820 resultados para 090903 Geospatial Information Systems
Apresenta primeiramente o conceito de desenvolvimento local autossustentável dentro do enfoque territorialista. Mostra também o conceito de patrimônio territorial e o de representação identitária do território como instrumento de preservação do patrimônio, neste caso o territorial. O enfoque territorialista é adotado como base teórica para a construção do roteiro metodológico de representação identitária do território com vistas à preservação do patrimônio tendo como objeto empírico o município de Linhares/ES, que passa por um processo de intenso desenvolvimento de seu território e que apresenta um rico patrimônio, no que diz respeito aos recursos naturais, em especial o hídrico. Nos últimos anos tem-se registrado um crescimento forte dos instrumentos disponíveis para a produção de imagens do território, neste caso o uso da tecnologia de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas. Por meio deste recurso, adotado na Escola Territorialista Italiana, representa-se o patrimônio que constitui o território municipal, tendo como produtos finais o Atlas do patrimônio territorial no município de Linhares/ES e o Roteiro metodológico de representação identitária do patrimônio territorial.
Information systems are a foundation key element of modern organizations. Quite often, chief executive officers and managers have to decide about the acquisition of new software solution based in an appropriated set of criteria. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one technique used to support that kind of decisions. This paper proposes the application of AHP method to the selection of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, identifying the set of criteria to be used. A set of criteria was retrieved from the scientific literature and validated through a survey-based approach.
The integration and composition of software systems requires a good architectural design phase to speed up communications between (remote) components. However, during implementation phase, the code to coordinate such components often ends up mixed in the main business code. This leads to maintenance problems, raising the need for, on the one hand, separating the coordination code from the business code, and on the other hand, providing mechanisms for analysis and comprehension of the architectural decisions once made. In this context our aim is at developing a domain-specific language, CoordL, to describe typical coordination patterns. From our point of view, coordination patterns are abstractions, in a graph form, over the composition of coordination statements from the system code. These patterns would allow us to identify, by means of pattern-based graph search strategies, the code responsible for the coordination of the several components in a system. The recovering and separation of the architectural decisions for a better comprehension of the software is the main purpose of this pattern language
A common problem among information systems is the storage and maintenance of permanent information identified by a key. Such systems are typically known as data base engines or simply as data bases. Today the systems information market is full of solutions that provide mass storage capacities implemented in different operating system and with great amounts of extra functionalities. In this paper we will focus on the formal high level specification of data base systems in the Haskell language. We begin by introducing a high level view of a data base system with a specification of the most common operations in a functional point of view. We then augment this specification by lifting to the state monad which is then modified once again to permit input/output operations between the computations
When companies opt for information systems (IS) outsourcing, within the set of contracted services, they can contract their entire service needs to onshore suppliers or to offshore companies, or part of these services can be contracted to onshore suppliers and the other part to offshore suppliers. The offshore outsourcing reveals itself nowadays as an important strategic option to IS management optimization. This paper presents and discusses the main results of a survey that was carried out in Portugal to determine several aspects of offshore practice in large companies. It allowed the identification of the services more frequently contracted, the most common motivations for choosing offshore suppliers and the main risks perceived by companies. This research contributes to a better understanding of the IS offshore market, enabling client companies and vendors to improve their strategic business action.
This paper presents a taxonomy able to contribute to building a framework within the domain of Virtual Enterprises (VE). A VE taxonomy currently does not exist, and this lack is felt in the ambiguous way that some concepts are addressed, leading to a fragment understanding that hinders the development of the science of VE integration and management. The structure of the taxonomy developed is based on the view of the system as a 5-tuple consisting of Input, Control, Output, Mechanism, and Process, which is the underlying system-view in the well-know IDEF0 diagramming technique. In particular, this taxonomy addresses the VE extended lifecycle that implies the use of a meta-organization called Market of Resources, as an original contribution to the VE theory and practice. The taxonomy presented is constructed in a way to be easily complemented with other VE partial taxonomies that may be found in literature.
The selection of an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system is one of the most sensitive and highest impact processes in the area of information systems and technologies, because it supports and integrates the whole business of an organization. Hence the importance of deciding the best solution in order to contribute to the organization's competitiveness in a global and increasingly demanding market. Therefore, it is essential to provide tools to support decision making, turning complex and often intangible decisions into simple and quantifiable scenarios. This study addressed the adoption of the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) multicriteria decision method to support the selection of an ERP system. The literature review was the source used to obtain the set of the most relevant criteria to be considered in this decision, which were subsequently validated through systematic application of various surveys of experts and people related to the field of ERP systems. To support the application of AHP, according to the model obtained in the study, it was developed a web application that will be available to the general public. The responsible for the acquisition of ERP systems can use it to easily apply the AHP method based on validated decision model. On the other hand, the web application can be used as a validation tool, allowing collecting data for future developments of the decision model.
As redes sociais virtuais são um meio potencialmente rápido e económico de promoção de negócios onde se geram clientes potenciais, exposição para o negocio, informações de mercado e tráfego do Website; se promove o marketing, a recomendação, o marketing directo, a gestão da marca e a prospecção de dados/ pesquisa e se potencia a subcontratação de tarefas de desing/ desenvolvimento, pesquisa, criação de conteúdo e gestão de comunidade. O estudo teve por base um questionário colocado nas redes sociais virtuais e no grupo de divulgação da Association for Information Systems, de 12 de Abril a 14 de Junho de 2012, tendo-se obtido 450 respostas, das quais 330 foram validas.Obtiveram-se respostas de todo o Mundo, predominantemente de Portugal(61,33%) e Brasil(10,89%), tendo-se concluído que o Facebook(78,51%) e o Linkedin(71,99%) são percebidos como as redes sociais virtuais mais úteis na promoção de negócios. Para melhor compreender a percepção que os utilizadores das redes sociais virtuais têm sobre as vantagens e oportunidades destas redes na promoção de negócios, foi utilizada a analise de clusters tendo a solução k-means se mostrando a mais estável e a de mais fácil interpretação lógica, permitindo a segmentação dos utilizadores em três clusters: Cluster 1("mais pessimista"), Cluster 2("intermédio") e Cluster 3("mais optimista"). Esta segmentação permite identificar correlações entre as variáveis grupo, morada, sexo, área de estudo, situação profissional e o numero de empregados do negocio, com os diferentes segmentos. Adicionalmente, verificam-se correlações entre as variáveis grupo, morada, sexo, área de estudo e situação profissional e a variável horas/ semana a usar as redes sociais virtuais na promoção de negócios. Espera-se que este trabalho contribua para a identificação e desenvolvimento dos métodos e estratégias que potenciem a promoção de negócios nas redes sociais virtuais.
In a Europe increasingly aging, it is now recognized the importance and potential of the service industry for ageing well based on information and communication technologies (ICT), as exemplified by the electronic market of social services and health care, the GuiMarket, proposed by the authors. However, this new range of services requires that individuals have advanced digital skills to fully participate in society. Based on the results of a survey made on a sample of 315 individuals, this paper discusses the importance granted GuiMarket and the intended frequency of use, concluding there is a close relationship between ICT access and use that respondents anticipate making of GuiMarket and alike services.
Several studies suggest that computer-mediated communication can lead to decreases in group effectiveness and reduce satisfaction levels in terms of trust and comfort of its users. Supported by an experiment, where the emotional or affective aspects of communication were tested with the experimentation of two architectures, Direct Communication Architecture (DCA) and the Virtual Communication Architecture (VCA) this paper validates the thesis that, from the users’ perspective, there is no opposition to the acceptance of virtual environments and interfaces for communication, and that these environments are able to cope with the reconfiguration dynamics requirements of virtual teams or client-server relations in a virtual enterprise operation.
The use of Mobile and Wireless Information Technologies (MWIT) for provisioning public services by a government is a relatively recent phenomenon. This paper evaluates the results of MWIT adoption by IBGE (The Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) through a case study. In 2007, IBGE applied 82,000 mobile devices (PDAs) for data gathering in a census operation in Brazil. A set of challenges for a large scale application of MWIT required intensive work involving innovative working practices and service goals. The case reveals a set of outputs of this process, such as time and cost reductions in service provision, improved information quality, staff training and increased organizational effectiveness and agility.
This paper seeks to understand the use and the consequences of Participatory Geographic Information System (PGIS) in a Mexican local community. A multilevel framework was applied, mainly influenced by two theoretical lenses – structurationist view and social shaping of technology – structured in three dimensions – context, process and content – according to contextualist logic. The results of our study have brought two main contributions. The first is the refinement of the theoretical framework in order to better investigate the implementation and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) artifacts by local communities for social and environmental purposes. The second contribution is the extension of existing IS (Information Systems) literature on participatory practices through identification of important conditions for helping the mobilization of ICT as a tool for empowering local communities.
Many organisations make extensive use of electronic linkages to facilitate their trading exchanges with partners such as suppliers, distributors and customers. This research explores how the use of inter-organisational systems (IOS) both affects, and is affected by, the relationships between trading partners. In doing this, it brings together two existing but distinct perspectives and literatures; the rational view informed by IOS research, and the behavioural or relationship perspective embodied in inter-organisational relationships (IOR) literature. The research was undertaken in the European paper industry by means of six dyadic case studies. The dyads studied covered both traditional electronic data interchange systems and newer e-marketplace environments. A framework was derived from existing literature that integrates the two perspectives of interest. The framework was used to analyse the case studies undertaken and enabled the inter-relationship between IOS use and IOR to be explained.
Em estudos de acessibilidade, e não só, são muito úteis um tipo de estruturas que se podem obter a partir de uma rede, eventualmente multi-modal e parametrizável: as chamadas “áreas de serviço”, as quais são constituídas por polígonos, cada qual correspondente a uma zona situada entre um certo intervalo de custo, relativamente a uma certa “feature” (ponto, multiponto, etc.). Pretende-se neste estudo obter, a partir de áreas de serviço relativas a um universo de features, áreas de serviço relativas a subconjuntos dessas features. Estas técnicas envolvem manipulações relativamente complexas de polígonos e podem ser generalizadas para conjuntos de conjuntos e assim sucessivamente. Convém notar que nem sempre se dispõe da rede, podendo dispor-se das referidas estruturas; eventualmente, no caso de áreas de serviço, sob a forma de imagens (raster) a serem convertidas para formato vectorial.
Neste artigo é apresentado um Sistema de Apoio à Decisão Espacial (SADE) onde os decisores podem facilmente definir diferentes tipos de problemas espaciais recorrendo a diferentes categorias de objetos, pré-definidas ou a definir, associando- lhes características com ou sem dependência espacial, e indicando formas de interferência (impactos) entre essas caracte- rísticas/propriedades. A análise espacial para determinação ou avaliação de configurações alternativas para a localização de diferentes tipos de ocorrências espaciais será feita através da utilização interativa do SADE de acordo com conjuntos de regras intrínsecas aos vários elementos gráficos (objetos, categorias, características, impactos) utilizados na definição dos problemas. O teste à generalidade representativa e analítica do SADE proposto é efectuado recorrendo a um problema concreto, suficientemente específico e complexo, relativo à aplicação de modelos gaussianos para o estudo da dispersão atmosférica de eventuais poluentes resultantes do tratamento de resíduos sólidos. A região em estudo está limitada, neste exemplo, ao município de Coimbra, Portugal. Para este município estão acessíveis, e são utilizados, os dados demográficos ao nível da secção de voto (censos oficiais) e, como tal, é possível a realização de um estudo realístico do impacto com populações humanas.