934 resultados para water recirculating system
Teollisuuden jäähdytysjärjestelmiä tarvitaan prosessien lämpötilan ja paineen hal-litsemiseen. Vesi on käytetyin lämmönsiirtoaine hyvän saatavuutensa, halvan hin-nan ja korkean lämmönsiirtokyvyn ansiosta. Jäähdytysjärjestelmät jaetaan kolmeen päätyyppiin, joita ovat läpivirtausjäähdytys, suljettu ja avoin kiertojäähdytys. Kullakin järjestelmätyypillä on tyypilliset alatyyppinsä. Avoimella kiertojär-jestelmällä on eniten alatyyppejä, joista yleisin on jäähdytystorni. Jäähdytystorneja on kolmea tyyppiä: märkä-, kuiva ja hybriditorni. Kullakin järjestelmätyypillä on ominaiset piirteensä käyttökohteiden, ympäristövaikutusten, ohjattavuuden, investointi- ja käyttökulujen suhteen, joita tässä työssä esitellään. Työssä tutkitaan teollisuuden jäähdytysjärjestelmien esittelyn lisäksi erään ali-painekaasunpoistimen soveltuvuutta suljetun kiertojäähdytysjärjestelmän kaasun-poistoon. Suljettuun kiertojäähdytysjärjestelmään jää ilmaa täyttövaiheessa ja kul-keutuu liuenneena käytettävän jäähdytysveden mukana. Muodostuva ylikylläinen seos synnyttää veden sekaan ilmakuplia, jotka aiheuttavat korroosiota kemiallisesti ja kuluttamalla. Lisäksi kaasukuplat vievät tilavuutta nesteeltä. Tämä pienentää järjestelmän jäähdytystehoa merkittävästi, koska kaasun lämmönsiirtokyky verrat-tuna veden lämmönsiirtokykyyn on pieni. Työssä esitellään myös muita mahdolli-sia suljetun järjestelmän kaasulähteitä ja niiden aiheuttamia ongelmia. Alipainekaasunpoistimen kaasunerotustehokkuutta mitattiin jäähdytysvesinäyttei-den selkeytymisnopeudella ja lämmönsiirtimien tehon paranemisella. Kahden viikon tarkastelujaksolla selkeytymisajat paranivat 36–60 % eri mittauspaikoissa ja lämmönsiirtimien tehot paranivat 6–29 %. Järjestelmään kuitenkin jäi merkittävä määrä kaasua, vaikka laitteen käyttöä jatkettiin tarkastelujakson jälkeen, joten tavoitteisiin ei päästy. Tutkitun alipainekaasunpoistolaitteen ei todettu soveltuvan tehdasympäristöön kestämättömyyden, hankalakäyttöisyyden ja tehottomuuden takia. Tulokset kuitenkin osoittavat, että kaasunerotuksella on merkittävä vaikutus suljetun jäähdytysjärjestelmän toimivuuteen ja saavutettavaan jäähdytystehoon.
ABSTRACT Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) along watercourses have been the focus of numerous studies, not only because of the fragility and ecological relevance of riverine vegetation, but also because of the inefficiency demonstrated in conforming to the legislation protecting it. One of the major difficulties encountered in terms of guaranteeing the effective conservation of these riverside areas is the absence of methodologies that can be used to define them rapidly and accurately without manually determining the widths of the rivers or assigning only uniform linear values for the entire watercourse. The present work sought to develop a spatial analysis methodology capable of automatically defining permanent preservation areas along watercourses using geographic information system (GIS) software. The present study was undertaken in the Sergipe River basin, "considering the river itself and its principal affluents. We used the database of the Digital Atlas of Hydrological Resources (SEMARH/SE), and the delimitations of the PPAs were performed using ArcGIS 10.1 and the XToolPro 9.0 extension. A total of 5,003.82 hectares of Permanent Preservation Areas were delimited along the margins of the rivers analyzed, with a margin of error of <1% in delimiting the widths of the rivers within the entire area considered. The methodology described here can be used to define PPAs efficiently, relatively rapidly, and with very small margins of error, thus representing a technological advance in terms of using GIS for land management.
The irrigation management based on the monitoring of the soil water content allows for the minimization of the amount of water applied, making its use more efficient. Taking into account these aspects, in this work, a sensor for measuring the soil water content was developed to allow real time automation of irrigation systems. This way, problems affecting crop yielding such as irregularities in the time to turn on or turn off the pump, and excess or deficit of water can be solved. To develop the sensors were used stainless steel rods, resin, and insulating varnish. The sensors measuring circuit was based on a microcontroller, which gives its output signal in the digital format. The sensors were calibrated using soil of the type Quartzarenic Neosoil. A third order polynomial model was fitted to the experimental data between the values of water content corresponding to the field capacity and the wilting point to correlate the soil water content obtained by the oven standard method with those measured by the electronic circuit, with a coefficient of determination of 93.17%, and an accuracy in the measures of ±0.010 kg kg-1. Based on the results, it was concluded that the sensor and its implemented measuring circuit can be used in the automation process of irrigation systems.
The use of saline water and the reuse of drainage water for irrigation depend on long-term strategies that ensure the sustainability of socio-economic and environmental impacts of agricultural systems. In this study, it was evaluated the effects of irrigation with saline water in the dry season and fresh water in the rainy season on the soil salt accumulation yield of maize and cowpea, in a crop rotation system. The experiment was conducted in the field, using a randomized complete block design, with five replications. The first crop was installed during the dry season of 2007, with maize irrigated with water of different salinities (0.8, 2.2, 3.6 and 5.0 dS m-1). The maize plants were harvested at 90 days after sowing (DAS), and vegetative growth, dry mass of 1000 seeds and grain yield were evaluated. The same plots were utilized for the cultivation of cowpea, during the rainy season of 2008. At the end of the crop, cycle plants of this species were harvested, being evaluated the vegetative growth and plant yield. Soil samples were collected before and after maize and cowpea cultivation. The salinity of irrigation water above 2.2 dS m-1 reduced the yield of maize during the dry season. The high total rainfall during the rainy season resulted in leaching of salts accumulated during cultivation in the dry season, and eliminated the possible negative effects of salinity on cowpea plants. However, this crop showed atypical behavior with a significant proportion of vegetative mass and low pod production, which reduced the efficiency of this strategy of crop rotation under the conditions of this study.
Plug dynamics of non compensate drip tubes were evaluated, by the precipitation of moisturized whitewash [Ca(OH)2], which is used in the fertigation for the bulb pH control of the trademarks Azud, Amanco, Naandan, Netafim, Petroisa, Queen Gil, with flow rate varying between 0.4 to 3.0 L h-1 usually used in the country. For this matter, increasing doses of Ca(OH)² were applied in the irrigation water, from 0.01 g L-1 to 1.84 g L-1. The flow rate of each drip tube was measured in intervals of time initially of 7 days, later of 15 days of system operation, totaling a time of 100 days of operation, corresponding to nine applications or 432 hours. The coefficient of variation (CV), and relative rate flow (Qr) were evaluated. The results pointed differences among the evaluated emitter regarding the occurrence of the clogging, and the models G2 and G5 presented the smallest levels of flow rate variation comparing to the models G6, G7 and G9.
Warning system based on theoretical-experimental study of dispersion of soluble pollutants in rivers
Information about capacity of transport and dispersion of soluble pollutants in natural streams are important in the management of water resources, especially in planning preventive measures to minimize the problems caused by accidental or intentional waste, in public health and economic activities that depend on the use of water. Considering this importance, this study aimed to develop a warning system for rivers, based on experimental techniques using tracers and analytical equations of one-dimensional transport of soluble pollutants conservative, to subsidizing the decision-making in the management of water resources. The system was development in JAVA programming language and MySQL database can predict the travel time of pollutants clouds from a point of eviction and graphically displays the temporal distribution of concentrations of passage clouds, in a particular location, downstream from the point of its launch.
This work aimed to evaluate the preference and water consumption of native goats in the semiarid of Brazil. The water was freely supplied, in individual buckets, one exposed to the sun and the other in the shade. The experiment was realized using 18 animals of Moxotó, Graúna and Azul breeds, with average weight of 16,6 ± 2,4 kg, kept in confinement in individual stalls equipped with feeders and drinkers, during the period from January to February of 2009. The water temperature was measured by sensors (thermocouples type T - copper/constantan), which were coupled to a system of data acquisition. It was observed that the average water temperature exposed to the sun was 29.02 ºC, and 23.85 ºC in the shade. For all breeds there was a preference for the water exposed to the sun, corresponding to an average consumption of 64.71% of the total. Among the breeds, the greatest preference for water exposed to the sun was the Azul (71.18%), followed by the Moxotó (65.95%) and the Graúna (57.00%). The animals consumed more water during the day, and the average water consumption was 1.15 grams day-1, corresponding to 6.9 % of body weight of the animals.
The use of productivity information and efficiency of water use is important for the economic analysis of production and irrigation management, and also helps the economy of water use, which is essential to plant life. The objective of this study was to evaluate the biomass allocation, the water use efficiency and water content in fruits of sweet pepper cropped under the influence of irrigation blades and potassium doses. The statistic design was a completely randomized factorial scheme (5 x 2) and four replications, with five irrigation blades (80; 90; 100; 110 and 120% of crop evapotranspiration) and two levels of potassium (80 and 120 kg K2O ha-1 ), applied according to phenological phase, through a system of drip irrigation with self-compensated drippers, installed in a battery of 40 drainage lysimeters cultivated with sweet pepper (Maximos F1), at Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), Recife, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The dry biomass production of sweet pepper was influenced by fertigation regimes; when it was set the lowest dose, estimates of the efficiency of water use and moisture in the fruit occurred with the use of irrigation depth of 97 and 95% of ETc, respectively.
The development of new methodologies and tools that enable to determine the water content in soil is of fundamental importance to the practice of irrigation. The objective of this study was to evaluate soil matric potential using mercury tensiometer and puncture digital tensiometer, and to compare the gravimetric soil moisture values obtained by tensiometric system with gravimetric soil moisture obtained by neutron attenuation technique. Four experimental plots were maintained with different soil moisture by irrigation. Three repetitions of each type of tensiometer were installed at 0.20 m depth. Based on the soil matric potential and the soil water retention curve, the corresponding gravimetric soil moisture was determined. The data was then compared to those obtained by neutron attenuation technique. The results showed that both tensiometric methods showed no difference under soil matric potential higher than -40 kPa. However, under drier soil, when the water was replaced by irrigation, the soil matric potential of the puncture digital tensiometer was less than those of the mercury tensiometer.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the uniformity of distribution coefficient (UDC) and coefficient of variation (CV) of a familiar set of irrigation, classifying it the ASAE standard. The irrigation and fertigation are determined by two methods the KELLER & KARMELI and DENÍCULI . The two experiments were subjected to varying pressures: 12, 14, 16 and 18 kPa, in a completely randomized design of twenty samples composed of flows with three replications. Urea, potassium chloride (KCl) and ammonium phosphate (MAP) were the elements used for fertigation. The system consisted of a 200 L tank, which supplied another container of 30 L, it was moved vertically to control the pressure. The data was statistically compared between treatments for each methodology. In fertigation the best pressure was 16 kPa and was classified as "excellent" for UDC (91.03%) and "marginal" for C.V. (7.47%). For the irrigation treatment, the best pressure was 16 kPa rated "excellent" for UDC (91.2%) and "marginal" for C.V. (7.68%). The DENÍCULI et al. (1980) methodology proved more reliable for the evaluation of drip systems. It was observed that this set has good uniformity of distribution, but with great variability in flows.
This study aims at detailing bimodal pore distribution by means of water retention curve in an oxidic-gibbsitic Latosol and in a kaolinitic cambisol Latossol under conservation management system of coffee crop. Samples were collected at depths of 20; 40; 80; 120 and 160 cm on coffee trees rows and between rows under oxidic-gibbsitic Latosol (LVd) and kaolinitic cambisol Latossol (LVAd). Water retention curve was determined at matrix potentials (Ψm) -1; -2; -4; -6; -10 kPa obtained from the suction unit; the Ψm of -33; -100; -500; -1,500 kPa were obtained by the Richards extractor, and WP4-T psychrometer was used to determine Ψm -1,500 to -300,000 kPa. The water retention data were adjusted to the double van Genuchten model by nonlinear model procedures of the R 2.12.1 software. Was estimated the model parameter and inflection point slope. The system promoted changes in soil structure and water retention for the conditions evaluated, and both showed bimodal pores distribution, which were stronger in LVd. There was a strong influence of mineralogy gibbsitic in the water retention more negative than Ψm -1500 kPa, reflected in the values of the residual water content.
Irrigation with domestic sewage effluent (DSE) has been recommended by subsurface dripping, as it can obtain a high rate of irrigation efficiency and faster use of salts in comparison with other irrigation methods. The study aimed at evaluating the area, the length and the effective depth of the root system of sugarcane irrigated with DSE by subsurface drip system and with different irrigation rates at depths of 0.00-0.20, 0.20-0.40, 0.40-0.60 and 0.60-0.80m. The experiment was carried out in the municipality of Piracicaba, in the state of São Paulo (SP), Brazil, in a sugarcane area irrigated with DSE in a completely randomized blocks set up in furrows, with three replications and four treatments, which are: one area without irrigation (AWI) and three irrigated areas meeting 50% (T50%), 100% (T100%) and 200% (T200%) of the crop's water need between each round of irrigation. T100% and T200% provided smaller areas and lengths of roots in the two deepest layers, as compared to AWI and T50%, which stimulated the development of deeper roots due to the water stress. TWI, T100% and T200% presented 80% of the roots up to a depth of 0.40m and T50% treatment presented 76.43% of roots total.
The determination of volumetric water content of soils is an important factor in irrigation management. Among the indirect methods for estimating, the time-domain reflectometry (TDR) technique has received a significant attention. Like any other technique, it has advantages and disadvantages, but its greatest disadvantage is the need of calibration and high cost of acquisition. The main goal of this study was to establish a calibration model for the TDR equipment, Trase System Model 6050X1, to estimate the volumetric water content in a Distroferric Red Latosol. The calibration was carried out in a laboratory with disturbed soil samples under study, packed in PVC columns of a volume of 0.0078m³. The TDR probes were handcrafted with three rods and 0.20m long. They were vertically installed in soil columns, with a total of five probes per column and sixteen columns. The weightings were carried out in a digital scale, while daily readings of dielectric constant were obtained in TDR equipment. The linear model θν = 0.0103 Ka + 0.1900 to estimate the studied volumetric water content showed an excellent coefficient of determination (0.93), enabling the use of probes in indirect estimation of soil moisture.
The research aimed to quantify technical and economic indicators of yellow passion fruit tree irrigated with fractions of irrigation with underground source of water, to generate information that helps farmers in decision making on the implementation of investment in irrigated fruit growing (yellow passion fruit). For this purpose, we used the passion fruit crop irrigated with Microjet type irrigation system, with conducting system in simple espaliers. The treatments consisted of five hours of application of the depth of water required by the crop with irrigation frequency of two days. The results showed that the highest yield (16660kg ha-1) was obtained with the fractionation of irrigation twice a day (50% to 7h and 50% to 21h30), which provided an increase in productivity of 54%, demonstrating the financial viability and being highly profitable to the interest rate of 2% per year, with low sensitivity of financial risk to real interest rates above the prevailing market.
ABSTRACT The integration of fish farming in intensive system and plant production, called "aquaponics" is practiced successfully in countries like the USA, Australia and Europe. In Brazil, this integration has attracted the attention of researchers and producers. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two substrates (crushed stone number 3, CS III and flexible polyurethane foam, FPF) on the production of aquaponic lettuce, moreover, to show that the residual water from intensive tilapia production provides sufficient qualitative characteristics for competitive production of lettuce without adding commercial fertilizers. The treatment in which FPF was used provided higher concentrations of macro and micronutrients in the shoots, higher production of fresh matter of shoots (95.48 g plant-1) and a larger number of leaves (14.90) relative to CS III. These results were attributed to the lower post-transplanting stress and the higher water retention time provided by the FPF. The residual water from tilapia intensive farming can provide sufficient nutrients for the production of lettuce, making the supplementary fertilization with commercial products unnecessary. Thus, the FPF presents the most suitable conditions to be used as substrate in aquaponics system with recirculation of the residual water from the intensive tilapia farming.