913 resultados para wood storage
Endospermic legumes are abundant in tropical forests and their establishment is closely related to the mobilization of cell-wall storage polysaccharides. Endosperm cells also store large numbers of protein bodies that play an important role as a nitrogen reserve in this seed. In this work, a systems approach was adopted to evaluate some of the changes in carbohydrates and hormones during the development of seedlings of the rain forest tree Sesbania virgata during the period of establishment. Seeds imbibed abscisic acid (ABA), glucose and sucrose in an atmosphere of ethylene, and the effects of these compounds on the protein contents, alpha-galactosidase activity and endogenous production of ABA and ethylene by the seeds were observed. The presence of exogenous ABA retarded the degradation of storage protein in the endosperm and decreased alpha-galactosidase activity in the same tissue during galactomannan degradation, suggesting that ABA represses enzyme action. On the other hand, exogenous ethylene increased alpha-galactosidase activity in both the endosperm and testa during galactomannan degradation, suggesting an inducing effect of this hormone on the hydrolytic enzymes. Furthermore, the detection of endogenous ABA and ethylene production during the period of storage mobilization and the changes observed in the production of these endogenous hormones in the presence of glucose and sucrose, suggested a correlation between the signalling pathway of these hormones and the sugars. These findings suggest that ABA, ethylene and sugars play a role in the control of the hydrolytic enzyme activities in seeds of S. virgata, controlling the process of storage degradation. This is thought to ensure a balanced flow of the carbon and nitrogen for seedling development.
The endosperm of seeds of Sesbania virgata (Cav.) Pers. accumulates galactomannan as a cell wall storage polysaccharide. It is hydrolysed by three enzymes, one of them being alpha-galactosidase. A great amount of protein bodies is found in the cytoplasm of endospermic cells, which are thought to play the major role as a nitrogen reserve in this seed. The present work aimed at understanding how the production of enzymes that degrade storage compounds is controlled. We performed experiments with addition of inhibitors of transcription (actinomycin-d and alpha-amanitin) and translation (cycloheximide) during and after germination. In order to follow the performance of storage mobilisation, we measured fresh mass, protein contents and alpha-galactosidase activity. All the inhibitors tested had little effect on seed germination and seedling development. Actinomycin-d and cycloheximide provoked a slight inhibition of the storage protein degradation and concomitantly lead to an elevation of the alpha-galactosidase activity. Although alpha-amanitin showed some effect on seedling development at latter stages, it presented the former effect and did not change galactomannan degradation performance. Our data suggest that some of the proteases may be synthesised de novo, whereas alpha-galactosidase seems to be present in the endosperm cells probably as an inactive polypeptide in the protein bodies, being probably activated by proteolysis when the latter organelle is disassembled. These evidences suggest the existence of a connection between storage proteins and carbohydrates mobilisation in seeds of S. virgata, which would play a role by assuring a balanced afflux of the carbon and nitrogen to the seedling development.
The phylogenetic placement of Kuhlmanniodendron Fiaschi & Groppo (Achariaceae) within Malpighiales was investigated with rbcL sequence data. This genus was recently created to accommodate Carpotroche apterocarpa Kuhlm., a poorly known species from the rainforests of Espirito Santo, Brazil. One rbcL sequence was obtained from Kuhlmanniodendron and analyzed with 73 additional sequences from Malpighiales, and 8 from two closer orders, Oxalidales and Celastrales, all of which were available at Genbank. Phylogenetic analyses were carried out with maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference; bootstrap analyses were used in maximum parsimony to evaluate branch support. The results confirmed the placement of Kuhlmanniodendron together with Camptostylus, Lindackeria, Xylotheca, and Caloncoba in a strongly supported clade (posterior probability = 0.99) that corresponds with the tribe Lindackerieae of Achariaceae (Malpighiales). Kuhlmanniodendron also does not appear to be closely related to Oncoba (Salicaceae), an African genus with similar floral and fruit morphology that has been traditionally placed among cyanogenic Flacourtiaceae (now Achariaceae). A picrosodic paper test was performed in herbarium dry leaves, and the presence of cyanogenic glycosides, a class of compounds usually found in Achariaceae, was detected. Pollen morphology and wood anatomy of Kuhlmanniodendron were also investigated, but both pollen (3-colporate and microreticulate) and wood, with solitary to multiple vessels, scalariform perforation plates and other features, do not seem to be useful to distinguish this genus from other members of the Achariaceae and are rather common among the eudicotyledons as a whole. However, perforated ray cells with scalariform plates, an uncommon wood character, present in Kuhlmanniodendron are similar to those found in Kiggelaria africana (Pangieae, Achariaceae), but the occurrence of such cells is not mapped among the angiosperms, and it is not clear how homoplastic this character could be.
During seedling establishment, cotyledons of the rain forest tree Hymenaea courbaril mobilize storage cell wall xyloglucan to sustain growth. The polysaccharide is degraded and its products are transported to growing sink tissues. Auxin from the shoot controls the level of xyloglucan hydrolytic enzymes. It is not yet known how important the expression of these genes is for the control of storage xyloglucan degradation. In this work, partial cDNAs of the genes xyloglucan transglycosylase hydrolase (HcXTH1) and beta-galactosidase (HcBGAL1), both related to xyloglucan degradation, and two other genes related to sucrose metabolism [alkaline invertase (HcAlkIN1) and sucrose synthase (HcSUS1)], were isolated. The partial sequences were characterized by comparison with sequences available in the literature, and phylogenetic trees were assembled. Gene expression was evaluated at intervals of 6 h during 24 h in cotyledons, hypocotyl, roots, and leaves, using 45-d-old plantlets. HcXTH1 and HcBGAL1 were correlated to xyloglucan degradation and responded to auxin and light, being down-regulated when transport of auxin was prevented by N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) and stimulated by constant light. Genes related to sucrose metabolism, HcAlkIN1 and HcSUS1, responded to inhibition of auxin transport in consonance with storage mobilization in the cotyledons. A model is proposed suggesting that auxin and light are involved in the control of the expression of genes related to storage xyloglucan mobilization in seedlings of H. courbaril. It is concluded that gene expression plays a role in the control of the intercommunication system of the source-sink relationship during seeding growth, favouring its establishment in the shaded environment of the rain forest understorey.
Optical energy storage properties of Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) persistent luminescence materials
The details of the mechanism of persistent luminescence were probed by investigating the trap level structure of Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) materials (R: Y, La-Lu, excluding Pm and Eu) with thermoluminescence (TL) measurements and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. The TL results indicated that the shallowest traps for each Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) material above room temperature were always ca. 0.7 eV corresponding to a strong TL maximum at ca. 90 A degrees C. This main trap energy was only slightly modified by the different co-dopants, which, in contrast, had a significant effect on the depths of the deeper traps. The combined results of the trap level energies obtained from the experimental data and DFT calculations suggest that the main trap responsible for the persistent luminescence of the Sr(2)MgSi(2)O(7):Eu(2+),R(3+) materials is created by charge compensation lattice defects, identified tentatively as oxygen vacancies, induced by the R(3+) co-dopants.
We examined the effect of storage time on culture viability and some rheological properties (yield stress, storage modulus, loss modulus, linear viscoelastic region, structural recuperation and firmness) of fermented milk made with Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus (LA) and Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis in coculture with Streptococcus thermophilus (ST). Acidification profiles and factors that affect viability (postfermentation acidification, acidity and dissolved oxygen) were also studied during 35 days at 4C. Fermented milk prepared with a coculture of ST and Bifidobacterium lactis gave the most constant rheological behavior and the best cell viability during cold storage; it was superior to ST plus LA for probiotic fermented milk production.
Sisal fibers have been chemically modified by reaction with lignins, extracted from sugarcane bagasse and Pinus-type wood and then hydroxymethylated, to increase adhesion in resol-type phenolic thermoset matrices. Inverse gas chromatography (IGC) results showed that acidic sites predominate for unmodified/modified sisal fibers and for phenolic thermoset, indicating that the phenolic matrix has properties that favor the interaction with sisal fibers. The IGC results also showed that the phenolic thermoset has a dispersive component closer to those of the modified fibers suggesting that thermoset interactions with the less polar modified fibers are favored. Surface SEM images of the modified fibers showed that the fiber bundle deaggregation increased after the treatment, making the interfibrillar structure less dense in comparison with that of unmodified fibers, which increased the contact area and encouraged microbial biodegradation in simulated soil. Water diffusion was observed to be faster for composites reinforced with modified fibers, since the phenolic resin penetrated better into modified fibers, thereby blocking water passage through their channels. Overall, composites` properties showed that modified fibers promote a significant reduction in the hydrophilic character, and consequently of the reinforced composite without a major effect on impact strength and with increased storage modulus. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Tannin-phenolic polymers prepared using tannin, a macromolecule obtained from natural sources, were used in the preparation of composites reinforced with coir fibers. The composites based on tannin-phenolic polymers (50% (w/w) of tannin as substitute of the phenol) were prepared using the coir fibers as reinforcement (30-70% (w/w), 3.0-6.0 cm, randomly distributed). The Izod impact strength of the composites showed an improvement in this property due to the incorporation of coir fibers in the tannin-phenolic matrices. The SEM images showed excellent adhesion at the fiber/matrix interface. The coir fiber had bundles regularly spaced, which enhanced the diffusion of the resin into the fiber. In addition, the high lignin content of this fiber results in a high concentration of aromatic rings, which increased the compatibility with the matrix. The values of the diffusion coefficient of water, determined using Fick`s laws, show that there was no correlation between the fiber percentage and the water diffusion. The DMTA curves showed that the storage moduli of the composites reinforced with coir fibers were considerably higher than that of the thermoset, and the increase in the proportion of fibers led to a proportional increase in the storage moduli of these materials. The biobased composites obtained have potential for non-structural applications, such as in the internal parts of automotives vehicles. To our knowledge, this is the first study on this kind of biobased composites. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of the storage time on the thermal properties of triethylene glycol dimethacrylate/2,2-bis[4-(2-hydroxy-3-methacryloxy-prop-1-oxy)-phenyl]propane bisphenyl-alpha-glycidyl ether dimethacrylate (TB) copolymers used in formulations of dental resins after photopolymerization. The TB copolymers were prepared by photopolymerization with an Ultrablue IS light-emitting diode, stored in the dark for 160 days at 37 degrees C, and characterized with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflection. DSC curves indicated the presence of an exothermic peak, confirming that the reaction was not completed during the photopolymerization process. This exothermic peak became smaller as a function of the storage time and was shifted at higher temperatures. In DMA studies, a plot of the loss tangent versus the temperature initially showed the presence of two well-defined peaks. The presence of both peaks confirmed the presence of residual monomers that were not converted during the photopolymerization process. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 112: 679-684, 2009
This paper describes the preparation of new adsorbents derived from sugarcane bagasse and wood sawdust (Manilkara sp.) to remove zinc (II) ions from electroplating wastewater. The first part deals with the chemical modification of sugarcane bagasse and wood sawdust, using succinic anhydride to introduce carboxylic acid functions into the material. The obtained materials (modified sugarcane bagasse MB2 and modified wood sawdust MS2) were then characterized by infrared spectroscopy (IR) and used in adsorption experiments. The adsorption experiments evaluates Zn(2+) removal from aqueous single metal solution and real electroplating wastewater on both batch and continuous experiments using fixed-bed columns prepared in laboratorial scale with the obtained adsorbents. Adsorption isotherms were then developed using Langmuir model and the Thomas kinetic model. The calculated Zn(2+) adsorption capacities were found to be 145 mg/g for MS2 and 125 mg/g for MB2 in single metal aqueous solution, whereas for the industrial wastewater these values were 61 mg/g for MS2 and 55 mg/g for MB2.
The pulp- and paper production is a very energy intensive industry sector. Both Sweden and the U.S. are major pulpandpaper producers. This report examines the energy and the CO2-emission connected with the pulp- and paperindustry for the two countries from a lifecycle perspective.New technologies make it possible to increase the electricity production in the integrated pulp- andpaper mill through black liquor gasification and a combined cycle (BLGCC). That way, the mill canproduce excess electricity, which can be sold and replace electricity produced in power plants. In thisprocess the by-products that are formed at the pulp-making process is used as fuel to produce electricity.In pulp- and paper mills today the technology for generating energy from the by-product in aTomlinson boiler is not as efficient as it could be compared to the BLGCC technology. Scenarios havebeen designed to investigate the results from using the BLGCC technique using a life cycle analysis.Two scenarios are being represented by a 1994 mill in the U.S. and a 1994 mill in Sweden.The scenariosare based on the average energy intensity of pulp- and paper mills as operating in 1994 in the U.S.and Sweden respectively. The two other scenarios are constituted by a »reference mill« in the U.S. andSweden using state-of-the-art technology. We investigate the impact of varying recycling rates and totalenergy use and CO2-emissions from the production of printing and writing paper. To economize withthe wood and that way save trees, we can use the trees that are replaced by recycling in a biomassgasification combined cycle (BIGCC) to produce electricity in a power station. This produces extra electricitywith a lower CO2 intensity than electricity generated by, for example, coal-fired power plants.The lifecycle analysis in this thesis also includes the use of waste treatment in the paper lifecycle. Both Sweden and theU.S. are countries that recycle paper. Still there is a lot of paper waste, this paper is a part of the countries municipalsolid waste (MSW). A lot of the MSW is landfilled, but parts of it are incinerated to extract electricity. The thesis hasdesigned special scenarios for the use of MSW in the lifecycle analysis.This report is studying and comparing two different countries and two different efficiencies on theBLGCC in four different scenarios. This gives a wide survey and points to essential parameters to specificallyreflect on, when making assumptions in a lifecycle analysis. The report shows that there arethree key parameters that have to be carefully considered when making a lifecycle analysis of wood inan energy and CO2-emission perspective in the pulp- and paper mill in the U.S. and in Sweden. First,there is the energy efficiency in the pulp- and paper mill, then the efficiency of the BLGCC and last theCO2 intensity of the electricity displaced by BIGCC or BLGCC generatedelectricity. It also show that with the current technology that we havetoday, it is possible to produce CO2 free paper with a waste paper amountup to 30%. The thesis discusses the system boundaries and the assumptions.Further and more detailed research, including amongst others thesystem boundaries and forestry, is recommended for more specificanswers.
Variation i björkvirkets färg beror på art, läge i träd, ursprung och lagringstid. Vårtbjörk har en mörkare färg än glasbjörk, men livligare struktur och glans. Timmer hugget under tillväxtsäsongen bör sågas färskt eller lagras högst en månad. Vid brädgårdstorkning är god luftcirkulation och skydd för väta och direkt solljus väsentligt. Strövirkets färskhet är av stor betydelse för att undvika fuktfärgning av virket.Variation in birch colours depend on species, position in tree, origin and the storage period. White birch is darker than hairy birch but with a lively structure and shine. During vegetation period timber storage exceeding one month should be avoided. Air circulation, protection from rain and direct sunlight are essential for yard drying. Freshness of stickers used for stacking is important to avoid water marks on wood surface.
Variation in wood properties for Picea abies trees and logs of different dimensions has been studied at two sites in southern Sweden of different site quality class. Trees have been classified as dominant or sub-dominant, according to their height. Log and board grades were classified and strength grade of boards, basic density and annual ring width measured. A similar study made on four northern sites was used as reference material.Sub-dominant trees were of superior quality in comparison to dominant trees, when classified by log and board grades or strength grading. Differences were accentuated for the second log where the sub-dominant trees had superior strength and low amount of boards with coarse branches. The results correspond well to those from the northern region, Jämtland. The classifica¬tion of boards as well as bending strength indicated superior properties on timber from northern sites even though the basic density was similar.
Methodology for identifying parameters for the TRNSYS model Type 210 -wood pellet stoves and boilers
This report describes a method how to perform measurements on boilers and stoves and how to identify parameters from the measurements for the boiler/stove-model TRNSYS Type 210. The model can be used for detailed annual system simulations using TRNSYS. Experience from measurements on three different pellet stoves and four boilers were used to develop this methodology. Recommendations for the set up of measurements are given and the re-quired combustion theory for the data evaluation and data preparation are given. The data evalua-tion showed that the uncertainties are quite large for the measured flue gas flow rate and for boilers and stoves with high fraction of energy going to the water jacket also the calculated heat rate to the room may have large uncertainties. A methodology for the parameter identification process and identified parameters for two different stoves and three boilers are given. Finally the identified models are compared with measured data showing that the model generally agreed well with meas-ured data during both stationary and dynamic conditions.