1000 resultados para Ópticas de nanocristais de SiGe
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The development of nanostructured materials have aroused great interest of the industries all over the country, since they enable the development of devices that can be used as gate insulators on silicon transistors, electrochromic devices, solid electrolyte oxygen sensors and as a photoluminescent materials . In this project, it is proposed to investigate the optical properties of CeO2 modified with rare earth Er processed in hydrothermal-microwave. The synthesis of one-dimensional nanostructures (1D) was measured from dilute aqueous solutions of acids and salts of starting reagents in the presence of chemical basis, after these aqueous solutions were processed on hydrothermal-microwave to particle growth. The particles obtained after processing were characterized by X-ray Diffraction, Rietveld Analysis and Raman Spectroscopy. The particle morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy with field emission gun. The synthesis of 1D nanostructures are evaluated for different surfactants and starting precursors (ceria different salts), pH, temperature and pressure which can modify the morphology of the nanostructures. Combining laboratory experiments and theoretical calculations it was desired to understand the organization of the nanoparticles and their resulting structure. Strict control of chemical homogeneity, crystal structure, microstructure and interaction of the CeO2 cluster with different surfactants using the Hartree-Fock method, was intended to obtain properties compatible with their use in catalysts and optical devices. The use of mineralizer agent KOH and 8 minutes of processing time synthesis conditions were chosen to evaluate the effect of Er dopant. It has been proved that this doping with rare earth increases the photoluminescent properties of the compound obtained without change the structural and morphological propreties of ceria
In this work, the project of a new experimental facility to be installed at the Aerodynamics Division of the Institute of Aeronautics and Space is presented. This new facility will provide means to perform experimental campaigns to analyze the flow behavior at different rocket nozzle concepts using cold gas that will be obtained from a modification of the Pilot Transonic Wind Tunnel air system. The new installation will enable less expensive experiments in a more secure environment, since the cold gas experimental procedures do not demand fuel storage and burn and security procedures are much less severe. Furthermore, experiments can be carried with different types of sensors, commonly used in wind tunnel tests. Also, the optical access is facilitated enabling the use of optical techniques for the characterization of flow properties inside the nozzles, such as pressure and temperature sensitive painting. The full project design and the operation conditions will be showed, as also some technical considerations about the flor behavior in the facility
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The development of nanostructured materials have aroused great interest of the industries all over the country, since they enable the development of devices that can be used as gate insulators on silicon transistors, electrochromic devices, solid electrolyte oxygen sensors and as a photoluminescent materials . In this project, it is proposed to investigate the optical properties of CeO2 modified with rare earth Er processed in hydrothermal-microwave. The synthesis of one-dimensional nanostructures (1D) was measured from dilute aqueous solutions of acids and salts of starting reagents in the presence of chemical basis, after these aqueous solutions were processed on hydrothermal-microwave to particle growth. The particles obtained after processing were characterized by X-ray Diffraction, Rietveld Analysis and Raman Spectroscopy. The particle morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy with field emission gun. The synthesis of 1D nanostructures are evaluated for different surfactants and starting precursors (ceria different salts), pH, temperature and pressure which can modify the morphology of the nanostructures. Combining laboratory experiments and theoretical calculations it was desired to understand the organization of the nanoparticles and their resulting structure. Strict control of chemical homogeneity, crystal structure, microstructure and interaction of the CeO2 cluster with different surfactants using the Hartree-Fock method, was intended to obtain properties compatible with their use in catalysts and optical devices. The use of mineralizer agent KOH and 8 minutes of processing time synthesis conditions were chosen to evaluate the effect of Er dopant. It has been proved that this doping with rare earth increases the photoluminescent properties of the compound obtained without change the structural and morphological propreties of ceria
In this work, the project of a new experimental facility to be installed at the Aerodynamics Division of the Institute of Aeronautics and Space is presented. This new facility will provide means to perform experimental campaigns to analyze the flow behavior at different rocket nozzle concepts using cold gas that will be obtained from a modification of the Pilot Transonic Wind Tunnel air system. The new installation will enable less expensive experiments in a more secure environment, since the cold gas experimental procedures do not demand fuel storage and burn and security procedures are much less severe. Furthermore, experiments can be carried with different types of sensors, commonly used in wind tunnel tests. Also, the optical access is facilitated enabling the use of optical techniques for the characterization of flow properties inside the nozzles, such as pressure and temperature sensitive painting. The full project design and the operation conditions will be showed, as also some technical considerations about the flor behavior in the facility
Programa de doctorado: Ingeniería de Telecomunicación Avanzada
Cross reactions are an often observed phenomenon in patients with allergy. Sensitization against some allergens may cause reactions against other seemingly unrelated allergens. Today, cross reactions are being investigated on a per-case basis, analyzing blood serum specific IgE (sIgE) levels and clinical features of patients suffering from cross reactions. In this study, we evaluated the level of sIgE compared to patients' total IgE assuming epitope specificity is a consequence of sequence similarity.
Die Hymenopterengiftallergie ist weltweit eine der wichtigsten Ursachen für allergische und anaphylaktische Reaktionen, die bis zum Tod führen kann. Auch wenn sich durch Globalisierung und Klimawandel andere Hymenopterenarten verbreiten können, sind in Mitteleuropa Honigbienen- und Wespenstiche die häufigsten Auslöser der Hymenopterengiftallergie. Der Nachweis eines erhöhten basalen Tryptasewerts hat sich als Risikofaktor für schwere allergische Reaktionen nach Insektenstichen mehrfach bestätigt, sodass dessen Bestimmung heutzutage in der Diagnostik unerlässlich ist. Bis heute sind zwölf Bienen- und sechs Wespengiftallergene identifiziert, wobei aktuell die nicht glykolysierten, speziesspezifischen Hauptallergene Api m 1 (Biene), Ves v 5 und Ves v 1 (Wespe) kommerziell für die Diagnostik verfügbar sind. Im Fall einer Doppelpositivität der spezifischen Immunglobuline E (sIgE) gegen beide Gesamtgifte sind diese für die Identifizierung des verantwortlichen Gifts für die Immuntherapie wertvoll. Falls damit keine klare Diagnose erzielt wird, bietet sich der Basophilenaktivierungstest als zusätzlicher In-vitro-Assay an. Therapeutisch ist die spezifische Immuntherapie mit Insektengiften immer noch die einzige kausale und auch effektive Behandlung einer Hymenopterengiftallergie. Während fast alle Patienten mit Wespengiftallergie durch die Immuntherapie mit Wespengift geschützt sind, entwickeln etwa 20 % der Bienengiftallergiker trotz Bienengiftimmuntherapie bei Reexposition noch – meist leichtere – Allgemeinreaktionen. Durch Steigerung der Erhaltungsdosis kann fast jeder Patient geschützt werden. Ferner ist eine Optimierung in der Behandlung mit Bienengift denkbar, da in den präsenten Therapielösungen relevante Bienengiftallergene wie Api m 10 oder Api m 3 nicht oder nur in geringer Konzentration vorhanden sind. Aufgrund der aktuellen Forschungsrichtung mit Identifizierung IgE-induzierender Allergene rücken andere Therapieansätze bei der Behandlung von Hymenopterengiftallergie in den Hintergrund.
ASDIWAL. Revue genevoise d’anthropologie et d’histoire des religions, émanation de la Société genevoise d’histoire des religions, paraît chaque année depuis 2006. Son siège est établi à l’Université de Genève, Faculté des lettres, Unité d’histoire des religions. Héros de la mythologie tsimshian (Colombie-Britannique), Asdiwal est un personnage qui voyage, qui passe d’un monde à l’autre, sans jamais pouvoir dépasser ce qui fait de lui un Homme. Aujourd’hui, les cloisons qui séparent les différentes sciences humaines tendent elles aussi à s’effacer. Aussi, la revue ASDIWAL se donne-t-elle pour ambition, comme son héros éponyme, de faire voyager le lecteur d’un monde à l’autre. ASDIWAL revendique une approche anthropologique et historique du champ religieux, respectueuse des contextes culturels et sensible aux écarts comme aux ressemblances. Sans limite quant aux domaines abordés, la Revue genevoise d’anthropologie et d’histoire des religions plaide résolument pour une démarche comparatiste et un « regard éloigné », sans oublier un esprit de liberté et d'humour. Eclectique et ouverte, ASDIWAL donne la parole aussi bien à de jeunes chercheurs qu'à des spécialistes reconnus.