993 resultados para vascular complications
Over the past decade a series of trials of the EORTC Brain Tumor Group (BTG) has substantially influenced and shaped the standard-of-care of primary brain tumors. All these trials were coupled with biological research that has allowed for better understanding of the biology of these tumors. In glioblastoma, EORTC trial 26981/22981 conducted jointly with the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials Group showed superiority of concomitant radiochemotherapy with temozolomide over radiotherapy alone. It also identified the first predictive marker for benefit from alkylating agent chemotherapy in glioblastoma, the methylation of the O6-methyl-guanyl-methly-transferase (MGMT) gene promoter. In another large randomized trial, EORTC 26951, adjuvant chemotherapy in anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors was investigated. Despite an improvement in progression-free survival this did not translate into a survival benefit. The third example of a landmark trial is the EORTC 22845 trial. This trial led by the EORTC Radiation Oncology Group forms the basis for an expectative approach to patients with low-grade glioma, as early radiotherapy indeed prolongs time to tumor progression but with no benefit in overall survival. This trial is the key reference in deciding at what time in their disease adult patients with low-grade glioma should be irradiated. Future initiatives will continue to focus on the conduct of controlled trials, rational academic drug development as well as systematic evaluation of tumor tissue including biomarker development for personalized therapy. Important lessons learned in neurooncology are to dare to ask real questions rather than merely rapidly testing new compounds, and the value of well designed trials, including the presence of controls, central pathology review, strict radiology protocols and biobanking. Structurally, the EORTC BTG has evolved into a multidisciplinary group with strong transatlantic alliances. It has contributed to the maturation of neurooncology within the oncological sciences.
The notion that tumor angiogenesis may have therapeutic implications in the control of tumor growth was introduced by Dr. Judah Folkman in 1971. The approval of Avastin in 2004 as the first antiangiogenic systemic drug to treat cancer patients came as a validation of this visionary concept and opened new perspectives to the treatment of cancer. In addition, this success boosted the field to the quest for new therapeutic targets and antiangiogenic drugs. Preclinical and clinical evidence indicate that vascular integrins may be valid therapeutic targets. In preclinical studies, pharmacological inhibition of integrin function efficiently suppressed angiogenesis and inhibited tumor progression. alphaVbeta3 and alphaVbeta5 were the first vascular integrins targeted to suppress tumor angiogenesis. Subsequent experiments revealed that at least four additional integrins (i.e., alpha1beta1, alpha2beta1, alpha5beta1, and alpha6beta4) might be potential therapeutic targets. In clinical studies low-molecular-weight integrin inhibitors and anti-integrin function-blocking antibodies demonstrated low toxicity and good tolerability and are now being tested in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy for anticancer activity in patients. In this article the authors review the role of integrins in angiogenesis, present recent development in the use of alphaVbeta3 and alpha5beta1 integrin antagonists as potential therapeutics in cancer, and discuss future perspectives.
PURPOSE: The nutritional risk score is a recommended screening tool for malnutrition. While a nutritional risk score of 3 or greater predicts adverse outcomes after digestive surgery, to our knowledge its predictive value for morbidity after urological interventions is unknown. We determined whether urological patients at nutritional risk are at higher risk for complications after major surgery than patients not at nutritional risk. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a prospective observational study in consecutive patients undergoing major surgery. A priori sample calculation resulted in a study cohort of 220 patients. Interim analysis was planned after 110 patients. The nutritional risk score was assessed preoperatively by a specialized study nurse. Nutritional care was standardized in all patients. Postoperative complications were defined previously using the standardized Dindo-Clavien classification. The primary end point was 30-day morbidity. Univariate and multivariate analysis was performed to identify predictors of complications. RESULTS: The study was discontinued due to significant results after interim analysis. A total of 125 patients were included in analysis from June 2011 to June 2012 and 15 were excluded because of incomplete data. Of 51 patients at nutritional risk 38 (74%) presented with at least 1 complication compared to 28 of 59 controls (47%). Patients at nutritional risk were at threefold risk for complications on univariate and multivariate analysis (OR 3.3, 95% CI 1.3-8.0). Cystectomy was the only other predictor of morbidity (OR 10, 95% CI 2-48). CONCLUSIONS: Patients at nutritional risk are more prone to complications after major urological procedures. Whether this increased morbidity can be reversed by perioperative nutritional support should be studied.
Additions to the vascular flora of the Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park and neighbouring Pre-Pyrenean areas (eastern Iberian Pyrenees) We present about fifty contributions to the catalogue of the vascular flora of the mentioned area, published in 2003. Among the taxa reported, 21 correspond to novelties found in our own field observations or in the literature. We highlight the first records for the Eastern Iberian Pre-Pyrenees of Meconopsis cambrica (L.) Vig. and Omalotheca hoppeana (Koch) Schulz Bip. and F.W. Schulz. Other data refer to rare taxa already included in the catalogue, such as Gagea lutea (L.) Ker Gawl., G. reverchonii Degen, Lappula deflexa (Wahlenb.) Garcke and Minuartia villarii (Balb.) Wilczek and Chenevard.
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to evaluate associations between aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) and aortic and carotid vessel wall thickness (VWT) using cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in patients with hypertension as compared with healthy adult volunteers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Local medical ethics approval was obtained and the participants gave informed consent. Fifteen patients with hypertension (5 men and 10 women; mean [SD] age, 49 [14] years) and 15 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers were prospectively included and compared. All participants underwent MRI examination for measuring aortic and carotid VWT and aortic PWV with well-validated MRI techniques at 1.5- and 3-T MRI systems: PWV was assessed from velocity-encoded MRI and VWT was assessed by using dual-inversion black-blood gradient-echo imaging techniques. Paired t tests were used for testing differences between the volunteers and the patients and Pearson correlation (r) and univariable and multivariable stepwise linear regression analyses were used to test associations between aortic and carotid arterial wall thickness and stiffness. RESULTS: Mean values for aortic PWV and aortic and carotid VWT (indexed for body surface area [BSA]) were all significantly higher in patients with hypertension as compared with the healthy volunteers (ie, aortic PWV, 7.0 ± 1.4 m/s vs 5.7 ± 1.3 m/s; aortic VWT/BSA, 0.12 ± 0.03 mL/m vs 0.10 ± 0.03 mL/m; carotid VWT/BSA, 0.04 ± 0.01 mL/m vs 0.03 ± 0.01 mL/m; all P < 0.01). Aortic PWV was highly correlated with aortic VWT/BSA (r = 0.76 and P = 0.002 in the patients vs r = 0.63 and P = 0.02 in the volunteers), and in the patients, aortic PWV was moderately correlated with carotid VWT/BSA (r = 0.50; P = 0.04). In the volunteers, correlation between aortic PWV and carotid VWT/BSA was not significant (r = 0.40; P = 0.13). In addition, aortic VWT/BSA was significantly correlated with carotid VWT/BSA, in both the patients (r = 0.60; P = 0.005) and volunteers (r = 0.57; P = 0.007). CONCLUSIONS: In the patients with hypertension and the healthy volunteers, the aortic PWV is associated more strongly with aortic wall thickness than with carotid wall thickness, reflecting site-specific coupling between vascular wall thickness and function.
INTRODUCTION: Panarteritis nodosa (PAN) is a systemic vasculitis affecting small and medium-sized arteries. Neuro-ophthalmological complications of PAN are rare but numerous, and may affect the eye, the visual and the oculomotor pathways. Such complications occur mainly in patients previously diagnosed with PAN. OBSERVATION: A 51-year-old woman presented with an isolated right trochlear (IV) palsy, in the setting of headaches and fluctuating fever of unknown etiology. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 13 mm and full blood cell count was normal. Previous chest X-ray and blood studies were negative for an infection or inflammation. Orbital and cerebral CT scan was normal. Spontaneous recovery of diplopia ensued over four days. Two days later, paresthesia and sensory paresis of the dorsal portion of the left foot were present. Lumbar puncture revealed 14 leucocytes (76 percent lymphocytes) with elevated proteins, but blood studies and serologies were negative. A diagnosis of undetermined meningo-myelo-radiculoneuritis was made. Because of a possible tick bite six weeks previously the patient was empirically treated with 2 g intravenous ceftriaxone for 3 weeks. Fever rapidly dropped. Six weeks after the onset of diplopia, acute onset of blindness in her right eye, diffuse arthralgias and fever motivated a new hospitalization. There was a central retinal artery occlusion of the right eye. Blood studies now revealed signs of systemic inflammation (ESR 30 mm, CRP 12 mg/L, ANA 1/80, pANCA 1/40, leucocytosis 12.4 G/L, Hb 111 g/L, Ht 33 percent). Biopsy of the left sural nerve revealed arterial fibrinoid necrosis. A diagnosis of PAN was made. CONCLUSIONS: Transient diplopia can be the heralding symptom of a systemic vasculitis such as PAN, giant cell arteritis and Wegener granulomatosis. In this patient the presence of accompanying systemic symptoms raised a suspicion of systemic inflammation, but the absence of serologic and imaging abnormalities precluded a specific diagnosis initially. A few weeks later, the presence of a second ischemic event (retinal) and positive blood studies led to a further diagnostic procedure. Oculomotor and abducens palsies have rarely been reported in association with PAN. We report the first case of trochlear nerve paresis as the inaugural neurological sign of PAN. This case highlights the importance of considering inflammatory systemic disorders in patients with acute diplopia particularly when they are young, lack vascular risk factors or cause, and complain of associated systemic symptoms.
Cardiovascular risk assessment might be improved with the addition of emerging, new tests derived from atherosclerosis imaging, laboratory tests or functional tests. This article reviews relative risk, odds ratios, receiver-operating curves, posttest risk calculations based on likelihood ratios, the net reclassification improvement and integrated discrimination. This serves to determine whether a new test has an added clinical value on top of conventional risk testing and how this can be verified statistically. Two clinically meaningful examples serve to illustrate novel approaches. This work serves as a review and basic work for the development of new guidelines on cardiovascular risk prediction, taking into account emerging tests, to be proposed by members of the 'Taskforce on Vascular Risk Prediction' under the auspices of the Working Group 'Swiss Atherosclerosis' of the Swiss Society of Cardiology in the future.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Most of the neuropathological studies in brain aging were based on the assumption of a symmetrical right-left hemisphere distribution of both Alzheimer disease and vascular pathology. To explore the impact of asymmetrical lesion formation on cognition, we performed a clinicopathological analysis of 153 cases with mixed pathology except macroinfarcts. METHODS: Cognitive status was assessed prospectively using the Clinical Dementia Rating scale; neuropathological evaluation included assessment of Braak neurofibrillary tangle and Ass deposition staging, microvascular pathology, and lacunes. The right-left hemisphere differences in neuropathological scores were evaluated using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. The relationship between the interhemispheric distribution of lesions and Clinical Dementia Rating scores was assessed using ordered logistic regression. RESULTS: Unlike Braak neurofibrillary tangle and Ass deposition staging, vascular scores were significantly higher in the left hemisphere for all Clinical Dementia Rating scores. A negative relationship was found between Braak neurofibrillary tangle, but not Ass staging, and vascular scores in cases with moderate to severe dementia. In both hemispheres, Braak neurofibrillary tangle staging was the main determinant of cognitive decline followed by vascular scores and Ass deposition staging. The concomitant predominance of Alzheimer disease and vascular pathology in the right hemisphere was associated with significantly higher Clinical Dementia Rating scores. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that the cognitive impact of Alzheimer disease and vascular lesions in mixed cases may be assessed unilaterally without major information loss. However, interhemispheric differences and, in particular, increased vascular and Alzheimer disease burden in the right hemisphere may increase the risk for dementia in this group.
BACKGROUND: Esophageal replacement for caustic stenosis in children poses a challenging surgical problem. Blind removal of the injured esophagus without thoracotomy through a left cervical and transhiatal approach followed by an orthotopic esophageal replacement using either the colon or the stomach is a difficult procedure and can be dangerous in children. We performed our first total laparoscopic transhiatal esophagectomy in February 2007. We aim to compare this new technique to the previously applied method of blind closed-chest esophagectomy through a cervicotomy and laparotomy. METHODS: We analyzed the surgery and follow-up of 40 children operated upon for extensive irreversible caustic burns of the esophagus. The first 20 esophageal replacements were performed following a blind dissection of the mediastinum through a cervical incision and a laparotomy for esophagectomy (Group I). The last 20 esophageal replacements were performed after laparoscopic transhiatal dissection in the mediastinum and cervicotomy in the neck for esophagectomy (Group II). All operations were performed under the supervision of the same senior surgeon. RESULTS: Average age at the time of surgery was the same in both groups. Total esophagectomy was achieved in 45.0% of cases in Group I versus in 90.0% of cases in Group II. Colon was used in 80.0% of cases in Group I and in 90.0% in Group II. The mean duration of surgery was one hour longer in the laparoscopy group. One vascular injury was reported in the blind laparotomy group. Pneumothorax was more frequent in Group II without significant consequences besides drainage. Average time of extubation was about the same in both groups (1.8days). CONCLUSION: Laparoscopic transhiatal esophagectomy for caustic burns before esophageal replacement in children is safe and effective. It could avoid vascular and bronchial mediastinal injuries as the dissection is performed under direct visual control. The routine use of laparoscopic assistance by a senior surgeon improves the safety of esophageal dissection and reduces life-threatening complications.
Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma spp. may colonize the human genital tract and have been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes such as preterm labour and preterm premature rupture of membranes. However, as these bacteria can reside in the normal vaginal flora, there are controversies regarding their true role during pregnancy and so the need to treat these organisms. We therefore conducted a retrospective analysis to evaluate the treatment of genital mycoplasma in 5377 pregnant patients showing symptoms of potential obstetric complications at 25-37 weeks of gestation. Women presenting with symptoms were routinely screened by culture for the presence of these bacteria and treated with clindamycin when positive. Compared with uninfected untreated patients, women treated for genital mycoplasma demonstrated lower rates of premature labour. Indeed preterm birth rates were, respectively, 40.9% and 37.7% in women colonized with Ureaplasma spp. and M. hominis, compared with 44.1% in uncolonized women (Ureaplasma spp., p 0.024; M. hominis, p 0.001). Moreover, a reduction of neonatal complications rates was observed, with 10.9% of newborns developing respiratory diseases in case of Ureaplasma spp. colonization and 5.9% in the presence of M. hominis, compared with 12.8% in the absence of those bacteria (Ureaplasma spp., p 0.050; M. hominis, p <0.001). Microbiological screening of Ureaplasma spp. and/or M. hominis and pre-emptive antibiotic therapy of symptomatic pregnant women in late pregnancy might represent a beneficial strategy to reduce premature labour and neonatal complications.
Incidence, complications and risk factors for severe falls in patients on maintenance haemodialysis.
BACKGROUND: Falls have been insufficiently studied in patients on maintenance haemodialysis (MHD). This study assessed the incidence and complications of severe falls and the ability of risk factors, including the Performance-Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA) test, to predict them in this population. METHODS: All patients on MHD from our centre were asked to participate in this survey. POMA test and a record of risk factors for falls were obtained at baseline. Severe falls, as defined by an admission in an emergency ward, were documented prospectively. RESULTS: Eighty-four patients (median age 69.5 years, minimum 26 years, maximum 85 years) were enrolled. Predialytic POMA scores were low (median 20, minimum 5, maximum 26). After a mean follow-up of 20.6 months (142.2 patient-years), 31 severe falls were recorded in 24 patients (28.6%; incidence 0.22 per patient-year) and complicated by fractures in 54.8% of severe falls. In univariate analysis, age, a past history of falls, malnutrition, depression, but not POMA score, were associated with severe falls. A POMA score of >21 had a negative predictive value of 82%. CONCLUSIONS: Severe falls were common in MHD patients in this study and resulted in fractures in >50% of the cases. They were associated with ageing, a past history of falls, malnutrition and depression. Although there was a trend towards a lower POMA score in fallers as compared to non-fallers, the POMA score was not an independent predictor of severe falls in this study. These data may help to stratify the patient's risk of falling in order to target programmes to prevent falls in this population.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accuracy of computed tomography angiography (CTA) in predicting arterial encasement by limb tumours, by comparing CTA with surgical findings (gold standard). METHODS: Preoperative CTA images of 55 arteries in 48 patients were assessed for arterial status: cross-sectional CTA images were scored as showing a fat plane between artery and tumour (score 0), slight contact between artery and tumour (score 1), partial arterial encasement (score 2) or total arterial encasement (score 3). Reformatted CTA images were assessed for arterial displacement, rigid wall, stenosis or occlusion. At surgery, arteries were classified as free or surgically encased; 45 arteries were free and 10 were surgically encased. RESULTS: Multivariate logistic regression identified the axial CTA score as a relevant predictor for arterial encasement and subsequent vascular intervention during surgery. All sites where CTA showed a fat plane between the tumour and the artery were classified as free at surgery (n = 28/28). The sensitivity of total arterial encasement on CTA (score 3) was 90%, specificity 93%, accuracy 93% and positive likelihood ratio 13.5. CONCLUSION: CTA evidence of total arterial encasement is a highly specific indication of arterial encasement. The presence of fat between the tumour and the artery on CTA rules out arterial involvement at surgery.
OBJECTIVE: Fabry disease is an X-linked disorder resulting from alpha-galactosidase A deficiency. The cardiovascular findings include left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and increased intima-media thickness of the common carotid artery (CCA IMT). The current study examined the possible correlation between these parameters. To corroborate these clinical findings in vitro, plasma from Fabry patients was tested for possible proliferative effect on rat vascular smooth muscle cells (vascular smooth muscle cell [VSMC]) and mouse neonatal cardiomyocytes. METHODS AND RESULTS: Thirty male and 38 female patients were enrolled. LVH was found in 60% of men and 39% of women. Increased CCA IMT was equally present in males and females. There was a strong positive correlation between LV mass and CCA IMT (r2=0.27; P<0.0001). VSMC and neonatal cardiomyocyte proliferative response in vitro correlated with CCA IMT (r2=0.39; P<0.0004) and LV mass index (r2=0.19; P=0.028), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: LVH and CCA IMT occur concomitantly in Fabry suggesting common pathogenesis. The underlying cause may be a circulating growth-promoting factor whose presence has been confirmed in vitro.
The aim of this study was to review our experience in percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) performed in patients with cancer of the upper aerodigestive tract. Descriptive retrospective study of 142 patients (115 males, 27 females), mean age 62.4 years (25-84 years), with head and neck or esophageal cancer, who underwent PEG tube insertion between January 2006 and December 2008. The studied parameters were indications, success rate, rate and type of complications, and their management. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy was inserted before chemoradiation therapy in 80% and during or after cancer treatment in 20% of the patients. PEG placement was possible in 137 patients (96%). Major complications were observed in 9 (7%) and minor complications in 22 (17%) of the 137 patients. Seven of the 9 patients with a major complication needed revision surgery. The mortality directly related to the procedure was 0.7%. Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube insertion has a high success rate. In patients with upper aerodigestive tract cancer, PEG should be the first choice for enteral nutrition when sufficient oral intake is not possible. Although apparently easy, the procedure may occasionally lead to severe complications. Therefore, a strict technique and knowledge of clinical signs of possible complications are mandatory.