998 resultados para soil pathogens
The aim of this work was to evaluate the humus composition from an Ultisol from Campos dos Goytacazes, RJ, Brazil. Soil samples of four depths (0-0.05, 0.05-0.10, 0.10-0.20 and 0.20-0.40 m) and its chemical nature were analysed by elemental composition, E4/E6 ratios and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy. The bioactivity of these humified substances was evaluated through their action on maize root growth and H+-ATPase activity of roots microsomes. In topsoil, the content of high condensed alkaline soluble humic substances is greater than that found in the subsuperficial layers. The chemical nature of humic and fulvic acids also varied with the soil depth. The humic acids isolated from the soil samples exhibited higher bioactivity compared with the fulvic acids. Moreover, the results suggest that more condensed humic substances can promote highest stimulation of the microsomal H+-ATPases from maize roots. These data reinforce the concept that the activity of the H+ pumps can be used as a biochemical marker for evaluation of humic substances bioactivity.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the survival of two Trichoderma harzianum co-transformants, TE 10 and TE 41, carrying genes for green fluorescent protein (egfp) and for resistance to benomyl, during four weeks in a contained soil microcosm. Selective culture media were used to detect viable fungal material, whose identity was confirmed by the observation of the fluorescent phenotype by direct epifluorence microscopy. PCR using two nested primer pairs specific to the egfp gene was also used to detect the transformed fungi. Although it was not possible to reliably detect the egfp gene directly from soil extracts, an enrichment step involving selective culture of soil samples in liquid medium prior to DNA extraction enabled the consistent detection of the T. harzianum co-transformants by nested PCR for the duration of the incubation period.
The availability and the reserves of organic phosphorus are controlled by its mineralization rate and are also influenced by changes in soil management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of soil covering with different leguminous plant on soil organic P by 31P-NMR spectroscopy. Alkaline soil extracts were obtained from two depths (0-5 and 5-10 cm) of an Ultisol cultivated with herbaceous perennial leguminous plants (Arachis pintoi, Pueraria phaseoloides, Macroptilium atropurpureum). In an adjacent area, samples of the same soil cover with a secondary tropical forest and grass (Panicum maximum) were also collected. The leguminous management was divided into with removal and without removal of shoot parts after cut on soil surface. Phosphate monoesters are the dominant P species in all soil samples and P diesters accumulated on the superficial layer of secondary forest soil. The P amount of this fraction is higher for the legume covered soil when compared with the grass covered soil. The permanence of leguminous plants on the topsoil after the cut promoted an increase in P diester/P monoester ratios. These findings can be accounted for an enhancement of P availability to plants in soils cultivated with leguminous plants.
This report contains a general colored soil map of Boone County and information on the county's soil physiology, drainage and fertility. It also includes information on field experiments, rotation of crops, prevention of erosion, soil types and other vital soil information in Boone County.
The objectives of this study were to evaluate nitrogen utilization by sugarcane ratoon from two sources, applied urea and sugarcane straw covering soil surface (trash blanket), besides the recovery of N from both sources in the soil-plant system. The following treatments were established in a randomized block design with four replicates: T1, vinasse-urea (100 kg ha-1 of urea-N) mixture applied on the total area of the soil covered with cane trash labeled with 15N; T2, vinasse-urea mixture (urea labeled with 15N; 100 kg ha-1 of urea-N) applied on the total area of the soil covered with non-labeled sugarcane trash; and T3, urea-15N (100 kg ha-1 of urea-N) applied in furrows at both sides of cane rows, with previous surface application of vinasse, onto soil without trash covering. The vinasse was applied at a rate of 100 m³ ha-1 in all treatments. The experiment was carried out on a Yellow Red Podzolic soil (Paleudalf), from October 1997 to August 1998, in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil. The nitrogen use efficiency of urea by the sugarcane ratoon was 21%, while that of the sugarcane straw was 9%. The main contributions of N from sugarcane trash, during one cycle, are the preservation and increase of the organic N in soil. The tendency for a lower accumulation of urea-N in the sugarcane plant, in the soil surface covered with sugarcane residue, was compensated by the assimilation of N from trash mineralization. Nitrogen derived from cane trash was more available to plants in the second half of the ratoon cycle
This issue review provides an overview of funds dispersed for the soil and water conservation cost share program in the Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship, DALS.
The objective of this work was to study the sorption and desorption of imazaquin, in surface and subsurface soil samples from Brazil. Sorption and desorption steps were carried out using batch equilibration and high performance liquid chromatography analytical routines. The value of Kf,ads was positively correlated with clay content, and negatively correlated with pH of supernatant. Samples from Typic Haplustox, clayey soil profile having high clay content, provided higher Kf,ads values, and negative correlation with organic carbon, silt content, cation exchange capacity and pH.
This report presents the results of a limited investigation of the use of lime as an auxiliary additive for improving the stabilization of soils with cutback asphalts. It is felt that the data obtained presents additional information on the subject of asphalt stabilization
The primary purposes of this investigation are: 1) To delineate flood plain deposits with different geologic and engineering properties. 2) To provide basic data necessary for any attempt at stabilizing flood plain deposits. The alluvial valley of the Missouri River adjacent to Iowa was chosen as the logical place to begin this study. The river forms the western boundary of the state for an airline distance of approximately 139 miles; and the flood plain varies from a maximum width of approximately 18 miles (Plates 2 and 3, Sheets 75 and 75L) to approximately 4 miles near Crescent, Iowa (Plate 8, Sheet 66). The area studied includes parts of Woodbury, Monona, Harrison, Pottawattamie, Mills, and Fremont counties in Iowa and parts of Dakota, Thurston, Burt, Washington, Douglas, Sarpy, Cass and Otoe counties in Nebraska. Plate l is an index map of the area under consideration.
In recent years, various types of organic and inorganic materials have been investigated for use as soil stabilizing agents in the construction of highways and airports. Since the properties and environmental conditions of soils vary so greatly from place to place, a stabilizing agent that is suitable for one type of soil may not be satisfactory for another. As a result, it is often desirable to evaluate several stabilizing agents under varying treatment conditions before deciding on a specific one to be used with a given soil. In addition many research programs have been initiated which investigate the effects of these stabilizing agents upon soils.
This report covers the construction in 1961 of the soil-cement base and related pavement structure on Iowa 37 from Soldier to Dunlap, (F-861(6), Crawford, Harrison, Monona). The report also contains an account of the experimental work performed on the same road under research project HR-75.
The basic purpose of this study was to determine if an expanded polystyrene insulating board could prevent subgrade freezing and thereby reduce frost heave. The insulating board was placed between a nine inch P. C. concrete slab and a frost-susceptible subgrade. In one section at the test site, selected backfill material was placed under the pavement. The P. C. pavement was later covered by asphalt surfacing. Thermocouples were installed for obtaining temperature recordings at various locations in the surfacing, concrete slab, subgrade and shoulders. This report contains graphs and illustrations showing temperature distributions for two years, as well as profile elevations and the results of moisture tests.