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The entrepreneurial theory of the firm argues that entrepreneurship, properly understood, is a crucial but neglected element in explaining the nature and boundaries of the firm. By contrast, the theory of the entrepreneurial firm presumably seeks not to understand the nature and boundaries of "the firm" in general but rather to understand a particular type of firm: one that is entrepreneurial. This paper is an attempt to reconcile the two. After briefly delving for the concept of entrepreneurship in the work of Schumpeter, Kirzner, and (especially) Knight, the paper makes the case for the entrepreneurial theory of the firm. In such a theory, the firm exists as the solution to a coordination problem in a world of change and uncertainty, including Knightian or structural uncertainty. Taking a historical or developmental perspective, the paper then examines the changing nature of the entrepreneurial coordination problem over the life-cycle. In this formulation, "the entrepreneurial firm" is a nascent firm or proto-firm facing a problem of coordinating systemic change in economic capabilities. Lacking (by definition) adequate guidance from existing systems of rules of conduct embedded in markets or organizations, the entrepreneurial firm typically relies on a form of organization Max Weber called charismatic authority. In the end, although there is no such thing as a non-entrepreneurial firm, firms that must solve coordination problems in a world of novelty and systemic change ("entrepreneurial firms") are perhaps the purest case of the entrepreneurial theory of the firm.


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In the last several decades traditional community health indicators have become ambiguous and lost some of their relevance. During this same period national and international health agencies adopted new expanded definitions of Health that include underlying social determinants. These two influences are responsible for a proliferation of new health indicators and many are constructed from a combination of older mortality measures and available information on morbidity. Problems inherent in attempting to combine these sources of information have produced a situation where some indicators are difficult to calculate at the national level and may not function at all for small communities. What is needed is a relevant measure of the burden of ill health appropriate for smaller populations that is accessible to local health planners. ^ Death records are still the best available population health information. In Europe the burden of health problems is often portrayed using 'premature' death. Health agencies in the United States have moved to adopt Years of Potential Life Lost. Both these regions are also developing systems of 'avoidable' or 'preventable' death as health indicators. This research proposes a method combining these methodologies to produce a relevant indicator portraying the burden of ill health in communities. ^


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Ion channels play a crucial role in the functioning of different systems of the body because of their ability to bridge the cell membrane and allow ions to pass in and out of the cell. Ionotropic glutamate receptors are one class of these important proteins and have been shown to be critical in propagating synaptic transmission in the central nervous system and in other diverse functions throughout the body. Because of their wide-ranging effects, this family of receptors is an important target for structure-function investigations to understand their mechanism of action. ^ α-Amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors are one subtype of glutamate receptors and have been shown to be the primary receptors involved in rapid excitatory signaling in the central nervous system. Agonist binding to the extracellular ligand binding domain of these receptors causes various conformational changes that culminate in formation of the ion channel. Previous structural investigations have provided important information about their mechanism of action, including uncovering a relationship between the degree of cleft closure in the binding domain and activation of the receptor. However, what question remains unanswered is how specific interactions between the agonist and the protein interplay with cleft closure to mediate receptor activation. ^ To investigate this question, I applied a multiscale approach to investigate the effects of agonist binding on various levels. Vibrational spectroscopy was utilized to investigate molecular-level interactions in the binding pocket, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) was employed to measure cleft closure in the isolated ligand binding domain. The results of these studies in the isolated binding domain were then correlated to activation of the full receptor. These investigations showed a relationship between the strength of the interaction at the α-amine group of the agonist and extent of receptor activation, where a stronger interaction correlated to a larger activation, which was upheld even when the extent of cleft closure did not correlate to activation. These results show that this interaction at the α-amine group is critical in mediating the allosteric mechanism of activation and provide a bit more insight into how agonist binding is coupled to channel gating in AMPA receptors. ^


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The purpose of the study was to describe regionalized systems of perinatal care serving predominantly low income Mexican-American women in rural underserved areas of Texas. The study focused upon ambulatory care; however, it provided a vehicle for examination of the health care system. The questions posed at the onset of the study included: (1) How well do regional organizations with various patterns of staffing and funding levels perform basic functions essential to ambulatory perinatal care? (2) Is there a relationship between the type of organization, its performance, and pregnancy outcome? (3) Are there specific recommendations which might improve an organization's future performance?^ A number of factors--including maldistribution of resources and providers, economic barriers, inadequate means of transportation, and physician resistance to transfer of patients between levels of care--have impeded the development of regionalized systems of perinatal health care, particularly in rural areas. However, studies have consistently emphasized the role of prenatal care in the early detection of risk and treatment of complications of pregnancy and childbirth, with subsequent improvement in pregnancy outcomes.^ This study has examined the "system" of perinatal care in rural areas, utilizing three basic regional models--preventive care, limited primary care, and fully primary care. Information documented in patient clinical records was utilized to compare the quality of ambulatory care provided in the three regional models.^ The study population included 390 women who received prenatal care in one of the seven study clinics. They were predominantly hispanic, married, of low income, with a high proportion of teenagers and women over 35. Twenty-eight percent of the women qualified as migrants.^ The major findings of the study are listed below: (1) Almost half of the women initiated care in the first trimester. (2) Three-fourths of the women had or exceeded the recommended number of prenatal visits. (3) There was a low rate of clinical problem recognition. Additional follow-up is needed to determine the reasons. (4) Cases with a tracer condition had significantly more visits with monitoring of the clinical condition. (5) Almost 90% of all referrals were completed. (6) Only 60% of mothers had postpartum follow-up, while almost 90% of their newborns received care. (7) The incidence of infants weighing 2500 grams or less was 4.2%. ^


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This dissertation documents health and illness in the context of daily life circumstances and structural conditions faced by African American families living in Clover Heights (pseudonym), an inner city public housing project in the Third Ward, Houston, Texas. Drawing from Kleinman's (1980) model of culturally defined health care systems and using the holistic-content approach to narrative analysis (Lieblich, Tuval- Mashiach, & Zilber, 1998) the purpose of this research was to explore the ways in which social and health policy, economic mobility, the inner city environment, and cultural beliefs intertwined with African American families' health related ideas, behaviors, and practices. I recruited six families using a convenience sampling method (Schensul, Schensul, & LeCompte, 1999) and followed them for fourteen months (2010–2011). Family was defined as a household unit, or those living in the same residence, short or long-term. Single, African American women ranging in age from 29–80 years headed all families. All but one family included children or grandchildren 18 years of age and younger, or children or other relative 18 years of age and older. I also recruited six residents with who I became acquainted over the course of the project. I collected data using traditional ethnographic methods including participant-observation, archive review, field notes, mapping, free-listing, in-depth interviews, and life history interviews. ^ Doing ethnography afforded the families who participated in this project the freedom to construct their own experiences of health and illness. My role centered on listening to, learning from, and interpreting participants' narratives, exploring similarities and differences within and across families' experiences. As the research progressed, a pattern concerning diagnosis and pharmacotherapy for children's behavioral and emotional problems, particularly attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and pediatric bipolar disorder (PBD), emerged from my formal interactions with participants and my informal interactions with residents. The findings presented in this dissertation document this pattern, focusing on how mothers and families interpreted, organized, and ascribed meaning to their experiences of ADHD and PBD. ^ In the first manuscript presented here, I documented three mothers' narrative constructions of a child's diagnosis with and pharmacotherapy for ADHD or PBD. Using Gergen's (1997) relational perspective I argued that mothers' knowledge and experiences of ADHD and PBD were not individually constructed, but were linguistically and discursively constituted through various social interactions and relationships, including family, spirituality and faith, community norms, and expert systems of knowledge. Mothers' narratives revealed the complexity of children's behavioral and emotional problems, the daily trials of living through these problems, how they coped with adversity and developed survival strategies, and how they interacted with various institutional authorities involved in evaluating, diagnosing, and encouraging pharmaceutical intervention for children's behavior. The findings highlight the ways in which mothers' social interactions and relationships introduced a scientific language and discourse for explaining children's behavior as mental illness, the discordances between expert systems of knowledge and mothers' understandings, and how discordances reflected mothers' ‘microsources of power’ for producing their own stories and experiences. ^ In the second manuscript presented here, I documented the ways in which structural factors, including gender, race/ethnicity, and socioeconomic status, coupled with a unique cultural and social standpoint (Collins, 1990/2009) influenced the strategies this group of African American mothers employed to understand and respond to ADHD or PBD. The most salient themes related to mother-child relationships coalesced around mothers' beliefs about the etiology of ADHD and PBD, ‘conceptualizing responsibility,’ and ‘protection-survival.’ The findings suggest that even though mothers' strategies varied, they were in pursuit of a common goal. Mothers' challenged the status quo, addressing children's behavioral and emotional problems in the ways that made the most sense to them, specifically protecting their children from further marginalization in society more so than believing these were the best options for their children.^


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Recent developments in federal policy have prompted the creation of state evaluation frameworks for principals and teachers that hold educators accountable for effective practices and student outcomes. These changes have created a demand for formative evaluation instruments that reflect current accountability pressures and can be used by schools to focus school improvement and leadership development efforts. The Comprehensive Assessment of Leadership for Learning (CALL) is a next generation, 360-degree on-line assessment and feedback system that reflect best practices in feedback design. Some unique characteristics of CALL include a focus on: leadership distributed throughout the school rather than as carried out by an individual leader; assessment of leadership tasks rather than perceptions of leadership practice; a focus on larger complex systems of middle and high school; and transparency of assessment design. This paper describes research contributing to the design and validation of the CALL survey instrument.


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Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are considered persistent organic pollutants because of their ubiquity, persistence and bioaccumulation. Its harmful effects on human health and the environment, has led to its inclusion of the Stockholm Convention. Little information is found about PBDEs in abiotic systems of the South America in open literature. This paper reports the presence and concentration level of four PBDEs congeners in Mendoza River, Argentina. The selected PBDEs were: 2,2',4,4'-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47), 2,2',4,4',5-pentabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-99), 2,2',4,4',6-pentabromodiphenyl ether (BDE- 100) and 2,2',4,4',5,5'-hexabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-153). The analytical methodology used was head space-solid phase micro extraction combined with gas chromatographymass spectrometry (HS-SPME-GC-MS/MS). Several variables, including pH, salting out, extraction technique type and extraction time were studied and optimized over the relative response the target analytes. The precision of HS-SPME-GC-MS/MS evaluated over five replicate, leading RSDs values <13%, detection limits (S/N=3) ranging from 0.03 pg ml-1 to 0.12 pg ml-1 and the calibration graph was linear with r2=0.9959. BDE-47 and BDE-100 were the predominant congeners found in the analyzed samples. Their concentrations ranged from not detected to 1.9 pg ml-1 and to 0.5 pg ml-1, respectively.