959 resultados para tumour growth inhibition
Particular interest has been directed towards the macrophage as a primary antineoplastic cell due to its tumoricidal properties in vitro and the observation that an inverse relationship exists between the number of macrophages infiltrating a tumor and metastatic potential. The mechanism of macrophage-mediated injury of tumor cells remains unknown. Recently, it has been shown that injured tumor cells have defective mitochondrial respiration. Our studies have shown that activated macrophages can release soluble factors which can alter tumor cell respiration.^ The effects of a conditioned supernatant (CS) from cultures of activated macrophages on tumor cell (TC) mitochondrial respiration was studied. CS was obtained by incubation of BCG-elicited, murine peritoneal macrophage with RPMI-1640 supplemented with 10% FCS and 50 ng/ml bacterial endotoxin. This CS was used to treat cultures of EMT-6 TC for 24 hours. Mitochondrial respiration was measured polarigraphically using a Clark-type oxygen electrode. Cell growth rate was assessed by ('3)H-Thymidine incorporation. Exposure of EMT-6 TC to CS resulted in the inhibition of malate and succinate oxidation 76.6% and 72.9%, respectively. While cytochrome oxidase activity was decreased 61.1%. This inhibition was accompanied by a 98.8% inhibition of DNA synthesis (('3)H-Thymidine incorporation). Inhibition was dose-related with a 21.3% inhibition of succinate oxidase from a 0.3 ml dose of CS and a 50% inhibition with 1.0 mls. Chromatography of CS on Sephacryl S-200 resulted in isolation of an 80,000 and a 55,000 dalton component which contained the respiration inhibiting activity (RIF). These factors were distinct from a 120,000 dalton cytolytic factor determined by bioassay on Actinomycin-D treated L929 cells. RIF activity was also distinct from several other cytostatic factors but was itself associated with 2 peaks of cytostatic activity. Characterization of the RIF activity showed that it was destroyed by trypsin and heat (100(DEGREES)C, 5 min). It was stable over a broad range of pH (4-9) and its production was inhibited by cycloheximide. The RIF did not have a direct effect on isolated mitochondria of TC nor did it induce the formation of a stable intracellular toxin for mitochondria.^ In conclusion, activated macrophages synthesize and secrete an 80,000 and a 55,000 dalton protein which inhibits the mitochondrial metabolism of TC. These factors induce a cytostatic but not a cytolytic effect on TC.^ The macrophage plays a role in the control of normal and tumor cell growth and in tissue involution. Inhibition of respiration may be one mechanism used by macrophages to control cell growth.^
The heparan sulfate (HS)-fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling system is a ubiquitous regulator that senses local environmental changes and mediates cell-to-cell communication. This system consists of three mutually interactive components. These are regulatory polypeptides (FGF), FGF receptor (FGFR) and heparan sulfate proteoglycans (FGFRHS). All four FGFR genes are expressed in the adult liver. Expression of the FGFR1–3 genes is generally associated with non-parenchymal cells while expression of the FGFR4 gene is associated with parenchymal hepatocytes. We showed that livers of mice lacking FGFR4 exhibited normal morphology and regenerated normally in response to partial hepatectomy. However, the FGFR4 (−/−) mice exhibited depleted gallbladders, an elevated bile acid pool and elevated excretion of bile acids. Cholesterol- and bile acid-controlled liver cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (Cyp7a), the limiting enzyme for bile acid synthesis, was elevated, unresponsive to dietary cholesterol, but repressed normally by dietary cholate. These results indicated that FGFR4 was not directly involved in liver growth but exerted negative control on liver bile acid synthesis. This was confirmed in transgenic mice overexpressing the constitutively active human FGFR4 in livers. The transgenic mice exhibited decreased fecal bile acid excretion, bile acid pool size, and expression of Cyp7a. Introduction of this constitutively active human FGFR4 into FGFR4 (−/−) mice restored the inhibition of bile acid synthesis. Activation of the c-Jun N-terminal Kinase (JNK) pathway by FGFR4 correlated with the repressive effect on bile acid synthesis. ^ To determine whether FGFR4 played a broader role in liver-specific metabolic function, we examined the impact of both acute and chronic exposure to CCl 4 in FGFR4 (−/−) mice. Following acute CCl4 exposure, the FGFR4 (−/−) mice exhibited accelerated liver injury, a significant increase in liver mass and delayed hepatolobular repair, with no apparent effect on liver cell proliferation and restoration of cellularity. Chronic CCl4 exposure resulted in severe fibrosis in livers of FGFR4 (−/−) mice compared to normal mice. Analysis at both mRNA and protein levels indicated an 8 hr delay in FGFR4-deficient mice in the down-regulation of cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP2E1) protein, the major enzyme whose products underlie CCl 4-induced injury. These results show that hepatocyte FGFR4 protects against acute and chronic insult to the liver and prevents accompanying fibrosis. ^ Of the 23 FGF polypeptides, FGF1 and FGF2 are present at significant levels in the liver. To determine whether FGF1 and FGF2 played a role in CCl 4-induced liver injury and fibrosis, we examined the impact of both acute and chronic exposure to CCl4 in both wild-type and FGF1-FGF2 double-knockout mice. Following acute CCl4 exposure, FGF1(−/−)FGF2(−/−) mice exhibited accelerated liver injury, overall normal liver growth and repair, and decreased liver collagen α1(I) induction. Liver fibrosis resulting from chronic CCl4 exposure was markedly decreased in livers of FGF1(−/−)FGF2(−/−) mice compared to wild-type mice. This study suggests a role for FGF1 and FGF2 in hepatic fibrogenesis. ^ In summary, our three part study shows that specific components of the ubiquitous HS-FGF signaling family in the liver context interfaces with metabolite- and xenobiotic-controlled networks to regulate liver function, but has no apparent direct effect on liver cell growth. ^
The proteasome degrades approximately 80% of intracellular proteins to maintain homeostasis. Proteasome inhibition is a validated therapeutic strategy, and currently, proteasome inhibitor bortezomib is FDA approved for the treatment of MM and MCL. Specific pathways affected by proteasome inhibition have been identified, but mechanisms of the anti-tumor effects of proteasome inhibition are not fully characterized and cancer cells display marked heterogeneity in terms of their sensitivity to proteasome inhibitor induced cell death. ^ The antitumor effects of proteasome inhibition involve suppression of tumor angiogenesis and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression, but the mechanisms involved have not been clarified. In this dissertation I investigated the mechanisms underlying the effects of two proteasome inhibitors, bortezomib and NPI-0052, on VEGF expression in human prostate cancer cells. I found that proteasome inhibitors selectively downregulated hypoxia inducible factor 1alpha (HIF-1α) protein and its transcriptional activity to inhibit VEGF expression. Mechanistic studies demonstrated that proteasome inhibitors mediate the induction of the unfolded protein response (UPR) and that downregulation of HIF-1α is caused by eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2α (eIF2α) phosphorylation and translation repression. Importantly, I showed that proteasome inhibitors activated the UPR in some cells but not in others. My observation may have implications for the design of combination regimens that are based on exploiting proteasome inhibitor-induced ER stress.^ Although proteasome inhibitors have shown modest activity on prostate cancer, there is general consensus that no single agent is likely to have significant activity in prostate cancer. In the second part of this dissertation I attempted to exploit the effects of proteasome inhibition on the UPR to design a combination therapy that would enhance cancer cell death. Autophagy is a lysosome dependent degradation pathway that functions to eliminate long-lived protein and subcellular structures. Targeting autophagy has been shown to inhibit tumors in preclinical studies. I found that inhibition of autophagy with chloroquine or 3-methyladenine enhanced proteasome inhibitor induced cell death and the effects were associated with increased intracellular stress as marked by aggresome formation. Multiple cancers appear to be resistant to proteasome inhibition treatment alone. The implications of synergy for the combined inhibition of autophagy and the proteasome would likely apply to other cancers aside from prostate cancer. ^
Overexpression of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2 (IGFBP2) is associated with progression and poor survival in many types of human cancer (such as prostate, ovarian, adrenocortical, breast, colorectal carcinomas, leukemia, and high-grade gliomas). We therefore hypothesize that IGFBP2 is a key regulator of tumor progression. We tested our hypothesis in gliomas using the somatic gene transfer RCAS-tva mouse model system, which permits the introduction of specific genes into specific, cell lineages, in this case glial cells (RCAS: Replication competent avian sarcomavirus, tv-a: avian RCAS virus receptor). Mice are transgenic and harbor the tv-a receptor under the control of a glial-specific promoter and study genes are cloned into the RCAS vector for post-natal intracranial delivery. For these experiments, the study genes were IGFBP2, platelet-derived growth factor B (PDGFB), K-Ras, Akt, and IIp45 (invasion inhibitory protein 45 kDa; known to bind and block IGFBP2 activity), which were delivered separately and in combination. Our results show that PDGFB signaling leads exclusively to the formation of low-grade (WHO grade II) oligodendrogliomas. PDGFB delivered in combination with IGFBP2 results in the formation of anaplastic oligodendrogliomas (WHO grade III), which are characterized by increased cellularity, vascular proliferation, small regions of necrosis, increased mitotic activity, and increased activation of the Akt pathway. IIp45 injected in combination with PDGFB and IGFBP2 ablates IGFBP2-induced tumor progression, which results in formation of low-grade oligodendrogliomas, and an overall reduction in tumor incidence. K-Ras expression was required to form astrocytomas with either IGFBP2 or Akt, indicating the activation of two separate pathways is necessary for gliomagenesis. In ex vivo experiments, blockade of Akt by an inhibitor led to decreased viability of cells co-expressing IGFBP2 versus PDGFB expression alone. This study provides definitive evidence, for the first time, that: (1) IGFBP2 plays a role in activation of the Akt pathway, (2) IGFBP2 collaborates with K-Ras or PDGFB in the development and progression of two major types of glioma, and (3) IGFBP2-induced tumor progression can be ablated by IIp45 or by specific inhibition of the Akt pathway. ^
Aberrant expression and/or activation of Src Family of non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases (SFKs) occur frequently during progressive stages of multiple types of human malignancies, including prostate cancer. Two SFKs, Src and Lyn, are expressed and implicated in prostate cancer progression. Work in this dissertation investigated the specific roles of Src and Lyn in the prostate tumor progression, and the effects of SFK inhibition on prostate tumor growth and lymph node metastasis in pre-clinical mouse models. ^ Firstly, using a pharmacological inhibitor of SFKs in clinical trials, dasatinib, I demonstrated that SFK inhibition affects both cellular migration and proliferation in vitro. Systemic administration of dasatinib reduced primary tumor growth, as well as development of lymph node metastases, in both androgen-sensitive and -resistant orthotopic prostate cancer mouse models. Immunohistochemical analysis of the primary tumors revealed that dasatinib treatment decreased SFK phosphorylation but not expression, resulting in decreased cellular proliferation and increased apoptosis. For this analysis of immunohistochemical stained tissues, I developed a novel method of quantifying immunohistochemical stain intensity that greatly reduced the inherent bias in analyzing staining intensity. ^ To determine if Src and Lyn played overlapping or distinct roles in prostate cancer tumor growth and progression, Src expression alone was inhibited by small-interfering RNA. The resulting stable cell lines were decreased in migration, but not substantially affected in proliferation rates. In contrast, an analogous strategy targeting Lyn led to stable cell lines in which proliferation rates were significantly reduced. ^ Lastly, I tested the efficacy of a novel SFK inhibitor (KX2-391) targeting peptide substrate-binding domain, on prostate cancer growth and lymph node metastasis in vivo. I demonstrated that KX2-391 has similar effects as dasatinib, an ATP-competitive small molecular inhibitor, on both the primary tumor growth and development of lymph node metastasis in vivo, work that contributed to the first-in-man Phase I clinical trial of KX2-391. ^ In summary, studies in this dissertation provide the first demonstration that Src and Lyn activities affect different cellular functions required for prostate tumor growth and metastasis, and SFK inhibitors effectively reduce primary tumor growth and lymph node metastasis. Therefore, I conclude that SFKs are promising therapeutic targets for treatment of human prostate cancer. ^
Background: Activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) in response to chronic biobehavioral stress results in high levels of catecholamines and persistent activation of adrenergic signaling, which promotes tumor growth and progression. However it is unknown how catecholamine levels within the tumor exceed systemic levels in circulation. I hypothesized that neo-innervation of tumors is required for stress-mediated effects on tumor growth. Results: First, I examined whether sympathetic nerves are present in human ovarian cancer samples as well as orthotopic ovarian cancer models. Immunohistochemical (IHC) staining for neurofilament revealed that catecholaminergic neurons are present within tumor tissue. In order to determine whether chronic stress affects the density of nerves in the tumor, I utilized an orthotopic mouse model of ovarian cancer that was exposed to daily restraint stress. IHC analysis revealed that nerve density in tumors increased by more than three-fold in stressed animals versus non-stressed controls. IHC analysis suggested that this results from both recruitment of existing neurons (axonogenesis) as well as new neuron formation (neurogenesis) within the tumor. To determine how tumors are recruiting nerve growth, I utilized a PCR array analysis of 84 nerve growth related genes and their receptors, which showed that stimulation of the SKOV3 ovarian cancer cell line with norepinephrine (NE) leads to increased expression of several neurotrophins, including brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). Neurite extension assays showed that media conditioned by ovarian cancer cell lines is capable of inducing neurite outgrowth in differentiated neuron-like PC12 cells, and NE treatment of cancer cells potentiates this effect. Norepinephrine-induced neurite extension was abolished after BDNF silencing by siRNA, suggesting that BDNF is critical to tumor cell-induced nerve growth. in vivo BDNF inhibition resulted in complete abrogation of stress-induced increases in tumor weight and nerve density, as well as downstream markers of stress. Discussion: These studies indicate that adrenergic signalling induced by chronic stress promotes neo-innervation in the tumor microenvironment. This results in a mutually beneficial relationship between the tumor cells and neurons. This work is crucial for providing a link between chronic stress and its effects on the tumor and its microenvironment. The data shown here aims to open new venues that can be used in development of therapies designed to block the stress effects on tumor growth.
Brain metastasis is a common cause of mortality in cancer patients. Approximately 20-30% of breast cancer patients acquire brain metastasis, yet potential therapeutic targets remain largely unknown. The type I insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF- IR) is known to play a role in the progression of breast cancer and is currently being investigated in the clinical setting for various types of cancer. The present study demonstrates that the IGF-IR signaling axis is constitutively active in brain-seeking sublines of breast cancer cells, driving an increase in in vitro metastatic properties. We demonstrate that IGF-IR signaling is activated in an autocrine manner as a result of IGFBP3 overexpression in brain-seeking cells. Transient and stable knockdown of IGF-IR results in a downregulation of IGF-IR downstream signaling through phospho-AKT, as well as decreased in vitro migration and invasion of MDA- MB-231Br brain-seeking cells. Using an in vivo experimental brain metastasis model, we show that IGF-IR ablation attenuates the establishment of brain metastases and prolongs survival. Finally, we demonstrate that the malignancy of brain-seeking cells is attenuated by pharmacological inhibition with picropodophyllin, an IGF-IR-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Together, our data suggest that the IGF-IR is an important mediator of brain metastasis and its ablation delays the onset of brain metastases in our model system.
Use of Echogenic Immunoliposomes for Delivery of both Drug and Stem Cells for Inhibition of Atheroma Progression By Ali K. Naji B.S. Advisor: Dr. Melvin E. Klegerman PhD Background and significance: Echogenic liposomes can be used as drug and cell delivery vehicles that reduce atheroma progression. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is a signal protein that induces vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. VEGF functionally induces migration and proliferation of endothelial cells and increases intracellular vascular permeability. VEGF activates angiogenic transduction factors through VEGF tyrosine kinase domains in high-affinity receptors of endothelial cells. Bevacizumab is a humanized monoclonal antibody specific for VEGF-A which was developed as an anti-tumor agent. Often, anti-VEGF agents result in regression of existing microvessels, inhibiting tumor growth and possibly causing tumor shrinkage with time. During atheroma progression neovasculation in the arterial adventitia is mediated by VEGF. Therefore, bevacizumab may be effective in inhibiting atheroma progression. Stem cells show an ability to inhibit atheroma progression. We have previously demonstrated that monocyte derived CD-34+ stem cells that can be delivered to atheroma by bifunctional-ELIP ( BF-ELIP) targeted to Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and CD-34. Adhesion molecules such as ICAM-1 and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) are expressed by endothelial cells under inflammatory conditions. Ultrasound enhanced liposomal targeting provides a method for stem cell delivery into atheroma and encapsulated drug release. This project is designed to examine the ability of echogenic liposomes to deliver bevacizumab and stem cells to inhibit atheroma progression and neovasculation with and without ultrasound in vitro and optimize the ultrasound parameters for delivery of bevacizumab and stem cells to atheroma. V Hypotheses: Previous studies showed that endothelial cell VEGF expression may relate to atherosclerosis progression and atheroma formation in the cardiovascular system. Bevacizumab-loaded ELIP will inhibit endothelial cell VEGF expression in vitro. Bevacizumab activity can be enhanced by pulsed Doppler ultrasound treatment of BEV-ELIP. I will also test the hypothesis that the transwell culture system can serve as an in vitro model for study of US-enhanced targeted delivery of stem cells to atheroma. Monocyte preparations will serve as a source of CD34+ stem cells. Specific Aims: Induce VEGF expression using PKA and PKC activation factors to endothelial cell cultures and use western blot and ELISA techniques to detect the expressed VEGF. Characterize the relationship between endothelial cell proliferation and VEGF expression to develop a specific EC culture based system to demonstrate BEV-ELIP activity as an anti-VEGF agent. Design a cell-based assay for in vitro assessment of ultrasound-enhanced bevacizumab release from echogenic liposomes. Demonstrate ultrasound delivery enhancement of stem cells by applying different types of liposomes on transwell EC culture using fluorescently labeled monocytes and detect the effect on migration and attachment rate of these echogenic liposomes with and without ultrasound in vitro.
Establishment of a myogenic phenotype involves antagonism between cell proliferation and differentiation. The recent identification of the MyoD family of muscle-specific transcription factors provides opportunities to dissect at the molecular level the mechanisms through which defined cell type-specific transcription factors respond to environmental cues and regulate differentiation programs. This project is aimed at elucidation of the molecular mechanism whereby growth factors repress myogenesis. Initial studies demonstrated that nuclear oncogenes such as c-fos, junB and c-jun are immediate early genes that respond to serum and TGF-$\beta$. Using the muscle creatine kinase (MCK) enhancer linked to the reporter gene CAT as a marker for differentiation, we showed that transcriptional function of myogenin can be disrupted in the presence of c-Fos, JunB and cjun. In contrast, JunD, which shares DNA-binding specificity with JunB and c-Jun but is expressed constitutively in muscle cells, failed to show the inhibition. The repression by Fos and Jun is targeted at KE-2 motif, the same sequence that mediates myogenin-dependent activation and muscle-specific transactivation. Deletion analysis indicated that the transactivation domain of c-Jun at the N-terminus is responsible for the repression. Considering that myogenin is a phosphoprotein and cAMP and TPA are able to regulate myogenesis, we examined whether constitutively active protein kinase C (PKC) and protein kinase A (PKA) could substitute for exogenous growth factors and prevent transcription activation by myogenin. Indeed, the basic region of myogenin is phosphorylated by PKC at a threonine that is conserved in all members of the MyoD family. Phosphorylation at this site attenuates DNA binding activity of myogenin. Protein kinase A can also phosphorylate myogenin in a region adjacent to the DNA binding domain. However, phosphorylation at this site is insufficient to abrogate myogenin's DNA binding capacity, suggesting that PKA and PKC may affect myogenin transcriptional activity through different mechanisms. These findings provide insight into the mechanisms through which growth factor signals negatively regulate the muscle differentiation program and contribute to an understanding of signal transducing pathways between the cell membrane and nucleus. ^
Cellular oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes regulate cellular adhesion and proliferation, two important events in malignant transformation. Even though receptor-like protein tyrosine phosphatases (R-PTPs) can influence these events, their role in malignant transformation has not been studied. The major goal of this study was to determine whether downregulation of R-PTP$\mu$ expression in lung epithelial cells is associated with or causal to neoplastic transformation. Examination of R-PTP$\mu$ expression in normal and carcinoma cells demonstrated that lung epithelial cells expressed R-PTP$\mu$ whereas lung carcinoma cells did not, and that incubation with TGF-$\alpha$ and HGF induced a two fold increase in R-PTP$\mu$ mRNA expression. To associate the expression of R-PTP$\mu$ with neoplastic transformation, we transfected lung epithelial cells with the H-ras oncogene. Transformation resulted in the activation of the MAPK signal transduction pathway, the hyperphosphorylation of c-met, and the production of HGF. Upon analysis of R-PTP$\mu$ expression, we observed a significant decrease in R-PTP$\mu$ mRNA and protein levels suggesting that transformation can directly or indirectly downregulate the expression of R-PTP$\mu.$ TGF-$\beta$ reversed the H-ras transformed phenotype, an event directly correlated with upregulation of R-PTP$\mu.$ To provide a casual relationship between R-PTP$\mu$ and cessation of tumor cell growth, we transfected carcinoma cells with the wild type R-PTP$\mu$ cDNA. Transiently expressing cells were selected by FACS using the mAb 3D7 and plated into individual wells. Carcinoma cells positive for R-PTP$\mu$ expression did not grow into colonies whereas non-R-PTP$\mu$ expressing carcinoma cells did, suggesting that expression of R-PTP$\mu$ arrested cell growth. To better understand the growth arrest induced by R-PTP$\mu$, we transfected the H-ras transformed lung epithelial cell line (MvLu-1-ras) with R-PTP$\mu$ (MvLu-1-ras/R-PTP$\mu$). Examination of growth factor receptor phosphorylation revealed significant inhibition of c-met and EGF-R. Furthermore, these cells underwent apoptosis in the absence of serum. Taken together the data demonstrate that the downregulation of R-PTP$\mu$ expression is an important step in neoplastic transformation of lung epithelial cells and that its presence can induce apoptosis and inhibit the signaling of c-met and EGF-R, two major growth factor receptors in lung carcinoma. In conclusion, the expression of R-PTP$\mu$ is inversely correlated with neoplastic transformation, growth and survival of tumor cells. ^
The promyelocytic leukemia protein PML is a growth suppressor essential for induction of apoptosis by diverse apoptotic stimuli. The mechanism by which PML regulates cell death remains unclear. In this study we found that ectopic expression of PML potentiates cell death in the TNFα-resistant tumor line U2OS and significantly sensitized these cells to apoptosis induced by TNFα in a p53-independent manner. Our study demonstrated that both PML and PML/TNFα-induced cell death are associated with DNA fragmentation, activation of caspase-3, -7, -8, and degradation of DFF/ICAD. Furthermore, we found that PML-induced and PML/TNFα-induced cell death could be blocked by the caspase-8 inhibitors crmA and c-FLIP, but not by Bcl-2, the inhibitor of mitochondria-mediated apoptotic pathway. These findings indicate that this cell death event is initiated through the death receptor-dependent apoptosis pathway. Our study further showed that PML recruits NF-kappa B (NF-κB) to the PML nuclear body, blocks NF-κB binding to its cognate enhancer, and represses its transactivation function with the C-terminal region. Therefore PML inhibits the NF-κB survival pathway. Overexpression of NF-κB rescued cell death induced by PML and PML/TNFκ. These results imply that PML is a functional repressor of NF-κB. This notion was further supported by the finding that the PML−/− mouse embryo fibroblasts (MEFs) are more resistant than the wild-type MEFs to TNFκ-induced apoptosis. In conclusion, our studies convincingly demonstrated that PML potentiates cell death through inhibition of the NF-κB survival pathway. Activation of NF-κB frequently occurs during oncogenesis. Our study here suggests that a loss of PML function enhances the NF-κB survival pathway and this event may contribute to tumorigenesis. ^
The eastern Mediterranean is a hotspot of biological invasions. Numerous species of Indo-pacific origin have colonized the Mediterranean in recent times, including tropical symbiont-bearing foraminifera. Among these is the species Pararotalia calcariformata. Unlike other invasive foraminifera, this species has been discovered only two decades ago and is restricted to the eastern Mediterranean coast. Combining ecological, genetic and physiological observations, we attempt to explain the recent invasion of this species in the Mediterranean Sea. Using morphological and genetic data, we confirm the species attribution to P. calcariformata McCulloch 1977 and identify its symbionts as a consortium of diatom species dominated by Minutocellus polymorphus. We document photosynthetic activity of its endosymbionts using Pulse Amplitude Modulated Fluorometry and test the effects of elevated temperatures on growth rates of asexual offspring. The culturing of asexual offspring for 120 days shows a 30-day period of rapid growth followed by a period of slower growth. A subsequent 48-day temperature sensitivity experiment indicates a similar developmental pathway and high growth rate at 28°C, whereas an almost complete inhibition of growth was observed at 20°C and 35°C. This indicates that the offspring of this species may have lower tolerance to cold temperatures than what would be expected for species native to the Mediterranean. We expand this hypothesis by applying a Species Distribution Model (SDM) based on modern occurrences in the Mediterranean using three environmental variables: irradiance, turbidity and yearly minimum temperature. The model reproduces the observed restricted distribution and indicates that the range of the species will drastically expand westwards under future global change scenarios. We conclude that P. calcariformata established a population in the Levant because of the recent warming in the region. In line with observations from other groups of organisms, our results indicate that continued warming of the eastern Mediterranean will facilitate the invasion of more tropical marine taxa into the Mediterranean, disturbing local biodiversity and ecosystem structure.
This study aimed to examine interactive effects between ocean acidification and temperature on the photosynthetic and growth performance of Neosiphonia harveyi. N. harveyi was cultivated at 10 and 17.5 °C at present (~380 µatm), expected future (~800 µatm), and high (~1500 µatm) pCO2. Chlorophyll a fluorescence, net photosynthesis, and growth were measured. The state of the carbon-concentrating mechanism (CCM) was examined by pH-drift experiments (with algae cultivated at 10 °C only) using ethoxyzolamide, an inhibitor of external and internal carbonic anhydrases (exCA and intCA, respectively). Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of acetazolamide (an inhibitor of exCA) and Tris (an inhibitor of the acidification of the diffusive boundary layer) on net photosynthesis was measured at both temperatures. Temperature affected photosynthesis (in terms of photosynthetic efficiency, light saturation point, and net photosynthesis) and growth at present pCO2, but these effects decreased with increasing pCO2. The relevance of the CCM decreased at 10 °C. A pCO2 effect on the CCM could only be shown if intCA and exCA were inhibited. The experiments demonstrate for the first time interactions between ocean acidification and temperature on the performance of a non-calcifying macroalga and show that the effects of low temperature on photosynthesis can be alleviated by increasing pCO2. The findings indicate that the carbon acquisition mediated by exCA and acidification of the diffusive boundary layer decrease at low temperatures but are not affected by the cultivation level of pCO2, whereas the activity of intCA is affected by pCO2. Ecologically, the findings suggest that ocean acidification might affect the biogeographical distribution of N. harveyi.
Under ocean acidification (OA), the 200 % increase in CO2(aq) and the reduction of pH by 0.3-0.4 units are predicted to affect the carbon physiology and growth of macroalgae. Here we examined how the physiology of the giant kelp Macrocystis pyrifera is affected by elevated pCO2/low pH. Growth and photosynthetic rates, external and internal carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity, HCO3 (-) versus CO2 use were determined over a 7-day incubation at ambient pCO2 400 µatm/pH 8.00 and a future OA treatment of pCO2 1200 µatm/pH 7.59. Neither the photosynthetic nor growth rates were changed by elevated CO2 supply in the OA treatment. These results were explained by the greater use of HCO3 (-) compared to CO2 as an inorganic carbon (Ci) source to support photosynthesis. Macrocystis is a mixed HCO3 (-) and CO2 user that exhibits two effective mechanisms for HCO3 (-) utilization; as predicted for species that possess carbon-concentrating mechanisms (CCMs), photosynthesis was not substantially affected by elevated pCO2. The internal CA activity was also unaffected by OA, and it remained high and active throughout the experiment; this suggests that HCO3 (-) uptake via an anion exchange protein was not affected by OA. Our results suggest that photosynthetic Ci uptake and growth of Macrocystis will not be affected by elevated pCO2/low pH predicted for the future, but the combined effects with other environmental factors like temperature and nutrient availability could change the physiological response of Macrocystis to OA. Therefore, further studies will be important to elucidate how this species might respond to the global environmental change predicted for the ocean.
Carbon physiology of a genetically identified Ulva rigida was investigated under different CO2(aq) and light levels. The study was designed to answer whether (1) light or exogenous inorganic carbon (Ci) pool is driving growth; and (2) elevated CO2(aq) concentration under ocean acidification (OA) will downregulate CAext-mediated inline image dehydration and alter the stable carbon isotope (delta13C) signatures toward more CO2 use to support higher growth rate. At pHT 9.0 where CO2(aq) is <1 ?mol/L, inhibition of the known inline image use mechanisms, that is, direct inline image uptake through the AE port and CAext-mediated inline image dehydration decreased net photosynthesis (NPS) by only 56-83%, leaving the carbon uptake mechanism for the remaining 17-44% of the NPS unaccounted. An in silico search for carbon-concentrating mechanism elements in expressed sequence tag libraries of Ulva found putative light-dependent inline image transporters to which the remaining NPS can be attributed. The shift in delta13C signatures from -22 per mil toward -10 per mil under saturating light but not under elevated CO2(aq) suggest preference and substantial inline image use to support photosynthesis and growth. U. rigida is Ci saturated, and growth was primarily controlled by light. Therefore, increased levels of CO2(aq) predicted for the future will not, in isolation, stimulate Ulva blooms.