero no con HT, mientras que el peso al nacer no estuvo asociado con PAL o HT. Factores de riesgo de adulto explicaron la mayoría de los aumentos de PAL o HT.


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Todos nós estamos familiarizados com os painéis fotovoltaicos comuns, os silicon wafer-based (“bolacha/pastilha” de silício), que possuem atualmente uma quota superior a 80% [1-3] no mercado solar fotovoltaico. Desde o seu “aparecimento” em 1950, foram realizados avanços em diferentes vertentes, como a eficiência, durabilidade, custos e tecnologias de produção [2, 4, 5], sendo que no início deste século se começaram a desenvolver e a criar expectativas positivas crescentes acerca do que se designa de células fotovoltaicas de película fina ou TFPC (thin film photovoltaic cells). Certamente, já todos ouvimos notícias nos últimos anos do seu desenvolvimento e de aplicações variadas (vestuário, fachadas, etc), pelo que este artigo visa elucidar o leitor acerca do que são, do seu grau de investigação e desenvolvimento (I&D) e da posição no mercado atual e futura.


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OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of hearing loss for the population in the urban area. METHODS: A cross-sectional household survey based on the World Health Organization Ear and Hearing Disorders Survey Protocol was conducted in 298 households in the urban area of Monte Negro, Rondonia, Northern Brazil, from 2005 to 2007. Ear examinations, behavioral audiometry and pure tone audiometry were conducted on 577 individuals. RESULTS: The results showed that 3.8% (95%CI 2.17;5.45) of population were classified in the disabling hearing impairment category. The prevalence of moderate hearing impairment was 3.4%; severe impairment was 0.4%; and profound hearing impairment was not found. CONCLUSIONS: The impairing hearing loss prevalence found in this study is within of the international prevalence for this level of hearing loss and smaller than observed in a previous study in the South region of Brazil.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar os efeitos da exposi&#231;&#227;o de part&#237;culas finas de queimadas sobre as interna&#231;&#245;es por doen&#231;as respirat&#243;rias em crian&#231;as e idosos. M&#201;TODOS: Estudo ecol&#243;gico de s&#233;rie temporal em Cuiab&#225;, estado de Mato Grosso, regi&#227;o da Amaz&#244;nia brasileira, durante 2005. N&#237;veis di&#225;rios de material particulado fino PM2.5 foram estimados e disponibilizados pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais. Vari&#225;veis relacionadas a temperatura, umidade relativa e ajustes por tend&#234;ncia temporal, sazonalidade e efeitos de calend&#225;rio foram inclu&#237;dos no modelo. Utilizou-se a Regress&#227;o de Poisson por modelos aditivos generalizados. RESULTADOS: Crescimento de 10 mg/m3 nos n&#237;veis de exposi&#231;&#227;o ao PM2.5 foi associado a aumentos de 9,1%, 9,2% e 12,1% das interna&#231;&#245;es hospitalares de crian&#231;as, relacionados &#224;s m&#233;dias m&#243;veis de 1, 2 e 5 dias, respectivamente. O n&#237;vel de exposi&#231;&#227;o ao material particulado foi associado a aumentos de 11,4%, 21,6% e 22,0% em crian&#231;as, referentes &#224;s m&#233;dias m&#243;veis de 1, 5 e 6 dias, respectivamente, para a esta&#231;&#227;o seca. N&#227;o foram observadas associa&#231;&#245;es significativas para os idosos. CONCLUS&#213;ES: Foi evidenciada a influ&#234;ncia de PM2.5 sobre a ocorr&#234;ncia de interna&#231;&#245;es por doen&#231;as respirat&#243;rias em crian&#231;as < 5 anos, na regi&#227;o estudada.


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OBJETIVO Analisar as caracter&#237;sticas das v&#237;timas, vias e ve&#237;culos envolvidos em acidentes de tr&#226;nsito e os fatores de risco de acidentes com ocorr&#234;ncia de &#243;bito.  M&#201;TODOS Estudo de coorte n&#227;o concorrente considerando os acidentes de tr&#226;nsito em Fortaleza, CE, de janeiro de 2004 a dezembro de 2008. Foram utilizados dados do Sistema de Informa&#231;&#227;o de Acidente de Tr&#226;nsito de Fortaleza, do Sistema de Informa&#231;&#245;es de Mortalidade, do Sistema de Informa&#231;&#245;es Hospitalares e dos bancos de dados de Habilita&#231;&#227;o e Ve&#237;culos do Departamento Estadual de Tr&#226;nsito. T&#233;cnicas de relacionamento determin&#237;stico e probabil&#237;stico foram aplicadas para integrar as bases de dados. Efetuou-se a an&#225;lise descritiva das vari&#225;veis relativas &#224;s pessoas, &#224;s vias, aos ve&#237;culos e ao tempo. Foram utilizados os modelos lineares generalizados na investiga&#231;&#227;o de fatores de risco para &#243;bito por acidente de tr&#226;nsito. O ajuste do modelo foi verificado pela raz&#227;o de verossimilhan&#231;a e an&#225;lise ROC.  RESULTADOS Registraram-se 118.830 acidentes no per&#237;odo. Predominaram colis&#227;o/abalroamento (78,1%), atropelamentos (11,9%) e choque com obst&#225;culo fixo (3,9%) e com motocicletas (18,1%). Ocorreram &#243;bitos em 1,4% dos acidentes. Estiveram independentemente associados ao &#243;bito por acidente de tr&#226;nsito: bicicletas (OR = 21,2; IC95% 16,1;27,8), atropelamentos (OR = 5,9; IC95% 3,7;9,2), choque com obst&#225;culo fixo (OR = 5,7; IC95% 3,1;10,5) e acidentes com motociclistas (OR = 3,5; IC95% 2,6;4,6). Os principais fatores contribuintes foram envolvimento de uma &#250;nica pessoa (OR = 6,6; IC95% 4,1;10,73), presen&#231;a de condutores n&#227;o habilitados (OR = 4,1; IC95% 2,9;5,5) um &#250;nico ve&#237;culo envolvido (OR = 3,9; IC95% 2,3;6,4), sexo masculino (OR = 2,5; IC95% 1,9;3,3), tr&#225;fego em vias de jurisdi&#231;&#227;o federal (OR = 2,4; IC95% 1,8;3,7), hor&#225;rio madrugada (OR = 2,4; IC95% 1,8;3,0) e dia de domingo (OR = 1,7; IC95% 1,3;2,2), todas ajustadas segundo modelo log-binomial.  CONCLUS&#213;ES As a&#231;&#245;es de promo&#231;&#227;o e preven&#231;&#227;o de acidentes no tr&#226;nsito devem focar os acidentes com ve&#237;culos de duas rodas, que mais frequentemente envolvem uma &#250;nica pessoa, n&#227;o habilitada, do sexo masculino, em hor&#225;rios noturnos, em finais de semana e nas vias onde se desenvolvem maiores velocidades.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the prevalence of IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii in patients infected with HIV/AIDS and the association of demographic and social variables. METHODS Descriptive cross-sectional study that included the analysis of sociodemographic data and laboratory findings of 200 patients infected with HIV/AIDS treated in a laboratory unit in Maputo, Mozambique, in 2010. Individual data for all participants were collected with a self-administered questionnaire. Plasma samples were tested for IgG testing of anti- T. gondii using hemagglutination for the analysis of antibodies. RESULTS The seroprevalence of IgG anti- T. gondii was 46.0% (95%CI 39.2;52.9), 39.3% (95%CI 29.5;50.0) in men and 50.9% (95%CI 41.9;59.8) in women, with no difference between sex (OR 1.30; 95%CI 0.95;1.77; p = 0.12). Ages ranged from 10 to 60 years, with a higher prevalence of infection in older age groups, but with no significant difference between them. Regularly consuming cattle meat (OR 1.74; 95%CI 1.04;2.89, p = 0.05), breeding cats/dogs (OR 6.18; 95%CI 3.60;10.62, p < 0.000) and having regular contact with soil (OR 3.38; 95%CI 2.19;5.21; p < 0.000) were significantly associated with risk of latent infection. CONCLUSIONS Toxoplasmosis is an infection with high prevalence in Mozambique. Cultural and behavioral aspects increase the risk. Toxoplasmosis can be responsible in our environment by the great burden of morbidity and mortality associated with meningoencephalic injuries in patients with HIV/AIDS.


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OBJECTIVE : To investigate the association between common mental disorders and intimate partner violence during pregnancy. METHODS : A cross sectional study was carried out with 1,120 pregnant women aged 18-49 years old, who were registered in the Family Health Program in the city of Recife, Northeastern Brazil, between 2005 and 2006. Common mental disorders were assessed using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). Intimate partner violence was defined as psychologically, physically and sexually abusive acts committed against women by their partners. Crude and adjusted odds ratios were estimated for the association studied utilizing logistic regression analysis. RESULTS : The most common form of partner violence was psychological. The prevalence of common mental disorders was 71.0% among women who reported all form of violence in pregnancy and 33.8% among those who did not report intimate partner violence. Common mental disorders were associated with psychological violence (OR 2.49, 95%CI 1.8;3.5), even without physical or sexual violence. When psychological violence was combined with physical or sexual violence, the risk of common mental disorders was even higher (OR 3.45; 95%CI 2.3;5.2). CONCLUSIONS : Being assaulted by someone with whom you are emotionally involved can trigger feelings of helplessness, low self-esteem and depression. The pregnancy probably increased women`s vulnerability to common mental disorders


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OBJETIVO Analisar a preval&#234;ncia e fatores associados aos comportamentos sedent&#225;rios em adolescentes. M&#201;TODOS Estudo transversal com adolescentes de 10 a 17 anos de idade, de ambos os sexos, pertencentes a uma coorte de nascimentos entre 1994-1999 na cidade de Cuiab&#225;, Mato Grosso, Brasil. Para o levantamento dos dados, foi utilizado um question&#225;rio contendo informa&#231;&#245;es sociodemogr&#225;ficas, econ&#244;micas e de estilo de vida e aferi&#231;&#227;o de dados antropom&#233;tricos. Determinou-se como comportamento sedent&#225;rio o uso de televis&#227;o e/ou computador/v&#237;deo games por um tempo igual ou superior a 4 horas/dia. Avaliou-se a associa&#231;&#227;o de comportamentos sedent&#225;rios com o &#237;ndice de massa corporal, tanto na inf&#226;ncia quanto na adolesc&#234;ncia, e com vari&#225;veis sociodemogr&#225;ficas e comportamentais por meio de regress&#227;o log&#237;stica hierarquizada. RESULTADOS A preval&#234;ncia global de comportamentos sedent&#225;rios foi de 58,1%. Dos 1.716 adolescentes estudados, 50,7% (n = 870) eram do sexo masculino. Na an&#225;lise multivariada, ap&#243;s ajuste para fatores de confus&#227;o, as vari&#225;veis que permaneceram associadas com os comportamentos sedent&#225;rios foram: idade (14 anos ou mais) (OR = 3,51; IC95% 2,19;5,60); classe econ&#244;mica elevada (OR = 3,83; IC95% 2,10;7,01); maior n&#237;vel de escolaridade da m&#227;e (OR = 1,81; IC95% 1,09;3,01); residir no interior (OR = 0,49; IC95% 0,30;0,81); atividade f&#237;sica insuficiente (OR = 1,25; IC95% 1,02;1,53); experimenta&#231;&#227;o de bebidas alco&#243;licas (OR = 1,34; IC95% 1,08;1,66) e excesso de peso na adolesc&#234;ncia (OR = 1,33; IC95% 1,06;1,68). CONCLUS&#213;ES A elevada propor&#231;&#227;o de adolescentes em atividades sedent&#225;rias e a n&#227;o associa&#231;&#227;o dessas atividades na adolesc&#234;ncia com o excesso de peso na inf&#226;ncia indicam a necessidade de interven&#231;&#245;es para redu&#231;&#227;o de v&#225;rios comportamentos de risco. O incentivo &#224; pr&#225;tica de atividade f&#237;sica como forma de reduzir os comportamentos sedent&#225;rios e consequentemente o excesso de peso entre os jovens torna-se fundamental.


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This work describes the synthesis and characterization of a series of new α-diimine and P,O, β-keto and acetamide phosphines ligands, and their complexation to Ni(II), Co(II),Co(III) and Pd(II) to obtain a series of new compounds aiming to study their structural characteristics and to test their catalytic activity. All the compounds synthesized were characterized by the usual spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques: Elemental Analysis, MALDI-TOF-MS spectrometry, IR, UV-vis, 1H, 13C and 31P NMR spectroscopies. Some of the paramagnetic compounds were also characterized by EPR. For the majority of the compounds it was possible to solve their solid state structure by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Tests for olefin polymerization were performed in order to determine the catalytic activity of the Co(II) complexes. Chapter I presents a brief introduction to homogenous catalysis, highlighting the reactions catalyzed by the type of compounds described in this thesis, namely olefin polymerization and oligomerization and reactions catalyzed by the complexes bearing α-diimines and P,O type ligands. Chapter II is dedicated to the description of the synthesis of new α-diimines cobalt (II) complexes, of general formula [CoX2(α-diimine)], where X = Cl or I and the α-diimines are bis(aryl)acenaphthenequinonediimine) (Ar-BIAN) and 1,4-diaryl-2,3-dimethyl-1,4-diaza-1,3-butadiene (Ar-DAB). Structures solved by single crystal X-ray diffraction were obtained for all the described complexes. For some of the compounds, X-band EPR measurements were performed on polycrystalline samples, showing a high-spin Co(II) (S = 3/2) ion, in a distorted axial environment. EPR single crystal experiments on two of the compounds allowed us to determine the g tensor orientation in the molecular structure. In Chapter III we continue with the synthesis and characterization of more cobalt (II)complexes bearing α-diimines of general formula [CoX2(α-diimine)], with X = Cl or I and α-diimines are bis(aryl)acenaphthenequinonediimine) (Ar-BIAN) and 1,4-diaryl-2,3-dimethyl- 1,4-diaza-1,3-butadiene (Ar-DAB). The structures of three of the new compounds synthesized were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. A NMR paramagnetic characterization of all the compounds described is presented. Ethylene polymerization tests were done to determine the catalytic activity of several of the Co(II) complexes described in Chapter II and III and their results are shown. In Chapter IV a new rigid bidentate ligand, bis(1-naphthylimino)acenaphthene, and its complexes with Zn(II) and Pd(II), were synthesized. Both the ligand and its complexes show syn and anti isomers. Structures of the ligand and the anti isomer of the Pd(II) complex were solved by single crystal X-ray diffraction. All the compounds were characterized by elemental analysis, MALDI-TOF-MS spectrometry, and by IR, UV-vis, 1H, 13C, 1H-1H COSY, 1H-13C HSQC, 1H-13C HSQC-TOCSY and 1H-1H NOESY NMR when necessary. DFT studies showed that both conformers of [PdCl2(BIAN)] are isoenergetics and can be obtain experimentally. However, we can predict that the isomerization process is not available in square-planar complex, but is possible for the free ligand. The molecular geometry is very similar in both isomers, and only different orientations for naphthyl groups can be expected. Chapter V describes the synthesis of new P, O type ligands, β-keto phosphine, R2PCH2C(O)Ph, and acetamide phosphine R2PNHC(O)Me, as well as a series of new cobalt(III) complexes namely [(η5-C5H5)CoI2{Ph2PCH2C(O)Ph}], and [(η5- C5H5)CoI2{Ph2PNHC(O)Me}]. Treating these Co(III) compounds with an excess of Et3N, resulted in complexes η2-phosphinoenolate [(η5-C5H5)CoI{Ph2PCH…C(…O)Ph}] and η2- acetamide phosphine [(η5-C5H5)CoI{Ph2PN…C(…O)Me}]. Nickel (II) complexes were also obtained: cis-[Ni(Ph2PN…C(…O)Me)2] and cis-[Ni((i-Pr)2PN…C(…O)Me)2]. Their geometry and isomerism were discussed. Seven structures of the compounds described in this chapter were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The general conclusions of this work can be found in Chapter VI.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the prevalence of depression in older adults and associated factors. METHODS Cross-sectional study using a stratified random sample of 621 individuals aged ≥ 60 from 27 family health teams in Porto Alegre, RS, Southern Brazil, between 2010 and 2012. Community health agents measured depression using the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale. Scores of ≥ 6 were considered as depression and between 11 and 15 as severe depression. Poisson regression was used to search for independent associations of sociodemographic and self-perceived health with both depression and its severity. RESULTS The prevalence of depression was 30.6% and was significantly higher in women (35.9% women versus 20.9% men, p < 0.001). The variables independently associated with depression were: female gender (PR = 1.4, 95%CI 1.1;1.8); low education, especially illiteracy (PR = 1.8, 95%CI 1.2;2 6); regular self-rated health (OR = 2.2, 95%CI 1.6;3.0); and poor/very poor self-rated health (PR = 4.0, 95%CI 2.9;5.5). Except for education, the strength of association of these factors increases significantly in severe depression. CONCLUSIONS A high prevalence of depression was observed in the evaluations conducted by community health agents, professionals who are not highly specialized. The findings identified using the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale in this way are similar to those in the literature, with depression more associated with low education, female gender and worse self-rated health. From a primary health care strategic point of view, the findings become still more relevant, indicating that community health agents could play an important role in identifying depression in older adults.


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OBJECTIVE To identify gender differences in social support dimensions217; effect on adults217; leisure-time physical activity maintenance, type, and time.METHODS Longitudinal study of 1,278 non-faculty public employees at a university in Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Southeastern Brazil. Physical activity was evaluated using a dichotomous question with a two-week reference period, and further questions concerning leisure-time physical activity type (individual or group) and time spent on the activity. Social support was measured with the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Scale. For the analysis, logistic regression models were adjusted separately by gender.RESULTS A multinomial logistic regression showed an association between material support and individual activities among women (OR = 2.76; 95%CI 1.2;6.5). Affective support was associated with time spent on leisure-time physical activity only among men (OR = 1.80; 95%CI 1.1;3.2).CONCLUSIONS All dimensions of social support that were examined influenced either the type of, or the time spent on, leisure-time physical activity. In some social support dimensions, the associations detected varied by gender. Future studies should attempt to elucidate the mechanisms involved in these gender differences.


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In this paper we consider a complex-order forced van der Pol oscillator. The complex derivative Dα1jβ, with α, β ∈ ℝ+, is a generalization of the concept of an integer derivative, where α = 1, β = 0. The Fourier transforms of the periodic solutions of the complex-order forced van der Pol oscillator are computed for various values of parameters such as frequency ω and amplitude b of the external forcing, the damping μ, and parameters α and β. Moreover, we consider two cases: (i) b = 1, μ = {1.0, 5.0, 10.0}, and ω = {0.5, 2.46, 5.0, 20.0}; (ii) ω = 20.0, μ = {1.0, 5.0, 10.0}, and b = {1.0, 5.0, 10.0}. We verified that most of the signal energy is concentrated in the fundamental harmonic ω0. We also observed that the fundamental frequency of the oscillations ω0 varies with α and μ. For the range of tested values, the numerical fitting led to logarithmic approximations for system (7) in the two cases (i) and (ii). In conclusion, we verify that by varying the parameter values α and β of the complex-order derivative in expression (7), we accomplished a very effective way of perturbing the dynamical behavior of the forced van der Pol oscillator, which is no longer limited to parameters b and ω.