979 resultados para fragments
Patients with the digestive form of Chagas'disease frequently present chronic gastritis. As the microorganism Helicobacter pylori is now accepted as the most common cause of human chronic gastritis, the present work was undertaken to verify a possible relationship between the presence of this bacterium and inflammatory changes of antral mucosa in chagasic patients. Seventeen chagasics, with megaesophagus and or megacolon were studied. Fragments from two different regions of antral mucosa were obtained by endoscopy, fixed in 4% neutral formaldehyde and embedded in paraffin. The sections were stained by haematoxylin and eosin for histology analysis, and by carbolfuchsin for H. pylori identification. H. pylori was found in 16 (94.1%) chagasic patients, all of them presenting chronic gastritis. Superficial gastritis was seen in 9 (52.9%) while atrophic gastritis was present in 8 (47.1%) patients. H. pylori was present on gastric mucosa of 8 (100%) patients with atrophic gastritis and of 8 (88.8%) patients with superficial gastritis. We concluded that the microorganism H. pylori should be considered a possible factor connected with the etiopathogenesis of chronic superficial and atrophic gastritis frequently observed in patients with the digestive form of Chagas' disease.
Dissertao apresentada na Faculdade de Cincias e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obteno do grau de Mestre em Conservao e Restauro,rea de especializao Cermica e Vidro
Abstract The investigation of the web of relationships between the different elements of the immune system has proven instrumental to better understand this complex biological system. This is particularly true in the case of the interactions between B and T lymphocytes, both during cellular development and at the stage of cellular effectors functions. The understanding of the BT cells interdependency and the possibility to manipulate this relationship may be directly applicable to situations where immunity is deficient, as is the case of cancer or immune suppression after radio and chemotherapy. The work presented here started with the development of a novel and accurate tool to directly assess the diversity of the cellular repertoire (Chapter III). Contractions of T cell receptor diversity have been related with a deficient immune status. This method uses gene chips platforms where nucleic acids coding for lymphocyte receptors are hybridized and is based on the fact that the frequency of hybridization of nucleic acids to the oligonucleotides on a gene chip varies in direct proportion to diversity. Subsequently, and using this new method and other techniques of cell quantification I examined, in an animal model, the role that polyclonal B cells and immunoglobulin exert upon T cell development in the thymus, specifically on the acquisition of a broader repertoire diversity by the T cell receptors (Chapter IV and V). The hypothesis tested was if the presence of more diverse peptides in the thymus, namely polyclonal immunoglobulin, would induce the generation of more diverse T cells precursors. The results obtained demonstrated that the diversity of the T cell compartment is increased by the presence of polyclonal immunoglobulin. Polyclonal immunoglobulin, and particularly the Fab fragments of the molecule, represent the most diverse self-molecules in the body and its peptides are presented by antigen presenting cells to precursor T cells in the thymus during its development. This probably contributes significantly to the generation of receptor diversity. Furthermore, we also demonstrated that a more diverse repertoire of T lymphocytes is associated with a more effective and robust T cell immune function in vivo, as mice with a more diverse T cell receptors reject minor histocompatiblility discordant skin grafts faster than mice with a shrunken T cell receptor repertoire (Chapter V). We believe that a broader T cell receptor diversity allows a more efficient recognition and rejection of a higher range of external and internal aggressions. In this work it is demonstrated that a reduction of TCR diversity by thymectomy in wild type mice significantly increased survival of H-Y incompatible skin grafts, indicating decrease on T cell function. In addiction reconstitution of T-cell diversity in mice with a decreased T cell repertoire diversity with immunoglobulin Fab fragments, lead to a increase on TCR diversity and to a significantly decreased survival of the skin grafts (Chapter V). These results strongly suggest that increases on T cell repertoire diversity contribute to improvement of T cell function. Our results may have important implications on therapy and immune reconstitution in the context of AIDS, cancer, autoimmunity and post myeloablative treatments. Based on the previous results, we tested the clinical hypothesis that patients with haematological malignancies subjected to stem cell transplantation who recovered a robust immune system would have a better survival compared to patients who did not recover such a robust immune system. This study was undertaken by the examination of the progression and overall survival of 42 patients with mantle cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma receiving autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (Chapter VI). The results obtained show that patients who recovered higher numbers of lymphocytes soon after autologous transplantation had a statistically significantly longer progression free and overall survivals. These results demonstrate the positive impact that a more robust immune system reconstitution after stem cell transplantation may have upon the survival of patients with haematological malignancies. In a similar clinical research framework, this dissertation also includes the study of the impact of recovering normal serum levels of polyclonal immunoglobulin on the survival of patients with another B cell haematological malignancy, multiple myeloma, after autologous stem cell transplantation (Chapter VII). The relapse free survival of the 110 patients with multiple myeloma analysed was associated with their ability to recover normal serum levels of the polyclonal compartment of immunoglobulin. These results suggest again the important effect of polyclonal immunoglobulin for the (re)generation of the immune competence. We also studied the impact of a robust immunity for the response to treatment with the antibody anti CD20, rituximab, in patients with non- Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) (Chapter VIII). Patients with higher absolute counts of CD4+ T lymphocytes respond better (in terms of longer progression free survival) to rituximab compared to patients with lower number of CD4+ T lymphocytes. These observations highlight again the fact that a competent immune system is required for the clinical benefit of rituximab therapy in NHL patients. In conclusion, the work presented in this dissertation demonstrates, for the first time, that diverse B cells and polyclonal immunoglobulin promote T cell diversification in the thymus and improve T lymphocyte function. Also, it shows that in the setting of immune reconstitution, as after autologous stem cell transplantation for mantle cell lymphoma and in the setting of immune therapy for NHL, the absolute lymphocyte counts are an independent factor predicting progression free and overall survival. These results can have an important application in the clinical practice since the majority of the current treatments for cancer are immunosuppressive and implicate a subsequent immune recovery. Also, the effects of a number of antineoplastic treatments, including biological agents, depend on the immune system activity. In this way, studies similar to the ones presented here, where methods to improve the immune reconstitution are examined, may prove to be instrumental for a better understanding of the immune system and to guide more efficient treatment options and the design of future clinical trials. Resumo O estudo da rede de inter-relaes entre os diversos elementos do sistema immune tem-se mostrado um instrumento essencial para uma melhor compreenso deste complexo sistema biolgico. Tal particularmente verdade no caso das interaces entre os linfcitos B e T, quer durante o desenvolvimento celular, quer ao nvel das funes celulares efectoras. A compreenso da interdependncia entre linfcitos B e T e a possibilidade de manipular esta relao pode ser directamente aplicvel a situaes em que a imunidade est deficiente, como o caso das doenas neoplsicas ou da imunossupresso aps radio ou quimioterapia. O trabalho apresentado nesta dissertao iniciou-se com o desenvolvimento de um novo mtodo laboratorial para medir directamente a diversidade do reportrio celular (Captulo III). Redues da diversidade do reportrio dos receptores de clulas T tm sido relacionadas com um estado de imunodeficincia. O mtodo desenvolvido utiliza gene chips, aos quais hibridizam os cidos nucleicos codificantes das cadeias proteicas dos receptores linfocitrios. A diversidade calculada com base na frequncia de hibridizao do cido nucleico da amostra aos oligonucletidos presentes no gene chip. De seguida, e utilizando este novo mtodo e outras tcnicas de quantificao celular examinei, num modelo animal, o papel que as clulas policlonais B e a imunoglobulina exercem sobre o desenvolvimento linfocitrio T no timo, especificamente na aquisio de um reportrio diverso de receptores T (Captulos IV e V). Testei, ento, a hiptese de que a presena no timo de pptidos mais diversos, como a imunoglobulna policlonal, induzisse a gnese de precursores T mais diversos. Demonstrmos que a diversidade do compartimento T aumentado pela presena de imunoglobulina policlonal. A imunoglobulina policlonal, e particularmente os fragmentos Fab desta molcula, representam as molculas autlogas mais diversas presentes nos organismos vertebrados. Estes pptidos so apresentados por clulas apresentadoras de antignio s clulas precursoras T no timo, durante o desenvolvimento celular T. Tal, provavelmente, contribui para a gnese da diversidade dos receptores. Tambm demonstrmos que a presena de um reportrio mais diverso de linfcitos T se associa a um incremento da funo imunolgica T in vivo. Uma diversidade de receptores T mais extensa parece permitir um reconhecimento e rejeio mais eficientes de um maior nmero de agressores internos e externos. Demonstrmos que ratinhos com receptores de clulas T (RCT) com maior diversidade rejeitam transplantes cutneos discordantes para antignios minor de histocompatibilidade mais rapidamente do que ratinhos com um menor reportrio T (Captulo V). Por outro lado, uma reduo da diversidade do RCT, causada por timectomia de ratinhos de estirpes selvagens, mostrou aumentar significativamente a sobrevivncia de transplantes cutneos incompatveis para o antignio H-Y (antignio minor de histocompatibilidade), indicando uma diminuio da funo linfocitria T. Alm disso, a reconstituio da diversidade dos linfcitos T em ratinhos com uma diversidade de reportrio T diminuda, induzida pela administrao de fragmentos Fab de imunoglobulina, conduz a um aumento da diversidade dos RCT e a uma diminuio significativa da sobrevivncia dos enxertos cutneos (Captulo V). Estes resultados sugerem que o aumento do reportrio de clulas T contribui para uma melhoria das funes celulares T e podero ter implicaes importantes na teraputica e reconstitutio imunolgica em contexto de SIDA, neoplasias, autoimunidade e aps tratamentos mieloablativos. Baseado nos resultados anteriores, decidimos testar a hiptese clnica de que doentes com neoplasias hematolgicas sujeitos a transplantao de precursores hematopoiticos e com recuperao imunolgica precoce aps transplante teriam uma sobrevivncia mais longa do que doentes que no recuperassem to bem a sua imunidade. Analismos a sobrevivncia global e sobrevivncia sem doena de 42 doentes com linfoma no Hodgkin de clulas do manto sujeitos a transplante autlogo de precursores hematopoiticos (Captulo VI). Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os doentes que recuperaram contagens mais elevadas de linfcitos imediatamente aps o transplante autlogo, apresentaram uma sobrevivncia global e sem progresso mais longa do que doentes que no recuperaram contagens linfocitrias to precocemente. Estes resultados demonstram o efeito positivo de uma reconstitutio imunolgica robusta aps transplante de presursores hematopoiticos, sobre a sobrevivncia de doentes com neoplasias hematolgicas. Do mesmo modo, estudmos o efeito que a recuperao de nveis sricos normais de imunoglobulina policlonal tem na sobrevivncia de doentes com outras neoplasias hematolgicas de linfcitos B, como o mieloma mltiplo,aps transplante autlogo de precursos hematopoiticos (Captulo VII). A sobrevivncia livre de doena dos 110 doentes com mieloma mltiplo analizados est associada com a sua capacidade de recuperar nveis sricos normais do compartmento policlonal de imunoglobulina. Estes resultados pioneiros indicam a importncia da imunoglobulina policlonal para a gnese de competncia imunolgica. Tambm estudmos o impacto de um sistema imunitrio eficiente sobre a resposta ao tratamento com o anticorpo anti CD20, ituximab, em doentes com linfoma no Hodgkin (LNH) (Captulo VIII). Os resultados mostram que doentes com valores mais elevados de linfcitos T CD4+ respondem melhor (em termos de maior sobrevida livre de doena) ao rituximab, do que doentes com valores mais baixos. Estas observaes ilustram a necessidade de um sistema imunitrio competente para o benefcio clnico da teraputica com rituximab em doentes com LNH. Em concluso, o trabalho apresentado nesta dissertao demonstra que as clulas B e a imunoglobulina policlonal promovem a diversidade das clulas T no timo e melhoram a funo linfocitria T perifrica. Concomitantemente, tambm demonstrmos que, no contexto de reconstituio imune, por exemplo, aps transplante autlogo de precursores hematopoiticos em doentes com linfomas de clulas do manto, o nmero absoluto de linfcitos uma factor independente da sobrevivncia. Os resultados demonstram, tambm, a importncia dos valores de linfocitos T na resposta ao tratamento com rituximab no caso de doentes com LNH. O mesmo princpio se prova pelo facto de que doentes com mieloma mltiplo sujeitos a transplante autlogo de precursores hematopoiticos que recuperam valores normais sricos de imunoglobulinas policlonais, terem melhores taxas de resposta em comparao com doentes que no recuperam valores normais de imunoglobulinas policlonais. Estes resultados podem ter importantes aplicaes na prtica clnica dado que a maioria dos tratamentos de doenas neoplsicas implica imunossupresso e, subsequente, recuperao imunolgica. Estes estudos podem ser um instrumento fundamental para uma melhor compreenso do sistema imune e guiar uma escolha mais eficiente de opes teraputicas bem como contribuir para a concepo de futuros estudos clnicos.
Differences in virulence of strains of Entamoeba histolytica have long been detected by various experimental assays, both in vivo and in vitro. Discrepancies in the strains characterization have been arisen when different biological assays are compared. In order to evaluate different parameters of virulence in the strains characterization, five strains of E. histolytica, kept under axenic culture, were characterized in respect to their, capability to induce hamster liver abscess, erythrophagocytosis rate and cytopathic effect upon VERO cells. It was found significant correlation between in vitro biological assays, but not between in vivo and in vitro assays. Good correlation was found between cytopathic effect and the mean number of uptaken erythrocytes, but not with percentage of phagocytic amoebae, showing that great variability can be observed in the same assay, according to the variable chosen. It was not possible to correlate isoenzyme and restriction fragment pattern with virulence indexes since all studied strains presented pathogenic patterns. The discordant results observed in different virulence assays suggests that virulence itself may not the directly assessed. What is in fact assessed are different biological characteristics or functions of the parasite more than virulence itself. These characteristics or functions may be related or not with pathogenic mechanisms occurring in the development of invasive amoebic disease
The phlebotomine sand fly Lutzomyia longipalpis has been incriminated as a vector of American visceral leishmaniasis, caused by Leishmania chagasi. However, some evidence has been accumulated suggesting that it may exist in nature not as a single but as a species complex. Our goal was to compare four laboratory reference populations of L. longipalpis from distinct geographic regions at the molecular level by RAPD-PCR. We screened genomic DNA for polymorphic sites by PCR amplification with decamer single primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequences. One primer distinguished one population (Maraj Island, Par State, Brazil) from the other three (Lapinha Cave, Minas Gerais State, Brazil; Melgar, Tolima Department, Colombia and Liberia, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica). The population-specific and the conserved RAPD-PCR amplified fragments were cloned and shown to differ only in number of internal repeats.
The subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch, a site of immunologic privilege, has been used to investigate the potential infectivity of different types of parasites. It has been demonstrated that the implantation of fragments of lesions induced by the fungus Lacazia loboi, the etiologic agent of Jorge Lobo's disease, into the subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch resulted in parasite multiplication and dissemination to satellite lymph nodes16. Here we describe the evolution of lesions induced by the inoculation of the isolated fungus into this immunologically privileged site. The morphology of the inflammatory response and fungal viability and proliferation were evaluated. Inoculation of the fungus into the cheek pouch induced histiocytic granulomas with rare lymphocytes. Although fungal cells were detected for a period of up to 180 days in these lesions, the fungi lost viability after the first day of inoculation. In contrast, when the parasite was inoculated into the footpad, non-organized histiocytic lesions were observed. Langhan's giant cells, lymphocytes and fungal particles were observed in these lesions. Fungal viability was observed up to 60 days after inoculation and non-viable parasites were present in the persistent lesions up to 180 days post-inoculation. These data indicate that the subcutaneous tissue of the hamster cheek pouch is not a suitable site for the proliferation of Lacazia loboi when the fungus isolated from human tissues is tested.
Work presented in the context of the European Master in Computational Logics, as partial requisit for the graduation as Master in Computational Logics
The objectives of this study were to determine both the prevalence of microsporidial intestinal infection and the clinical outcome of the disease in a cohort of 40 HIV-infected patients presenting with chronic diarrhea in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Each patient, after clinical evaluation, had stools and intestinal fragments examined for viral, bacterial and parasitic pathogens. Microsporidia were found in 11 patients (27.5%) either in stools or in duodenal or ileal biopsies. Microsporidial spores were found more frequently in stools than in biopsy fragments. Samples examined using transmission electron microscopy (n=3) or polymerase chain reaction (n=6) confirmed Enterocytozoon bieneusi as the causative agent. Microsporidia were the only potential enteric pathogens found in 5 of the 11 patients. Other pathogens were also detected in the intestinal tract of 21 patients, but diarrhea remained unexplained in 8. We concluded that microsporidial infection is frequently found in HIV infected persons in Rio de Janeiro, and it seems to be a marker of advanced stage of AIDS.
Dissertao para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
Dissertao para obteno do Grau de Mestre em Biotecnologia
Hyperamylasemia has been reported in more than 65% of patients with severe leptospirosis, and the true diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is complicated by the fact that renal failure can increase serum amylase levels. Based on these data we retrospectively analyzed the clinical and histopathological features of pancreas involvement in 13 cases of fatal human leptospirosis. The most common signs and symptoms presented at admission were fever, chills, vomiting, myalgia, dehydratation, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Trombocytopenia was evident in 11 patients. Mild increased of AST and ALT levels was seen in 9 patients. Hyperamylasemia was recorded in every patient in whom it was measured, with values above 180 IU/L (3 cases). All patients presented acute renal failure and five have been submitted to dialytic treatment. The main cause of death was acute respiratory failure due to pulmonary hemorrhage. Pancreas fragments were collected for histological study and fat necrosis was the criterion used to classify acute pancreatitis. Histological pancreatic findings were edema, mild inflammatory infiltrate of lymphocytes, hemorrhage, congestion, fat necrosis and calcification. All the patients infected with severe form of leptospirosis who develop abdominal pain should raise the suspect of pancreatic involvement.
Pentamidine (PEN) is an alternative compound to treat antimony-resistant leishmaniasis patients, which cellular target remains unclear. One approach to the identification of prospective targets is to identify genes able to mediate PEN resistance following overexpression. Starting from a genomic library of transfected parasites bearing a multicopy episomal cosmid vector containing wild-type Leishmania major DNA, we isolated one locus capable to render PEN resistance to wild type cells after DNA transfection. In order to map this Leishmania locus, cosmid insert was deleted by two successive sets of partial digestion with restriction enzymes, followed by transfection into wild type cells, overexpression, induction and functional tests in the presence of PEN. To determine the Leishmania gene related to PEN resistance, nucleotide sequencing experiments were done through insertion of the transposon Mariner element of Drosophila melanogaster (mosK) into the deleted insert to work as primer island. Using general molecular techniques, we described here this method that permits a quickly identification of a functional gene facilitating nucleotide sequence experiments from large DNA fragments. Followed experiments revealed the presence of a P-Glycoprotein gene in this locus which role in Leishmania metabolism has now been analyzed.
Since October 2001, the Adolfo Lutz Institute has been receiving vesicular fluids and scab specimens of patients from Paraba Valley region in the So Paulo and Minas Gerais States and from So Patricio Valley, in the Gois State. Epidemiological data suggested that the outbreaks were caused by Cowpox virus or Vaccinia virus. Most of the patients are dairy milkers that had vesiculo-pustular lesions on the hands, arms, forearms, and some of them, on the face. Virus particles with orthopoxvirus morphology were detected by direct electron microscopy (DEM) in samples of 49 (66.21%) patients of a total of 74 analyzed. Viruses were isolated in Vero cell culture and on chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of embryonated chicken eggs. Among 21 samples submitted to PCR using primers for hemagglutinin (HA) gene, 19 were positive. Restriction digestion with TaqI resulted in four characteristic Vaccinia virus fragments. HA nucleotide sequences showed 99.9% similarity with Cantagalo virus, described as a strain of Vaccinia virus. The only difference observed was the substitution of one nucleotide in the position 616 leading to change in one amino acid of the protein in the position 206. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the isolates clustered together with Cantagalo virus, other Vaccinia strains and Rabbitpox virus.
Sample preparation and DNA extraction protocols for DNA amplification by PCR, which can be applied in human fecal samples for taeniasis diagnosis, are described. DNA extracted from fecal specimens with phenol/chloroform/isoamilic alcohol and DNAzol reagent had to be first purified to generate fragments of 170 pb and 600 pb by HDP2-PCR. This purification step was not necessary with the use of QIAmp DNA stool mini kit. Best DNA extraction results were achieved after eggs disruption with glass beads, either with phenol/chloroform/isoamilic alcohol, DNAzol reagent or QIAmp DNA stool mini kit.
Although Mycoplasma haemofelis and "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" infections have been reported in wild cats from United States, their presence among native and captive wild cats in Brazil is still unknown. A 12 year old healthy male lion (Panthera leo) from the Zoological Garden of Curitiba, Brazil was anesthetized for transportation and dental evaluation. A blood sample was obtained for a complete blood cell count (CBC) and PCR analysis. DNA was extracted and fragments of Mycoplasma haemofelis and "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" 16S ribosomal RNA gene were amplified in PCR assays. CBC results were within reference intervals. A weak band of 192 pb for "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum" was observed, and no band was amplified from Mycoplasma haemofelis reaction. A weak PCR band associated with normal CBC results and without visible parasitemia or clinical signs may suggest a chronic subclinical infection with "Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum". The lack of clinical signs may also represent the low pathogenicity of this organism; however, it is noteworthy that immune suppression caused by management and/or corticoids treatment may induce parasitemia and anemia in this animal. This detection suggests further studies in captive wild cats in Brazilian Zoological Gardens.