945 resultados para 16th Century History


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It is a well-documented fact that the Middle Ages have had a long history of instrumentalisation by nationalisms. 19th-century Eu¬rope in particular witnessed an origins craze during the process of nation-building. In the post-Shoah, post-modern West, on the other hand, we might expect this kind of medievalist master nar¬rative to have been consigned to the dustbin of history. And yet, as nationalism surges again in Europe, negotiations of national identi¬ties in medieval dress seem to have become fashionable once more. In order to come to terms with the fragmented and often contradictory presence of the Middle Ages in these discourses of national identity, I propose we consider medievalism a utilitarian product of the cultural memory. Rather than representing any ‘real’ Middle Ages, then, medievalism tailors available knowledge of the medieval past to the diverse social needs and ideologies of the present. This paper looks at a selection of Scottish examples of present-day medievalism in an attempt to investigate, in particular, the place of the medieval Wars of Scottish Independence in contemporary negotiations of ‘Scottishness’. Both the relationships envisioned between self and other and the role played by ‘the land’ in these cultural, social and political instances of national introspection offer starting points for critical inquiry. Moreover, the analysis of a scholarly intervention in the run-up to the 2014 Scottish independence referendum indicates an intriguing dialogue of academic and non-academic voices in the context of Scottish medievalist cultural memory. We thus find a wide array of uses of the Scottish Middle Ages, some of which feed into the burgeoning nationalism of recent years, while others offer more pensive and ambivalent answers to the question of what it means to be Scottish in the 21st century.


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When on 26 May 1662 the founding first stone was laid for a new church on the island Nordstrand at the coast of Schleswig, relics of Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) and of the Dutch Carmelite abbess Maria Margaretha ab Angelis (1605-1658) were inserted. This church was built for Dutch dyke builders who were called to reconstruct the island after its destruction by flood in 1634; coming from a Catholic background and from the Dutch Republic which was at war with Spain at that time, the dyke builders and their families were guaranteed religious freedom in the Lutheran duchy of Holstein. In this paper, the reasons for the choice for the Spanish mystic Teresa of Avila and for the Dutch Carmelite abbess Maria Margaretha are discussed. The latter patroness was never beatified but had died in the smell of holiness; after her death several miracles were ascribed to her. It is understandable that migrants brought relics of their appreciated holy persons who would remind them of their homeland. The paper will first shortly introduce the two patronesses of the church. In the second part, the reasons for this choice will be discussed. Behind this translation of relics not only spiritual reasons played a role. The function of the translation of the saints was first to keep up geographical and political connections with the old country (both Spain and the Netherlands), secondly to perpetuate personal-familial relationships (esp. with Maria Margaretha), thirdly to strengthen the confessional identity in a non-Catholic environment. Fourthly the transfer brought a certain model of Christian life and reform to the new place of living, which in the second part of the 17th century became marked as “Jansenist”. The paper shows the transformation of the island into an enclave of Dutch Catholic culture.


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The late eighteenth-century author Frances Burney is best known for popularizing the “comedy of manners,” a literary style later adopted by Jane Austen. Burney’s novels, journals, and plays offer an intriguing commentary on contemporary social customs and etiquette. In particular, she voices the concerns and desires of women, leading scholars to focus on the feminist overtones of her writing. Although she carefully examined female roles in the household and family structure, Burney also provided an insider’s perspective into London high life. As an acclaimed author and member of the royal court, Burney offers a rare insight into the lives of the urban elite. For these reasons, I have chosen to examine three of her works within the context of their London setting. In Evelina, Cecilia, and The Witlings, Burney examines women’s struggle for independence against the backdrop of the city. These works offer a new interpretation of the female Bildungsroman, or coming of age story. Burney shows how London life influences her heroines’ expectations, ambitions and desires. Evelina’s coming of age centers around the quest for family and social acceptance, while the two Cecilias of Cecilia and The Witlings confront the financial pressures that accompany their inheritance. Ultimately, the three protagonists learn important lessons that are specific to city life. Although Burney concludes each story with the heroine’s marriage, her focus is not on romance, as has been suggested, but on the cultural landscape of the city. Coming of age in her stories is inextricably connected to the diverse challenges and opportunities presented to urban women.


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Background. About a third of the world’s population is infected with tuberculosis (TB) with sub-Saharan Africa being the worst hit. Uganda is ranked 16th among the countries with the biggest TB burden. The burden in children however has not been determined. The burden of TB has been worsened by the advent of HIV and TB is the leading cause of mortality in HIV infected individuals. Development of TB disease can be prevented if TB is diagnosed during its latent stage and treated with isoniazid. For over a century, latent TB infection (LTBI) was diagnosed using the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST). New interferon gamma release assays (IGRA) have been approved by FDA for the diagnosis of LTBI and adult studies have shown that IGRAs are superior to the TST but there have been few studies in children especially in areas of high TB and HIV endemicity. ^ Objective. The objective of this study was to examine whether the IGRAs had a role in LTBI diagnosis in HIV infected children in Uganda. ^ Methods. Three hundred and eighty one (381) children were recruited at the Baylor College of Medicine-Bristol Meyers Squibb Children’s Clinical Center of Excellence at Mulago Hospital, Kampala, Uganda between March and August 2010. All the children were subjected to a TST and T-SPOT ®.TB test which was the IGRA chosen for this study. Sputum examination and chest x-rays were also done to rule out active TB. ^ Results. There was no statistically significant difference between the tests. The agreement between the two assays was 95.9% and the kappa statistic was 0.7 (95% CI: 0.55–0.85, p-value<0.05) indicating a substantial or good agreement. The TST was associated with older age and higher weight for age z-scores but the T-SPOT®. TB was not. Both tests were associated with history of taking anti-retroviral therapy (ART). ^ Conclusion. Before promoting use of IGRAs in children living in HIV/TB endemic countries, more research needs to be done. ^


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Reconstructing past landscapes from historical maps requires quantifying the accuracy and completeness of these sources. The accuracy and completeness of two historical maps of the same period covering the same area in Israel were examined: the 1:63,360 British Palestine Exploration Fund map (1871-1877) and the 1:100,000 French Levés en Galilée (LG) map (1870). These maps cover the mountainous area of the Galilee (northern Israel), a region with significant natural and topographical diversity, and a long history of human presence. Land-cover features from both maps, as well as the contours drawn on the LG map, were digitized. The overall correspondence between land-cover features shown on both maps was 59% and we found that the geo-referencing method employed (transformation type and source of control points) did not significantly affect these correspondence measures. Both maps show that in the 1870s, 35% of the Galilee was covered by Mediterranean maquis, with less than 8% of the area used for permanent agricultural cropland (e.g., plantations). This article presents how the reliability of the maps was assessed by using two spatial historical sources, and how land-cover classes that were mapped with lower certainty and completeness are identified. Some of the causes that led to observed differences between the maps, including mapping scale, time of year, and the interests of the surveyors, are also identified.


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Five paintings and sketches of the advances of the Vernagtferner in the 17th century are presented, four of which have recently been re-discovered in the Tyrolean archives. The view of the glacier in the year 1601 is the oldest known picture of an alpine glacier up to now. The pictures are discussed together with the written informations with regard to the extent of the glacier advances and the out bursts of the ice dammed lakes.


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Economic development in East Asia is characterized by the sequential "take-off" of member countries. This multi-tiered economic development in East Asia is often termed the “Flying Geese” pattern of economic development. However, some authors argue that the traditional Flying Geese pattern is not applicable to some industries such as electronics. Here, Japan may no longer be the sole "leading goose", with "followers" such as China (now producing cutting-edge products) having "caught-up". Does this mean that the Flying Geese Model has become "obsolete" in the 21st century? The main objective of this paper is to clarify the two concepts of Flying Geese which now seem confused: (1) application of the pattern of economic development in one specific country, and (2) application of the pattern of economic development to multiple countries in sequence. This paper provides validity checks of Flying Geese Models after differentiating these two concepts more clearly


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The need of the Bourbon monarchy to build a Naval Base in the Bay of Cartagena (Spain) during the eighteenth century, implied performing various actions on the environment which allowed the construction of the new dock. One of the priority actions was the transformation of the watershed of the streams that flowed into Mandaraches´s sea. For this reason, a dike was designed and constructed in the northern part of the city. The design of this great work, which was designed as a fortification of the city, was subject to considerable uncertainties. Its proximity to the city involved the demolition of several buildings in the San Roque´s neighborhood. The greater or lesser number of affected buildings and the value of the just indemnification for the expropriation of them, become decisive factors to determine if the work was viable for the Royal Estate or not.


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El Colegio de Nuestra Señora de la Antigua de Monforte de Lemos (1593-1619) constituye el principal ejemplo del clasicismo herreriano de Galicia. Esta tesis analiza los aspectos técnicos de la construcción de sus bóvedas de cantería, en el marco disciplinar de la Historia de la Construcción. El Colegio contiene varios tipos de bóvedas entre las que destacan su cúpula trasdosada y su escalera monumental. Además, se conservan los documentos notariales históricos que describen las obras y una de las monteas más importantes de Galicia. Las bóvedas han sufrido movimientos y algunas presentan importantes deformaciones, que han suscitado preocupación sobre su estabilidad. El estudio se organiza en tres epígrafes: geometría, construcción y mecánica, tres aspectos estrechamente interrelacionados en este tipo de estructuras. La parte de estudio geométrico parte de un levantamiento en el que se emplea una estación total sin reflectante, una técnica que permite una medición muy precisa de la forma real de las bóvedas. Como complemento se ha recurrido a técnicas de escáner fotográfico. Con los datos de las mediciones se han elaborado los dibujos de las bóvedas, y analizado sus medidas e irregularidades. Se ha incluido un análisis metrológico por métodos inductivos, que ha puesto de manifiesto la unidad utilizada en la construcción. El estudio se completa con la recopilación de las reglas de dimensionamiento que figuran en los tratados, que se comparan con las dimensiones de las bóvedas analizadas. En el estudio constructivo se registran los despieces y la configuración constructiva y se contrastan, por un lado, con las soluciones que aparecen en los principales tratados de los siglos XVI, XVII y XVIII, y por otro, con las descripciones que se encuentran en los documentos históricos del Colegio. Se ha prestado especial atención al estudio de estos documentos, que han permitido conocer algunos aspectos originales del proceso de construcción de estas bóvedas. En una de las paredes del claustro se ha identificado una montea inédita cuyo levantamiento y análisis se incorpora en esta parte. En el estudio mecánico se analiza la estabilidad dentro del marco teórico del Moderno Análisis Límite de Estructuras de Fábricas. La comprensión del comportamiento estructural, unida a la precisión de los levantamientos, ha permitido explicar los movimientos de las fábricas e inferir la geometría original de algunas de las bóvedas, no siempre evidente en los casos de fuertes deformaciones. Los estudios realizados hasta ahora en bóvedas de los siglos XVI y XVII permiten vislumbrar un panorama de soluciones constructivas más rico que el que recogen los tratados históricos. Las nuevas técnicas de medición sin contacto abren nuevas posibilidades para analizar estas estructuras. Los casos estudiados todavía son escasos y se necesita un conjunto más amplio para poder realizar un análisis general. Esta tesis aporta el estudio de uno de esos casos con el fin de contribuir al mejor conocimiento de la construcción en España en los siglos XVI y XVII. ABSTRACT The Colegio de Nuestra Señora de la Antigua (1593-1619), in Monforte de Lemos, Spain, is the best example in Galicia of the classicism influenced by the Monastery of El Escorial and his architect, Juan de Herrera. This thesis analyzes the technical aspects of the construction of its masonry vaults within the discipline of Construction History. The Colegio exhibits various types of vaults, among which the extradosed ashlar dome and the grand staircase are particularly worth mentioning. In addition, the legal documents containing thorough specifications of the work, as well as one of the construction drawings at actual size —one of the best examples in Galicia—, have both been preserved to this date. Some of the vaults have undergone important deformations that have raised concerns about their stability. The study is organized in three sections: geometry, construction, and mechanics, the three clearly interrelated in this type of structures. The geometrical study starts out with a metric survey using a reflectorless total station, a technique that allows a very precise measurement of the actual shape of the vault. This technique was complemented with the use of a photo-based 3D scanner. The resulting measurements were used to draw the vaults, and analyze their dimensions and irregularities. An inductive metrological analysis, which was able to reveal the exact metric unit utilized during the construction, is included in this section. The section is completed with the gathering of the dimensional rules appearing in the various historical treatises, which are compared with the dimensions of the actual vaults. The construction study deals with the quartering of the structure, whose results are compared, on the one hand, with the approaches appearing in the main treatises of the 16th- 18th centuries, and on the other, with the descriptions in the historical documents of the Colegio itself. Special attention has been paid to the study of these documents, which have revealed some original aspects in the construction process of the vaults. In one of the cloister’s walls, a hitherto unheard-of construction drawing at actual size was found. Its survey and analysis is included in this section. The mechanical study analyzes the Colegio's vaults stability within the theoretical frame of the Modern Limit Analysis of Masonry Structures. The interpretation of the structural behavior, coupled with the precision of the surveys, has allowed a deep understanding of the masonry’s movements and the original geometry of some of the vaults —not always evident in the case of strong deformations— has been inferred. The studies dealing with XVI and XVII century vaults conducted up to this date show a landscape of constructive solutions far richer than the one suggested in the historical treatises. The new contactless measuring techniques offer exciting possibilities for the analysis of these structures. The cases studied are still few and more would be needed before a general analysis can be attempted. This thesis constitutes one such additional case and its goal is to improve our understanding of Spanish construction in the 16th-17th centuries.