984 resultados para uva-Japão
RESUMO A uva ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ utilizada para elaboração de vinho tem tido seu plantio incrementado na região vitivinícola de São Roque (SP), sendo o sistema de sustentação mais usual a espaldeira. Recentemente, foi introduzido o sistema de sustentação em manjedoura na forma de Y, portanto foi realizado experimento objetivando caracterizar a produção e as características químicas do mosto da ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ sustentada em espaldeira e em Y. As avaliações foram feitas durante os anos agrícolas: 2010/2011, 2011/2012 e 2012/2013. As videiras sustentadas em Y apresentaram maiores médias de massa dos cachos e de produtividade quando comparadas às sustentadas em espaldeira. As médias de produtividade estimada variaram entre 9,89 e 13,64 t ha-1 para a espaldeira e entre 13,34 e 17,43 t ha-1 para a manjedoura na forma de Y. Em relação às características químicas do mosto (teor de sólidos solúveis, pH e acidez titulável), não foram observadas diferenças estatísticas entre os sistemas de sustentação das videiras. As médias do teor de sólidos solúveis variaram entre 17,3 e 19,3°Brix, e a acidez titulável total, entre 98 e 143 meq.L-1 para os diferentes anos agrícolas avaliados.
RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de doses únicas e fracionadas de ácido giberélico nas trocas gasosas e fotossíntese e na qualidade de cachos da uva cv. Sweet Celebration, no Submédio São Francisco. O delineamento experimental foi o em blocos ao acaso, com 10 tratamentos (testemunha; uma, duas ou três aplicações de 10 mg.L-1; uma, duas ou três aplicações de 15 mg.L-1; uma única aplicação de 20 mg.L-1, de 30 mg.L-1ou de 45 mg.L-1), com quatro repetições, e parcelas constituídas por três plantas. O ácido giberélico, aplicado na fase de bagas com 8 mm, aumentou a massa e as dimensões das uvas, sem influenciar no teor de sólidos solúveis e na acidez titulável. Contudo, maiores massa (9,41 g), comprimento (26,8 mm) e volume (8,12 cm3) de baga foram decorrentes de três aplicações de 10 mg.L-1, resultando em incrementos de, respectivamente, 59%, 23% e 42,5%,quandocomparado à testemunha. As três aplicações de ácido giberélico, nas diferentes fases de desenvolvimento dos cachos, favoreceram a atividade fotossintética e a qualidade do cacho e das bagas.
RESUMO A videira ‘Niagara Rosada’ é a principal cultivar de uva de mesa plantada no Sul do Brasil. Para avaliar a qualidade da uva produzida, foi conduzido um experimento com aNiagara Rosada nos seguintes porta-enxertos: ‘Jales’, ‘Tropical’, ‘Campinas’, ‘VR 043-43’, ‘R-99’, ‘Paulsen 1103’, ‘Schwarzmann’,‘Traviú’, ‘Golias’, ‘Gravesac’, ‘RR 101-14’, ‘Dog Ridge’, ‘VR 044-4’, ‘Kobber5BB’ e ‘SO4’, mais o pé-franco. Foram avaliados a fenologia, o vigor, a sobrevivência das plantas ea produção (produtividade, tamanho do cacho e número de cachos por planta). Os diferentes porta-enxertos não influenciam na fenologia da planta. O maior vigor foi observado para o ‘Dog Ridge’, seguido do‘Campinas’, ‘Paulsen 1103’ e ‘VR 043-43’. As maiores mortalidades de planta ocorreram para pé-franco (56%), ‘Traviú’ (50%) e ‘Schwarzmann’(41%). Os porta-enxertos ‘Paulsen 1103’, ‘Campinas’ e ‘Golias’, além de altaprodutividade, apresentam cachos maiores e mais compactos.
És l'estiu, i probablement moltes persones passin uns dies a la platja realitzant activitats diverses, entre les quals prendre el sol. A la dècada de 1940 es va iniciar la moda de tenir la pell bronzejada, un senyal que inicialment era indicatiu de l'estatus econòmic d'aquella persona que es podia permetre passar uns dies de vacances. Abans, però, era just al contrari, i encara és així en alguns països: la pell blanca es considerava més elegant perquè volia dir que la persona no havia d'estar exposada al sol per guanyar-se la vida. Ara ja no és cap indicatiu d'estatus, però la moda es manté, motiu pel qual a finals de la dècada de 1970 es van desenvolupar els aparells de rajos UVA. La llum solar presenta beneficis indubtables sobre la salut, però també perjudicis evidents, atès que l'exposició al sol incrementa la probabilitat de tenir càncer de pell. Fins fa poc es pensava que bronzejar-se era únicament una moda, però s'ha vist que, a més, els rajos ultraviolats causen addicció. Diversos estudis mostren que fins al 70% dels usuaris habituals dels aparells d'UVA podrien ser-ne addictes. Un treball que s'acaba de publicar a la revista Cell explica l'origen d'aquesta addicció.
Autosomal recessive osteopetrosis (ARO) is a rare genetic bone disease with genotypic and phenotypic heterogeneity, sometimes translating into delayed diagnosis and treatment. In particular, cases of intermediate severity often constitute a diagnostic challenge and represent good candidates for exome sequencing. Here, we describe the tortuous path to identification of the molecular defect in two siblings, in which osteopetrosis diagnosed in early childhood followed a milder course, allowing them to reach the adult age in relatively good conditions with no specific therapy. No clearly pathogenic mutation was identified either with standard amplification and resequencing protocols or with exome sequencing analysis. While evaluating the possible impact of a 3'UTR variant on the TCIRG1 expression, we found a novel single nucleotide change buried in the middle of intron 15 of the TCIRG1 gene, about 150 nucleotides away from the closest canonical splice site. By sequencing a number of independent cDNA clones covering exons 14 to 17, we demonstrated that this mutation reduced splicing efficiency but did not completely abrogate the production of the normal transcript. Prompted by this finding, we sequenced the same genomic region in 33 patients from our unresolved ARO cohort and found three additional novel single nucleotide changes in a similar location and with a predicted disruptive effect on splicing, further confirmed in one of them at the transcript level. Overall, we identified an intronic region in TCIRG1 that seems to be particularly prone to splicing mutations, allowing the production of a small amount of protein sufficient to reduce the severity of the phenotype usually associated with TCIRG1 defects. On this basis, we would recommend including TCIRG1 not only in the molecular work-up of severe infantile osteopetrosis but also in intermediate cases and carefully evaluating the possible effects of intronic changes. © 2015 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research.
This paper presents a preliminary study on the degradation of spray paint samples, illustrated by Optical, FTIR and Raman measurements. As opposed to automotive paints which are specifically designed for improved outdoor exposure and protected using hindered amine light absorbers (HALS) and ultra-violet absorbers (UVA), the spray paints on their side are much simpler in composition and very likely to suffer more from joint effects of solar radiation, temperature and humidity. Six different spray paint were exposed to outdoor UV-radiation for a total period of three months and both FTIR and Raman measurements were taken systematically during this time. These results were later compared to an artificial degradation using a climate chamber. For infrared spectroscopy, degradation curves were plotted using the photo-oxidation index (POI), and could be successfully approximated with a logarithmic fitting (R2 > 0.8). The degradation can appear after the first few days of exposure and be important until 2 months, where it stabilizes and follow a more linear trend afterwards. One advantage is that the degradation products appeared almost exclusively at the far end (∼3000 cm−1) of mid-infrared spectra, and that the fingerprint region of the spectra remained stable over the studied period of time. Raman results suggest that the pigments on the other side, are much more stable and have not shown any sign of degradation over the time of this study. Considering the forensic implications of this environmental degradation, care should be taken when comparing samples if weathering is an option (e.g. an exposed graffiti compared to the paint from a fresh spray paint can). Degradation issues should be kept in mind as they may induce significant differences between paint samples of common origin.
BACKGROUND: Hypoxia-induced pulmonary vasoconstriction increases pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) and may impede right heart function and exercise performance. This study examined the effects of oral nitrate supplementation on right heart function and performance during exercise in normoxia and hypoxia. We tested the hypothesis that nitrate supplementation would attenuate the increase in PAP at rest and during exercise in hypoxia, thereby improving exercise performance. METHODS: Twelve trained male cyclists [age: 31 ± 7 year (mean ± SD)] performed 15 km time-trial cycling (TT) and steady-state submaximal cycling (50, 100, and 150 W) in normoxia and hypoxia (11% inspired O2) following 3-day oral supplementation with either placebo or sodium nitrate (0.1 mmol/kg/day). We measured TT time-to-completion, muscle tissue oxygenation during TT and systolic right ventricle to right atrium pressure gradient (RV-RA gradient: index of PAP) during steady state cycling. RESULTS: During steady state exercise, hypoxia elevated RV-RA gradient (p > 0.05), while oral nitrate supplementation did not alter RV-RA gradient (p > 0.05). During 15 km TT, hypoxia lowered muscle tissue oxygenation (p < 0.05). Nitrate supplementation further decreased muscle tissue oxygenation during 15 km TT in hypoxia (p < 0.05). Hypoxia impaired time-to-completion during TT (p < 0.05), while no improvements were observed with nitrate supplementation in normoxia or hypoxia (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION: Our findings indicate that oral nitrate supplementation does not attenuate acute hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction nor improve performance during time trial cycling in normoxia and hypoxia.
CSL is a key transcription factor, mostly acting as a repressor, which has been shown to have a highly context-dependent function. While known as the main effector of Notch signaling, it can also exert Notch-independent functions. The downstream effects of the Notch/CSL signaling pathway and its involvement in several biological processes have been intensively studied. We recently showed that CSL is important to maintain skin homeostasis, as its specific deletion in mouse dermal fibroblasts -or downmodulation in human stromal fibroblasts- creates an inducing environment for squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) development, possibly due to the conversion of stromal fibroblasts into cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs). Despite the wide interest in CSL as a transcriptional regulator, the mechanism of its own regulation has so far been neglected. We show here that CSL expression levels differ between individuals, and correlate among others with genes involved in DNA damage response. Starting from this finding we show that in dermal fibroblasts CSL is under transcriptional control of stress inducers such as UVA irradiation and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) induction, and that a main player in CSL transcriptional regulation is the transcription factor p53. In a separate line of work, we focused on individual variability, studying the differences in gene expression between human populations in various cancer types, particularly focusing on the Caucasian and African populations. It is indeed widely known that these populations have different incidences and mortalities for various cancers, and response to cancer treatment may also vary between them. We show here several genes that are differentially expressed and could be of interest in the study of population differences in cancer. -- CSL est un facteur de transcription agissant essentiellement comme répresseur, et qui a une fonction hautement dépendant du contexte. C'est l'effecteur principal de la voie de signalisation de Notch, mais il peut également exercer ses fonctions dans une façon Notch- indépendante. Nous avons récemment montré que CSL est important pour maintenir l'homéostasie de la peau. Sa suppression spécifique dans les fibroblastes dermiques de la souris ou dans les fibroblastes stromales humaines crée un environnement favorable pour le développement du carcinome épidermoïde (SCC), probablement en raison de la conversion des fibroblastes en fibroblastes associé au cancer (CAF). Malgré le grand intérêt de CSL comme régulateur transcriptionnel, le mécanisme de sa propre régulation a été jusqu'ici négligée. Nous montrons ici que dans les fibroblastes dermiques CSL est sous le contrôle transcriptionnel de facteurs de stress tels que l'irradiation UVA et l'induction des ROS dont p53 est l'acteur principal de cette régulation. Nous montrons aussi que les niveaux d'expression de CSL varient selon les individus, en corrélation avec d'autres gènes impliqués dans la réponse aux dommages de l'ADN. Dans une autre axe de recherche, concernant la variabilité individuelle, nous avons étudié les différences dans l'expression des gènes dans différents types de cancer entre les populations humaines, en se concentrant particulièrement sur les populations africaines et caucasiennes. Il est en effet bien connu que ces populations montrent des variations dans l'incidence des cancers, la mortalité, ainsi que pour les réponses au traitement. Nous montrons ici plusieurs gènes qui sont exprimés différemment et pourraient être digne d'intérêt dans l'étude du cancer au sein de différentes populations.
Life sciences are yielding huge data sets that underpin scientific discoveries fundamental to improvement in human health, agriculture and the environment. In support of these discoveries, a plethora of databases and tools are deployed, in technically complex and diverse implementations, across a spectrum of scientific disciplines. The corpus of documentation of these resources is fragmented across the Web, with much redundancy, and has lacked a common standard of information. The outcome is that scientists must often struggle to find, understand, compare and use the best resources for the task at hand.Here we present a community-driven curation effort, supported by ELIXIR-the European infrastructure for biological information-that aspires to a comprehensive and consistent registry of information about bioinformatics resources. The sustainable upkeep of this Tools and Data Services Registry is assured by a curation effort driven by and tailored to local needs, and shared amongst a network of engaged partners.As of November 2015, the registry includes 1785 resources, with depositions from 126 individual registrations including 52 institutional providers and 74 individuals. With community support, the registry can become a standard for dissemination of information about bioinformatics resources: we welcome everyone to join us in this common endeavour. The registry is freely available at https://bio.tools.
Apart from its role as a flow generator for ventilation the diaphragm has a circulatory role. The cyclical abdominal pressure variations from its contractions cause swings in venous return from the splanchnic venous circulation. During exercise the action of the abdominal muscles may enhance this circulatory function of the diaphragm. Eleven healthy subjects (25 ± 7 year, 70 ± 11 kg, 1.78 ± 0.1 m, 3 F) performed plantar flexion exercise at ~4 METs. Changes in body volume (ΔVb) and trunk volume (ΔVtr) were measured simultaneously by double body plethysmography. Volume of blood shifts between trunk and extremities (Vbs) was determined non-invasively as ΔVtr-ΔVb. Three types of breathing were studied: spontaneous (SE), rib cage (RCE, voluntary emphasized inspiratory rib cage breathing), and abdominal (ABE, voluntary active abdominal expiration breathing). During SE and RCE blood was displaced from the extremities into the trunk (on average 0.16 ± 0.33 L and 0.48 ± 0.55 L, p < 0.05 SE vs. RCE), while during ABE it was displaced from the trunk to the extremities (0.22 ± 0.20 L p < 0.001, p < 0.05 RCE and SE vs. ABE respectively). At baseline, Vbs swings (maximum to minimum amplitude) were bimodal and averaged 0.13 ± 0.08 L. During exercise, Vbs swings consistently increased (0.42 ± 0.34 L, 0.40 ± 0.26 L, 0.46 ± 0.21 L, for SE, RCE and ABE respectively, all p < 0.01 vs. baseline). It follows that during leg exercise significant bi-directional blood shifting occurs between the trunk and the extremities. The dynamics and partitioning of these blood shifts strongly depend on the relative predominance of the action of the diaphragm, the rib cage and the abdominal muscles. Depending on the partitioning between respiratory muscles for the act of breathing, the distribution of blood between trunk and extremities can vary by up to 1 L. We conclude that during exercise the abdominal muscles and the diaphragm might play a role of an "auxiliary heart."
PRENDRE EL SOL POT SER UNA ACTIVITAT molt plaent. Tanmateix, la radiació ultraviolada pot esdevenir carcinògena, atesa la seva capacitat d'induir mutacions en l'ADN, motiu pel qual sempre s'ha de prendre amb moderació i utilitzar una crema protectora adequada. Els rajos solars més mutagènics són els ultraviolats de tipus B (UVB), atès que són més energètics. Provoquen mutacions de forma gairebé instantània, de manera que quan deixem de prendre el sol tenim la sensació d'estar protegits. Però un treball publicat a Science demostra que els UVA, que tradicionalment s'han percebut com a menys nocius i per això són els que emeten les làmpades solars per bronzejar-se, també són mutagènics, tot i que actuen de manera diferent dels UVB. La seva capacitat per induir mutacions no és instantània, sinó que perdura fins a tres hores després que hàgim deixat de prendre el sol.
In this work, the efficiency of some homogeneous advanced oxidation processes (UVC/H2O2, Fe2+/H2O2, UVC/Fe2+/H2O2, UVA/Fe2+/H2O2, solar/Fe2+/H2O2) was investigated toward the degradation of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB). The effect of relevant experimental parameters (ie. pH, Fe2+ and H2O2 concentration) was first investigated by factorial design, using camphor as a model substrate. In the geosmin and 2-MIB degradation studies the Fenton processes assisted by solar and UVA radiation offered the most promising results, mainly on account of high degradation capacity (higher than 80% at a reaction time of 60 min), high operational simplicity and low cost.
Octocrylene (2-ethylhexyl 2-cyano-3,3-diphenyl-2-propenoate) is present in several sunscreens and is known to work synergistically with UV filters. We prepared eight octocrylene-related compounds to test their photoprotective activities by measuring diffuse transmittance. The compounds had varied photoprotection profiles, with Sun Protection Factors (SPF) ranging from 1 to 5 and UVA Protection Factors (UVAPF) ranging from 1 to 8. Compounds 4, 5, and 7 showed the best protection against UVB sunrays, while compounds 5, 6, and 7 presented the best results for protection from UVA, so compound 7 had the most balanced protection overall. Results for compounds 4, 8, and 9 are reported for the first time in the literature.
Objetivou-se caracterizar isolados de Rhizoctonia solani AG1 e AG4 e isolados binucleados de Rhizoctonia spp. patogênicos a Eucalyptus, por meio de eletroforese de proteínas, em gel de poliacrilamida, e de isoenzimas (ACP, 6-PGDH, LAP, SOD, MDH e IDH), em gel de amido. Para comparação, incluíram-se alguns isolados brasileiros de outros hospedeiros e isolados-padrões de R. solani AG1, procedentes do Japão. Observaram-se diferenças nos padrões gerais de proteínas e nos fenótipos isoenzimáticos entre isolados binucleados e multinucleados e entre isolados de diferentes grupos e subgrupos de anastomose. Isolados de R. solani AG1, procedentes do Brasil e Japão, apresentaram baixa similaridade nos padrões de proteínas e de isoenzimas. Isolados brasileiros morfologicamente semelhantes a R. solani AG1-IB (microesclerodiais) apresentaram padrões de proteínas similares e um maior número de fenótipos isoenzimáticos idênticos entre si. Esta tendência foi independente do hospedeiro e da origem geográfica. Variações nos padrões de proteínas e de isoenzimas foram também observadas dentre isolados brasileiros de R. solani AG4. Discute-se o uso da eletroforese de proteínas e isoenzimas na caracterização de isolados de Rhizoctonia spp. e em estudos genéticos e filogenéticos de fungos deste gênero.
O presente trabalho objetivou estudar a diversidade da virulência de isolados de Pyricularia grisea coletados na Estação Experimental do IAC, Mococa, estado de São Paulo. A composição das raças do fungo e sua compatibilidade com genes de resistência foram estudadas utilizando-se cultivares diferenciais de arroz (Oryza sativa) do Japão. Cinqüenta isolados monospóricos foram obtidos das panículas das cultivares IAC 201 e IAC 4440 afetadas com brusone. As raças JP 137 e JP 177 de P. grisea na cultivar de arroz de sequeiro IAC 201 e a raça JP 200 na cultivar IAC 4440, arroz irrigado, foram identificadas. Foi observada uma baixa freqüência de ocorrência de raças fisiológicas no local de seleção de linhagens de melhoramento. Enquanto todos os 25 isolados provenientes de IAC 4440 foram compatíveis somente ao gene de resistência pi-ta², os isolados de IAC 201 foram compatíveis para sete dos nove genes das diferenciais japonesas. Os resultados mostraram que somente um gene de resistência (pi-z t) foi efetivo a todos os isolados de P. grisea coletados das cultivares de arroz IAC 201 e IAC 4440.