987 resultados para ‘Keep-out’ signal


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The field of cavity-optomechanics explores the interaction of light with sound in an ever increasing array of devices. This interaction allows the mechanical system to be both sensed and controlled by the optical system, opening up a wide variety of experiments including the cooling of the mechanical resonator to its quantum mechanical ground state and the squeezing of the optical field upon interaction with the mechanical resonator, to name two.

In this work we explore two very different systems with different types of optomechanical coupling. The first system consists of two microdisk optical resonators stacked on top of each other and separated by a very small slot. The interaction of the disks causes their optical resonance frequencies to be extremely sensitive to the gap between the disks. By careful control of the gap between the disks, the optomechanical coupling can be made to be quadratic to first order which is uncommon in optomechanical systems. With this quadratic coupling the light field is now sensitive to the energy of the mechanical resonator and can directly control the potential energy trapping the mechanical motion. This ability to directly control the spring constant without modifying the energy of the mechanical system, unlike in linear optomechanical coupling, is explored.

Next, the bulk of this thesis deals with a high mechanical frequency optomechanical crystal which is used to coherently convert photons between different frequencies. This is accomplished via the engineered linear optomechanical coupling in these devices. Both classical and quantum systems utilize the interaction of light and matter across a wide range of energies. These systems are often not naturally compatible with one another and require a means of converting photons of dissimilar wavelengths to combine and exploit their different strengths. Here we theoretically propose and experimentally demonstrate coherent wavelength conversion of optical photons using photon-phonon translation in a cavity-optomechanical system. For an engineered silicon optomechanical crystal nanocavity supporting a 4 GHz localized phonon mode, optical signals in a 1.5 MHz bandwidth are coherently converted over a 11.2 THz frequency span between one cavity mode at wavelength 1460 nm and a second cavity mode at 1545 nm with a 93% internal (2% external) peak efficiency. The thermal and quantum limiting noise involved in the conversion process is also analyzed and, in terms of an equivalent photon number signal level, are found to correspond to an internal noise level of only 6 and 4 times 10x^-3 quanta, respectively.

We begin by developing the requisite theoretical background to describe the system. A significant amount of time is then spent describing the fabrication of these silicon nanobeams, with an emphasis on understanding the specifics and motivation. The experimental demonstration of wavelength conversion is then described and analyzed. It is determined that the method of getting photons into the cavity and collected from the cavity is a fundamental limiting factor in the overall efficiency. Finally, a new coupling scheme is designed, fabricated, and tested that provides a means of coupling greater than 90% of photons into and out of the cavity, addressing one of the largest obstacles with the initial wavelength conversion experiment.


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Galaxy clusters are the largest gravitationally bound objects in the observable universe, and they are formed from the largest perturbations of the primordial matter power spectrum. During initial cluster collapse, matter is accelerated to supersonic velocities, and the baryonic component is heated as it passes through accretion shocks. This process stabilizes when the pressure of the bound matter prevents further gravitational collapse. Galaxy clusters are useful cosmological probes, because their formation progressively freezes out at the epoch when dark energy begins to dominate the expansion and energy density of the universe. A diverse set of observables, from radio through X-ray wavelengths, are sourced from galaxy clusters, and this is useful for self-calibration. The distributions of these observables trace a cluster's dark matter halo, which represents more than 80% of the cluster's gravitational potential. One such observable is the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE), which results when the ionized intercluster medium blueshifts the cosmic microwave background via Compton scattering. Great technical advances in the last several decades have made regular observation of the SZE possible. Resolved SZE science, such as is explored in this analysis, has benefitted from the construction of large-format camera arrays consisting of highly sensitive millimeter-wave detectors, such as Bolocam. Bolocam is a submillimeter camera, sensitive to 140 GHz and 268 GHz radiation, located at one of the best observing sites in the world: the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Bolocam fielded 144 of the original spider web NTD bolometers used in an entire generation of ground-based, balloon-borne, and satellite-borne millimeter wave instrumention. Over approximately six years, our group at Caltech has developed a mature galaxy cluster observational program with Bolocam. This thesis describes the construction of the instrument's full cluster catalog: BOXSZ. Using this catalog, I have scaled the Bolocam SZE measurements with X-ray mass approximations in an effort to characterize the SZE signal as a viable mass probe for cosmology. This work has confirmed the SZE to be a low-scatter tracer of cluster mass. The analysis has also revealed how sensitive the SZE-mass scaling is to small biases in the adopted mass approximation. Future Bolocam analysis efforts are set on resolving these discrepancies by approximating cluster mass jointly with different observational probes.


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Some of the most exciting developments in the field of nucleic acid engineering include the utilization of synthetic nucleic acid molecular devices as gene regulators, as disease marker detectors, and most recently, as therapeutic agents. The common thread between these technologies is their reliance on the detection of specific nucleic acid input markers to generate some desirable output, such as a change in the copy number of an mRNA (for gene regulation), a change in the emitted light intensity (for some diagnostics), and a change in cell state within an organism (for therapeutics). The research presented in this thesis likewise focuses on engineering molecular tools that detect specific nucleic acid inputs, and respond with useful outputs.

Four contributions to the field of nucleic acid engineering are presented: (1) the construction of a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) detector based on the mechanism of hybridization chain reaction (HCR); (2) the utilization of a single-stranded oligonucleotide molecular Scavenger as a means of enhancing HCR selectivity; (3) the implementation of Quenched HCR, a technique that facilitates transduction of a nucleic acid chemical input into an optical (light) output, and (4) the engineering of conditional probes that function as sequence transducers, receiving target signal as input and providing a sequence of choice as output. These programmable molecular systems are conceptually well-suited for performing wash-free, highly selective rapid genotyping and expression profiling in vitro, in situ, and potentially in living cells.


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Ultrashort light-matter interactions between a linear chirped pulse and a biased semiconductor thin film GaAs are investigated. Using different chirped pulses, the dependence of infrared spectra on chirp rate is demonstrated for a 5 fs pulse. It is found that the infrared spectra can be controlled by the linear chirp of the pulse. Furthermore, the infrared spectral intensity could be enhanced by two orders of magnitude via appropriately choosing values of the linear chirp rates. Our results suggest a possible scheme to control the infrared signal.


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Sources and effects of astrophysical gravitational radiation are explained briefly to motivate discussion of the Caltech 40 meter antenna, which employs laser interferometry to monitor proper distances between inertial test masses. Practical considerations in construction of the apparatus are described. Redesign of test mass systems has resulted in a reduction of noise from internal mass vibrations by up to two orders of magnitude at some frequencies. A laser frequency stabilization system was developed which corrects the frequency of an argon ion laser to a residual fluctuation level bounded by the spectral density √s_v(f) ≤ 60µHz/√Hz, at fluctuation frequencies near 1.2 kHz. These and other improvements have contributed to reducing the spectral density of equivalent gravitational wave strain noise to √s_h(f)≈10^(-19)/√ Hz at these frequencies.

Finally, observations made with the antenna in February and March of 1987 are described. Kilohertz-band gravitational waves produced by the remnant of the recent supernova are shown to be theoretically unlikely at the strength required for confident detection in this antenna (then operating at poorer sensitivity than that quoted above). A search for periodic waves in the recorded data, comprising Fourier analysis of four 105-second samples of the antenna strain signal, was used to place new upper limits on periodic gravitational radiation at frequencies between 305 Hz and 5 kHz. In particular, continuous waves of any polarization are ruled out above strain amplitudes of 1.2 x 10^(-18) R.M.S. for waves emanating from the direction of the supernova, and 6.2 x 10^(-19) R.M.S. for waves emanating from the galactic center, between 1.5 and 4 kilohertz. Between 305 Hz and 5kHz no strains greater than 1.2 x 10^(-17) R.M.S. were detected from either direction. Limitations of the analysis and potential improvements are discussed, as are prospects for future searches.


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RTKs-mediated signaling systems and the pathways with which they interact (e.g., those initiated by G protein-mediated signaling) involve a highly cooperative network that sense a large number of cellular inputs and then integrate, amplify, and process this information to orchestrate an appropriate set of cellular responses. The responses include virtually all aspects of cell function, from the most fundamental (proliferation, differentiation) to the most specialized (movement, metabolism, chemosensation). The basic tenets of RTK signaling system seem rather well established. Yet, new pathways and even new molecular players continue to be discovered. Although we believe that many of the essential modules of RTK signaling system are rather well understood, we have relatively little knowledge of the extent of interaction among these modules and their overall quantitative importance.

My research has encompassed the study of both positive and negative signaling by RTKs in C. elegans. I identified the C. elegans S0S-1 gene and showed that it is necessary for multiple RAS-mediated developmental signals. In addition, I demonstrated that there is a SOS-1-independent signaling during RAS-mediated vulval differentiation. By assessing signal outputs from various triple mutants, I have concluded that this SOS-1-independent signaling is not mediated by PTP-2/SHP-2 or the removal of inhibition by GAP-1/ RasGAP and it is not under regulation by SLI-1/Cb1. I speculate that there is either another exchange factor for RASor an as yet unidentified signaling pathway operating during RAS-mediated vulval induction in C. elegans.

In an attempt to uncover the molecular mechanisms of negative regulation of EGFR signaling by SLI-1/Cb1, I and two other colleagues codiscovered that RING finger domain of SLI-1 is partially dispensable for activity. This structure-function analysis shows that there is an ubiquitin protein ligase-independent activity for SLI-1 in regulating EGFR signaling. Further, we identified an inhibitory tyrosine of LET-23/ EGFR requiring sli-1(+)for its effects: removal of this tyrosine closely mimics loss of sli-1 but not loss of other negative regulator function.

By comparative analysis of two RTK pathways with similar signaling mechanisms, I have found that clr-1, a previously identified negative regulator of egl-15 mediated FGFR signaling, is also involved in let-23 EGFR signaling. The success of this approach promises a similar reciprocal test and could potentially extend to the study of other signaling pathways with similar signaling logic.

Finally, by correlating the developmental expression of lin-3 EGF to let-23 EGFR signaling activity, I demonstrated the existence of reciprocal EGF signaling in coordinating the morphogenesis of epithelia. This developmental logic of EGF signaling could provide a basis to understand a universal mechanism for organogenesis.


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Motivated by needs in molecular diagnostics and advances in microfabrication, researchers started to seek help from microfluidic technology, as it provides approaches to achieve high throughput, high sensitivity, and high resolution. One strategy applied in microfluidics to fulfill such requirements is to convert continuous analog signal into digitalized signal. One most commonly used example for this conversion is digital PCR, where by counting the number of reacted compartments (triggered by the presence of the target entity) out of the total number of compartments, one could use Poisson statistics to calculate the amount of input target.

However, there are still problems to be solved and assumptions to be validated before the technology is widely employed. In this dissertation, the digital quantification strategy has been examined from two angles: efficiency and robustness. The former is a critical factor for ensuring the accuracy of absolute quantification methods, and the latter is the premise for such technology to be practically implemented in diagnosis beyond the laboratory. The two angles are further framed into a “fate” and “rate” determination scheme, where the influence of different parameters is attributed to fate determination step or rate determination step. In this discussion, microfluidic platforms have been used to understand reaction mechanism at single molecule level. Although the discussion raises more challenges for digital assay development, it brings the problem to the attention of the scientific community for the first time.

This dissertation also contributes towards developing POC test in limited resource settings. On one hand, it adds ease of access to the tests by incorporating massively producible, low cost plastic material and by integrating new features that allow instant result acquisition and result feedback. On the other hand, it explores new isothermal chemistry and new strategies to address important global health concerns such as cyctatin C quantification, HIV/HCV detection and treatment monitoring as well as HCV genotyping.


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Optical microscopy has become an indispensable tool for biological researches since its invention, mostly owing to its sub-cellular spatial resolutions, non-invasiveness, instrumental simplicity, and the intuitive observations it provides. Nonetheless, obtaining reliable, quantitative spatial information from conventional wide-field optical microscopy is not always intuitive as it appears to be. This is because in the acquired images of optical microscopy the information about out-of-focus regions is spatially blurred and mixed with in-focus information. In other words, conventional wide-field optical microscopy transforms the three-dimensional spatial information, or volumetric information about the objects into a two-dimensional form in each acquired image, and therefore distorts the spatial information about the object. Several fluorescence holography-based methods have demonstrated the ability to obtain three-dimensional information about the objects, but these methods generally rely on decomposing stereoscopic visualizations to extract volumetric information and are unable to resolve complex 3-dimensional structures such as a multi-layer sphere.

The concept of optical-sectioning techniques, on the other hand, is to detect only two-dimensional information about an object at each acquisition. Specifically, each image obtained by optical-sectioning techniques contains mainly the information about an optically thin layer inside the object, as if only a thin histological section is being observed at a time. Using such a methodology, obtaining undistorted volumetric information about the object simply requires taking images of the object at sequential depths.

Among existing methods of obtaining volumetric information, the practicability of optical sectioning has made it the most commonly used and most powerful one in biological science. However, when applied to imaging living biological systems, conventional single-point-scanning optical-sectioning techniques often result in certain degrees of photo-damages because of the high focal intensity at the scanning point. In order to overcome such an issue, several wide-field optical-sectioning techniques have been proposed and demonstrated, although not without introducing new limitations and compromises such as low signal-to-background ratios and reduced axial resolutions. As a result, single-point-scanning optical-sectioning techniques remain the most widely used instrumentations for volumetric imaging of living biological systems to date.

In order to develop wide-field optical-sectioning techniques that has equivalent optical performance as single-point-scanning ones, this thesis first introduces the mechanisms and limitations of existing wide-field optical-sectioning techniques, and then brings in our innovations that aim to overcome these limitations. We demonstrate, theoretically and experimentally, that our proposed wide-field optical-sectioning techniques can achieve diffraction-limited optical sectioning, low out-of-focus excitation and high-frame-rate imaging in living biological systems. In addition to such imaging capabilities, our proposed techniques can be instrumentally simple and economic, and are straightforward for implementation on conventional wide-field microscopes. These advantages together show the potential of our innovations to be widely used for high-speed, volumetric fluorescence imaging of living biological systems.


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The signal recognition particle (SRP) targets membrane and secretory proteins to their correct cellular destination with remarkably high fidelity. Previous studies have shown that multiple checkpoints exist within this targeting pathway that allows ‘correct cargo’ to be quickly and efficiently targeted and for ‘incorrect cargo’ to be promptly rejected. In this work, we delved further into understanding the mechanisms of how substrates are selected or discarded by the SRP. First, we discovered the role of the SRP fingerloop and how it activates the SRP and SRP receptor (SR) GTPases to target and unload cargo in response to signal sequence binding. Second, we learned how an ‘avoidance signal’ found in the bacterial autotransporter, EspP, allows this protein to escape the SRP pathway by causing the SRP and SR to form a ‘distorted’ complex that is inefficient in delivering the cargo to the membrane. Lastly, we determined how Trigger Factor, a co-translational chaperone, helps SRP discriminate against ‘incorrect cargo’ at three distinct stages: SRP binding to RNC; targeting of RNC to the membrane via SRP-FtsY assembly; and stronger antagonism of SRP targeting of ribosomes bearing nascent polypeptides that exceed a critical length. Overall, results delineate the rich underlying mechanisms by which SRP recognizes its substrates, which in turn activates the targeting pathway and provides a conceptual foundation to understand how timely and accurate selection of substrates is achieved by this protein targeting machinery.


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A tese analisa a relação íntima que há entre o pragmatismo ou o conseqüencialismo e a modulação temporal dos efeitos das decisões judiciais. Nesta relação, interessa ressaltar o ponto de interseção que certamente sobressai em várias ocasiões: o argumento de cunho econômico. Tal tipo de argumento pode assumir especial relevo quando do exame da oportunidade e conveniência na tomada das decisões eminentemente políticas. No âmbito jurisdicional, no entanto, o argumento pragmático ou consequencialista de cunho econômico não deve prevalecer como fundamento das decisões judiciais, especialmente cuidando-se de matéria tributária. Os problemas que centralizam o estudo podem ser colocados através das seguintes indagações: é possível que o Supremo Tribunal Federal compute, no julgamento de certa matéria tributária, argumento como o eventual rombo de X bilhões de reais que a decisão contrária ao Fisco possa acarretar para os cofres públicos? A fundamentação de eventual decisão judicial calcada exclusiva ou predominantemente em tal argumento é legítima ou ilegítima? Que importância pode ter na tomada de decisão judicial? Quando aplicada, há parâmetros a serem seguidos? Quais? Demonstramos que a prevalência de tal argumento é inadequada na seara judicial, ou seja, deve ter peso reduzido ou periférico, servindo para corroborar ou reforçar os argumentos jurídicos que centralizam o debate submetido ao exame do Poder Judiciário de modo geral, e do Supremo Tribunal Federal, de maneira particular. Em busca de esclarecer quais os principais limites e possibilidades de tal argumento, especialmente relacionando-o à modulação temporal dos efeitos da decisão judicial, explicitamos algumas regras necessárias para a sua adequada utilização, sob pena de inconcebível subversão de variados princípios e direitos fundamentais assegurados em sede constitucional. No exame das questões submetidas à apreciação da Corte Suprema em matéria tributária, o seu parâmetro consiste na maior efetividade e concretude ao texto constitucional. A modulação temporal dos efeitos se aplica a uma decisão que, declarando a inconstitucionalidade do ato normativo, se afastaria ainda mais da vontade constitucional, caso fosse aplicado o tradicional efeito ex tunc (retroativo até o nascimento da lei). Nestas situações específicas e excepcionais se justifica aplicar a modulação, com vistas a dar maior concretude e emprestar maior eficácia à Constituição. A tese proposta, ao final, consiste na reunião das regras explicitadas no trabalho e em proposta legislativa.