809 resultados para twelfth century
Includes bibliography.
The Third Western Hemisphere Transportation Ministerial meeting was held in New Orleans, Lousiana, United States, from 14 to 16 December 1998, under the theme Transportation in the 21st Century: A Vision for Integration. The meeting was attended by Ministers and heads of delegations from 33 countries of the Americas, representatives of various international organizations and business sector of the Continent. The current issue of the Bulletin provides the complete text of the Ministerial Declaration. For additional information, contact José María Rubiato: e-mail jrubiato@eclac.cl
Pós-graduação em Direito - FCHS
The thinking that has unilaterally dominated economic science for over five decades has recently come under intensive scrutiny and its validity and conceptual and empirical coherence are the subject of controversy. Thus the limitations of the prevailing paradigm for addressing the failures of free market economies have been laid bare. For Latin America and the Caribbean, these failures are structural in nature, as indeed structuralism proposed in its time. Neostructuralism delves more deeply into the issues addressed in structuralism, aiming to improve positioning in the international economy, boost productive employment creation, reduce structural heterogeneity and improve income distribution, while maintaining financial balances capable of sustaining changes in the sphere of production by means of social and State support. Far from being an insular system of thinking, neostructuralism is an open system that lends itself to dialogue with other philosophies that recognize the limitations of the dominant paradigm and object to its methodological monism. This book offers a fresh look at neostructuralism and heterodox thinking at the start of the twenty-first century. In a context shaped by the impacts of the worst economic and financial crisis since the Great Depression and by paradigmatic changes at the global level, it aims to carve out arenas for discussion between alternative lines of thinking in order to lay the foundations for a socioeconomically inclusive and environmentally sustainable model of development for the region.
Report of the Twelfth Session of the Regional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbean
Em 2002, a Argentina atingiu um novo marco histórico, ao experimentar o maior default da dívida externa, não somente pela sua própria história, mas também do mundo. Para compreender como a Argentina deixou de ser um país mais desenvolvido de terceiro mundo até experimentar a crise de 2001, entrando depois numa depressão em 2002, com mais da metade da população abaixo da linha de pobreza, precisamos fazer uma avaliação das políticas econômicas durante o último quarto de século na Argentina. A virada ao neoliberalismo começou durante a ditadura no ano 1976, tendo se aprofundado no governo Menem e sempre apoiada pelo FMI. Este trabalho tentará identificar porque a crise ocorreu naquele momento, e também, compreender as mudanças subjacentes na economia política durante duas décadas na Argentina, as quais que desencadearam duas ondas de desindustrialização, uma explosão da dívida externa e uma deterioração bem marcante no padrão de vida para a maioria dos argentinos.
Com o objetivo de contribuir para a democratização da memória escolar no Brasil, em especial, da história da formação de professores primários nas décadas finais do século XIX brasileiro (caso paulista) e francês, apresentam-se, resultados de pesquisas de doutorado, desenvolvidas mediante abordagem histórica centrada na análise da configuração textual de três documentos: 1. lista de livros da caixa nº 1 adquirida por Paulo Bourroul, Diretor da Escola Normal de São Paulo (1882-1884), quando de sua viagem à Paris em 1883; 2. lista de livros contidos no relatório de José Estacio Corrêa de Sá e Benevides, Diretor interino da Escola Normal de São Paulo em 1884; 3. Catalogue des bibliothèques des Écoles Normales (1887), publicados pelo Ministro da Instrução Pública e de Belas Artes da França, Jules Ferry. Constatou-se importantes aspectos da cultura escolar relativos ao “ensinar normalistas a ensinar” leitura e escrita decorrentes das transferências culturais e de modelos pedagógicos na relação/representação Brasil-França.
There are three distinct and complementary objectives in this article in order to clarify the higher education outline in Brazil, specifically evening courses (classes are held on weekdays, generally from 7:00 pm to 10:30 pm) and thesecurrent sector policies. The first objective is to present a short historical overview on the establishment of evening courses in Brazil, including those in the higher education level, occurred on the middle of last century. The second objective is to demonstrate the growth of evening higher education in Brazil, considering that in 1998, of the 2.1 million college enrollments, 55.3% were enrolled in evening courses; in 2010, twelve years later, of the 5.4 million students enrolled, there were 63.5% enrolled in evening courses. This expansion is due to the growing need of many students who must work while attending college, to defray costs of the study as well as personal and family costs. The reality of the working student is hostile considering external factors, such as transport problems, public security and lack of legislation for flexible working hours. The third objective is to discuss current public policies to expand eveningopenings in public institutions which represent nowadays only 16.1% of the 3.4 million enrollments for evening classes, including federal (6.8%), state (7.0%) and municipal (2.3%) institutions. In the third objective it is included the discussion of programs for scholarships and tuition loans. The methodology applied was to rescue historical information on the establishment and the expansion of evening courses in Brazil, analyzing the current general Brazilian policies and the specific ones from the State of São Paulo. The research results pointed to the importance of federal programs for scholarships and tuition loans for students from private institutions such as the 1,382,484 scholarships since 2004 (PROUNI Program) and the 847,000 tuition loans since 1999 (FIES Program). Important steps have been made by the Brazilian government. Considering that there are 3,987,424 enrollments in private institutions, the effectiveness of the programs for scholarships and tuition loans is still insufficient to meet the universal benefits for the student’s needs. Evening courses became the real instrument of social inclusion for many Brazilian youths and must be expanded quantitatively and qualitatively, with aggressive public policies, including also, scholarships and tuition loans.