1000 resultados para 186-1151A


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Konjunkturen har försämrats snabbt under de senaste 12 månaderna. Saldotalet för den förverkligade utvecklingen sjönk med 110 poäng från 2010 års toppvärde och blev negativt med 35 poäng. Utifrån procentgranskningen har försämringen av konjunkturen ändå varit lindrig. Prognosen visar att konjunkturen kommer att försämras ytterligare en aning. Prognosens saldotal är -20. Hälften av svararna bedömde dock att konjunkturen bibehålls oförändrad under de kommande 12 månaderna. Cirka en tredjedel bedömde att konjunkturen kommer att försämras ytterligare en aning. Trots den snabba konjunkturvändningen förväntar man sig inte att konjunkturen blir lika svår under det kommande året som under perioderna 2/08 och 1/09. Rederichefernas uppskattningar om utvecklingen av ekonomins delfaktorer i sjöfartsbranschen verkar peka på att den ekonomiska situationen inte blir lika svag som under den globala recessionen som började på hösten 2008. Saldotalet för den förverkligade utvecklingen av sjötransportmarknadens efterfrågan var endast svagt negativt, -5. Saldotalet förutspås sjunka med 15 poäng, men den största delen (60 procent) av svararna anser att efterfrågan håller sig på samma nivå även under de kommande 12 månaderna. Det saldotal som mäter fraktprisernas utveckling har inte varit positivt efter den första perioden under 2008. Man bedömde att fraktpriserna har sjunkit under den gångna perioden men enligt fraktprisprognosen kommer den sjunkande prisutvecklingen att stanna upp. Prognosens saldotal är +5. Tillväxten för de finländska export- och importtransporterna förväntas dock avstanna och i saldotal mätt kommer transportmängderna att börja sjunka en aning. Priset på marint bränsle, dvs. bunkerpriset, steg kraftigt under 2011. Saldotalet för den gångna perioden var -94. Utvecklingen avviker från perioden 2/08 då bunkerpriset började sjunka i takt med den inledande recessionen. Priset förväntas stiga ytterligare. Rederiernas omsättning minskade under perioden 2011. Minskningen avstannar dock och det saldotal som visar den kommande periodens omsättningsutveckling förutspås vara svagt positivt (+10). Det största hindret för rederiverksamhetens tillväxt ansågs vara den allmänt osäkra ekonomiska situationen. Den ökade konkurrensen och den dåliga prisutvecklingen begränsar också tillväxten. Trots den försämrade konjunkturen råder det fortfarande brist på kompetenta arbetstagare inom sjösektorn. Att priset på det marina bränslet, bunkern, höjs anses vara en betydande faktor som begränsar rederiernas tillväxt. Författningskraven i anknytning till miljöfrågor har blivit ett tillväxthinder. Temafrågorna handlade om den internationella sjöfartsorganisationen IMO:s bestämmelser om svavelhalter i marint bränsle. För att minska svaveldioxidutsläppen kan man som ett alternativ använda svaveltvättar (=skrubber) i fartygen. Bara ungefär en tredjedel av svararna ansåg att installering av tvättar i fartygen är för rederiernas del ett troligt alternativ för att uppfylla IMO:s bestämmelser. Den andra frågan handlade om IMO:s svavelbestämmelser och om de kommer att leda till en förflyttning till andra transportformer. 63 procent av svararna uppskattade att det på grund av det höga priset på lågsvavelhaltigt bränsle kommer att ske en förflyttning från sjötransporter till andra transportformer. En storskalig förflyttning till landsvägstransporter skulle strida mot EU:s trafikpolitiska mål.


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The value and benefits of user experience (UX) are widely recognized in the modern world and UX is seen as an integral part of many fields. This dissertation integrates UX and understanding end users with the early phases of software development. The concept of UX is still unclear, as witnessed by more than twenty-five definitions and ongoing argument about its different aspects and attributes. This missing consensus forms a problem in creating a link between UX and software development: How to take the UX of end users into account when it is unclear for software developers what UX stands for the end users. Furthermore, currently known methods to estimate, evaluate and analyse UX during software development are biased in favor of the phases where something concrete and tangible already exists. It would be beneficial to further elaborate on UX in the beginning phases of software development. Theoretical knowledge from the fields of UX and software development is presented and linked with surveyed and analysed UX attribute information from end users and UX professionals. Composing the surveys around the identified 21 UX attributes is described and the results are analysed in conjunction with end user demographics. Finally the utilization of the gained results is explained with a proof of concept utility, the Wizard of UX, which demonstrates how UX can be integrated into early phases of software development. The process of designing, prototyping and testing this utility is an integral part of this dissertation. The analyses show statistically significant dependencies between appreciation towards UX attributes and surveyed end user demographics. In addition, tests conducted by software developers and industrial UX designer both indicate the benefits and necessity of the prototyped Wizard of UX utility. According to the conducted tests, this utility meets the requirements set for it: It provides a way for software developers to raise their know-how of UX and a possibility to consider the UX of end users with statistical user profiles during the early phases of software development. This dissertation produces new and relevant information for the UX and software development communities by demonstrating that it is possible to integrate UX as a part of the early phases of software development.


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Etat de collection : juillet 1862 (n° 1-30). août 1862 (n° 2-15)


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The study evaluated the energy performance of pig farming integrated with maize production in mechanized no-tillage system. In this proposed conception of integration, the swine excrement is used as fertilizers in the maize crop. The system was designed involving the activities associated to the pig management and maize production (soil management, cultivation and harvest). A one-year period of analysis was considered, enabling the production of three batches of pigs and two crops of maize. To evaluate the energy performance, three indicators were created: energy efficiency, use of non-renewable resources efficiency and cost of non-renewable energy to produce protein. The energy inputs are composed by the inputs and infrastructure used by the breeding of pigs and maize production, as well as the solar energy incident on the agroecosystem. The energy outputs are represented by the products (finished pigs and maize). The results obtained in the simulation indicates that the integration improves the energy performance of pig farms, with an increase in the energy efficiency (186%) as well as in the use of the non-renewable energy resources efficiency (352%), while reducing the cost of non-renewable energy to produce protein (‑58%).


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The Knowledge of the physical properties of agricultural products has great importance for the construction and operation of equipment for drying and storage, to achieve increased efficiency in post-harvest operations. The aim was to determine and analyze the physical properties of crambe fruits during drying at different temperatures. Crambe fruits with an initial moisture content of 0.36 (decimal d.b.) which was reduced by drying at 37.0; 58.8 and 83.5 ºC and relative humidity of 29.4; 11.2 and 3.2%, respectively, to 0.09 ± 1 (decimal d.b.). At different levels of moisture contents (0.36; 0.31; 0.26; 0.21; 0.17; 0.13 and 0.09 decimal d.b.), was evaluated the intergranular porosity, the bulk density, the true density as well as the volumetric shrinkage and the fruit mass. The study was installed by the factorial 3 x 7, and three drying temperatures and seven moisture contents in a randomized design. Data were analyzed using regression. The bulk density and the true density decreases along the drying process; the volumetric shrinkage and the mass increased with lower moisture content and the intergranular porosity decreased sharply with the increasing drying temperature.


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In the first week of a chick life, broilers are very sensitive to different conditions outside their thermoneutral zone. Thus, the goal of this study was to evaluate the behaviors and productive responses of broilers subjected to conditions of thermal comfort or challenge at different intensities (27, 30, 33 and 36ºC) and durations (1, 2, 3 and 4 days starting on the second day of life). In the experiment, ten minutes of images from each hour of each treatment were analyzed to evaluate the key behaviors of the birds. Similar behavior at different dry-bulb air temperatures were identified by using Ward's method of cluster analysis. These behaviors were grouped by dendograms in which the similarity of these data was qualified. Feed intake, water intake and body mass of these animals were evaluated and used to support the observed behaviors. Thus, a similar huddling behavior was observed in the birds from the 2nd to the 5th day of life subjected to 27ºC and 30ºC, while at 30ºC and 33ºC the behavior of accessing feeders and drinkers was also similar. Chicks subjected to 33ºC presented the best performance, and at 30 and 36ºC showed intermediate development.


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The purpose of this research was to evaluate the K2O distribution uniformity by surface drip irrigation at Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Valencia, Spain (39º 29′ N, 0º 23′ W, 20 m). The irrigation was performed by drip lines with not-compensated emitters, spaced 0.3 m. The fertigation was realized using a fertilizer injector pump of electric action with injection of 0.25 h. The experimental design used completely randomized blocks with five treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of injection in five distances, located at 10; 20; 30; 40; 50 m of the first drip line. Samples were collected in emitters located at the start, at 1/3, at 2/3 and at the end of the drip lines. The nutrient concentration was determined by flame spectrophotometry. The Christiansen's uniformity coefficients (CUC), of distribution (DUC), of statistical (SUC) and of emission (eUC) were estimated. The K2O concentration and distribution decreased linearly with the increase of the injection distance. In all treatments, the CUC, SUC and DUC were described as 'excellent'. The eUC was described as 'recommended' only at smaller injection distances.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the meteorological variables, water deficiency, growth, and agro-industrial yield of sugarcane varieties: RB72454, RB863129, RB867515, RB92579, RB93509, RB931003, RB951541, and RB971755, in rainfed crop in two harvests in the Rio Largo-AL region. The meteorological variables were obtained in an automatic station and water balance was done by Thornthwaite & Mather method. During the study period, the air temperature ranged from 16.6 to 35.9 ºC. In the first production cycle rained 1,806 mm and the crop evapotranspiration was 1,775 mm. In the second cycle, the rainfall totaled 1,632 mm and the crop evapotranspiration was 1,290 mm. The average water excess of two production cycles was 689 mm and the water deficit totaled 665 mm. The average agricultural productivity in the plant was 86.8 t ha-1, in the first ratoon was 75.2 t ha-1 and the agro-industrial yield average was 12.9 and 10.9 tons of sugar per hectare in the plant and first ratoon, respectively. The air temperature was not limiting to the growth of sugarcane and the rainfall was higher than the crop evapotranspiration, but due to poor distribution of the rains there was water deficit. The most productive varieties were RB93509, RB92579, and RB863129.


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O emprego de telas termorrefletoras, como forma de limitar o aumento da temperatura do ar em ambientes protegidos, deve ser manejado, a fim de evitar a redução excessiva da radiação solar, dada sua importância sobre o desenvolvimento e a produção de hortaliças como o tomateiro. Nesse contexto, os objetivos do trabalho foram comparar os microclimas entre ambientes protegidos cultivados com tomateiro, sendo um coberto somente com polietileno de baixa densidade (PEBD) reforçado e outro coberto com PEBD reforçado associado a uma tela termorrefletora aluminizada retrátil, sob condições de manejo, e avaliar sua adequação às condições climáticas recomendadas à cultura do tomateiro pela bibliografia consultada. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Rio das Pedras-SP, entre 1º-08-11 e 21-01-12. A tela termorrefletora foi empregada somente em dias de céu límpido, entre as 11h e as 16h. Foram coletados dados de temperatura e umidade relativa do ar, radiação solar global (Qs) e radiação fotossinteticamente ativa (RFA) no interior de ambos os ambientes protegidos, e dados de temperatura do ar no ambiente externo. O emprego da tela termorrefletora aluminizada reduziu significativamente os valores médios de Qs, RFA e a temperatura do ar, ao passo que elevou os valores de umidade relativa do ar. O microclima do ambiente com tela adaptou-se melhor às condições climáticas consideradas adequadas pela bibliografia para o cultivo do tomateiro.


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Tradicionalmente, a determinação das condições ideais para a conservação de sementes é obtida através de experimentos que estudam a combinação dos fatores: teor de água e temperatura de armazenamento, monitorando a viabilidade das sementes ao longo do tempo. Ante o exposto, objetivou-se determinar o Teor de Água Limite para Crioconservação das sementes de romã, quando armazenadas nas temperaturas de -170 e -196 °C. As sementes passaram por um processo de umedecimento e secagem até atingirem os teores de água de 4; 6; 8; 10; 12 e 14% b.u.; logo após, foram crioconservadas durante cinco dias e, em seguida, descongeladas gradativamente nas temperaturas de -196, -170, -80, 10 ºC e ambiente, com intervalo de 3 horas para cada temperatura, para então serem realizados os testes de germinação e vigor. Para efeito de análise comparativa, utilizou-se da armazenagem das sementes a 25 ºC e 70% de umidade relativa por igual período de tempo (5 dias). O delineamento estatístico empregado foi o inteiramente casualizado, com arranjo fatorial 6 X 3, representado pelos teores de água e temperaturas, empregando-se quatro repetições por tratamento. Pode-se concluir que o melhor porcentual de germinação e vigor das sementes de romã foi obtido quando essas sementes foram crioconservadas em vapor de nitrogênio (-170 °C), com um teor de água de 10% b.u.


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Vesienhoidon tavoitteena on pinta- ja pohjavesien hyvä tila vuonna 2015 Euroopan Unionin alueella. Suomessa valmisteltiin seitsemälle vesienhoitoalueelle vesienhoitosuunnitelmat, jotka valtioneuvosto hyväksyi 10.12.2009. Vesienhoitosuunnitelmat perustuvat alueittaisiin toimenpideohjelmiin. Vuoksen vesienhoitoalueeseen kuuluvassa Pohjois-Karjalassa laadittiin pinta- ja pohjavesille toimenpideohjelmat vuonna 2009. Tässä julkaisussa ne on koottu yhteen Pohjois-Karjalan vesienhoidon toimenpideohjelmaksi vuosille 2010-2015. Pohjois-Karjalan vesistöjä tarkastellaan osa-alueittain: Pielisen reitti, Koitajoen alue, Viinijärven – Höytiäisen alue, Pielisjoen – Pyhäselän – Oriveden alue ja Jänisjoen – Kiteenjoen – Tohmajoen alue. Vesienhoidon suunnittelua varten luokiteltiin 186 järvi- ja jokivesistöä vuonna 2008. Hyvää heikommassa tilassa on luokitelluista järvistä 8 % ja jokivesistöistä 34 %. Tarkasteltavina ovat keskikokoiset ja sitä suuremmat vesistöt, 47 järveä ja 72 jokea. Näistä 20 tyydyttäväksi luokitellulle kohteelle on esitetty toimenpiteet tilatavoitteen saavuttamiseksi. Lisätoimenpiteitä ehdotetaan maa- ja metsätalouden kuormituksen vähentämiseksi ja vesistöjen kunnostamiseksi. Pohjois-Karjalassa pohjaveden tilaa uhkaavat pilaantuneet maa-alueet, tiestö, asutuksen leviäminen, maa-ainesten otto ja ampumaradat. Maakunnan 342 pohjavesialueesta neljä on määritelty riskialueeksi ja kemialliselta tilaltaan huonoksi. Selvityskohteiksi on esitetty 18 pohjavesialuetta. Tärkeimpinä vesienhoitotoimenpiteinä ovat mm. suojelusuunnitelmien laatiminen ja päivittäminen, pohjaveden tilan seuranta, riskitoimintojen ohjaaminen pohjavesialueen ulkopuolelle sekä neuvonnan ja valvonnan tehostaminen. Ehdotettujen nykykäytännön mukaisten vesienhoitotoimien kustannukset ovat 49 milj. euroa vuodessa. Tämä koostuu yhdyskuntien sekä haja- ja loma-asutuksen jätevedenpuhdistuksesta, maatalouden ympäristötuista ja pilaantuneiden alueiden kunnostuksesta. Lisätoimenpiteiden rahoitustarve on 3,7 milj. € vuodessa. Siitä suuren osan muodostavat pilaantuneiden kohteiden kunnostus pohjavesialueilla, siirtoviemäreiden rakentaminen, maatalouden kuormituksen vähentämistoimenpiteet ja vesistöjen kunnostus. Toteuttamalla esitetyt vesienhoitotoimet hyvä tila arvioidaan pääosin saavutettavan vuoteen 2015 mennessä. Heposelässä ja useissa pienehköissä vesistöissä tilatavoitteen toteutumiseen tarvitaan jatkoaikaa vuoteen 2021. Pohjavesialueilla hyvän tilan arvioidaan säilyvän kaikissa selvityskohteissa, sen sijaan riskialueilla jatkoaika on tarpeen.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar a concordância entre o peso fetal estimado (PFE) por ultra-sonografia e o neonatal, o desempenho da curva normal de PFE por idade gestacional no diagnóstico de desvios do peso fetal/neonatal e fatores associados. MÉTODOS: participaram do estudo 186 grávidas atendidas de novembro de 1998 a janeiro de 2000, com avaliação ultra-sonográfica até 3 dias antes do parto, determinação do PFE e do índice de líquido amniótico e parto na instituição. O PFE foi calculado e classificado de acordo com a curva de valores normais de PFE em: pequeno para a idade gestacional (PIG), adequado para a idade gestacional (AIG) e grande para a idade gestacional (GIG). A mesma classificação foi feita para o peso neonatal. A variabilidade das medidas e o grau de correlação linear entre o PFE e o peso neonatal foram calculados, bem como a sensibilidade, especificidade e valores preditivos para o uso da curva de valores normais de PFE para o diagnóstico dos desvios do peso neonatal. RESULTADOS: diferença entre o PFE e o peso neonatal variou entre -540 e +594 g, com média de +47,1 g, e as duas medidas apresentaram um coeficiente de correlação linear de 0,94. A curva normal de PFE teve sensibilidade de 100% e especificidade de 90,5% em detectar PIG ao nascimento, e de 94,4 e 92,8%, respectivamente, em detectar GIG, porém os valores preditivos positivos foram baixos para ambos. CONCLUSÕES: a estimativa ultra-sonográfica do peso fetal foi concordante com o peso neonatal, superestimando-o em apenas cerca de 47 g e a curva do PFE teve bom desempenho no rastreamento diagnóstico de recém-nascidos PIG e GIG.