1000 resultados para 174-1072
Cet article est un compte-rendu du colloque "Evolution in Structured Population", tenu du 14 au 16 Septembre 1994 à l'Université de Lausanne. Consacré aux causes écologiques et conséquences évolutives d'horizons divers (zoologie, botanique, anthropologie, mathématiques), utilisant des approches variées, aussi bien empiriques que théoriques. Plusieurs exemples concrets de structurations génétiques de populations naturelles ont été documentés, et leurs causes analysées. Celles-ci sont variées, certaines étant extrinsèques à la biologie des espèces concernées (distances géographique, barrières écologiques, etc), d'autres intrinsèques (stratégies de reproduction, mutations chromosomiques). Les outils quantitatifs les plus largement utilisés pour analyser ces structures restent les F-statistiques de Whright; elles ont néanmoins fait l'objet de plusieurs critiques: d'une part, elles n'exploitent pas toute l'information disponible (certains orateurs ont d'ailleurs proposé diverses améliorations dans ce sens); d'autre part, les hypothèses qui sous-tendent leur interprétation conventionelle (en particulier l'hypothèse de populations à l'équilibre) sont régulièrement violées. Plusieurs des travaux présentés se sont précisément intéressés aux situations de déséquilibre et à leurs conséquences sur la dynamique et l'évolution des populations. Parmi celles ci: l'effet d'extinctions démiques sur les stratégies de dispersion des organismes et la structure génétique de leurs métapopulations, l'inadéquation du modèle classique de métapopulation, dit modèle en île (les modèles de diffusion ou de "pas japonais" (stepping stone) semblent généralement préférables), et le rôle de la "viscosité" des populations, en particulier en relation avec la sélection de parentèle et l'évolution de structures sociales. Le rôle important d'événements historiques sur les structures actuelles a été souligné, notamment dans le cadre de contacts secondaires entre populations hautement différenciées, leur introgression possible et la biogéographie de taxons vicariants. Parmi les problèmes récurrents notés: l'identification de l'unité panmictique, l'échelle de mesure spatiale appropriée, et les difficulté d'estimation des taux de migration et de flux de gènes. Plusieurs auteurs ont relevé la nécessité d'études biologiques de détail: les structures génétiques n'ont d'intérêt que dans la mesure où elles peuvent être situées dans un contexte écologique et évolutif précis. Ce point a été largement illustré dans le cadre des realtions entre structures génétiques et stratégies de reproduction/dispersion.
Collection : Bibliothèque des curiosités
The examination of radiolarian biodiversity at the family level through Phanerozoic time reveals some general trends known in other groups of organisms, especially among plankton, while some other trends seem to be quite peculiar. The Permian/Triassic crisis that is one of the most important in the evolution of marine organisms, is marked in radiolarian assemblages by the extinction of two orders (Albaillellaria and Latentifistularia) towards the end of the Permian, and mostly by the tremendous diversification of Spumellaria and Nassellaria in the early-mid Triassic. Radiolarian diversity increased from Cambrian to Jurassic, remained quite stable during the Cretaceous and has decreased slightly since then.
A violência infantil vem crescendo e aos serviços de saúde compete lidar com este fenômeno. A CIPESC® é uma ferramenta sistematizadora do cuidado e pode visibilizar a violência infantil nas consultas de enfermagem. Este estudo buscou identificar os limites e potencialidades da CIPESC® na consulta de enfermagem com crianças vítimas de violência doméstica. Estudo descritivo, qualitativo, tipo estudo de caso, analisou 15 relatos por web-questionário de enfermeiros da atenção básica, da Secretaria Municipal de Curitiba, Paraná, sobre a ocorrência de violência. Embora a CIPESC® tenha mostrado potencialidades, os diagnósticos e intervenções existentes da nomenclatura não foram plenamente acionados pelos pesquisados. Apresentou limites preocupantes no que tange ao reconhecimento das necessidades e vulnerabilidades que envolvem o fenômeno da violência. Conclui-se que é preciso agregar à nomenclatura os atributos referentes à liberdade e autonomia, essenciais para o enfrentamento da violência, além de maneiras de intervir baseadas em evidências.
Diagnósticos de enfermagem para clientes hospitalizados em uma clínica de doenças infectocontagiosas
Estudo exploratório-descritivo desenvolvido com o objetivo de criar, a partir do Banco de Termos da Linguagem Especial de Enfermagem da clínica de doenças infectocontagiosas de um hospital-escola e na CIPE®, afirmativas de diagnósticos de enfermagem para clientes hospitalizados e validá-las com a participação de enfermeiras assistenciais e docentes de enfermagem que atuam na referida clínica. Foram construídas 88 afirmativas de diagnósticos de enfermagem; no entanto, somente foram validadas aquelas que alcançaram um índice de concordância ≥ 0,80 entre os peritos participantes do estudo, o que resultou em 70 afirmativas diagnósticas. Os resultados do estudo evidenciam que os objetivos foram alcançados, uma vez que tais afirmativas, construídas a partir de termos da realidade da clínica, facilitarão o processo de comunicação entre os profissionais da área de enfermagem. Além disso, viabilizam uma assistência pautada em princípios metodológicos, proporcionando assistência de maior resolutividade para o cliente.
Soluble MHC-peptide (pMHC) complexes, commonly referred to as tetramers, are widely used to enumerate and to isolate Ag-specific CD8(+) CTL. It has been noted that such complexes, as well as microsphere- or cell-associated pMHC molecules compromise the functional integrity of CTL, e.g., by inducing apoptosis of CTL, which limits their usefulness for T cell sorting or cloning. By testing well-defined soluble pMHC complexes containing linkers of different length and valence, we find that complexes comprising short linkers (i.e., short pMHC-pMHC distances), but not those containing long linkers, induce rapid death of CTL. This cell death relies on CTL activation, the coreceptor CD8 and cytoskeleton integrity, but is not dependent on death receptors (i.e., Fas, TNFR1, and TRAILR2) or caspases. Within minutes of CTL exposure to pMHC complexes, reactive oxygen species emerged and mitochondrial membrane depolarized, which is reminiscent of caspase-independent T cell death. The morphological changes induced during this rapid CTL death are characteristic of programmed necrosis and not apoptosis. Thus, soluble pMHC complexes containing long linkers are recommended to prevent T cell death, whereas those containing short linkers can be used to eliminate Ag-specific CTL.
Puhe maalaisliiton valtakunnallisessa kekrijuhlassa Ylihärmässä 1.11.1953
A hybrid study combining technological production and methodological research aiming to establish associations between the data and information that are part of a Computerized Nursing Process according to the ICNP® Version 1.0, indicators of patient safety and quality of care. Based on the guidelines of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the American Association of Critical Care Nurses for the expansion of warning systems, five warning systems were developed: potential for iatrogenic pneumothorax, potential for care-related infections, potential for suture dehiscence in patients after abdominal or pelvic surgery, potential for loss of vascular access, and potential for endotracheal extubation. The warning systems are a continuous computerized resource of essential situations that promote patient safety and enable the construction of a way to stimulate clinical reasoning and support clinical decision making of nurses in intensive care.
This observational, descriptive and analytic study aimed to identify the prevalence of IPV cases among pregnant women and classify them according to the type and frequency; identify the obstetric and neonatal results and their associations with the intimate partner violence (IPV) occurrence in the current pregnancy. It was developed with 232 pregnant women who had prenatal care at a public maternity hospital. Data were collected via structured interview and in the patients’ charts and analyzed through the statistic software SAS® 9.0. Among the participants, 15.5% suffered IPV during pregnancy, among that 14.7% suffered psychological violence, 5.2% physical violence and 0.4% sexual violence. Women who did not desire the pregnancy had more chances of suffering IPV (p<0.00; OR=4.32 and 95% CI [1.77 – 10.54]). With regards to the obstetric and neonatal repercussions, there was no statistical association between the variables investigated. Thus, for the study participants there were no negative obstetric and neonatal repercussions related to IPV during pregnancy.
This was a descriptive, retrospective study, with a quantitative method, with the aim of analyzing the nursing diagnoses contained in the records of children of 0 to 36 months of age who attended infant health nursing consults. A documentary analysis and the cross-mapping technique were used. One hundred eighty-eight different nursing diagnoses were encountered, of which 33 (58.9%) corresponded to diagnoses contained in the Nomenclature of Nursing Diagnoses and Interventions and 23 (41.1%) were derived from ICNP® Version 1.0. Of the 56 nursing diagnoses, 43 (76.8%) were considered to be deviations from normalcy. It was concluded that the infant health nursing consults enabled the identification of situations of normalcy and abnormality, with an emphasis on the diagnoses of deviations from normalcy. Standardized language favors nursing documentation, contributing to the care of the patient and facilitating communication between nurses and other health professionals.
Universidade de Coimbra e Faculdade de Ciência e Tecnologia